Leo Tolstoy bibliography
This is a list of works by Russian writer Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910), including his novels, short stories, plays and non-fiction.
This literature-related list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
- Childhood (Детство [Detstvo], 1852) – Volume 1 of 'Autobiographical Trilogy'
- Boyhood (Отрочество [Otrochestvo], 1854) – Volume 2 of 'Autobiographical Trilogy'
- Youth (Юность [Yunost'], 1856) – Volume 3 of 'Autobiographical Trilogy'
- The Cossacks (Казаки [Kazaki], 1863)
- War and Peace (Война и мир [Voyna i mir], 1869)
- Anna Karenina (Анна Каренина [Anna Karenina], 1877)
- Resurrection (Воскресение [Voskresenie], 1899)
Short stories
- "The Raid" ("Набег" ["Nabeg"], 1852)
- "The Wood-Felling" ("Рубка леса" ["Rubka lesa"], 1855)
- "Sevastopol Sketches" ("Севастопольские рассказы" ["Sevastopolskie rasskazy"], 1855–1856)
- "Sevastopol in December 1854" (1855)
- "Sevastopol in May 1855" (1855)
- "Sevastopol in August 1855" (1856)
- "A Billiard-Marker's Notes" ("Записки маркера" ["Zapiski markera"], 1855)
- "The Snowstorm" ("Метель" ["Metel"], 1856)
- "Two Hussars" ("Два гусара" ["Dva gusara"], 1856)
- "A Landlord's Morning" (1856)
- "Meeting a Moscow Acquaintance in the Detachment" (1856)
- "Lucerne" ("Люцерн" ["Lyutsern"], 1857)
- "Albert" ("Альберт" ["Al'bert"], 1858)
- "Three Deaths" ("Три смерти" ["Tri smerti"], 1859)
- "The Porcelain Doll" (1863)
- "Polikúshka" ("Поликушка" ["Polikushka"], 1863)
- "God Sees the Truth, But Waits" ("Бог правду видит, да не скоро скажет" ["Bog pravdu vidit, da ne skoro skazhet"], 1872)
- "The Prisoner in the Caucasus" ("Кавказский пленник" ["Kavkazskii plennik"], 1872)
- "The Bear-Hunt" (1872)
- "What Men Live By" ("Чем люди живы" ["Chem lyudi zhivy"], 1881)
- "Memoirs of a Madman" (1884)
- "Quench the Spark" ("Упустишь огонь, не потушишь" ["Upustish ogon', ne potushish"], 1885)
- "Two Old Men" (1885)
- "Where Love Is, God Is" ("Где любовь, там и бог" ["Gde lyubov', tam i bog], 1885)
- "Ivan the Fool" ("Сказка об Иване—дураке" ["Skazka ob Ivane—durake"], 1885)
- "Evil Allures, But Good Endures" (1885)
- "Wisdom of Children" (1885)
- "Ilyás" (1885)
- "The Three Hermits" (1886)
- "Promoting a Devil" (1886)
- "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" ("Много ли человеку земли нужно" ["Mnogo li cheloveku zemli nuzhno"], 1886)
- "The Grain" (1886)
- "The Godson" (1886)
- "Repentance" (1886)
- "Croesus and Fate" (1886)
- "Kholstomer" ("Холстомер" ["Kholstomer"], 1888)
- "A Lost Opportunity" (1889)
- "The Empty Drum" (1891)
- "Françoise" (1892)
- "A Talk Among Leisured People" (1893)
- "Walk in the Light While There is Light" (1893)
- "The Coffee-House of Surrat" (1893)
- "Master and Man" ("Хозяин и работник" ["Khozyain and rabotnik"], 1895)
- "Too Dear!" ("Дорого стоит" ["Dorogo stoit"], 1897)
- "Father Sergius" ("Отец Сергий" ["Otetz Sergij"], 1898)
- "Esarhaddon, King of Assyria" (1903)
- "Work, Death, and Sickness" (1903)
- "Three Questions" ("Три вопроса" ["Tri voprosa"], 1903)
- "After the Ball" (1903)
- "Feodor Kuzmich" (1905)
- "Alyosha the Pot" ("Алёша Горшок" ["Alyosha Gorshok"], 1905)
- "What For?" (1906)
- "The Devil" ("Дьявол" ["Dyavol"], 1889)
Philosophical works
- A Confession (1879) – Volume 1 of an untitled four-part work[1]
- A Criticism of Dogmatic Theology (1880) – Volume 2 of an untitled four-part work
- The Gospel in Brief, or A Short Exposition of the Gospel (1881)
- The Four Gospel Unified and Translated (1881) – Volume 3 of an untitled four-part work
- Church and State (1882)
- What I Believe (also called My Religion) (1884) – Volume 4 of an untitled four-part work
- What Is to Be Done? (also translated as What Then Must We Do?) (1886)
- On Life (1887)
- The Love of God and of One's Neighbour (1889)
- Supplementary essay for Timofei Bondarev's The Triumph of the Farmer or Industry and Parasitism (1888)
- Why Do Men Intoxicate Themselves? (1890)
- The First Step: on vegetarianism (1892)
- The Kingdom of God Is Within You (1893)
- Non-Activity (1893)
- The Meaning of Refusal of Military Service (1893)
- Reason and Religion (1894)
- Religion and Morality (1894)
- Christianity and Patriotism (1894)
- Non-Resistance: letter to Ernest H. Crospy (1896)
- How to Read the Gospels (1896)
- The Deception of the Church (1896)
- Letter to the Liberals[2] (1898)
- Christian Teaching (1898)
- On Suicide (1900)
- The Slavery of Our Times (1900)
- Thou Shalt Not Kill (1900)
- Reply to the Holy Synod (1901)
- The Only Way (1901)
- On Religious Toleration (1901)
- What Is Religion and What is its Essence? (1902)
- To the Orthodox Clergy (1903)
- Thoughts of Wise Men (compilation; 1904)
- The Only Need (1905)
- The Grate Sin (1905)
- A Cycle of Reading (compilation; 1906)
- Do Not Kill (1906)
- Love Each Other (1906)
- An Appeal to Youth (1907)
- The Law of Love and the Law of Violence (1908)[3]
- The Only Command (1909)
- A Calendar of Wisdom (Путь Жизни [Put' Zhizni]; compilation; 1909)
Works on art and literature
- What Is Art? (1897)
- Art and Not Art (1897)
- Shakespeare and the Drama (1909)
Pedagogical works
- Articles from Tolstoy's journal on education, "Yasnaya Polyana" (1861–1862)
- A Primer (1872)
- On Popular Instruction (1874)
- A New Primer (1875)
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| Family | |
| Life and legacy | |
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