Library of Congress Classification:Class K -- Law
Class K: Law is a classification used by the Library of Congress Classification system. This page outlines the sub-classes of Class K.
K - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence
K1-7720 - Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence
- K1-36.5 - Periodicals
- K37-44 - Bibliography
- K46 - Monographic series
- K48 - Encyclopedias
- K50-54 - Dictionaries. Words and phrases
- K58 - Maxims. Quotations
- K(64) - Yearbooks
- K68-70 - Directories
- K85-89 - Legal research
- K94 - Legal composition and draftsmanship
- K100-103 - Legal education
- K109-110 - Law societies. International bar associations
- K115-130 - The legal profession
- K133 - Legal aid. Legal assistance to the poor
- K140-165 - History of law
- K170 - Biography
- K(175) - Congresses
- K(176)-(177) - Collected works (nonserial)
- K(179) - Addresses, essays, lectures
- K181-184.7 - Miscellany
- K190-195 - Ethnological jurisprudence. Primitive law
- K201-487 - Jurisprudence. Philosophy and theory of law
- K202 - Periodicals
- K212-213 - Methodology
- K215-218 - History
- K236 - Universality and non-universality of law
- K237-264 - The concept of law
- K270-274 - Acts and events
- K280-286 - Sources of law
- K288-296 - Interpretation and construction of law. Lacunae in law
- K300-304 - Classification of law. Typology
- K321-474 - Schools of legal theory
- K325-328 - Historical jurisprudence
- K330-344 - Positivism
- K366-380 - Sociology of law. Sociological jurisprudence
- K400-474 - Natural law
- K486-487 - Relation of law to other topics
- K520-5582 - Comparative law. International uniform law
- K524-525 - Treaties and other international agreements
- K540-546 - Trials
- K578-579 - Concepts applying to several branches of law
- K583-(591) - Legal systems compared
- K592-597 - Regional divisions. Interregional comparative law
- K600-615 - Private law
- K605-615 - Unification
- K623-968 - Civil law (common law)
- K625-709 - Persons
- K670-709 - Domestic relations. Family law
- K720-792 - Property
- K795-798 - Trusts and trustees
- K805-821 - Succession upon death
- K830-968 - Obligations
- K840-917 - Contracts
- K920 - Restitution. Quasi contracts. Unjust enrichment
- K923-968 - Torts
- K625-709 - Persons
- K970 - Compensation to victims of crime. Reparation
- K1000-1395 - Commercial law
- K1010-1014 - The merchant. Business enterprises
- K1021-1022 - Commercial agency
- K1024-1132 - Commercial contracts
- K1026-1045 - Sale of goods
- K1054-1065.5 - Negotiable instruments
- K1066-1089 - Banking
- K1094-1096 - Loan of money
- K1100-1109 - Secured transactions
- K1112-1116 - Investments
- K1130-1132 - Carriage of goods and passengers. Carriers
- K1150-1231 - Maritime law
- K1195-1223 - Maritime social legislation
- K1226-1231 - Marine insurance
- K1241-1287 - Insurance
- K1301-1366 - Business associations
- K1370-1395 - Insolvency and bankruptcy. Creditors' rights
- K1401-1578 - Intellectual property
- K1411-1485 - Copyright
- K1500-1578 - Industrial property
- K1700-1973 - Social legislation
- K1701-1841 - Labor law
- K1861-1929 - Social insurance
- K1960-1973 - Public welfare. Public assistance
- K2100-2385 - Courts. Procedure
- K2110-2155 - Court organization and procedure
- K2201-2385 - Civil procedure
- K2390 - Negotiated settlement. Compromise
- K2400-2405 - Arbitration and award
- K3150 - Public law
- K3154-3370 - Constitutional law
- K3161 - Constitutional history
- K3169 - The state
- K3171-3179 - Constitutional principles
- K3184-3188 - Form and structure of government
- K3195 - National territory
- K3201 - Foreign relations administration
- K3220 - Public policy
- K3224-3278 - Individual and state
- K3280-3282 - Church and state
- K3289-3367 - Organs of government
- K3290-3304 - The people. Election law
- K3310-3329 - The legislature
- K3332-3363 - Heads of state and the central government
- K3367 - The judiciary
- K3370 - Constitutional courts and procedure
- K3375 - Colonial law
- K3400-3431 - Administrative law
- K3402-3417 - The administrative process
- K3420-3431 - Administrative organization
- K3440-3460 - Civil service. Government officials and employees
- K3476-3560 - Public property. Public restraint on private property
- K3566-3578 - Public health
- K3581-(3598) - Environmental law
- K3601-3611 - Medical legislation
- K3615-3622 - Veterinary laws. Veterinary medicine and hygiene. Prevention of cruelty to animals
- K3625-3649 - Food. Drugs. Cosmetics
- K3651-3654 - Alcohol. Alcoholic beverages
- K3661-3674 - Public safety
- K3700-3705 - Control of social activities
- K3740-3762 - Education
- K3770-3795 - Science and arts. Research
- K3820-3836 - Economic constitution, policy, planning, and development
- K3840-4375 - Regulation of industry, trade, and commerce. Occupational law
