Ksenia Milicevic

Ksenia Milicevic
Born 1942
Drinici, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Nationality French
Occupation Painter

Ksenia Milicevic (born September 15, 1942) is a French painter, architect and town planner. She is based in Paris, with a studio in Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre and also maintains a base in South West France.


Ksenia Milicevic was born in 1942 in Drinici,[1] Bosnia and Herzegovina. Her mother was born in Lackawanna, New York and her father in Montenegro. Both were partisans engaged in guerrilla campaigns during the Second World War.[2] Following the Fourth anti-Partisan Offensive from January to April 1943 and the Fifth, May to June 1943, in south-eastern Bosnia and northern Montenegro, she was left with her grandparents in Montenegro. After the war, her parents joined the diplomatic service and she lived with them in Sofia and Prague.

Ksenia Milicevic discovered architecture, mosaics, frescoes and paintings in old monasteries. Her father, also a painter, gave her the gift of his oil-paints, resulting in her first oil-painting at the age of fifteen. After studies in the V° Senior High School and one year in the University of Engineering in Belgrade, she moved to Algiers in 1962. There she studied architecture in the School of Architecture and Urbanism at the Institute of Urbanism. She graduated from both in 1968. In her spare time Milicevic joined the painting class of the painter M'hamed Issiakhem, in the School of Fine Arts, located in the same building. She worked for a year in ECOTEC with the team of the Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. Interested in the Italian Renaissance, she traveled to Italy in 1965 to view the great Masters.

Milicevic moved to S.M. de Tucuman[3] in the north of Argentina to work as an architect. Here she joined the art school of the National University and graduated in 1976.[4] Her first exhibition took place in Tucuman in 1970.[5]

She has also lived in Spain and Mexico and has settled in France[6] since 1987. In 1989 she opened a workshop at Bateau-Lavoir in Montmartre. Her studio is next to that of Endre Rozsda. Since 1976 she has been exclusively dedicated to painting.[7] She has held 120 individual and collective exhibitions throughout the world.

In 2011 the Museum of Painting of St. Frajou, Haute Garonne, France, was inaugurated[8] with a selection of thirty paintings by Milicevic in the permanent collection.[9] In 2012 Ksenia Milicevic created the International Children's Painting Biennial.[10] In 2014 Ksenia Milicevic created the Art Resilience movement[11] and in 2015 International Exhibition Art Resilience.[12]


Selected exhibitions

  • 2014 Eglise de Montesquieu. Montesquieu - France
  • 2011 Permanent Collection inauguration. Saint-Frajou Paintung Museum - France
  • 2005 Tribute to Alberto Magnelli. Mario Marini Museum Pistoia - Italy
  • Etruscan Museum. Siena - Italy
  • Consiglio Regionae. Firenze - Italy
  • Museum of Cluj. Romania
  • 1998 Mexican Cultural Center. Brasília - Brazil.[13]
  • 1997 Palais des Expositions. Geneva - Switzerland
  • 1995 Gallery 20 Fine Art. Paris - France.[14]
  • French Cultural Center. Oslo - Norway
  • 1986 Institut Français d'Amérique Latine. Mexico - Mexico[15]
  • 1984 Palais des Congrès. Brussels - Belgium
  • 1983 Graphic Art Festival. Osaka - Japan
  • 18 French painters, Tamayo Contemporary Art Museum. Mexico - Mexico,[16]
  • 1982 Gallery Misrachi. Mexico - Mexico
  • 1981 Museum of Contemporary Art. Madrid - Spain
  • 1980 18° International Exhibition Joan Miró. Barcelona - Spain
  • 1976 Theater of the eighth. Lyon - France
  • 1972 Gallery Lirolay. Buenos Aires - Argentina
  • 1970 University Gallery. Tucuman - Argentina


  • Fine Art Museum. Granada - Spain[17]
  • Museum de la Casa de los Tiros. Granada - Spain[18]
  • Museum of Contemporary Art. Salamanca - Spain
  • Museo de Cuenca[19]
  • Museum of Art Actual. Ayllon - Spain
  • Museum Municipal. Segobre - Spain[20]
  • Museum of Contemporary Art. Malabo - Guinea[21]
  • Museum Pinacoteca Municipal de Deifontes. Spain[22]
  • Museum of Armilla. Granada - Spain[23]
  • Municipal Museum. Long - France[24]
  • Polytechnic Institute. Mexico - Mexico[25]
  • French Institute of Latin America. Mexico - Mexico
  • Museum Zarsuela del Monte, Spain[26]
  • Museum Civico. Spilimbergo - Italy[27]
  • Foundation Paul Ricard. Paris - France
  • Cultural Center of the Embassy of Mexico. Brasília - Brazil[28]
  • Paintings Museum of Saint-Frajou. Haute Garonne - France.[29]

