King of Rus'

King of Rus', King of Galicia and Volhynia, King of Poland and Rus, Rusland Lord and Heir (Latin: Rex Rusiae, Rex Galiciae et Lodomeriae, Rex Polonie et Russie, Terre Russie Domin et Heres) was a title of princes of Galicia and Volhynia, which granted by the Roman Pope.

The title was initially issued to the ruling Izyaslavichi branch of Rurik dynasty of Volhynia. Later the title was passed on to Romanovichi as rulers of united Duchy of Galicia and Volhynia. By the 15th century the title was used as a claim by other royal houses.

List of kings of Rus'

Kings of Kievan Rus'

Kings of Ruthenian kingdom (Kingdom of Rus)

After the death of Boleslav-Yuri II of Halych, Galicia–Volhynia Wars ensued which resulted in Galicia gradually being annexed by the Kingdom of Poland, between 1349 and 1366, during the reign of Casimir III of Poland.[1]

At the death of Casimir III the Great all of titulage was passed over to Louis I of Hungary

Kings of Galicia and Lodomeria (Kingdom of Hungary)


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