Kyiv Post

Web address
Slogan Independence. Community. Trust.
Commercial Yes
Type of site
Registration Not required
Available in English
Owner Mohammad Zahoor, operating as Public Media
Launched October 18, 1995 (1995-10-18)[1][2]
Alexa rank
13,211 (April 2014)[3]
Current status News media

The Kyiv Post is a Ukrainian English-language newspaper.[4]


American Jed Sunden founded the Kyiv Post weekly newspaper on Oct. 18, 1995 and later went on to create KP Media for his holdings.[2] The newspaper, which went online in 2002, serves Ukrainian and expatriate readers with a general interest mix of political, business and entertainment coverage. The staff is a team of mainly Ukrainian journalists, numbering 23 editorial team members as of March 2016, including 17 Ukrainians.

Historically, the editorial policy has supported democracy, Western integration and free markets for Ukraine. It has published numerous investigative stories, including coverage of the 2000 murder of journalist Georgiy Gongadze, in which ex-Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma is a prime suspect; the 2004 Orange Revolution, in which a massive public uprising blocked Viktor Yanukovych from taking power as president after the rigged presidential election of November 26, 2004; the 2013-14 EuroMaidan Revolution that overthrew Yanukovych as president; the Russian invasion of Crimea and the Kremlin-instigated war in Ukraine's eastern Donbas.


The Kyiv Post has had two owners in its existence, Sunden and Mohammad Zahoor. Sunden's KP Media sold the newspaper to British citizen Zahoor on July 28, 2009.[5] Zahoor owns the ISTIL Group and is a native of Pakistan and a former steel mill owner in Donetsk.[6] Zahoor publishes the newspaper through his Public Media company. In an interview with the Kyiv Post published on August 6, 2009, Zahoor pledged to revive the newspaper and adhere to its tradition of editorial independence.[7]

Sunden created the newspaper in the early years following the collapse of the Soviet Union, starting with $8,000 in capital, three computers and a staff of seven people working from a small flat in Kiev. The first 16-page issue was put out by an editorial staff of two people. Sunden built the newspaper into a profitable enterprise, one that served the needs of the expatriate community that then regarded Ukraine as a potential hotspot for investment. During Sunden's tenure, he held to libertarian and anti-Communist views on the editorial and opinion pages, but established the business model of editorial independence on the news pages. He said the policy is good for business and news. Sunden also was controversial for allowing paid "massage" advertisements from women engaging in prostitution.

After Zahoor bought the newspaper, he retained the entire editorial team. One of his first acts as publisher, however, was to eliminate the paid "massage" advertisements, saying he didn't want to own a newspaper that promoted prostitution. Zahoor sustained the policy of editorial independence, with limited exceptions. After the newspaper's editors endorsed Yulia Tymoshenko over Viktor Yanukovych for president in the 2010 Ukrainian presidential election, the publisher issued a policy to forbid editorial endorsements of any political candidate or political party, saying the newspaper should remain non-partisan even on its opinion pages. Zahoor relaxed the policy during the May 25, 2014 presidential election, when he and his wife, singer-actress Kamaliya, came out publicly in strong support of billionaire Ukrainian businessman Petro Poroshenko's election as president. While the newspaper was free to endorse any candidate for the election, its editorial board made no endorsement in the contest that Poroshenko easily won.

Zahoor's purchase and significant investment improved a newspaper that had been badly battered by the global recession of 2008-2009, a sharp downturn that struck the Kyiv Post particularly hard in October–November 2008. The Kyiv Post lost advertising and cut costs, but still ended the year in the black, the last profitable year of its existence. Under the last months under Sunden in 2009, the newspaper's editorial staff shrunk to 12 members, its page count to 16 and its print distribution to 11,000 copies.

Zahoor invested in journalists, increased distribution and improved newsprint. He boosted the page count—to 32 pages through much of 2010-2011, dropping back to 24 pages again through much of 2012-2013 and then to 16 pages for most of the last three years. However, despite the investments, the Kyiv Post never regained consistent profitability, despite further staff and cost cuts, as print advertising continued to shrink, especially in the once all-important sector of employment advertising. However, combined with Zahoor's subsidies, the newspaper has been able to minimize financial losses through special publications, such as the Legal Quarterly, and special events, such as the Tiger Conference and others. The start of an affiliated nongovernmental organization, the Media Development Foundation, also raises money for independent journalism.

