Kyiv National Economic University
Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана» | |
Latin: Derzhavnyi vyshchyi navchalnyi zaklad "Kyivskyi natsionalnyi ekonomichnyi universytet imeni Vadyma Hetmana" | |
Established | 1906[1] |
Rector | Pavlenko Anatoliy Fedorovych |
Students | >20,000 |
Location | Kiev, Ukraine |
Website | Kiev National Economic University |
The Kyiv National Economic University, named after Vadym Hetman, is a higher educational institution in Kiev, Ukraine, and a self-governing (autonomous) research National University.[2] The university was founded in 1906.[1] The main building is located on Victory Avenue, 54/1. Its estimated quality of education and researches puts the university on the third place in National ranking of the universities (Compass, 2012) in Ukraine.[3] According to one of the leading university rankings in the world (Eduniversal, 2012), KNEU occupied the third position among universities in Ukraine.[4] The university has been named in honour of Vadym Hetman since 2005.[1] He was a Ukrainian politician and financier, who was killed in 1998.
General information
The self-governing (autonomous) research national university.
Bachelor programs
- Law
- Economic theory
- Economic cybernetics
- International economics
- Business economics
- Economy of agroindustrial complex
- Personnel management and labour economics
- Applied statistics
- Marketing
- Finance and credit
- Finance and credit – specialization Banking (Credit)
- Accounting in agroindustrial complex
- Management
- Computer sciences

- Center of master’s training
- Center of international relations
- Foreign citizens teaching division
- Department of science and postgraduate studies
- Ukrainian institute of stock market development
- Educational an methodical department
- Institute of higher education
- Primary trade-union organization of students and post-graduate students
- Student academic council
- Scientific student community
- Students’ employment center “Perspective”
- Library
- Publishing house
- Sport center “Economist”
- Culture and arts center
- Campus
- Preventive medicine sanatorium
International organizations and programs
Kyiv National Economic University is a member of the following international organizations and programs:
- EDAMBA – "European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration".
- EPLO – "European Public Law Organization".
- EFMD – "European Foundation for Management Development".
- BSUN – "Black Sea Universities Network".
- "Magna Charta Universitatum".
- TEMPUS – "Trans-European Mobility Programme for University Studies".
- RSA – "Regional Studies Association".
- EAC – "European Arbitration Chamber".
- "Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung".
- CES - "Council for European Studies at Columbia University".
- the Ukrainian Bar Association Students League - "UBA Students League".
Campuses and buildings
- Main building of KNEU
- Building # 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 of KNEU
- Library
- Dormitories: I, II, III, IV, V, VI
- Sport Complex “Economist”
- Publishing house
- Preventive medicine sanatorium
Institutes and faculties
- Educational and research institute of economic development (1997)
- Ukrainian institute of stock market development (1997)
- Institute of higher education (2009)
- Institute of financial controlling (2009)
- Institute of encyclopedic research in economics (2009)
- Institute of global economic policy (2009)
- Institute of credit relations (2009)
- French-Ukrainian institute of management (2010)
- Institute of economics and management of agroindustrial complex (2010)
- Institute of financial and economic research (2010)
- Institute of modeling and informational systems in economics (2010)
- Institute of accounting (2010)
- Institute of socio-economic relations (2010)
- Institute of legal research and law project work (2010)
- Institute of marketing (2011)
- Institute of innovative entrepreneurship (2011)
- Economics and Management (1945)
- International Economics and Management (1992)
- Law (1993)
- Personnel Management and Marketing (1965)
- Accounting (1959)
- Agroindustrial Complex in Economy (1945)
- Finance (1906)
- Crediting (2003)
- Informational Systems and Technology (1964)
Famous alumni
Faculty of Economics and Management
- Anatolii Pavlenko, graduated in 1964 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Correspondent-member of Academy of Pedagogic Sciences of Ukraine, Academicianian of the International Academy of Sciences of High School, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, distinguished figure of science and technique of Ukraine. Since 1987 to present is the Rector of KNEU, Head of the Department of Marketing.
