Law enforcement in Cape Verde
The Law enforcement in Cape Verde is carried out by the Judicial police.
The captain of the Armed Forces, Abailard Barbosa Amado, was the first Executive Director of the PJ, and should bear the responsibility for initiating the building of this institution. The period that followed the creation of legal PJ was tapped to be selected by public tender, the tables, after specific training in criminal investigation techniques and lofoscópicas the country and in Portugal, conducted by the Institute of Judicial and Police Science criminal, would be included in the categories of technical professionals Lofoscopia, Agent, Inspector and Inspectors of the PJ framework Cape Verde.
The current police force was created in May 1993.
The First Training Course was held in 1994 and agents of the Judicial Police attended and completed by 3 and 20 candidates respectively. In Cape Verde there are 1,947 law enforcement officers of which 13% are women as of April, 2012.
See also
External links