- K3842-3862 - Trade regulations. Control of trade practices
- K3870-3918 - Primary production. Extractive industries
- K3921-3925 - Manufacturing industries
- K3926-3935 - Food processing industries
- K3941-3974 - Trade and commerce
- K3978-3992 - Public utilities
- K4011-4343 - Transportation and communication
- K4360-4375 - Professions and occupations
- K4430-4675 - Public finance
- K4453-4640 - National revenue
- K4650-4675 - State and local finance
- K4700-4705 - Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis
- K4720-4780 - National defense. Military law
- K4725-4734 - The military establishment. Armed forces
- K4740-4760 - Military criminal law and procedure
- K5000-5582 - Criminal law and procedure
- K5015.4-5350 - Criminal law
- K5401-5570 - Criminal procedure
- K5575-5582 - Juvenile criminal law and procedure
- K7000-7720 - Private international law. Conflict of laws
- K7051-7054 - International unification, approximation, and harmonization
- K7060-7081 - Choice of law
- K7085 - Retroactive law. Intertemporal law
- K7090 - Juristic acts
- K7120-7197 - Persons
- K7125-7140 - Natural persons
- K7145-7148 - Juristic persons. Associations
- K7155-7197 - Domestic relations. Family law
- K7157-7179 - Marriage. Husband and wife
- K7181-7197 - Parent and child. Guardian and ward
- K7200-7218 - Property
- K7222 - Trust and trustees
- K7230-7245 - Succession upon death
- K7260-7338 - Obligations
- K7265-7305 - Contracts
- K7310 - Restitution. Quasi contracts. Unjust enrichment
- K7315-7338 - Torts
- K7340-7512 - Commercial law
- K7350-7444 - Commercial contracts
- K7449-7460 - Maritime law
- K7470 - Insurance
- K7485-7495 - Business associations. Business corporations
- K7510-7512 - Insolvency and bankruptcy. Creditors' rights
- K7550-7582 - Intellectual property
- K7555-7557 - Copyright
- K7570-7582 - Industrial property
- K7585-7595 - Social legislation
- K7611-7688 - Civil procedure. International civil procedure
- K7690 - Arbitration and award
- K7720 - Recognition of foreign administrative acts
KB - Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence
KB1-4855 - Religious law in general. Comparative religious law. Jurisprudence
- KB2-4 - Bibliography
- KB7-68 - Periodicals
- KB68 - Annuals. Annuaires
- KB70.A-Z - Monographic series. By title, A-Z
- KB73 - Collections. Compilations (General and comprehensive)
- KB74-78 - Auxiliary sciences KB90.A-Z Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularies. By author or title, A-Z
- KB100.A-Z - Proverbia. Legal maxims. Brocardica juris. Regulae juris. By author or title, A-Z
- KB122 - Biography (Collective)
- KB130 - Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research
- KB150 - Conferences. Symposia
- KB160 - General works. Treatises
- KB162-250 - Legal systems compared
- KB270-280 - Theory, philosophy, and science of religious law
- KB400-4855 - Interdisciplinary discussion of subjects
- KB400 - Ritual law. Religious observances and rituals
- KB410 - Law reform and policies. Criticism
- KB479 - Private law (General)
- KB480-482 - Private international law. Conflict of laws
- KB491 - Civil law (General)
- KB524-530 - Persons
- KB531-619 - Domestic relations. Family law
- KB622-628.5 - Guardianship. Guardian and ward
- KB632-636.2 - Inheritance and succession
- KB636.3 - Gifts. Charitable gifts. Donations
- KB640-726 - Property. Res in commercio
- KB810-962.8 - Obligations. Contracts and transactions
- KB1270-1278 - Labor laws and legislation
- KB1468-1550 - Social laws and legislation. Welfare. Charities
- KB1572-1690 - Courts and procedure
- KB2000-2035 - Public law. The State
- KB2101-2862 - Constitutions and religion. Constitutional and administrative law
- KB2870 - Civil service. Employees of state, communal agencies, and religious corporations
- KB3000-3034 - Police and public safety
- KB3040.5-3056 - Public property. Government property
- KB3075-3096.5 - Public health
- KB3098-3121.7 - Medical legislation
- KB3122 - Veterinary medicine and hygiene. Veterinary public health
- KB3123-3123.5 - Animal protection. Animal welfare. Animal rights
- KB3124-3125 - Birth control. Family planning
- KB3127-3135 - Environmental law
- KB3137-3183 - Cultural affairs
- KB3190-3429 - Economic law
- KB3440-3500.7 - Transportation and communication
- KB3515-3522 - Professions. Intelligentsia
- KB3526-3694 - Public finance
- KB3709-3726 - Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis
- KB3735-3780 - Military law
- KB3790-4855 - Criminal law and procedure
KBM - Jewish law
KBM1-4855 - Jewish law. Halakah
- (KBM523.6-523.72 - Halakah)
- KBM523.6 - Even ha-'ezer law (General)
- KBM523.72 - Hoshen mishpat law (General)
- KBM523.8-4855 - Mishpat Ivri
- KBM523.8 - Bibliography
- KBM523.9 - Legal education. Study and teaching
- KBM524 - General works
- KBM524.12-524.26 - The concept of Jewish law
- KBM524.3 - Sources of Jewish law (Mishpat Ivri)
