Loet Leydesdorff

Louis André (Loet) Leydesdorff (born 21 August 1948, Djakarta (Dutch Indies)) is a Dutch sociologist, cyberneticist and Professor in the Dynamics of Scientific Communication and Technological Innovation at the University of Amsterdam.[1] He is known for his work in the sociology of communication and innovation.
Leydesdorff was born in 1948 in Djakarta in the Dutch Indies. He received a B.Sc. in chemistry in 1969, a M.Sc. biochemistry in 1973, an M.A. in philosophy in 1977 and in 1984 a Ph.D. in sociology.
In 1969 he started working as part-time professor for chemical technology at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. In 1972 he started his career at the University of Amsterdam as teaching assistant for "Science and Society" at the Philosophy Faculty. In 1980 he became Senior lecturer at the Department of Science & Technology Dynamics of the University of Amsterdam and since 2000 the Amsterdam School of Communications Research as well.[2]
Leydesdorff is on the editorial boards of several journals since 1987.[3] He further worked for the Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies journal 1999-2001, for Science, Technology and Society in 2001-02 and for the Journal of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics from 1995 to 1998. As contributing editor he also worked for Science, Technology & Human Values 1988-1990 and for Science & Technology Studies 1987-1988.
He received the Derek de Solla Price Award for scientometrics in 2003.[4] Since 2006 he has been Honorary Research Fellow at the Virtual Knowledge Studio of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. And since 2007 Honorary Fellow of SPRU – Science and Technology Policy Research of the University of Sussex. Currently he is president of the Dutch Systems Group society, the society that cofounded the International Federation for Systems Research in the begin of the 1980s.
Leydesdorff's research interests are in the fields of the philosophy of science, social network analysis, scientometrics, and the sociology of innovation. His studies in communication in science, technology, and innovation enabled him to specify theory and methods for understanding the dynamics of knowledge-based development.
Selected publications
Leydesdorff has published extensively in fields of systems theory, social network analysis, scientometrics, and the sociology of innovation.[5][6] Books:
- 1987. The Social Direction of the Public Sciences: Causes and Consequences of Cooperation Between Scientists and Non-Scientific Groups. With Stuart Blume, Joske Bunders and Richard P. Whitley. Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, Springer.
- 1994. Evolutionary Economics and Chaos Theory: New Directions in Technology Studies. With Peter Van Den Besselaar. Palgrave Macmillan.
- 2001. The Challenge of Scientometrics: the development, measurement, and self-organization of scientific communications, Universal Publishers [7]
- 2001. A Sociological Theory of Communication: The Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society. Universal Publishers/uPublish.com.[8]
- 2005. Universities And The Global Knowledge Economy: A Triple Helix Of University-Industry-Government Relations. With Henry Etzkowitz. Continuum International Publishing Group.
- 2006. The Knowledge-Based Economy: Modeled, Measured, Simulated. Universal Publishers.
Articles, a selection:
- 1994. "The Evolution of Communication Systems". In: Int. J. Systems Research and Information Science Vol 6, pp. 219–30.
- 2001. "The dynamics of innovation: from National Systems and ‘‘Mode 2’’ to a Triple Helix of university–industry–government relations". With Henry Etzkowitz. In: Research Policy, vol 29, pp 109–123.
- 2005. "Globalisation in the network of science in 2005: The diffusion of international collaboration and the formation of a core group". With Caroline S. Wagner.
- 2006. "Regional Development in the Knowledge-Based Economy: The Construction of Advantage". With Phil Cooke. In: Journal of Technology Transfer. Special Issue, pp. 1–15.
- ↑ University of Amsterdam. 2014. “About UvA - Staff Profile Page: Dhr. Prof. Dr. L.A. (Loet) Leydesdorff.” Accessed August 18, 2014. http://www.uva.nl/over-de-uva/organisatie/medewerkers/content/l/e/l.a.leydesdorff/l.a.leydesdorff.html.
- ↑ Loet Leydesdorf at itsy.co.uk/archive. Accessed 08.2015.
- ↑ Leydesdorff is on the editorial boards of:
- Scientometrics since 1987,
- Social Science Information since 1994,
- Industry and Higher Education since 1997,
- Cybermetrics since 1997,
- the Journal of Technology Transfer since 1999,
- the TripleC: e-journal for cognition • communication • co-operation since 2002,
- the Science & Public Policy since 2004,
- Science Forum since 2005,
- Informetrics since 2006, and
- the International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies since 2006.
- ↑ Ronald Rousseau (2004), "Loet Leydesdorff: Recipient of the 2003 Derek de Solla Price Award", in: Scientometrics Vol 60, Nr.3, August 2004, p.275-277.
- ↑ The sciences lab on organisations, retrieved September 2007.
- ↑ For a complete list of publications see Leyesdorff's list of publications.
- ↑ A previous monograph had a second on-line edition at http://www.upbulish.com/leydesdorff-sci.htm
- ↑ Universal Publishers :: Bookstore
External links
- Homepage Loet Leyesdorff