Library of Congress Classification:Class B, subclass BX -- Christian Denominations

Subclass BX: Christian Denominations is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system under Class B -- Philosophy, Psychology, Religion. This article describes subclass BX.


1-9999 Christian Denominations
1-9.5 Church unity. Ecumenical movement. Interdenominational cooperation
100-189 Eastern churches. Oriental churches
100-107 General
120-129 Armenian Church
130-139 Coptic Church
140-149 Ethiopic or Abyssinian Church
150-159 Nestorian, Chaldean, or East Syrian Church
160-169 St. Thomas Christians. Malabar Christians. Mar Thoma Syrian Church
170-179 Syrian or Jacobite Church
180-189 Maronite Church
200-756 Orthodox Eastern Church
200-395 General
400-756 Divisions of the church
400-440 Patriarchates of the East. Melchites
450-450.93 Church of Cyprus
460-605 Russian Church
610-620 Church of Greece
630-639 Orthodox Church in Austria and Hungary
650-659 Bulgarian Church
660-669 Georgian Church
670-679 Montenegrin Church
690-699 Romanian Church
710-719 Serbian Church. Yugoslav Church
720-729 Orthodox Eastern Church, Macedonian
729.5 Orthodox Eastern Church, Ukrainian
729.9-755 Orthodox Church in other regions or countries
800-4795 Catholic Church
800-839 Periodicals. Societies, councils, congresses, etc.
840 Museums. Exhibitions
841 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias
845 Directories. Yearbooks
847 Atlases
850-875 Documents
880-891 General collected works
895-939 Study and teaching
940-1745 History. Including lives of popes
1746-1755 Theology. Doctrine. Dogmatics
1756 Sermons
1760-1779.5 Controversial works
1781-1788 Catholic Church and other churches
1790-1793 Catholic Church and the state
1800-1920 Government and organization
1958-1968 Creeds and catechisms
1969 Forms of worship. Catholic practice
1970-2175 Liturgy and ritual
2050-2175 Prayers and devotions
2177-2198 Meditations. Devotional readings. Spiritual exercises, etc.
2200-2292 Sacraments
2295-2310 Sacramentals
2312 Images
2315-2324 Relics. Shrines. Pilgrimages. Processions
2325-2333 Saints. Hagiology
2347-2377 Practical religion. Christian life
2380-2386 Religious life. Religious state
2400-4563 Monasticism. Religious orders
2890-4192 Religious orders of men
4200-4563 Religious orders of women
4600-4644 Churches, cathedrals, abbeys (as parish churches), etc.
4650-4705 Biography and portraits
4650-4698 Collective
4654-4662 Saints and martyrs
4700-4705 Individual
4700 Saints
4710.1-4715.95 Eastern churches in communion with Rome. Catholics of the Oriental rites. Uniats
4716.4-4795 Dissenting sects other than Protestant
4718.5-4735 Jansenists
4737 French schisms of the 19th century
4740 German Catholics
4751-4793 Old Catholics
4793.5-4794.25 Independent Catholic Churches
4795 Other
4800-9999 Protestantism
4800-4861 General
4872-4924 Pre-Reformation
4872-4893 Waldenses and Albigenses
4900-4906 Lollards. Wycliffites
4913-4924 Hussites
4920-4924 Bohemian Brethren
4929-4951 Post-Reformation
4929-4946 Anabaptists
4950-4951 Plain People
5001-5009 Anglican Communion (General)
5011-5207 Church of England
5011-5050 General
5051-5110 History. Local divisions
5115-5126 Special parties and movements
5127-5129.8 Church of England and other churches
5130-5132 General
5133 Sermons. Tracts. Addresses. Essays
5135-5136 Controversial works
5137-5139 Creeds and catechisms, etc.
5140.5-5147 Liturgy and ritual
5148-5149 Sacraments
5150-5182.5 Government. Organization. Discipline
5183-5187 Religious communities. Conventual life. Religious societies
5194-5195 Cathedrals, churches, etc. in England and Wales
5197-5199 Biography
5200-5207 Dissent and nonconformity
5210-5395 Episcopal Church in Scotland
5410-5595 Church of Ireland
5596-5598 Church in Wales
5600-5740 Church of England outside of Great Britain
5601-5620 Anglican Church of Canada
5800-5995 Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America
5996-6030 Protestant Episcopal Church outside the United States
6051-6093 Reformed Episcopal Church
6101-9999 Other Protestant denominations (Alphabetical; only larger denominations listed. The subarrangement is essentially the same for each sect, the primary features being indicated by way of example under Baptists)
6101-6193 Adventists. “Millerites”
6195-6197 Arminians. Remonstrants
6201-6495 Baptists
6201-6227 General
6231-6328 History. Local divisions
6329 Baptists and other churches
6330-6331.2 Doctrine
6333 Sermons. Tracts
6334 Controversial works
6335-6336 Creeds. Catechisms
6337 Service. Ritual. Liturgy
6338-6339 Sacraments
6340-6346.3 Government. Discipline
6349-6470 Individual branches
6480-6490 Individual Baptist churches
6493-6495 Biography
6551-6593 Catholic Apostolic Church. Irvingites
6651-6693 Christadelphians. Brothers of Christ
6751-6793 Christian Church
6801-6843 Christian Reformed Church
6901-6997 Christian Science
7003 Christian Union
7020-7060 Church of God
7079-7097 Churches of God
7101-7260 Congregationalism
7301-7343 Disciples of Christ. Campbellites
7401-7430 Dowieism. Christian Catholic Church
7451-7493 Evangelical and Reformed Church
7556 Evangelical United Brethren Church
7580-7583 Free Congregations (Germany). Freie Gemeinden
7601-7795 Friends. Society of Friends. Quakers
7801-7843 German Baptist Brethren. Church of the Brethren. Dunkards
7850-7865 German Evangelical Protestant Church of North America. Evangelical Protestant Church of North America
7901-7943 German Evangelical Synod of North America
7990.H6-.H69 Holiness churches
8001-8080 Lutheran churches
8101-8144 Mennonites
8201-8495 Methodism
8525-8528 Millennial Dawnists. Jehovah’s Witnesses
8551-8593 Moravian Church. United Brethren. Unitas Fratrum. Herrnhuters
8601-8695 Mormons. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
8701-8749 New Jerusalem Church. New Church. Swedenborgianism
8762-8785 Pentecostal churches
8799-8809 Plymouth Brethren. Darbyites
8901-9225 Presbyterianism. Calvinistic Methodism
9301-9359 Puritanism
9401-9640 Reformed or Calvinistic Churches
9675 River Brethren. Brethren in Christ
9701-9743 Salvation Army
9751-9793 Shakers. United Society of Believers. Millennial Church
9801-9869 Unitarianism
9875-9877.1 United Brethren in Christ. Church of the United Brethren in Christ
9881-9882.95 United Church of Canada
9884-9886 United Church of Christ
9887 United Evangelical Church
9889 United Missionary Church
9901-9969 Universalism. Universalists
9975 Volunteers of America
9980 Walloon Church
9998 Other beliefs and movements akin to Christianity
9999 Independent churches, parishes, societies, etc.


Library of Congress Classification Outline

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