Lagrange, Euler and Kovalevskaya tops

In classical mechanics, the precession of a top under the influence of gravity is not, in general, an integrable problem. There are however three famous cases that are integrable, the Euler, the Lagrange and the Kovalevskaya top.[1] In addition to the energy, each of these tops involves three additional constants of motion that give rise to the integrability.

The Euler top describes a free top without any particular symmetry, moving in the absence of any external torque. The Lagrange top is a symmetric top, in which the center of gravity lies on the symmetry axis. The Kovalevskaya top[2][3] is special symmetric top with a unique ratio of the moments of inertia satisfy the relation

 I_1=I_2= 2 I_3,

and in which the center of gravity is located in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis.

Hamiltonian Formulation of Classical tops

A classical top[4] is defined by three principal axes, defined by the three orthogonal vectors  \hat{\mathbf{e}}^1,  \hat {\mathbf{e}}^2 and  \hat{\mathbf{e}}^3 with corresponding moments of inertia I_1,  I_2 and I_3. In a Hamiltonian formulation of classical tops, the conjugate dynamical variables are the components of the angular momentum vector \vec{L} along the principal axes

(l_1, l_2, l_3)= (\vec{L}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^1,\vec{L}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^2,\vec{L}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^3)

and the z-components of the three principal axes,

(n_1, n_2, n_3)= (\mathbf{\hat{z}}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^1,\mathbf{\hat{z}}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^2,\mathbf{\hat{z}}\cdot \hat {\mathbf{e}}^3)

The Poisson algebra of these variables is given by

\{ l_a,l_b\} = \epsilon_{abc}l_c, \  \{l_a, n_b\} = \epsilon_{abc}n_c, \ \{n_a, n_b\} = 0

If the position of the center of mass is given by  \vec{R}_{cm} = (a \mathbf{\hat e}^1 + b \mathbf{\hat e}^2 + c\mathbf{\hat e}^3), then the Hamiltonian of a top is given by

H = \frac{(l_1)^2}{2I_1}+\frac{(l_2)^2}{2I_2}+\frac{(l_3)^2}{2I_3}+ mg (a n_1 + bn_2 + cn_3),

The equations of motion are then determined by

\dot{l}_a = \{ H, l_a\}, \dot{n}_a = \{H, n_a\}

Euler Top

The Euler top is an untorqued top, with Hamiltonian

H_E = \frac{(l_1)^2}{2I_1}+\frac{(l_2)^2}{2I_2}+\frac{(l_3)^2}{2I_3},

The four constants of motion are the energy H_E and the three components of angular momentum in the lab frame,

(L_1,L_2,L_3) = l_1 \mathbf{\hat e}^1 +l_2\mathbf{\hat e}^2+ l_3 \mathbf{\hat e}^3.

Lagrange Top

The Lagrange top is a symmetric top with the center of mass along the symmetry axis at location,  \vec{R}_{cm} = h\mathbf{\hat e}^3, with Hamiltonian

H_L= \frac{(l_1)^2+(l_2)^2}{2I}+\frac{(l_3)^2}{2I_3}+ mgh n_3.

The four constants of motion are the energy  H_L, the angular momentum component along the symmetry axis,  l_3, the angular momentum in the z-direction

L_z = l_1n_1+l_2n_2+l_3n_3,

and the magnitude of the n-vector

n^2 = n_1^2 + n_2^2 + n_3^2

Kovalevskaya Top

The Kovalevskaya top [2][3] is a symmetric top in which  I_1=I_2= 2I_3=I and the center of mass lies in the plane perpendicular to the symmetry axis \vec R_{cm} = h \mathbf{\hat e}^1. It was discovered by Sofia Kovalevskaya in 1888 and presented in her paper 'Sur Le Probleme De La Rotation D'Un Corps Solide Autour D'Un Point Fixe'. The Hamiltonian is

H_K= \frac{(l_1)^2+(l_2)^2+ 2 (l_3)^2}{2I}+ mgh n_1.

The four constants of motion are the energy  H_K, the Kovalevskaya invariant

K = \xi_+ \xi_-

where the variables \xi_{\pm} are defined by

\xi_{\pm} = (l_1\pm i l_2 )^2- 2 mgh I(n_1\pm i n_2),

the angular momentum component in the z-direction,

L_z = l_1n_1+l_2n_2+l_3n_3,

and the magnitude of the n-vector

n^2 = n_1^2 + n_2^2 + n_3^2.


  1. Audin, M. Spinning Tops: A Course on Integrable Systems. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
  2. 1 2 S. Kovalevskaya, Acta Math. 12 177–232 (1889)
  3. 1 2 A. M. Perelemov, Teoret. Mat. Fiz., Volume 131, Number 2, Pages 197–205 (2002)
  4. Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole , John L. Safko, Classical Mechanics, (3rd Edition), Addison-Wesley (2002)
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