- KBM524.32-.34 - Methodology of law development
- KBM524.36 - Influence of other legal systems on Jewish law
- KBM524.38 - Law reform and policies. Criticism
- KBM524.4.A-Z - Concepts applying to several branches of the law, A-Z
- KBM524.42 - Private law
- KBM524.43 - Conflict of laws. Plurality of laws conflict
- KBM524.5 - Assistance in emergencies
- KBM524.6-530 - Persons
- KBM531-619 - Domestic relations. Family law
- KBM622-628.5 - Guardian and ward. Apotropos
- KBM632-636.2 - Inheritance and succession
- KBM636.3 - Gifts. Charitable gifts. Donations
- KBM639-1424 - Dinei mamonot
- KBM1468-1547 - Social laws and legislation
- KBM1572-1942 - Courts and procedure
- KBM2000-2024 - Public law. The state and the Jewish community. Kehillah
- KBM2070-2614 - Constitutional law. Constitutional principles of the Jewish community
- KBM2711-2840 - Administrative law and process of communal agencies
- KBM2970 - Civil service. Employees of communal agencies
- KBM3000-3036.5 - Police and public safety
- KBM3040.5-3073 - Public property. Communal property. Restraints on private property
- KBM3075-3097 - Public health
- KBM3098-3122 - Medical legislation
- KBM3124-3125 - Birth control. Family planning
- KBM3127-3134 - Environmental law
- KBM3137-3183 - Cultural affairs
- KBM3190-3436 - Economic law
- KBM3440-3504.5 - Transportation and communication
- KBM3515-3519 - Professions
- KBM3526-3695 - Public finance
- KBM3709-3729 - Measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis
- KBM3738-3785 - Community defense. Military law
- KBM3790-4855 - Criminal law and procedure
KBP - Islamic law
KBP1-4860 - Islamic law. Shari'ah. Fiqh
- KBP2.2-8 - Bibliography
- KBP9.5 - Monographic series
- KBP10-14.5 - Societies. Associations
- KBP15 - Congresses. Conferences
- KBP18 - Academies. Institutes
- KBP40 - Encyclopedias. Dictionaries
- KBP40.2 - Maxims. Quotations
- KBP40.5 - Directories
- KBP41 - Legal research
- KBP42-43 - Legal education. Study and teaching
- KBP50-69 - History, development and application of Islamic law
- KBP70-75.4 - Biography
- KBP100-136.8 - Sources
- KBP144 - General works
- KBP173.25-.6 - Islamic law and other disciplines or subjects
- KBP174-190.5 - Observances and practice of Islam
- KBP250-420 - Schools of thought. Islamic legal schools. Madhahib
- KBP425-466.3 - Usul al-fiqh. Jurisprudence and theory of law. Science of legal reasoning
- KBP469 - Influence of other legal systems on Islamic law
- KBP470 - Law reform. Criticism. Tanzim
- KBP480-485 - Conflict of laws. Tanazu' al-qawanin
- KBP490-4860 - Furu' al-fiqh. Substantive law. Branches of law
- KBP490.2-490.95 - General works. Treatises
- KBP491-497.95 - Particular genres
- KBP500-509.8 - General concepts
- KBP524-638 - Ahal shakhsiyah
- KBP639-1154 - Mu'amalat
- KBP1155-1194 - Intellectual and industrial property
- KBP1234-1259 - Unfair competition
- KBP1270-1467 - Labor laws and legislation
- KBP1468-1569 - Social laws and legislation
- KBP1572-1942 - Courts and procedure
- KBP2000-2035 - Public law. The state and Islam
- KBP2101-2612 - Constitution of the state. Constitutional law
- KBP2730-2968 - Government and administration. Siyasah. Administrative process
- KBP2970 - Civil service. Employees of communal agencies
- KBP3000-3037 - Police and public safety
- KBP3040.5-3072 - Public property. Government property
- KBP3075-3096.5 - Public health
- KBP3098-3121.5 - Medical legislation
- KBP3122 - Veterinary medicine and hygiene. Veterinary public health
- KBP3123-3123.5 - Animal protection. Animal welfare. Animal rights
- KBP3124-3125 - Birth control. Family planning
- KBP3127-3135 - Environmental law
- KBP3137-3183.3 - Cultural affairs
- KBP3190-3437 - Economic law
- KBP3440-3512 - Transportation and communication
- KBP3515-3521 - Professions. Intelligentsia
- KBP3526-3705 - Public finance
- KBP3709-3727 - Government measures in time of war, national emergency, or economic crisis
- KBP3738-3785 - Military law
- KBP3790-4860 - Criminal law and procedure
KBR - History of canon law
KBR2-4090 - History of canon law
- KBR2-19 - Bibliography
- KBR21 - Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks
- KBR22 - Monographic series
- KBR27-41.7 - Official acts of the Holy See
- KBR42-54.5 - Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
- KBR56 - Encyclopedias. Law dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularia
- KBR64 - Directories
- KBR74-83 - Auxiliary sciences
- KBR100.A-Z - Proverbia. Legal maxims. Brocardica juris. Regulae juris
- KBR105.A-Z - Formularies. Clauses and forms. Formularia
- KBR122-124 - Collective biography of canonists or jurists
- KBR127-129.5 - Trials
- KBR130-132 - Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research
- KBR133-134 - Legal education. Study and teaching
- KBR136-148 - Societies. Associations. Academies, etc.
