Kevin Appel

Kevin Appel (born 1967) is an American artist based in Los Angeles.

Life and work

Kevin Appel was born in Los Angeles. He received his BFA from Parsons School of Design , New York in 1990 and his MFA from the University of California in 1995. He is a Professor and Associate Chair of Graduate Studies at the University of California Irvine.

Appel's artwork occupies spaces within and between the practices of abstract painting and architecture; following a trajectory describing the slow and messy dissolution of the structural integrity of the house and home and the psychological effects of such failures. Appel's painted surfaces vacillate between approximations of architectural surfaces and pure paint forming a complex matrix of abstract form. His current paintings are large abstractions painted on large scale printed photographs of Appel's own taking.

His solo exhibitions include Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects, Culver City (2012), ACME. Gallery, Los Angeles (2009), Two Rooms Gallery, Auckland (2008), Wilkinson Gallery, London (2006); Angles Gallery, Santa Monica (2006, 2002, 1999, 1998); Museo Rufino Tamayo, Mexico City (2003); Marianne Boesky Gallery, New York (2001); and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (1999). Among the group exhibitions Appel has participated in are Trespassing: Houses x Artists, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles (2003); Drawing Now: Eight Propositions, Museum of Modern Art, New York (2002); Painting at the Edge of the World, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2001); 010101: Art in Technological Times, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco, California (2001), Against Design, Museum of Contemporary Art, San Diego, La Jolla; Farve Volumen/Color Volume, Kunsthallen Brandts Klædefabrik, DK-Odense, Denmark (1999); and Abstract Painting Once Removed, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, Texas (1998).

Appel's bibliography includes catalogues for Descripcion sin lugar: Una seleccion de obras de Kevin Appel, Museo Rufino Tamayo (Tobias Ostrander, Elizabeth Smith, ed.); Drawing Now: Eight Propositions, Museum of Modern Art (Laura Hoptman, ed.); Trespassing: Houses x Artists, Hatje Cantz (Alan Koch, et al., ed.); 01.01.01: Art in Technological Times, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco (David A Ross, et al., ed.); Painting at the Edge of the World, Walker Art Center (Douglas Fogle, ed.); and Kevin Appel, Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (Jeremy Strick, Paul Schimmel, Jan Tumlir, ed.). Other critical essay can be found in artUS, January/February 2007 ("Kevin Appel," R. Asher); Artforum, January 2006 ("Kevin Appel: Angles Gallery," Jan Tumlir); Architecture, May1999 ("Art in the Age of Digital Reproduction," Glen Helfand); Frieze 46, May 1999 ("Drive-by: New Art from LA," Alex Farquharson); Artforum, September ("Virtually Formal," Lane Relyea).


External links

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