Kurunjang Secondary College

Kurunjang Secondary College

Learn, Grow, Achieve Together
Kurunjang Drive, Kurunjang
Melton, Victoria, Victoria, 3337
Coordinates 37°40′21″S 144°35′06″E / 37.67250°S 144.58500°E / -37.67250; 144.58500Coordinates: 37°40′21″S 144°35′06″E / 37.67250°S 144.58500°E / -37.67250; 144.58500
Type Secondary, Secular
Established 1983, built 1986
Principal David Veale
Years offered 7–12
Enrolment 754 (2015)
Houses Jaara, Wathaurong, Bunurong, Wurundjeri
Colour(s) Sky Blue, Navy Blue, Maroon
Communities served City of Melton
Website www.kurunjangsc.vic.edu.au

Kurunjang Secondary College is a secondary school located in Melton, Victoria, Australia.

The principal of the school, David Veale, is supported by 3 assistant principals – Aylin Gökmen, Neil Bradbury and Shane Cole. David Veale was appointed as Principal in March 2016, following the departure of Sandra Eglezos , who had been in post since 27th January 2009.

The school's community partners include Kurunjang Primary, Melton Primary, Wedge Park, Melton West Primary and many other Melton Schools. The School also neighbours the Melton campus of Heathdale Christian College. Kurunjang Secondary College was also the largest secondary school in Victoria with about 912 students in 2010, and is a growing School approaching 800 in 2017.

As a co educational secondary college built in 1986, the College are proud of a history that demonstrates commitment to be an integral part of the Melton community. Students are encouraged to do their best and involve themselves in a range of extra-curricular activities.

All members of the college community are expected to behave according to the College values of respect, high expectations, and perseverance. These values are required for success in future work and personal life.

The College is celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016.

Curricular Programmes


The Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) is generally completed over a two-year period. You may, however, complete it over an extended period. Students may select from over 30 studies or subjects. Each study is made up of at least four semester or half year length units of study. Unit 1 and 2 are usually taken in year 11. Units 3 and 4 are usually taken in year 12. Units 1 and 2 may be taken separately but units 3 & 4 must be taken together as a sequence. It is not always advisable but students can begin most studies at level 2 or 3 without having studied the previous unit. Over the two VCE years, most students will undertake 22 to 24 semester length units.


Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) is a Senior School qualification that is based on Applied Learning. It is a hands-on course that gets students ready for further training or employment. VCAL has three levels of certificate: Foundation, Intermediate and Senior. Senior is the highest level. Students would start at the level which matches their needs and your abilities. For example, if they complete Intermediate level in Year 11 they can move up to the Senior level in Year 12. Each level normally takes a year to complete.


A VET in the VCE program enables student to widen their horizons and, on successful completion, gain two qualifications instead of one, a VCE Certificate and a nationally recognised VET/TAFE Certificate. VET in the VCE provides students with the opportunity to obtain a broad based education which links training to industry and encourages innovation, independence and entrepreneurial endeavour.

A VET in the VCE program provides students with more options without withdrawing from existing pathways. Students will also have a number of additional opportunities. Research has confirmed that a significant number of students are entering higher education or continuing with further training after successfully completing a VET in the VCE program.


AVID is a college readiness system for elementary through higher education that is designed to increase schoolwide learning and performance. The AVID College Readiness System (ACRS) accelerates student learning, uses research based methods of effective instruction, provides meaningful and motivational professional learning, and acts as a catalyst for systemic reform and change.

Students in the AVID program use the "Cornell Notes" system of note taking, developed by the Cornell University, as well as using a single binder for all subjects. On a twice monthly basis students will take part in tutorials with Pre-service teachers from Victoria University. Prior to the tutorial students complete a "Tutorial Request Form", which is used to challenge a "Point of Confusion".

The AVID classes frequently attend excursions, for example, in February 2014, AVID students (from all schools) went to Victoria University to listen to a famous adventurer, Troy Henkels.[1]

AVID classes are usually represented as a "D" class in the respective grade e.g. 8D.


Kurunjang Secondary College’s whole school approach to literacy allows all students at Years 7 and 8 to develop their literacy skills. Literacy skills are all the skills needed for reading and writing. They include such things as awareness of the sounds of language, awareness of print and the relationship between letters and sounds. Other literacy skills include the development of vocabulary, spelling and reading comprehension. Every student is tested to find out exactly what skills need to be developed. According to their test results, students are placed into literacy groups. Each group has a specially structured program of lessons to build students’ skills. If students are identified as needing support with letters, sounds and word recognition they are provided with intensive assistance to boost their skill. Students also complete oral language activities, comprehension activities and choral reading to bolster their fluency. Students who experience difficulty in making meaning of what they read are explicitly taught the skills involved in the reading process. Students engage a number of comprehension strategies such as, Reciprocal Teaching. The oral language activities at this level are designed to give students more opportunities to use language formally and participate in discussion. Furthermore, students who are reading at the expected level for their age or above are catered for with critical thinking strategies. The aim is to challenge students to think about how best they learn and to adopt a variety of learning strategies to improve their ability to retain information or acquire knowledge. Kurunjang Secondary College’s literacy program is research based and adheres to a robust structure of tailored lessons and activities all of which ensures that students are receiving the right level of support and challenge to achieve success as learners.


The Kurunjang College Numeracy Team are committed to supporting students to develop their skills and knowledge in mathematics. Key lessons in Numeracy are planned collaboratively and documented so that each class experiences a common lesson structure and delivery of mathematical concepts. Students are encouraged to participate in problem solving, warm ups and reflections, as well as practicing mathematical concepts and documenting their thinking. Assessment and differentiation are high priorities in planning the numeracy curriculum, with Education Support staff, and study hall available to provide additional assistance to students of all ages, if necessary.

Numeracy is essential in preparing your child for future pathways and a wide choice of options for further study and employment. In addition to Literacy support the GRIN (Getting Ready in Numeracy) Program is being introduced at the College. GRIN provides support to students who are identified as needing specific support in mathematics. At Kurunjang College the focus in Numeracy is on improvement and growth for all students. Staff are also involved in professional growth and reflection to help extend their capacity as teachers of Mathematics for all students. Staff teach across the 7-12 Mathematics curriculum and work to prepare students in the Middle years for the requirements of VCE Mathematics.

Tablet Program (BYOD)

The school, in 2014, started a tablet program where year 7 students were able to get an Acer Iconia tablet running Windows 8.1. Students in the tablet program are in 7C – with "c" supposedly for "computer."

The tablets are scheduled to be available to all students in 2015 through a bring your own device approach.

Enrichment & Support

Student voice

Kurunjang encourages all students to become involved in the life of the school. If students have constructive ideas about ways of improving our school or helping each other, they have the opportunity to talk about their ideas with the members of the Student Voice. Student Voice organizes many important events in the school. Some of these successful events include the Variety Concert and fund raising events such as out of uniform days. All Student Voice members play an important role in the development and implementation of events and projects. The members of Student Voice include College Captains, House Captains and Year level Captains and their vice captains.

Instrumental Music Program

The instrumental music program allows students to learn a musical instrument.

This program is available to all 7-12 students, and if learning a woodwind/brass instrument, are able to take the instrument home to practice.


See also


External links

News Articles


This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Monday, May 02, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.