- KBR150 - Conferences. Symposia
- KBR160 - General works
- KBR190-2154.5 - Sources
- KBR2155-2157 - Canon law and other disciplines or subjects
- KBR2160-2204.5 - Canonical jurisprudence. Canonical science
- KBR2205-2206.3 - Influence of other legal systems on Canon law
- KBR2207 - Law reform and policies. Criticism
- KBR2208.A-Z - General concepts and principles, A-Z
- KBR2224-2295 - Ius ecclesiasticum privatum
- KBR2310-3026 - Constitution of the Church
- KBR3040-3070 - The teaching office of the church. Magisterium. De ecclesiae munere docendi
- KBR3077-3165 - Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione
- KBR3180-3182 - Sacramentals. Sacramentalia
- KBR3184-3256 - Other acts of divine worship. De ceteris actibus Cultus Divini
- KBR3264-3280 - Social work of the Church. Public welfare. Caritas
- KBR3320-3460 - Church property. Church economics and finance. Administration
- KBR3500-3774 - Penal (Criminal) law. De lege poenali
- KBR3780-3983 - Judiciary. Ecclesiastical courts and procedure. De processibus
- KBR4000-4090 - Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae
KBU - Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See
KBU - Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See
- KBU2-19 - Bibliography
- KBU21 - Annuals. Annuaires. Yearbooks
- KBU22 - Monographic series
- KBU25-26 - Official gazette of the Holy See
- KBU26.8-41.5 - Official acts of the Holy See
- KBU42-54.5 - Decisions of ecclesiastical tribunals and courts, and related materials
- KBU56 - Encyclopedias
- KBU56.5 - Dictionaries. Terms and phrases. Vocabularies
- KBU64 - Directories
- KBU102 - Form books. Clauses and forms
- KBU127-129.5 - Trials
- KBU130-132 - Legal research. Legal bibliography. Methods of bibliographic research
- KBU133 - Legal education. Study and teaching[note 1]
- KBU136-148 - Societies. Associations. Academies, etc.[note 1]
- KBU149 - Academies. Institutes[note 1]
- KBU150 - Conferences. Symposia
- KBU160 - General works
- KBU180.A-Z - Works on diverse aspects of a particular subject and falling within several branches of the law. By subject, A-Z
- KBU195-1565 - Collections. Compilations. Selections
- KBU2155-2157 - Canon law and other disciplines or subjects
- KBU2160-2204 - Canonical jurisprudence. Theory and science of canon law
- KBU2205-2206 - Influence of other legal systems on canon law
- KBU2207 - Law reform and policies. Criticism
- KBU2208.A-Z - Concepts applying to several branches of the law, A-Z
- KBU2210-2212 - The codes of canon law
- KBU2215-2308 - General norms and principles. De normis generalibus
- KBU2310-3026 - Constitution of the Church
- KBU3040-3070 - The teaching office of the Church. Magisterium. De ecclesiae munere docendi
- KBU3075-3165 - Sacraments. Administration of sacraments. De sacramentis et administratione
- KBU3180-3182 - Sacramentals. Sacramentalia
- KBU3184-3256 - Other acts of divine worship. De ceteris actibus Cultus Divini
- KBU3264-3280 - Social work of the Church. Public welfare. Caritas
- KBU3282-3310 - Medical ethics and legislation. Church policy
- KBU3320-3460 - Church property. Church economics and finance
- KBU3500-3774 - Sanctions in the Church. Criminal law. De sanctionibus in Ecclesia. De lege poenali
- KBU3780-3985 - Courts and procedure. De processibus
- KBU4000-4097 - Church and state relationships. De relationibus inter ecclesiam et status. Ius publicum ecclesiae
- KBU4112-4820 - Local Church government
KD-KDK - United Kingdom and Ireland
- KD - Law of the United Kingdom and Ireland
- KD51-9500 - England and Wales
- KD8850-9312 - Local laws of England
- KD9320-9355 - Local laws of Wales
- KD9400-9500 - Wales
- KD51-9500 - England and Wales
- KDC51-990 - Scotland
- KDE 21-580 - Northern Ireland
- KDG26-540 - Isle of Man. Channel Islands
- KDK21-1950 - Ireland (Eire)
KDZ - America. North America
KDZ1-4999 - America. North America
- KDZ1101-1199 - Organization of American States (OAS)
- KDZ2001-2499.2 - Bermuda
- KDZ3001-3499 - Greenland
- KDZ4001-4499 - St. Pierre and Miquelon
KE - Canada
- KE - Federal law. Common and collective provincial law
- KEA - Alberta
- KEB - British Columbia
- KEM - Manitoba
- KEN - (provinces/territories beginning with N)
- KEN1-599 - New Brunswick
- KEN1201-1799 - Newfoundland
- KEN5201-5999 - Northwest Territories
- KEN7401-7999 - Nova Scotia
- KEN8001-8999 - Nunavut[note 2]
- KEO - Ontario
- KEP - Prince Edward Island
- KEQ - Québec
- KES - Saskatchewan
