Laida is a gram panchayat in the district of Sambalpur in the state of Orissa in India. It is an ancient village, and one of the largest in Orissa.
The administrative, revenue and electoral structure of Laida is mentioned below:
Electoral details:
MLA constituency: Rengali MP constituency: Sambalpur
Revenue details:
RI: Laida Tahsil : Rengali Police outpost: Laida District: Sambalpur
The Block office Rengali and police station of Laida is Katarbaga. It is divided into ??? wards. The MLA constituency is Rengali and the MP constituency is Sambalpur. The village is situated on the bank of the Bheden river, a tributary of the Mahanadi. ????small seasonal streams flow through the village, Tangar jore is the largest stream. Guchhapali, Dalpatpali, Baijapali, Rangtikra, Chanutikra, Kadammal, Bindudihi are villages associated with Laida. Other nearby places include Jharsuguda, Sambalpur, Kuchinda, Rengali, Bamra and Bagdihi. The nearest tourist place is Gudguda. It is on the route between Sambalpur and Ranchi. The population of the village is around 10000. The local wine is produced from rice and the flower of Madhuca indica. The mango and cashew nut trees spread throughout the village area.
The administrative hierarchy, from smallest to largest, is Laida (Post office, Gram panchayat), Rengali (Block panchayat, Tahsil), Sambalpur, (district), Orissa (State), India.
The nearest airport is in Jharsuguda, Bhubaneswar, Raipur. The nearest railway station is Jharsuguda.
It is said that, a couple of centuries ago, "Aghria", a migrated caste from far Agra, near Delhi, came and settled here, and later spread out in all directions from here. In 2010, the Aghria Community built this in remembrance of their first settlement place.In Aghria language it is called their khunti gada jaga.
Flora and fauna
Domestic animals and birds include cattle, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks, parrots, champa and maina. Cultivated plants include tulsi, mango, guava, banana, rose, dahlia, chauldhua, kuiler, coconut, lichi, apple, Moringa oleifera and many others. Monkeys, rabbits and elephants are commonly found in the jungle. Local vegetation is composed of sishu, kendu, Madhuca indica, Azadirachta indica, Tamarindus indica, Ficus religiosa, Ficus bengalensis, kusam, jam, palm, saguan, harda, bahara, ananla, bel, char, krushnachuda, tut, kaha, kia, semel and a wide range of other plants.
Economy, demographics and religion
100 percent of the population of the village practices Hinduism. Most of the villagers are farmers and a significant number are teachers. Shops sell a wide variety of goods. A few people are also engaged in professions like medicine, law enforcement, technical, IT, and research. The village produces surplus quantities of rice, potatoes, capsicum, mango, cashew nut, sugarcane, and other agricultural products. The village is divided into "pada". People from many castes live in the village.
There are two bank in Laida. 1-Utkal Gramya Bank. 2-State Bank Of India. Where people of Laida and all neighbor village depends. Utkal Gramya Bank is the oldest bank in the village, where as State Bank Of India is giving services in Laida from 2010.An SBI ATM has been opened in Laida. Both the banks ARE helping farmers, business men and employees by giving different types of loan and are the part of the developing Village. Study loan providing by them helping lot of intelligent students to complete their studies.
Post office
Weather details
A wide variety of sports is played throughout the village. These include kabbadi, kho kho, pehlwani, gilli-danda, football, cricket, hockey, badminton etc. In between the above all the games, the most played game among young mass is cricket. Village people are very crazy about cricket and supporting a lot to improve the talent of the young generation who want to make career in cricket.
There are many playgrounds in Laida but Jagannath Field is the biggest playground. It is between Laida and Rangatikra, where players practice cricket, and many tournaments are also held in this ground.
Tourist places nearby
- Gudguda (Kuchinda)
- Shiva Shrine of Mahadebpali (Samasingha, Sudhamal, Laida)
- Sarapancha:Santosh pradhan
- Member of Legistative Assembly:Ramesh patua(BJD)
- Member of Parliament:Nagendra pradhan(BJD)
Sarpanch Santosh Padhan.14 wards in panchayat. Iswar Naik(CPI), Saoj Pujari(INC) & Jugal Kishor Sahu(BJD) .
External links