Chief editors and chief executive officers

The Kyiv Post has had at least 13 chief editors since its first edition on October 18, 1995. They include Andrea Faiad, Igor Greenwald, Tom Warner, Greg Bloom, Diana Elliott, Paul Miazga, John Marone, Scott Lewis, Roman Olearchyk, Stephan Ladanaj, Zenon Zawada and Jakub Parusinski.

The longest-serving chief editor is Brian Bonner, an American citizen who became the editor in the summer of 1999 and returned on June 9, 2008. He continues to serve today.

Bonner's tenure was interrupted briefly twice. The first came on April 15, 2011, when publisher Mohammad Zahoor fired him for publishing an interview with then-Agriculture Minister Mykola Prysazhnyuk, who is currently on Ukraine's wanted list on suspicion of massive corruption. The 2011 interview with Prysazhnyuk included the agricultural minister's contradictory explanations about who is behind KlibInvestBud, a mystery company which sought to monopolize Ukrainian grain exports. The front-page story was published on April 15, 2011.[8] Bonner's firing lasted only five days, after the entire staff went on strike in support of his decision to publish the article. On April 18 in Kyiv, a group of visiting U.S. senators met with Bonner and some Kyiv Post staff members in the InterContinental Hotel in Kyiv and issued a statement of support[9] Zahoor reinstated Bonner as senior editor on April 20, 2011, elevating him to chief editor again later in the year. The incident garnered international attention as a barometer of the state of freedom of the press in Ukraine. One example of the news coverage included a story from The New York Times on April 24, 2011.[10]

Zahoor also fired Bonner as chief editor a second time on April 30, 2013, as the newspaper underwent deep budget cuts, but reinstated him on September 1, 2013.[11]

After Zahoor's purchase on July 28, 2009, he has had five chief executive officers, including American James Phillipoff (July 2009-July 2011), Michael Willard (July 2011-August 2013), Jakub Parusinski (September 2013-August 2014) and Nataliya Bugayova (August 2014-December 2015). Bugayova was the former chief of staff to Economy Minister Pavel Sheremeta before becoming the first Ukrainian and first woman to be CEO of the Kyiv Post. Bugayova resigned to relocate and take a new job as the director of development for the Institute for the Study of War in Washington, D.C. Bugayova wrote her farewell column "Kyiv Post's values are made for new Ukraine" [12] in the Dec. 18, 2015, edition of the Kyiv Post. Commercial director Alyona Nevmerzhytska became acting chief executive officer in March 2016.

EuroMaidan Revolution and war in the Donbas

In 2013, the Kyiv Post covered what became known as the EuroMaidan Revolution, which began on November 21, 2013, triggered by then-President Viktor Yanukovych's reneging on promises to sign a political and economic association agreement with the European Union. The Kyiv Post published hundreds of stories in print and online about the revolution, which ended in Yanukovych fleeing to Russia on February 21–22, 2014. The first Kyiv Post story about the revolution was published on November 22, 2013.[13]

After Yanukovych and many members of his government fled power, most taking up exile in Russia, the Kyiv Post covered the formation of an interim Ukrainian government, the Russian annexation of Crimea on February 27, 2014, the start of the conflict in the Donbass in April 2014 and the May 25, 2014, election of Petro Poroshenko as independent Ukraine's fifth president after Yanukovych (2010-2014), Viktor Yushchenko (2005-2010), Leonid Kuchma (1994-2005) and Leonid Kravchuk (1991-1994).

Awards and recognition

The Kyiv Post's longtime motto on its masthead is "Independence.Community. Trust," meant to underscore its commitment to high journalistic standards and ethical practices, in contrast to many Ukrainian news outlets where publishers and owners dictate editorial policy and advertising is disguised as news stories through the purchase of space known as "jeansa" or advertorials.