- KEY - Yukon Territory
- KEZ - Individual cities, A-Z
KF - United States
KF - Law of the United States
- KF1-9827 - Federal law. Common and collective state law
- KFA - KFW - Individual states
- KFA1-599 - Alabama
- KFA1201-1799 - Alaska
- KFA2401-2999 - Arizona
- KFA3601-4199 - Arkansas
- KFC1-1199 - California
- KFC1801-2399 - Colorado
- KFC3601-4199 - Connecticut
- KFD1-599 - Delaware
- KFD1201-1799 - District of Columbia
- KFF1-599 - Florida
- KFG1-599 - Georgia
- KFH1-599 - Hawaii
- KFI1-599 - Idaho
- KFI1201-1799 - Illinois
- KFI3001-3599 - Indiana
- KFI4201-4799 - Iowa
- KFK1-599 - Kansas
- KFK1201-1799 - Kentucky
- KFL1-599 - Louisiana
- KFM1-599 - Maine
- KFM1201-1799 - Maryland
- KFM2401-2999 - Massachusetts
- KFM4201-4799 - Michigan
- KFM5401-5999 - Minnesota
- KFM6601-7199 - Mississippi
- KFM7801-8399 - Missouri
- KFM9001-9599 - Montana
- KFN1-599 - Nebraska
- KFN601-1199 - Nevada
- KFN1201-1799 - New Hampshire
- KFN1801-2399 - New Jersey
- KFN3601-4199 - New Mexico
- KFN5001-6199 - New York
- KFN7401-7999 - North Carolina
- KFN8601-9199 - North Dakota
- KFO1-599 - Ohio
- KFO1201-1799 - Oklahoma
- KFO2401-2999 - Oregon
- KFP1-599 - Pennsylvania
- KFR1-599 - Rhode Island
- KFS1801-2399 - South Carolina
- KFS3001-3599 - South Dakota
- KFT1-599 - Tennessee
- KFT1201-1799 - Texas
- KFU1-599 - Utah
- KFV1-599 - Vermont
- KFV2401-2999 - Virginia
- KFW1-599 - Washington
- KFW1201-1799 - West Virginia
- KFW2401-2999 - Wisconsin
- KFW4201-4799 - Wyoming
- KFX - Individual cities, A-Z
- KFZ1801-2399 - Northwest Territory
- KFZ8601-9199 - Confederate States of America
KG-KHW - Latin America - Mexico and Central America - West Indies. Caribbean area
- KG1-999 - Latin America (General)
- KG3001 - 3999 - Mexico and Central America (General)
- KGA - Belize
- KGB - Costa Rica
- KGC - El Salvador
- KGD - Guatemala
- KGE - Honduras
- KGF - Mexico
- KGG - Nicaragua
- KGH - (Panama)
- KGH1-8000 - Panama
- KGH9001-9299 - Panama Canal Zone
- (KGJ-KGZ - West Indies. Caribbean area)
- (KGJ - West Indies in general. Caribbean area in general. Anguilla)
- KGJ1-999 - General
- KGJ7001-7499 - Anguilla
- (KGK - Antigua & Barbuda. Aruba)
- KGK1-499 - Antigua and Barbuda
- KGK1001-1499 - Aruba
- (KGL - Bahamas. Barbados. Bonaire. British Leeward Islands. British Virgin Islands. British West Indies. British Windward Islands)
- KGL1-499 - Bahamas
- KGL1001-1499 - Barbados
- KGL2001-2499 - Bonaire
- KGL3001-3499 - British Leeward Islands
- KGL4001-4499 - British Virgin Islands
- KGL5001-5999 - British West Indies
- KGL6001-6499 - British Windward Islands
- KGM - Cayman Islands
- KGN - Cuba
- (KGP - Curaçao. Dominica)
- KGP1-499 - Curaçao
- KGP2001-2499 - Dominica
- KGQ - Dominican Republic
- (KGR - Dutch Leeward Islands. Dutch West Indies. Dutch Windward Islands. French West Indies. Grenada. Guadeloupe)
- KGR1-499 - Dutch Leeward Islands (General)
- KGR1001-1499 - Dutch West Indies (Netherlands Antilles)
- KGR2001-2499 - Dutch Windward Islands (General)
- KGR3001-3499 - French West Indies (General)
- KGR4001-4499 - Grenada
- KGR5001-5499 - Guadeloupe
- KGS - Haiti
- (KGT - Jamaica. Martinique. Montserrat)
- KGT1-499 - Jamaica
- KGT1001-1499 - Martinique
- KGT2001-2499 - Montserrat
- KGU - Navassa islands
- KGV - Puerto Rico
- (KGW - Saba. Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts), Nevis and Anguilla. Saint Lucia. Saint Vincent & the Grenadines. Sint Eustatius. Saint Martin)
- KGX - Trinidad & Tobago
- KGY - Turks & Caicos Islands
- KGZ - Virgin Islands of the United States
- (KGJ - West Indies in general. Caribbean area in general. Anguilla)
KH - South America
KH1-999 South America (General)
- KHA - Argentina
- KHC - Bolivia
- KHD - Brazil
- KHF - Chile
- KHH - Colombia
- KHK - Ecuador
- KHL - Falkland Islands
- KHM - French Guiana
- KHN - Guyana
- KHP - Paraguay
- KHQ - Peru
- KHS - Surinam
- KHU - Uruguay
- KHW - Venezuela
KJ-KKZ - Europe
KJ - Europe
- KJ2-1040 - History of Law
- KJ160-1040 - Germanic law
- KJA - Roman law
- KJC - Regional and comparative law
- KJE - Regional organization and integration. European Union
- KJG - Albania
- KJH - Andorra
- KJJ - Austria
- KJK - Belgium[note 3]
- KJM - Bulgaria[note 4]
- KJN - Cyprus
- KJP - Czechoslovakia. Czech Republic (1993-)
- KJQ - Slovakia (1993-)
- KJR - Denmark
- KJS - Estonia
- KJT - Finland
- (KJV-KJW - France)
- KJV2-9158 - National laws
- KJW51-4360 - Individual regions, provinces, departments, etc.
