Lepadogaster purpurea

Lepadogaster Purpurea
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Gobiesociformes
Family: Gobiesocidae
Genus: Lepadogaster
Gouan, 1770
Species: Purpurea

Lepadogaster purpurea (Bonnaterre, 1788; Cornish sucker) is one of three species of Lepadogaster. L. purpurea was once synonymous with Lepadogaster zebrina, but has since been classified as its own species as L. zebrina has been discovered to be more synonymous with L. lepadogaster.[1] This species of Lepadogaster is found normally off the western coast of Portugal. L. purpurea differs from other Lepadogaster species in that it behaves in a much more passive manner. For example, studies have shown that L. purpurea was less active in its habitat and spent more time inside its shelter rather than interacting with other fish and swimming around.[2] L. purpurea also has different swim patterns than the other Lepadogaster species. L. purpurea generally swims at a much slower pace and doesn't make quick movements like the shore clingfish.[3]


  1. Henriques, M., Lourenço, R., Almada, F., Calado, G., Gonçlaves, D., Guiillemaud, T., Cancela, M.L. and Almada, V. C. (2002), A revision of the status of Lepadogaster lepadogaster(Teleostei: Gobiesocidae): sympatric subspecies or a long misunderstood blend of species?. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 76: 327–338. doi: 10.1046/j.1095-8312.2002.00067.x
  2. Gonçalves, D. M., Gonçalves, E. J., Almada, V. C. and Almeida, S. P. (1998), Comparative behavior of two species of Lepadogaster (Pisces: Gobiesocidae) living at different depths. Journal of Fish Biology, 53: 447–450. doi: 10.1111/j.1095-8649.1998.tb00992.x
  3. Faria, A. M., & Gonçalves, E. J. (2010). Ontogeny of swimming behaviour of two temperate clingfishes, Lepadogaster lepadogaster and L. purpurea (Gobiesocidae).Mar Ecol Prog Ser 414:237-248.

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