In 2014, the Kyiv Post journalistic staff won the University of Missouri Journalism School's prestigious Medal of Honor for Distinguished Service in Journalism. The award was given to chief editor Brian Bonner and then-deputy chief editor Katya Gorchinskaya at a ceremony at the journalism school in Columbia, Missouri, on October 28, 2014.[14][15]

Also in 2014, Moscow-based AGT Communications Company released the findings of its survey from November 21, 2013 to May 21, 2014, that found the Kyiv Post is the most-quoted Ukrainian source of news by American and European news organizations and the second-most quoted in Ukraine and Russia, after Russia's Kommersant. The findings were based on citations in Factiva, the Dow Jones research database.[16]

Three Kyiv Post journalists have also won six-month fellowships through the Alfred Friendly Press Partners program, now administrated by the University of Missouri's School of Journalism. They were Anastasia Forina, who worked at the Chicago Tribune in 2014; Oksana Grytsenko, who worked at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2015; and Olena Goncharova, who is working at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in 2016.

In light of its growing international audience in recent years, the Kyiv Post has informally adopted two other mottos besides "Independence. Community. Trust." Those are: "The World's Window on Ukraine" and "Ukraine's Global Voice."

Website, paywall and social media

The Kyiv Post launched its website in 2002 under Sunden. Currently, the website is updated seven days a week, approximately 16 hours a day, and includes Kyiv Post exclusive content, news and photos from wire services and aggregated articles from other news sources about Ukraine.

The Kyiv Post launched an online paywall in March 2013. The erection of the paywall became financially necessary because of the decline in print advertising in the newspaper industry generally, including at the Kyiv Post.[17] During times of intense national crisis, such as the EuroMaidan Revolution and Russia's current war against Ukraine, the Kyiv Post has relaxed its paywall and made its coverage available freely for a limited amount of time. The website currently provides many categories of stories for free, including its aggregated content, its opinions and editorials and its multimedia offerings, including video, cartoons and photo galleries.

In August 2014, the Kyiv Post launched Kyiv Post+, a special public project covering Russia's war against Ukraine and the aftermath of the EuroMaidan Revolution.

In October 2014, the Kyiv Post started a Reform Watch project to track the progress under President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in eliminating corruption and bureaucratic obstacles to democratic progress and economic growth.

Print circulation, distribution

The Kyiv Post's print circulation is currently 11,000 copies, down from a peak of 25,000 copies as recently as 2008. The Kyiv Post began selling corporate print subscriptions for delivery in 2011 as it seeks to replace its free delivery policy with paid subscriptions. Nonetheless, free copies of the printed newspaper - published on Fridays—are available in hundreds of locations mainly in central Kyiv, including hotels, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs and business centers.

Ukrainian–Russian language website

The Kyiv Post launched a Ukrainian-Russian-language version of the paper on July 16, 2010 to reach a mass audience, but discontinued the project in May 2012. During this period, the editorial staff reached a record high of 30 members.

Threats to existence

The Kyiv Post has withstood numerous threats to its existence since 1995. According to the audiotapes released by Mykola Melnychenko, bodyguard to ex-President Leonid Kuchma, then-tax inspector Mykola Azarov talked about conducting tax audits of the newspaper and other news outlets that criticized the administration. Azarov went on to become prime minister under President Viktor Yanukovych. He has since fled abroad and is now on Ukraine's wanted list on suspicion of massive corruption.

During the Yanukovych administration, the Kyiv Post faced and overcame three distinct political threats to its survival during the administration of President Viktor Yanukovcyh (February 27, 2010 - February 22, 2014).

The first came when Ukrainian billionaire oligarch Dmytro Firtash filed a libel lawsuit against the Kyiv Post in the United Kingdom over a July 2, 2010 story about corruption in the gas trade industry.[18] One December 14, 2010, the Kyiv Post began blocking all internet traffic from the United Kingdom (UK) as a protest against English defamation law.[19] and the Firtash libel lawsuit in the United Kingdom. The case was dismissed on Februbary 24, 2011 because the UK court believed Firtash had no major connection with the country[20] and the UK block was dropped later that year.[21]

The second threat came in the form of sustained, but indirect, pressure on the Kyiv Post to soften its news coverage of Yanukovych. The threat came to a head on April 15, 2011, when Zahoor fired Bonner for publishing an interview with a government minister despite the owner’s request to drop it, allegedly under pressure from government officials. Journalists on the paper went on strike in protest. Zahoor reinstated Bonner as an editor on April 20, 2011, ending the strike. The weekly newspaper never missed a print issue during the work stoppage and Bonner, who has served as chief editor since June 2008, remained on the job until April 30, 2013.[22] However, there was controversy after Bonner's reinstatement, when two journalists who did not sign the petition in support of him left the newspaper. Bonner did not provide a reason for their departures, with sources indicating it was due to the two withholding their endorsement of him.[23]

The third threat came in the form of at least two offers to buy the newspaper from businessmen close to Yanukovych. Zahoor refused both offers, citing his desire to keep the newspaper editorially independent.