- KJW5201-9600 - Individual cities
- (KK-KKC - Germany)
- KK2-9799.3 - Germany and West Germany
- KKA - East Germany
- KKB-KKC - Individual states, provinces, and cities
- KKE - Greece
- KKF - Hungary
- KKG - Iceland
- KKH - Italy[note 5]
- KKI - Latvia
- (KKJ - Liechtenstein. Lithuania)
- KKJ1-499 - Liechenstein
- KKJ501-9890 - Lithuania
- (KKK - Luxembourg. Malta)[note 6]
- KKK1-499 - Luxembourg
- KKK1001-1499 - Malta
- KKL - Monaco[note 7]
- KKM - Netherlands
- KKN - Norway
- KKP - Poland
- KKQ - Portugal
- KKR - Romania
- KKS - San Marino[note 8] [note 9]
- KKT - Spain
- KKV - Sweden
- KKW - Switzerland
- KKX - Turkey
- KKY - Ukraine (1991 - ) [note 10]
- KKZ - Yugoslavia
KL-KWX - Asia and Eurasia, Africa, Pacific Area, and Antarctica
KL - History of law. The ancient orient
- KL2-135 - General
- KL147-177 - Ancient legal systems compared
- KL190-420 - Sources
- KL700-2215 - Mesopotamia. Assyro-Babylonian law
- KL1000-1299 - Sumer
- KL1600-1899 - Assyria
- KL2200-2499 - Babylonia
- KL2800-3099 - Egypt
- KL3500-3799 - Elam
- KL4101-4399 - Greek law
- KL4700-4999 - Hittite law
- KL5300-5599 - Persia
- KL5900-6199 - Phoenicia
- (KLA-KLW - Eurasia)[note 11][note 12][note 13][note 14]
- KLP1-4989 - Ukraine (1919-1991)[note 17]
- KLP9001-9499 - Zakavkazskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Federativnaia Sovetskaia
Respublika (to 1936)[note 18]
- KLQ - Bukharskaia Narodnaia Sovetskaia Respublika (to 1924) [note 19]
- (KLR - Kazakhstan. Khorezmskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika)
- KLR1-490 - Kazakhstan
- KLR1001-1499 - Khorezmskaia Sovetskaia Sotsialisticheskaia Respublika (to 1924)[note 20]
- KLS - Kyrgyzstan
- KLT - Tajikistan
- KLV - Turkmenistan
- KLW - Uzbekistan
KM-KP - Asia
- KM1-999 - General
- (KMC-KMY - Middle East. Southwest Asia)[note 21]
- KMC - Regional comparative and uniform law
- KME - Regional organization and integration
- (KMF - Armenia. Bahrain)
- KMF1-293.5 - Armenia (Republic) [note 22]
- KMF1001-1490 - Bahrain
- KMG - Gaza [note 23]
- KMH - Iran
- KMJ - Iraq
- KMK - Israel
- KML - Jerusalem
- (KMM - Jordan. West Bank)
- KMM1-490 - Jordan
- KMM501-994 - West Bank (Territory under Israeli occupation, 1967- )
- KMN - Kuwait
- KMP - Lebanon
- (KMQ - Oman. Palestine (to 1948))
- KMQ1-490 - Oman
- KMQ1001-1499 - Palestine (to 1948)
- KMS - Qatar
- KMT - Saudi Arabia
- KMU - Syria
- KMV - United Arab Emirates
- KMX - Yemen
- KMY - Yemen (People's Democratic Republic) (to 1990)
KN-KP - South Asia. Southeast Asia. East Asia
- KNC - Regional comparative and uniform law
- KNE - Regional organization and integration
- KNF - Afghanistan
- KNG - Bangladesh
- KNH - Bhutan
- KNK - Brunei
- KNL - Burma
- KNM - Cambodia
- KNN - China
- KNP - China (Republic, 1949- ). Taiwan
- KNQ - China (People's Republic, 1949- )
- KNR - Hong Kong
- KNS - India
- KNT-KNU - States, cities, etc.
- KNV - French Indochina (to 1946)
- KNW - Indonesia. East Timor
- KNX - Japan
- KNY - Cities, etc.
