Kong Hwa School

Kong Hwa School
350, Guillimard Road, Singapore 399772
Coordinates 1°21′17″N 103°50′41″E / 1.35472°N 103.84472°E / 1.35472; 103.84472Coordinates: 1°21′17″N 103°50′41″E / 1.35472°N 103.84472°E / 1.35472; 103.84472
Type SAP, Government-aided, mixed
Motto 以诚待人,以毅处事
Care, Honesty, Service
Established 1953
Founder Tan Lark Sye
School code 5168
Principal Cheong Ye Ling
Affiliation Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan
Vision Learning with Perseverance,
Serving with Sincerity.
Website www.konghwa.moe.edu.sg

Kong Hwa School (光华学校) (also known as KHS) is a Special Assistance Plan (SAP) primary school offering fully bilingual primary education in Singapore. The school was founded by Tan Lark Sye at 1953.

Kong Hwa School is one of the five affiliated schools under Singapore Hokkien Huay Kuan. The School Motto is "Sincerity and Perseverance". This motto conveys to the pupils that uprightness and trustworthiness; steadfastness and diligence are virtues to be admired and emulated.The schools under Singapore Hokkien Huey Kuan including Kong Hwa School emphasizes on the teaching of Chinese culture and values.The schools are highly regarded by Singaporean


In the early years immediately after the Japanese Occupation, there was a drastic shortage of schools in Singapore. The late Mr Tan Lark Sye, Chairman of Hokkien Huay Kuan at that time, and the committee members realised the urgent need for education and, in line with the Huay Kuan’s aim to help the community to solve the serious problems of education, decided to build Kong Hwa School.

The plot of land where Kong Hwa School situates was donated by the late Mr Tan Lark Sye, and the late Dr Lee Kong Chian spearheaded the donation drive with a personal donation of $300,000.

Construction of Kong Hwa School started in 1951 in Guillemard Road which was then a swampy area.

In 1953, Kong Hwa School opened its doors and began providing education to children in the suburban area.

Kong Hwa School opened its doors and began providing education to children in the suburban area.

The school was originally named after Dr Lee Kong Chian. However, at his request and after much thought and discussion, the Executive Committee decided to rename it “Kong Hwa School” .

In April 1957, the school accepted the government full grants-in-aid.

At the end of 1960, Hokkien Huay Kuan bought over sixty thousand square feet of land at a cost of $90,000 to construct a secondary school wing. When Nan Chiau Girls' High was reconstructed on site, its students were housed in the new Kong Hwa Wing. When the rebuilding of Nan Chiau Girls' High school was completed, Hokkien Huay Kuan and Chung Cheng High School committee members met and came to an agreement that the Kong Hwa Wing be exchanged for Kim Yan Road Chung Cheng Branch School.

In 1963, Kong Hwa continued its growth as it moved into its 10th year. At its peak, there were 60 classes, 5 Kindergarten classes, 80 teaching staff and the student population stood at 2,600.

In 1992, to facilitate the rebuilding of the new school building, Kong Hwa School was temporarily housed at 610 Aljunied Road, the former Aljunied School building.

In 1996, the topping up ceremony for the reconstruction of Kong Hwa School building was officiated by Mr Wee Cho Yaw, Chairman of Hokkien Huey Kuan. Moving back ceremony - Guests, pupils, parents and Kong Hwa School's Alumni members witnessed a very solemn but symbolic moment on the morning of 26 October 1996, held at Kong Hwa Aljunied and Kong Hwa Guillemard.

The new building, costing $14 million was completed at the end of 1997. The school was officially opened in 1998 by RADM Teo Chee Hean, the then-Minister for Education.

In 2010 ,Kong Hwa School underwent its second upgrading. This time, the school shifted to its holding site at the former MacPherson Secondary School in Circuit Road.

