Library of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics

Бібліотека Київського національного торговельно-економічного університету
(Library of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics)
Country  UKR
Type scientific
Established 1948
Location 02156, Кyiv, 19 Kioto st.
Size ~ 1,400,000
Access and use
Circulation ~ 870,000
Members ~ 352,000
Other information
Director Lily S. Shestopalova.
Staff 49

Library of Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics (Library KNUTE) – cultural and educational institution under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, is one of the largest university libraries in Ukraine. Founded in 1948 as a library branch Donetsk Institute of Soviet Trade. Since 1966 – Library of Kyiv Trade and Economic Institute. The current name since 1994.

The library is located in a separate building area of 5600 m². The structure of the library includes 9 departments. These services users – 7 reading rooms, library tickets, interlibrary loan, special sectors: media library, hall of foreign literature, hall catalogs and electronic information. Book funds are more than 1,400,000 copies, including nearly 950,000 in active use; of which about 720 thousand copies of books, near 380 thousand copies of scientific literature, 495 titles of periodicals. Annual replenishment of the fund — up to 60 thousand copies. The library is formed according to the profile of the University, equipped with the latest publications on economics, finance, management, business, information systems and technology, legal and socio-political literature, periodicals, teaching and information materials; University publications (books, manuals, guidelines and instructions on many disciplines).

In the library are 49 librarians, who annually give out more than 870,000 documents 43.5 thousand users. Average visits – more than 352,000 readers.

From 1966 to 1987 the director of the library was Zinaida Vashchenko. Since 1987 the library director – Lily S. Shestopalova.


The main function of the library – information providing educational and scientific processes of the university. Library works closely with the deans, departments, and other units of the University, conducting joint information activities.

Since 1995, introduced computerization of library processes automation of all technological cycles based software "UFD/Library". An electronic directory, that provides information on it introduced automated reference and information services, delivery of books, reader services, accounting library collections. Formed Automation Division, is set 101 personal computer. Computers are united in a local network and connected to the university. Access to domestic and foreign resources through the Internet.

Today, integrated library system offers readers the following databases: over 150 thousand titles of documents in the electronic catalog of books and articles, «Periodicals», «Proceedings of the teachers KNUTE» text-base «Statutory acts of Ukraine» and informative lists to help the learning process. Started creating electronic library of textbooks.

Important in the library is the organization access to full-text resources of a global network.

Database library

The library provides access to the following resources:

Library Departments


External links

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