- KPA - Korea. South Korea
- KPC - Democratic People's Republic of Korea. North Korea
- KPE - Laos
- KPF - Macao
- KPG - Malaysia
- KPG7001-9999 - States of East and West Malaysia (1957- ) (Part 1)
- (KPH - Malaysian States. Maldives)
- KPH1-4990 - States of East and West Malaysia (1957- ) (Part 2)
- KPH5001-5490 - Maldives
- KPJ - Mongolia
- KPK - Nepal
- KPL - Pakistan
- KPM - Philippines
- KPP - Singapore
- KPS - Sri Lanka
- KPT - Thailand
- KPV - Vietnam[note 24]
- KPW - Vietnam. South Vietnam
KQ-KTZ - Africa
- (KQ - History of law. Law of indigenous peoples)
- KQ2-197 - History of law
- KQ2010-9000 - Law of indigenous peoples
- KQC - Regional comparative and uniform law
- KQE - Regional organization and integration
- KQG - Algeria
- KQH - Angola
- KQJ - Benin
- KQK - Botswana
- KQM - British Central Africa Protectorate
- (KQP - British Indian Ocean Territory. British Somaliland)
- KQP1-499 - British Indian Ocean Territory
- KQP1001-1499 - British Somaliland
- KQT - Burkina Faso
- KQV - Burundi
- KQW - Cameroon
- KQX - Cape Verde
- KRB - Central African Republic
- KRC - Chad
- KRE - Comoros
- KRG - Congo
- KRK - Djibouti
- KRL - East Africa Protectorate
- KRM - Egypt[note 25]
- KRN - Eritrea
- KRP - Ethiopia
- KRR - French Equatorial Africa
- KRS - French West Africa
- KRU - Gabon
- KRV - Gambia
- KRW - German East Africa
- KRX - Ghana
- KRY - Gibraltar
- KSA - Guinea
- KSC - Guinea-Bissau
- (KSE - Equatorial Guinea. Ifni)
- KSE1-490 - Equatorial Guinea
- KSE601-699 - Ifni
- (KSG - Italian East Africa. Italian Somaliland)
- KSG1-499 - Italian East Africa
- KSG1001-1499 - Italian Somaliland
- KSH - Ivory Coast [note 26]
- KSK - Kenya
- KSL - Lesotho
- KSN - Liberia
- KSP - Libya
- KSR - Madagascar
- KSS - Malawi
- KST - Mali
- KSU - Mauritania
- (KSV - Mauritius. Mayotte)
- KSV1-490 - Mauritis
- KSV5001-5490 - Mayotte
- KSW - Morocco
- KSX - Mozambique
- KSY - Namibia
- KSZ - Niger
- KTA - Nigeria
- KTC - Réunion
- KTD - Rwanda
- KTE - Saint Helena
- KTF - São Tomé and Principe
- KTG - Senegal
- KTH - Seychelles
- KTJ - Sierra Leone
- KTK - Somalia
- KTL - South Africa, Republic of
- (KTN - Spanish West Africa. Spanish Sahara)
- KTN1-499 - Spanish West Africa (to 1958)
- KTN601-699 - Spanish Sahara (to 1975)
- KTQ - Sudan
- KTR - Swaziland
- KTT - Tanzania
- KTU - Togo
- KTV - Tunisia
- KTW - Uganda
- KTX - Zaire
- (KTY - Zambia. Zanzibar)
- KTY1-490 - Zamibia
- KTY1501-1599 - Zanzibar
- KTZ - Zimbabwe
KU-KWW - Pacific area
KU - Australia (including New Zealand)
KU - Australia
- KUA-KUH - States and territories
- KUA - Australian Capital Territory
- KUB - Northern Territory
- KUC - New South Wales
- KUD - Queensland
- KUE - South Australia
- KUF - Tasmania
- KUG - Victoria
- KUH - Western Australia
- KUN501-599 - Norfolk Island
- KUN3001-3050 - Cities, communities, etc.
KUQ - New Zealand
KV-KW - Pacific area jurisdictions
- KVB - Regional comparative and uniform law: Australia and New Zealand
- KVC - Regional comparative and uniform law: Other Pacific area jurisdictions
- KVE - Regional organization and integration
- (KVH - American Samoa. British New Guinea)
- KVH1-490 - American Samoa
- KVH1001-1499 - British New Guinea (Territory of Papua)
- KVL - Cook Islands
- KVM - Easter Island
- KVN - Fiji
- (KVP - French Polynesia. German New Guinea)
- KVP1-100 - French Polynesia
- KVP1001-1099 - German New Guinea (to 1914)
- KVQ - Guam
- KVR - Kiribati
- (KVS - Marshall Islands. Micronesia. Midway Islands)
- KVS1-490 - Marshall Islands
- KVS501-990 - Micronesia (Federated States)
- KVS2501-2999 - Midway Islands
- (KVU - Nauru. Netherlands New Guinea)
- KVU1-499 - Nauru
- KVU1001-1099 - Netherlands New Guinea (to 1963)
- KVW - New Caledonia
- KWA - Niue
- KWC - Northern Mariana Islands
- KWE - Pacific Islands Trust Territory
- KWG - Palau
- KWH - Papua New Guinea
- (KWL - Pitcairn Island. Solomon Islands)
- KWL1-499 - Pitcairn Island
- KWL2001-2490 - Solomon Islands
- KWP - Tonga
- KWQ - Tuvalu
- KWR - Vanuatu
- (KWT - Wake Island. Wallis and Futuna Islands)
- KWT1-489 - Wake Island
- KWT2001-2490 - Wallis and Futuna Islands
- KWW - Western Samoa
KWX - Antarctica
KZ - Law of Nations
KZ2-6795 - Law of Nations
- KZ2-5.5 - Bibliography
- KZ24-38 - Societies, etc.
- KZ27-37 - National
- KZ(60)-62.5 - Intergovernmental congresses and conferences
- KZ(63)-1152 - Sources. Fontes juris gentium
- KZ118-194 - Treaties and other international agreements
- KZ119-165 - To 1920
- KZ170-173 - 1920
- KZ176-182.5 - Boundary treaties
- KZ183-183.5 - Treaties of arbitration, investigation, etc.