In 2012,upon the completion of its new campus, the school was able to shift back in mid-2012. To celebrate the Moving back, a relay-walk from Circuit Road to Guillemard Road was organised with participation from Hokkien Huay Kuan, alumni members, parents, teachers and pupils. With this symbolic walk back, it began yet another chapter in the history of Kong Hwa School .

Crest & Values

Crest • The two Chinese characters form the torch which symbolises "Flame of Knowledge". The colourful background symbolises the radiance of the burning torch which reflects the school's pursuit for academic excellence.

Pupil Values • Humility • Filial Piety • Sincerity • Perserverance • Tolerance • Respect • Responsibility • Honesty • Integrity • Cooperation

Rules and Regulations

National Anthem / Pledge •Pupils who are Singapore citizens must sing the National Anthem and take the pledge. Pupils will take the Pledge with the right fist placed over the heart. •All Pupils (including Non-Singaporean citizens) must stand at attention during the flag-raising and flag-lowering ceremonies.

Code Of Conduct •Pupils must be on their best behaviour at all times, including in public, and uphold the good name of the school. •Pupils should be respectful and courteous to the Principal, Vice-Principals, teachers, staff, schoolmates and visitors. •Pupils must keep the school clean and take good care of school property. •Pupils who arrived before 7:30am are to assemble at the designated assembly area and proceed with the Uninterrupted Sustained Silent Reading (USSR). •Pupils must be punctual for school, assembly, CCAs and all school activities. •Pupils who are late for the Flag-raising or Pledge-taking ceremonies are considered late for school. The Pledge-taking ceremony begins at 7:30am.

Attendance in School •Pupils must be in school on time and leave school only after dismissal. For early departure, parents need to sign a form and fetch their children from the General Office. •Pupils are not allowed to leave the school during curriculum time without the permission of the Principal. Any such act will be considered an act of truancy. •Absence from school must be accompanied by a medical certificate or a letter from a Parent/Guardian citing a valid reason. •Pupils are not allowed to take leave of absence during term time to travel abroad without the permission of the Principal. •Pupils who fall ill during school hours should inform their teachers.

Uniform / PE Attire Attire •Pupils must be in full school uniform when they are in school, attending the school assembly, school functions and when representing the school at external functions. •Name tags should be worn at all times, below the school crest. •Pupils are to wear prescribed school uniform and modifications to the uniform are not allowed. •Pupils are allowed to put on their PE attire throughout the day on the days when they have PE lessons except for P1 and P2. For female pupils, they have to put on their white skirts before and after PE lessons. For male pupils, they have to put on their school shorts before and after their PE lessons.

Shoes •Pupils must wear clean and white ordinary canvas shoes with white socks. The socks must be above ankle-length and without logos. •Pupils with special needs (e.g. flat-footed) are allowed to wear shoes recommended by doctors. In such cases, a medical certificate is required to be submitted to the school.

Hair Styles •Pupils are not to sport outlandish hairstyles. Pupils are advised against the use of hair gel/spray, or mousse to style their hair and hair should not be dyed or highlighted. •Girls are encouraged to keep short hair. Hair should be neat and tidy and the fringe should be above the eyebrows. •Girls with long hair (i.e. hair at or below their shoulders) should tie their hair neatly. Only black, navy blue or white ribbons/hair bands are allowed. •Boys are to keep short hair that is slope-cut, neat and well groomed. The fringe should be above the eyebrows. •Boys must be neat in appearance and clean-shaven. No facial hair (moustaches, beards and sideburns inclusive) is allowed.

Accessories •Only girls are allowed to wear a pair of simple identical ear studs of plain gold or silver. They should not wear dangling earrings. •Jewellery, fancy colourful watches and items, cosmetics and colourful spectacle frames are not allowed.

General Behaviours Discipline In The Classroom •Pupils must not stay in the classrooms during recess. •All pupils are responsible for the cleanliness of their classrooms. •Pupils must switch off all lights and fans when they leave their classrooms. •Pupils who wish to leave their classrooms during lesson time must obtain permission from the teacher and put on the Leave Pass. Only two pupils are allowed to go to the toilet at any time. •Pupils are not allowed to leave their classrooms during the change of periods unless prior permission has been given by the teacher.

