King of Eight
King of Eight is a 1970 stop-motion animated short film produced, created, and animated for Sesame Street by Jim Henson. It features an animated king (voiced by Jim Henson) of a land where everything exists in denominations of the number eight. After the opening narration lines spoken by William (Rosko) Mercer, the King, speaking in jazzy rhyme, presents an inventory of his domain - eight flags, eight guards, eight windows on the castle, and eight princesses (each with eight jewels on their crowns). An interruption by the court jester (also voiced by Henson), informing his majesty of an unexpected addition to his family, serves as the punchline:
- Jester: Wait! Important news comes from the Queen, a new baby! And I have seen, that she is well, and doing fine.
- King: Good grief, it's princess number nine!
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