Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers

Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers is the largest ladies barbershop association in the UK, this year topping 2000 members.

LABBS is one of three barbershop singing organisations in the United Kingdom. Since 1976 it has grown to have over 50 clubs up, down and across the country from Cornwall to Scotland, and around 2000 members. Choruses range in size from large to small and are made up of women of all ages. The LABBS youth chorus,The Ivy League draws young members from all over the country and indicate a bright future.

LABBS holds an annual convention in late autumn, with competitions for both choruses and quartets, shows (concerts) with talented performances from winning groups and also invited guests from other barbershop organisations. Representatives from our organisation also compete with success at a European level, and travel to showcase our best talent in the USA. Representation from our top choruses is also commonplace at the finals of BBC3's Choir of the Year and at the International Eisteddfod.

LABBS also provides regular education for its members through regional education days, quartet weekends and other events which all aim to increase members' knowledge of barbershop and to raise levels of performance skills. This effort is overseen by the LABBS Education & Judging Committee, whose members are also judges for competitions, trained to standards set down by the Barbershop Harmony Society in the USA.

At a local level, clubs and quartets are active in their communities, putting on their own concerts and also singing by invitation for local organisations and charity events. If you like to sing, find a club near you and join in the fun!

External links

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