- Anatolii Nalyvaiko, graduated in 1973 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Since 1991 is Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, Head of the Department of Business Strategies, Director of the Center of International Relations until 2008.
- Dmytro Lukyanenko, graduated in 1984 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Since 1999 is Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Management, Head of the Department of International Management.
- Oleg Mozgovyi, graduated in 1980 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Since 2002 is Head of the Department of International Finance.
- Sergii Myshta, graduated in 1982 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of Joint-stock Bank “Brokbusinessbank”.
- Leonid Minin, graduated in 1974 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. In 1992-2003 worked as Deputy of the Minister of Economics and State Secretary of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine.
- Vasyl Gureiev, graduated in 1982 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. In 1995-2002 worked as the Minister of Economics of Ukraine and the Minister of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine. Since 2002 and until now is the People’s Deputy of Ukraine.
- Segii Ierohin, graduated in 1977 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Since 1993 and until now is Rector of higher educational establishment “National academy of management”.
- Stepan Radko, graduated in 1974 with the specialty “Planning of Industry”. He is working for a long time as General Director of OJSC “Ukrsteelconstruction”.
- Nataliia Gorshkova, graduated with the specialty “Management of Organizations” (specialization “Management of state enterprises”). In 2003 defended candidate thesis. Works as deputy of the Head of Department of Ministry of Economics dealing with the issues of European integration of Ukraine.
Faculty of Law
- Vitalii Opryshko, Doctor of Law Sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Law, Professor, Correspondent-member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of engineer Sciences of Ukraine, distinguished figure of science and technique of Ukraine, member of Constitutional Assembly.
- Fedir Shulzhenko, Head of the Department of Theory and History of state and Law, Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor.
- Andrii Omelchenko, Head of the Department of Civil and Labour Law, Doctor of Law Sciences, Professor.
- Iaroslav Matuzka, graduated in 2001, Head of Law Department at Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
- Mykola Dzhygun, graduated in 2004, Consul of Ukraine in the Republic of Serbia.
- Stanislav Chyrka, graduated in 2004, Judge at the Myronivskyi District Court of Kiev Region.
- Andrii Klyuchyk, graduated in 2007, Judge of the Sviatoshyn District Court in Kiev.
- Olga Namiasenko, graduated in 2003, Deputy of the Dean of the Faculty of Law, Candidate of Law Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Legal Regulation of Economics.
- Oleksandr Puzanov, graduated in 1999, Deputy of the Head of Kiev municipal State Administration.
- Oleksii Shevchuk, graduated in 2007, Head of the Law Agency “Shevchuk and partners”.
- Olga Cherpachenko, graduated in 00, Expert of European Business Association.
- Andrii Sodol, graduated in 2002, Director of the Law Company “Argument-Consulting”.
- Olena Ieskina, graduated in 2004, President of the group of companies “Edelweiss”, member of Coordination Council of Association of public members’ councils of Ukraine, Head of All-Ukrainian public organization “Kiev citizens for Kiev citizens”.
- Ievgen Starchuk, graduated in 2009, Director of Law Company “Strachuk, Plachynda and partners”.
- Kateryna Grekova, graduated in 2006, Head of the Department of retail and duty business operations’ support at Law Department of “VTB Bank”.
Faculty of Informational Systems and Technologies
- Sergii Pyrozhkov, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Laureate of State Award in science and technique. Distinguished figure of science and technique of Ukraine. Emergency and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine in the Republic of Moldova. Graduated from Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1969. Specialty “Statistics”.
- Ella Libanova, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Academician-secretary of Economic Department of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine at the specialty “Socioeconomics”. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Distinguished economist of Ukraine. Director of the Institute of demography and social research named after M. Ptuha of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1971. Specialty “Statistics”.
- Igor Mantsurov, correspondent-member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Distinguished economist of Ukraine. Director of Science-research economic institute of Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine. Graduated from Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1974. Specialty “Statistics”.
