Lídia Puigvert
Lídia Puigvert is professor of sociology and gender at the University of Barcelona. Feminist author internationally known by her theoretical contribution on dialogic feminism [1] and the overcoming of gender violence. She has published with authors such as Judith Butler and Elisabeth Beck-Gernsheim in their work Women and Social Transformation.[2] Due to her relevant contributions in the gender area she has been appointed as consultant in this dimension in several occasions for European research projects of the Framework Programme of Research of the European Union like in the current case of the IMPACT-EV,[3] INCLUD-ED [4] and WORKALÓ,[5] she has led as principal investigator several projects and currently she is coordinating Life paths that move away or move closer to human trafficking with the purpose of sexual exploitation.[6] In 2008 she was member of the Advisory Committee on Violence Against Women at the European Women's Lobby Observatory. And as a lecturer, she has been invited to lecture conferences and seminars in different universities around the world, among others, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge and Harvard University.
Lídia Puigvert was born in Bogota on May 29, 1970, although she was raised in a coastline village of Maresme, Malgrat de Mar. In 1992 she started her collaboration in CREA (Centre of Research in Theories and Practices that Overcome Inequalities) taking part in the initial team of the research center together with Ramon Flecha. One of the research lines promoted by Lídia Puigvert in the center of research from its beginning is the inclusion of the other women’s voices, non academic women who have been excluded even from the feminist debates. Such contribution became consolidated in her theoretical contribution of dialogic feminism. Within the feminism sphere, Lídia Puigvert also contributed in another of the highlighted theoretical areas of her career path, the overcoming of gender violence. After her involvement in the research on this topic, she promoted together with the CREA-SAFO Women’s Group the need to break the silence on gender violence at the Spanish Universities in January 2004,[7] in the context of a hostile environment in which there was neither mechanisms of prevention nor detection of gender violence at the Spanish universities.[8] As a result of her positioning a discredit campaign was initiated by a lobby of university harassers who wanted to maintain the silence on gender violence at the Spanish universities. Despite the personal cost of such harassment, Lídia Puigvert together with the CREA-SAFO Women’s Group continued the research on this topic, and the results of their research achieved an impact in the Law for the Effective equality between men and women from 2007 [9] in which it was legislated the obligatory nature of all Spanish universities to have commissions of equality and protocols against gender violence. Such work conducted and compromise was acknowledged by Sarah Rankin, director of the Office of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response at Harvard University [10] in 2010. In the course of this persecution by the lobby of university harassers, her husband, Jesús Gómez, died. Another of her theoretical contributions within the area of overcoming gender violence has been the prevention of such from the development of the concept preventive socialization of gender violence [11] started by Jesús Gómez. The theoretical contribution has been published in several JCR scientific articles and is one of the bases of the dialogic model of conflict resolution. Currently Lídia Puigvert is researching how to prevent women trafficking to avoid that many girls and young women fall into prostitution networks, another of the most violent social phenomena of these days that affects millions of women, continuing therefore with her academic, social and personal compromise to improve the lives of girls around the world, specially the most vulnerable ones.
- Puigvert, L. (2014). Preventive socialization of Gender Violence. Moving forward using the Communicative Methodology of Research. Qualitative Inquiry. 20 (7), 839-843. doi:10.1177/1077800414537221
- Sordé, T.; Serradell, O.; Puigvert, L.; Munté; A (2013). Solidarity networks that challenge racialized discourses: The case of romani immigrant women in spain. European Journal of Women's Studies, 20 (4),1 -16. doi: 10.1177/1350506813510425
- Flecha, R., Puigvert, L. & Ríos, O. (2013).The New Alternative Masculinities and the Overcoming of Gender Violence. International and Multidisciplinar Journal of Social Sciences, 2 (1), 88-113.
- Puigvert, L.; Christou, M.; Holford, J. (2012). Critical Communicative Methodology: including vulnerable voices in research through dialogue. Cambridge Journal Of Education, 42 (4), 513 -526.doi:10.1080/0305764X.2012.733341
- Prieto, O.; Puigvert, L.; Santacruz, I.(2012). 'Overcoming the odds: Constricted ethnicity in middle-class Romà. Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power, 19 (2), 191-209. doi:10.1080/1070289X.2012.672856
- Gómez, A.; Puigvert, L.; Flecha, R. (2011). Critical Communicative Methodology: Informing real social transformation through research. Qualitative Inquiry, 17 (3), 235-245. doi: 10.1177/1077800410397802
- Christou, M; Puigvert, L (2011). The role of 'Other Women' in current educational transformations. International studies in sociology of education. 21(1), 77-90. doi:10.1080/09620214.2011.543855
- Flecha, A.; Puigvert, L. (2010). Contributions to social theory from Dialogic Feminism: giving voice to all women in Teaching Social Theory. New York: Peter Lang Publishers.
- Valls, R.; Puigvert, L. & Duque, E. (2008). Gender violence among teenagers: socialization and prevention. Violence Against Women, 14(7), 759- 785. doi: 10.1177/1077801208320365
- De Botton, L, Puivert, L.; Sánchez-Aroca, M. (2005). The Inclusion of Other Women: Breaking the Silence through Dialogic Learning. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.
- Puigvert, L.; Valls, R. (2005). Dialogical Learning in Popular Education Movements in Spain in Popular Education: Engaging the Academy. Leiceste: NIACE.
- Elboj, C. ; Puigvert, L. (2004). Interactions among 'other women': Personal and social meaning. Journal of Social Work Practice. 18 (3). 357-364. doi:0.1080/0265053042000314429
- Beck-Gernsheim, E., Butler, J., & Puigvert, L. (2003). Women and Social Transformation. New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
- Flecha, R.; Gómez, J. & Puigvert, L. (2003).Contemporary Sociological Theory. New York: Peter Lang.
- Flecha, R. & Puigvert, L. (2002). The voice of the voiceless and the new forms of governance. Journal of Lifelong Learning in Europe, (3), 143-148.
- ↑ Her contribution on dialogic feminism has been studied in diverse academic forums, and universities, for example Havens Center has available her contribution as key to understand dialogic feminism: http://www.havenscenter.org/files/Chap.2_Dialogic%20feminism.pdf , Retrevied September 2014
- ↑ Beck-Gernsheim, E.; Butler , J. & Puigvert,L.(2003): Women and social transformation. New York: Peter Lang.
- ↑ http://impact-ev.eu/research-team/lidia-puigvert/ Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ http://creaub.info/included/research-team/coordinator/#lp , Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ http://www.neskes.net/workalo/indexan.htm Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ ] http://creaub.info/trata/ Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ http://creaub.info/2009/09/28/breaksilence/ Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ http://creaub.info/pdf/letter_en.pdf , Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ Ley Orgánica 3/2007, de 22 de marzo, para la igualdad efectiva de mujeres y hombres, http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2007-6115&lang=en , Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ Comments of Sarah Rankin, Director of Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Harvard University on work done by Lídia Puigvert and CREA http://creaub.info/2010/02/27/sarahrankin/ Retrieved September 2014
- ↑ Valls, R.; Puigvert, L. & Duque, E. (2008). Gender violence among teenagers: socialization and prevention. Violence Against Women, 14(7), 759- 785.
External links
Lídia Puigvert: academic profile