However, the biggest threat may be economic, not political. Many Central and Eastern European English-language newspapers, including the Prague Post and Sofia Echo, have ceased their print publications in light of falling advertising demand and changing readership patterns online. America media analyst Ken Doctor chronicled the Kyiv Post's challenges in an April 17, 2014, article.[24]

The Kyiv Post also was featured in the September/October 2014 edition of the Columbia Journalism Review. Under the headline, the "Kyiv Post's unlikely success" author Oliver Bullough writes that: "The more you learn about the Kyiv Post, the more you realize how remarkable it is that it holds its own against these (other media) behemoths. Its newsroom budget is less than $25,000 a month. It has but 19 editorial staff; it has faced repeated attacks from regime-allied oligarchs. The fact its reporting survives at all, let alone flourishes, comes down to the unlikeliest of pairings: a journalist from Minnesota and an Anglo-Pakistani billionaire. Each has his own reasons for loving Ukraine, and the Post brought them together."[25]

Investigative journalism and non-profit Media Development Foundation

The Kyiv Post is also a center for investigative journalism. Bonner, besides serving as chief editor, is also regional coordinator of the Objective Investigative Journalism Project, funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Stories are published at and other news outlets. Kyiv Post staff writer Vlad Lavrov, meanwhile, is the regional coordinator for the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project, whose donors including the U.S. Agency for International Development.

A group of Kyiv Post journalists in 2013 launched the Media Development Foundation, a nongovernmental organization formed to support the journalism profession in three ways that are typically not commercially viable. Those include:

  1. Investigative journalism
  2. Student journalism internship exchanges
  3. Training programs for experienced professionals.


  1. "Digi Media сейлз-хаус".
  2. 1 2 Kyiv Post founder reflects on 14 years as newspaper’s owner, reasons for sale, Kyiv Post (November 19, 2009)
  3. " Site Info". Alexa Internet. Retrieved 2014-04-01.
  4. "Regional newspapers". Krakow Post. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
  5. Letter from the publisher, Kyiv Post (November 19, 2009)
  6. Mohammad Zahoor buys Kyiv Post for an estimated $1.1 million, Kyiv Post (July 30, 2009)
  7. "Zahoor: Robust Media Vital". KyivPost.
  8. "On The Hot Seat". KyivPost.
  9. "Press Releases 2011 - Embassy of the United States Kyiv, Ukraine".
  10. "English-language press flexing its muscles in Eastern Europe."
  11. "Bonner makes third return as Kyiv Post chief editor, Parusinski named CEO". KyivPost.
  13. "Nine years after start of Orange Revolution, Kyivans take to streets in protest of scuttled EU deal". KyivPost.
  14. "Kyiv Post staff wins 2014 Missouri Honor Medal (June 23, 2014)
  15. "The Missouri Honor Medal - Missouri School of Journalism". Retrieved 2015-04-24.
  16. "Kyiv Post one of most cited news sources in Ukraine, Russia by Western news media". KyivPost.
  17. "Brian Bonner: News is not free, no longer is Kyiv Post". KyivPost.
  18. "Gas trade leaves trail of lawsuits, corruption". KyivPost.
  19. Kyiv Post homepage, accessed 2011-01-20 from the UK
  20. See: London Judge Dismisses Firtash Lawsuit Against Kyiv Post
  21. A libel without a cause, Varsity (24th February 2011)
  22. Richard Balmforth (18 August 2011). "Journalists strike in Ukraine after editor fired". Reuters. Retrieved 24 November 2012.
  23. "No clarity as to why two Kyiv Post journalists were sacked".
  24. "The Newsonomics of the Kyiv Post’s Embattled Work". Retrieved 2015-04-24.
  25. "Kyiv Post's unlikely success". Retrieved 2015-04-24.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 15, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.