Books by Ksenia Milicevic


Between November 2015 and March 2016 Ksenia Milicevic gave a series of five lectures on Resilience in art, in the Painting Museum of Sain-Frajou, France : Resilience - a current concept, What is art ?, Beauty - subjective or objective ?, Contemporary art, The responsibility of the artist.[30]


Wikimedia Commons has media related to Ksenia Milicevic.
  1. Diart, Revista de las artes visuales, P.24, by Manuel Ruiz, N°26, julio 1982, Madrid.
  2. Suvremeni pisci Jugoslavije, Budimir Milicevic, p.226, izdavacka kuca Stvarnost, Zagreb 1966.
  3. Artes visuales,Museo de Arte Moderno,p.25,enero 1982,Mexico.
  4. Journey of the visual experiences, by Osvaldo Romberg, p.106 to 109, San Miguel de Tucuman, 1972.
  5. "Plural", N°135, diciembre 1982, Mexico.
  6. L'Officiel des Arts, UNESCO, p.56 et 128, mai 1988, Paris.
  7. Who's who in International Artp.125,Edition 1987-88,Lausanne,Suisse.
  8. TV news FR3, 23/05/2016
  9. TV news FR3 12/13, 26 february 2011.
  10. Peinture enfants : la Biennale Internationale a sa mascotte, la Dépêche, 23 avr. 2015
  11. La Dépêche, Art Résilience, un concept actuel, 3 nov. 2015
  12. Vingt artistes de dix pays au salon «Art Résilience», la Dépêche, 3 août 2015
  13. "Beaux Arts Magazine" p.124, N°172, septembre 1998, Paris.
  14. "Univers desArts"p.10, by Christian Germak,N°4,février 1995,Paris.
  15. "L'OEIL" p. N°370 ,mai 1986, Paris.
  16. "Catalogue Tamayo Museum" 1983, Mexico at Google Books
  17. Ministerio de Cultura, Servicio de Museos. DONA 86/80. Madrid. 6 de junio 1980.
  18. Museo de la Casa de los Tiros. Granada. 16 de octubre 1980.
  19. Direccion General de Bellas Artes. Museo de Cuenca, Cuenca. 17 de febrer 1982.
  20. Museo Municipal, Segobre. Libro de Registro n°84. Segobre. 12 de marzo 1982.
  21. Consulado de la Republica de Guinea Ecuatorial. 14 de enero 1983.
  22. Ayuntamiento de Deifontes. Deifontes. 11 de abril 1983.
  23. Ayuntamiento de Armilla. Ficha n°7. Armilla. 20 de junio 1983.
  24. Le Syndicat d'Initiative de Long. Long. 8 août 1983.
  25. cultura.ipn.mx
  26. , Ayuntamiento de Zarzuela del Monte. Zarzuela del Monte. 3 de octubre 1997.
  27. Comitato promotore Istituzione Museo Civico. Spilimbergo. 8/2/1988.
  28. Embajada de Mexico. Brasilia. 13 de marzo 1998.
  29. musee-saint-frajou.com
  30. "Art Résilience, un concept actuel - 04/11/2015". Ladepeche.fr. 2015-01-01. Retrieved 2016-04-05.
  31. Maîtrise d'Arts Plastiques by Christelle Larson-Espaces ambigus, p.108, Université de Paris I, Sorbonne, 1997/98, Paris.
  32. Whole Grain: Collected Poems, 1958-1989 (Detroit: Lotus Press), JSTOR 4336566
  33. Estudios humanísticos en homenaje a Luis Cortés Vázquez, p. 18, at Google Books
  34. catalogue.univ-toulouse.fr
  35. Que no vuelven las palabras, Edition Practica mortal, p.166,1999, Mexico.
  36. L'iconographie de l'Arbre sec au Moyen Age by Marlène Tchertafian-Delsouiller, ill. 147 , Ph. D. University Lille 3 1, 2012, Lille, France.

External links

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