
Kurdalægon (Ossetian: Куырдалӕгон[1]) is the heavenly god of the blacksmiths in Ossetian mythology. His epithet is the heavenly one; he shows the dead man's horse, thus helping him on his journey to the other side. He is a close friend of the Narts.


Ossetian Kwyrdalægon is a contraction of Kurd Alæ Wærgon, where Kurd and Alæ are epithets, meaning "blacksmith" and "Alan/Aryan", respectively, and Wærgon is original name of Kurdalægon. The whole phrase means "Alan/Aryan Blacksmith Wærgon". Kurd originates from *kur-ta- or *kur-tar-, which is agent noun of *kur- "to heat", "to incandesce". Ossetian alæ originates from arya-, and originally meant "Aryan", and later "Alan".

Original name Wærgon is derived from Old Ossetic *wærg "wolf". Linguist Vasily Abaev compares it to the name of Roman god Vulcan.

See also


  1. Digorian: Курдалæгон, Курд-Алӕ-Уӕргон


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