- Oleksandr Osaulenko, correspondent-member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Doctor of State Management Sciences, Professor. Distinguished economist of Ukraine. Head of State Department of statistics of Ukraine. Delegate of Ukraine at the UNO Commission on nation population and development, member of Bureau of European Statistics’ Conference. Graduated from the faculty of informational systems and technologies of Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1974. Specialty “Economic Cybernetics”.
- Borys Tymonkin, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Head of the Authority of “Ukrsocbank”, Head of the council association “Independent banks association of Ukraine”. Graduated from the faculty of informational systems and technologies of Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1973. Specialty “Economic Cybernetics”.
- Lyudmyla Musina, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Coordinator of cooperation with UNIDO in Ukraine, Consultant of Minister of Economic Development and Trade. Graduated from the faculty of informational systems and technologies of Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1972. Specialty “Economic Cybernetics”.
- Vasyl Iastrubinskyi, Candidate of Economic Sciences. Distinguished economist of Ukraine. Head of the Price Policy Authority of Kyiv Municipal state Administration. Graduated from the faculty of informational systems and technologies of Kyiv Institute of National Economy in 1978. Specialty “Economic Cybernetics”.
- Valdemar Vitlinskiy, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Head of the Department of Economic and Mathematic Modeling. Extract from the Diploma: Doctor Scientiae Rei Familiaris Dispensatio ad gradum DOCTORIS HONORS Universitatis PublicaeAcademii Ostrogiensis. Graduated from Mechanic and Mathematic Department of Lviv National University named after I. Franko. Specialty “Mechanics”.
Faculty of Accounting
- Prokip Nemchinov, (1906-1983), took part in Great Patriotic War, holder of two Red Star orders and many medals, Professor, author of more than 80 scientific publications, 3 textbooks for higher educational establishments, 9 monographs and 7 educational and methodical manuals. Direction of scientific works is connected with extended development of theory of accounting, specification of subject and method of accounting, improvement of accounting practice in branches of national economy.
- Mykola Chumachenko, (1925-2011), took part in Great Patriotic War, holder of Labour Red Flag orders, Patriotic War of I degree, October Revolution, order “For III-degree achievements” and many medals, Academician, author of many textbooks and educational manuals and a plenty of scientific works.
Direction of scientific works is connected with research of methodology problems of accounting, managerial accounting and economic analysis.
- Vasyl Sopko, (1928- …), Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship activity accounting, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Higher School of Ukraine, Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Sciences of Hungary, member of European association of accountants, expert of the UN commission “UNCTAD” in questions of accounting and financial reporting improvement, author of 23 monograph, 17 textbooks and educational manuals for higher educational establishments, more than 100 scientific articles and other scientific works.
- Sergii Liovochkin, (1972-…), graduated from the faculty of Accounting in 1993, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Finance, author of 39 scientific works (3 monographs, 2 textbooks and more than 30 articles), people’s deputy of Ukraine of IV convocation, since February 2010 – Head of Administration of President of Ukraine.
- Vasyl Dmytruk, (1953-…), graduated from the faculty of Accounting in 1975, worked as a Chief accountant, at present works as Head of financial department of State department of President’s of Ukraine affairs, distinguished economist of Ukraine.
- Mykola Nazymok, (1953-…), graduated from the faculty of Accounting in 1975, worked as a Chief accountant and General Director’s deputy at “Yuvelirprom”, at present works as Head o State testing department of Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, state employee of 2nd rank, distinguished economist of Ukraine.
- Vira Rychakivska, (1958-…), graduated from the faculty of Accounting in 1982, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy of Head of National Bank of Ukraine, member of National Bank’s of Ukraine administration, state employee of 2nd rank, distinguished economist of Ukraine.
- Iryna Bilousova, (1954-…), graduated from the faculty of Accounting in 1978, Doctor of Economic Sciences, deputy of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine of III and IV convocation, deputy of Head of Verkvovna Rada committee in questions of economic policy, member of Committee in questions of economic development by President of Ukraine, Head of Monitoring council of Federation of professional accountants and auditors of Ukraine, distinguished economist of Ukraine.