Discipline Outside The Classroom •Pupils must move in a quiet and orderly manner from point to point and along corridors. •Pupils are responsible for the cleanliness of the corridor outside their classrooms

Conduct During Physical Education Lessons •Pupils are to go for PE lessons and to return to their respective classrooms in a quiet and orderly manner. •Pupils having PE lessons must be in the school PE T-shirt and shorts, with the T-shirt neatly tucked in. •Any pupil who is unable to participate in his/her PE lessons has to produce a medical certificate or a letter of excuse from his/her parent/guardian. •Only PE monitors can enter the PE store to loan and return PE equipment.

Conduct During Co-Curricular Activities •Every pupil from P3 onwards is strongly encourage to participate in at least one CCA. Participation of the same CCA must be continued up to P6. •Any pupil who is unable to attend his/her CCA must produce a medical certificate or a letter of excuse from his/her parent/guardian. •Pupils must be in school uniform or in the attire of their uniformed groups/CCAs. Pupils should not wear their PE attire to school on days when they have CCAs. They should change into their PE attire only after dismissal. Pupils must abide by the rules of the competition during participation. •Pupils should cheer good play from both sides. There should not be any jeering or misbehaving during a competition.

Conduct During CAs and SAs •Pupils are to check the CA or SA scripts for missing pages or questions with the invigilator. •Pupils are to concentrate on their own scripts and keep their eyes on their own papers. •Any pupil found cheating in a test or examination will be penalised. Zero marks will be awarded for the section of the paper in which the pupil cheats. •Pupils are not to talk or communicate in writing with their classmates. •Pupils are to raise their hands when they need help or when they need to clarify a question. •Handphones, PDAs and electronic communication/storage devices are strictly prohibited in the examination rooms. •Pupils are to remain seated quietly when the invigilator is distributing or collecting examination papers. •No one is allowed to drink in the examination room unless he/she is not feeling well. •Visits to the toilet, if necessary, should be made before the examination/assessment. •A medical certificate must be produced for absence. Medical certificate issued by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioners will not be accepted. •The table below shows the school's policy on absence during CAs and SAs. Subjects/ Paper Policy on absentee English or Chinese Oral If a pupil is absent on Day 1 or 2, pupil can take the paper the next day. Last day to be assessed- 2 school days before start of paper 2. English or Chinese Paper 1 Pupil can take the paper upon return. Last day to take- 2 school days before start of paper 2. English Paper 2, Chinese Paper 2, Higher Chinese, Mathematics, Science A pupil with flu-like symptoms and/ or fever of 37.6° and above should not take the examination. It is not to the pupil's advantage. He/She will take the paper as practice paper.

Conduct In The Canteen •Pupils should not visit the canteen during curriculum time unless permission is obtained. •Pupils must queue up when buying food. •Pupils must observe proper table manners. •Food and drinks must be consumed in the canteen only. After eating, used utensils must be deposited into the respective receptacles provided. •Pupils must not run or play in the canteen.

Conduct In The Toilets •Pupils must flush the toilets after use. •Pupils must not splash or play with water, washing liquid or toilet paper. •Pupils must not leave paint stains on the sinks after Art lessons.

Prohibited Items Handphones are allowed to be used only after curriculum time in designated areas such as the canteen and at gate 3 and 6. Pupils are not allowed to bring the following items to school: •Cigarette lighters, matches or any flammable objects. •Unsuitable magazines, books, cards and comics. •Items for sale. •Personal valuables. •Objects that can potentially cause hurt. •Electronic devices unless permission has been granted for use under special conditions. •Handphones are allowed to be used only after curriculum time in designated areas such as the canteen, basketball court and the gates.

External links

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