- KZ184-194 - Peace treaties
- KZ199-218 - Judicial decisions and arbitral awards. Law reports
- KZ221-1152 - By region or country
- KZ118-194 - Treaties and other international agreements
- KZ1165-1208 - Trials
- KZ1168-1208 - War crime trials
- KZ1234-1236 - Legal research. Legal bibliography
- KZ1249-1252 - International law and other disciplines
- KZ1255-1273 - Theory and principles
- KZ1267-1273 - Domain of the law of nations
- KZ1284-1285.5 - Methodology
- KZ1287-1296 - Codification of the law of nations
- KZ1298-1304 - The law of treaties. System of treaty law
- KZ(1319)-(1327) - International legal regimes
- KZ1329-3085 - Early/Medieval development to ca. 1900. Ius Naturae et Gentium
- KZ1330-1339 - Peace of Westphalia to the French Revolution (1648-1789)
- KZ1345-1369 - French Revolution to the American Civil War (1789-1861)
- KZ1373-1387.2 - American Civil War to the First Conference of the Hague (1861-1899)
- KZ2064-3085 - Publicists. Writers on public international law
- KZ3092-3405 - 20th century
- KZ3110-3405 - Publicists. Writers on public international law
- KZ3410 - 21st century
- KZ3670-3881 - Objects of the law of nations. Territory and its different parts
- KZ3900-(5490) - The international legal community and members
- KZ3910-(5490) - Subjects of the law of nations
- KZ4002-4080 - The state
- KZ4110 - By region
- KZ4112-4820 - By state
- KZ4850-(5490) - Intergovernmental organizations. IGOs
- KZ4853-(4934) - The League of Nations
- KZ(4935)-5275 - The United Nations
- KZ(5330)-(5490) - Regional organizations
- KZ3910-(5490) - Subjects of the law of nations
- KZ5510-6299 - International law of peace and peace enforcement
- KZ5586-5893 - The system of collective security
- KZ5615-5893 - Arms control and disarmament regimes
- KZ5637-5645 - Conventional arms control
- KZ5647-5686 - Nuclear (Strategic) arms limitation
- KZ5687-5788.5 - Nuclear weapon free zones and zones of peace
- KZ5834-5865 - Other weapons of mass destruction
- KZ5870-5893 - Mutual and balanced reduction of armed forces
- KZ5900-5967 - Military pact systems for collective self-defense
- KZ6009-6299 - Pacific settlement of international disputes and conflict resolution
- KZ6115-6299 - Arbitration and adjudication
- KZ5586-5893 - The system of collective security
- KZ6350-6785 - Enforced settlement of international disputes
- KZ6360-6373 - Non-military coercion
- KZ6374-(6377) - Threat of force
- KZ6378-6785 - Law of war and neutrality. Jus belli
- KZ6427-6437 - Warfare on land
- KZ6440-6530 - Humanitarian law
- KZ6540-6660 - Warfare on sea
- KZ6665-6714 - Air warfare
- KZ6730-6795 - The end of war. Armistice. Surrender. Postliminy
KZA - Law of the sea
- KZA1040-1065 - Intergovernmental congresses and conferences
- KZA1118-1122 - Treaties and other international agreements
- KZA1340-1417 - Concepts and principles
- KZA1340 - Mare clausum doctrine
- KZA1348-1405 - Mare liberum doctrine
- KZA1430-1690 - Maritime boundaries
- KZA1630-1664 - Continental shelf
- KZA(3481)-(3900) - Marine resources conservation and development
- KZA(3891)-(3900) - High-seas fisheries and fisheries regimes
- KZA4130-(4205) - Public order of the oceans
KZD - Space law. Law of outer space
- KZD1040-1065 - Intergovernmental congresses and conferences
- KZD1118-1122 - Treaties and other international agreements
- KZD1340-1400 - Concepts and principles. Theory
- KZD1390-1400 - Regulated use theory
- KZD1410 - The source of the law of space
- KZD1420-1455 - Boundaries
- KZD3489-4406 - Peaceful uses of outer space
- KZD3489.5-3608 - Space resources
- KZD4030-4326 - Public order in space and outer space
- KZD4080-4210 - Space flight
- KZD(4301)-4310 - Space communication
- KZD4320.2-4326 - Rescue operations in outer space
- KZD4440-4406 - Liability for accidents
- KZD5614-6715 - Un-peaceful uses of outer space
- KZD5620-5622.2 - Treaties and other international agreements
- KZD5648-5680.2 - Disarmament and demilitarization regimes in outer space
Under development
The following schedules are currently under development:
- KBX - Canon law of Protestant churches
- KIA-KIX - Law of the indigenous peoples of the Americas[note 27]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 The degrees in canon law are the JCB (Bachelor of Canon Law), the JCL (Licentiate of Canon Law), and the JCD (Doctor of Canon Law). See those articles for more information about education in canon law and the academies.
- ↑ Includes Bosnia & Hercegovina (1992-; cf. KKZ)
- ↑ Includes Croatia (1992-; cf. KKZ)
- ↑ Includes Kosovo (2008-)
- ↑ Includes Macedonia (1992-; cf. KKZ).
- ↑ Includes Montenegro (2006-; cf. KKS, KKZ).
- ↑ Includes Serbia & Montenegro (2003-; cf. KKZ, KKL).
- ↑ Includes Slovenia (1992-)
- ↑ Pre-Soviet, see KLP.
- ↑ Turkey is classified under KKX.
- ↑ Estonia is classified under KJS.
- ↑ Latvia is classified under KKI.
- ↑ Lithuania is classified under KKJ.
- ↑ cf. KLA, KLN.
- ↑ cf. KLA, KLB.
- ↑ After 1991, see KKY.
- ↑ English: Transcaucasian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic
- ↑ English: Bukharan People's Soviet Republic
- ↑ English: Khorezm People's Soviet Republic
- ↑ Southern Yemen is classified under KMY.
- ↑ cf. KLD
- ↑ cf. KMM
- ↑ Vietnam (to 1945). North Vietnam (1945-1975). Vietnam (1975-)
- ↑ a.k.a. United Arab Republic; cf. KL.
- ↑ a.k.a. Côte d'Ivoire
- ↑ The draft of this schedule was made available for review in April 2012 at
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