Lacrimal punctum

Lacrimal punctum

The tarsal glands, etc., seen from the inner surface of the eyelids. (Puncta lacrimalia visible at center left.)

The lacrimal apparatus. Right side. Note outdated terminology: The "Lacrimal ducts" in Gray's are now called "Lacrimal canals".
Latin Puncta lacrimalia
TA A15.2.07.065
FMA 59365

Anatomical terminology

The lacrimal canaliculi, one in each eyelid, commence at minute orifices, termed puncta lacrimalia (or lacrimal punctum, or lacrimal point), on the summits of the papillae lacrimales, seen on the margins of the lids at the lateral extremity of the lacus lacrimalis. There are two lacrimal puncta in the medial (inside) portion of each eye.

Together, they function to collect tears produced by the lacrimal glands. The fluid is conveyed through the lacrimal canaliculi to the lacrimal sac, and thence via the nasolacrimal duct to the inner nose.

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See also


This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)

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