Department of Finance
- Viktor Fedosov, Head of the Department of Finance, Academician, Doctor of Economic Sciences, distinguished figure of science and technique of Ukraine, Professor of the Department of Finance, record of pedagogic activity – 49 years at KNEU, during his work at the Department of Finance, taught “Finance”.
- Sava Ogorodnyk, Professor-consultant of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, distinguished economist of Ukraine, record of pedagogic activity – 49 years:
1950-1958 – taught at Kyiv Financial and Economic Institute
1958-1971 – taught at Odesa Institute of National Economy
1971-1983 – taught at Ukrainian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information
1983 - … - is teaching at KNEU
During his work at the Department of Finance, taught “Finance”, “Budget system”.
- Valentyna Sutormina, Professor of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, record of pedagogic activity – 56 years at KNEU, during he work at the Department of Finance, taught “Financial market”, “finance of foreign corporations”, “finance of capitalistic countries”.
- Valerii Oparin, Professor of the Department of Finance, Doctor of Economic Sciences, record of pedagogic activity – 37 years at KNEU, during his work at the Department of Finance, taught “Finance”, “Budget system”, “Tax system”.
- Valeriya Hontaryeva, became Chairman of the National Bank of Ukraine in June 2014[5][6] after a two decade long career in financial institutions and top positions in the Kiev branches of ING Bank and Societe Generale.[7]
Awards and reputation
National University Rankings
- Compass-2012 Rankings of Ukrainian universities:
- in Overall Ranking – 3rd place;
- in a Ranking by Subject «Business & Economics» – 2nd place;
- in a Ranking of Universities in Central Region of Ukraine – 3rd place;
- University Ranking «TOP-200 Ukraine», 2011/2012:
- in Overall Ranking – 10th place;
- among economic universities – 1st place;
- Ranking by newspaper «Comments» - Ranking of Universities graduates of which are most wanted on the market, 2012. – 3rd place;
- University Ranking by magazine «Dengi» (Money), 2012 :
- Ranking in «Economics» – 2nd place;
- Ranking in «Law» – 6th place;
International University Rankings
- Eduniversal Ranking - «3 Palmes – EXCELLENT Business Schools nationally strong and/or with continental links»;
- Eduniversal Best Masters ranking Eastern Europe:
- Information Systems Management (Master in Information Systems in Management) - 4th place;
- Engineering and Project Management (Master in Project Management and Consulting) – 6th place;
- Accounting and Auditing (Master in Accounting and Auditing in Management of Business Enterprises) – 7th place;
- Public Administration / Management (Master in Public Service) - 7th place;
- General Management (Master in Management of Enterprises) – 9th place;
- Marketing (Master in Marketing Management) - 9th place;
- International Management (Master in Management of International Business) – 19th place;
- Corporate Finance (Master in Financial Management) – 20th place;
- Insurance (Master in Insurance Management) - 47th place;
- Webometrics Ranking (Web Ranking of Universities) ):
- KNEU – place 5154;
- Master Training Centre of KNEU – place 1254.
External links
- Official site
- Best universities of Ukraine: Kompas ranking
- Official facebook page
- Official page VK
- Student media
- 1 2 3 KNEU. "KNEU History Milestones". Retrieved March 7, 2014.
- ↑ "Some Issues of higher education institutions the status of self-governing (autonomous) research [...] The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, Resolution, List of 03.02.2010 № 76". Retrieved March 7, 2014.
- ↑
- ↑ "Business School Ranking in ukraine". Retrieved March 7, 2014.
- ↑ Ukraine crisis: EU deal to be signed on 27 June, BBC News (19 June 2014)
- ↑ (Ukrainian) Top 10 facts about the new Governor NBU - Valeriya Hontaryeva, Телеканал новин 24 (19 June 2014)
- ↑ Ukraine president gets parliament boost for peace plan, AFP news agency (19 June 2014)
Coordinates: 50°27′23″N 30°26′27″E / 50.45639°N 30.44083°E