Lie algebra-valued differential form

In differential geometry, a Lie algebra-valued form is a differential form with values in a Lie algebra. Such forms have important applications in the theory of connections on a principal bundle as well as in the theory of Cartan connections.

Formal Definition

A Lie algebra-valued differential k-form on a manifold, M, is a smooth section of the bundle  (\mathfrak{g} \times M) \otimes \Lambda^k T^*M, where \mathfrak{g} is a Lie algebra, T^*M is the cotangent bundle of M and Λk denotes the kth exterior power.

Wedge product

Since every Lie algebra has a bilinear Lie bracket operation, the wedge product of two Lie algebra-valued forms can be composed with the bracket operation to obtain another Lie algebra-valued form. This operation, denoted by [\omega\wedge\eta], is given by: for \mathfrak{g}-valued p-form \omega and \mathfrak{g}-valued q-form \eta

[\omega\wedge\eta](v_1, \cdots, v_{p+q}) = {1 \over (p + q)!}\sum_{\sigma} \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) [\omega(v_{\sigma(1)}, \cdots, v_{\sigma(p)}), \eta(v_{\sigma(p+1)}, \cdots, v_{\sigma(p+q)})]

where vi's are tangent vectors. The notation is meant to indicate both operations involved. For example, if \omega and \eta are Lie algebra-valued one forms, then one has

[\omega\wedge\eta](v_1,v_2) = {1 \over 2} ([\omega(v_1),\eta(v_2)] - [\omega(v_2),\eta(v_1)]).

The operation [\omega\wedge\eta] can also be defined as the bilinear operation on \Omega(M, \mathfrak g) satisfying

[(g \otimes \alpha) \wedge (h \otimes \beta)] = [g, h] \otimes (\alpha \wedge \beta)

for all g, h \in \mathfrak g and \alpha, \beta \in \Omega(M, \mathbb R).

Some authors have used the notation [\omega, \eta] instead of [\omega\wedge\eta]. The notation [\omega, \eta], which resembles a commutator, is justified by the fact that if the Lie algebra \mathfrak g is a matrix algebra then [\omega\wedge\eta] is nothing but the graded commutator of \omega and \eta, i. e. if \omega \in \Omega^p(M, \mathfrak g) and \eta \in \Omega^q(M, \mathfrak g) then

[\omega\wedge\eta] = \omega\wedge\eta - (-1)^{pq}\eta\wedge\omega,

where \omega \wedge \eta,\ \eta \wedge \omega \in \Omega^{p+q}(M, \mathfrak g) are wedge products formed using the matrix multiplication on \mathfrak g.


Let f: \mathfrak{g} \to \mathfrak{h} be a Lie algebra homomorphism. If φ is a \mathfrak{g}-valued form on a manifold, then f(φ) is an \mathfrak{h}-valued form on the same manifold obtained by applying f to the values of φ: f(\varphi)(v_1, \dots, v_k) = f(\varphi(v_1, \dots, v_k)).

Similarly, if f is a multilinear functional on \textstyle \prod_1^k \mathfrak{g}, then one puts[1]

f(\varphi_1, \dots, \varphi_k)(v_1, \dots, v_q) = {1 \over q!} \sum_{\sigma} \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) f(\varphi_1(v_{\sigma(1)}, \dots, v_{\sigma(q_1)}), \dots, \varphi_k(v_{\sigma(q - q_k + 1)}, \dots, v_{\sigma(q)}))

where q = q1 + … + qk and φi are \mathfrak{g}-valued qi-forms. Moreover, given a vector space V, the same formula can be used to define the V-valued form f(\varphi, \eta) when

f: \mathfrak{g} \times V \to V

is a multilinear map, φ is a \mathfrak{g}-valued form and η is a V-valued form. Note that, when

(*) f([x, y], z) = f(x, f(y, z)) - f(y, f(x, z)),

giving f amounts to giving an action of \mathfrak{g} on V; i.e., f determines the representation

\rho: \mathfrak{g} \to V, \rho(x)y = f(x, y)

and, conversely, any representation ρ determines f with the condition (*). For example, if f(x, y) = [x, y] (the bracket of \mathfrak{g}), then we recover the definition of [\cdot \wedge \cdot] given above, with ρ = ad, the adjoint representation. (Note the relation between f and ρ above is thus like the relation between a bracket and ad.)

In general, if α is a \mathfrak{gl}(V)-valued p-form and φ is a V-valued q-form, then one more commonly writes α⋅φ = f(α, φ) when f(T, x) = Tx. Explicitly,

(\alpha \cdot \phi)(v_1, \dots, v_{p+q}) = {1 \over (p+q)!} \sum_{\sigma} \operatorname{sgn}(\sigma) \alpha(v_{\sigma(1)}, \dots, v_{\sigma(p)}) \phi(v_{\sigma(p+1)}, \dots, v_{\sigma(p+q)}).

With this notation, one has for example:

\operatorname{ad}(\alpha) \cdot \phi = [\alpha \wedge \phi].

Example: If ω is a \mathfrak{g}-valued one-form (for example, a connection form), ρ a representation of \mathfrak{g} on a vector space V and φ a V-valued zero-form, then

\rho([\omega \wedge \omega]) \cdot \varphi = 2 \rho(\omega) \cdot (\rho(\omega) \cdot \varphi).[2]

Forms with values in an adjoint bundle

See also: adjoint bundle

Let P be a smooth principal bundle with structure group G and \mathfrak{g} = \operatorname{Lie}(G). G acts on \mathfrak{g} via adjoint representation and so one can form the associated bundle:

\mathfrak{g}_P = P \times_{\operatorname{Ad}} \mathfrak{g}.

Any \mathfrak{g}_P-valued forms on the base space of P are in a natural one-to-one correspondence with any tensorial forms on P of adjoint type.

See also


  1. Kobayashi–Nomizu, Ch. XII, § 1.
  2. Since \rho([\omega \wedge \omega])(v, w) = \rho([\omega \wedge \omega](v, w)) = \rho([\omega(v), \omega(w)]) = \rho(\omega(v))\rho(\omega(w)) - \rho(\omega(w))\rho(\omega(v)), we have that
    (\rho([\omega \wedge \omega]) \cdot \phi)(v, w) = {1 \over 2} (\rho([\omega \wedge \omega])(v, w) \phi - \rho([\omega \wedge \omega])(w, v) \phi)
    is \rho(\omega(v))\rho(\omega(w))\phi - \rho(\omega(w))\rho(\omega(v))\phi = 2(\rho(\omega) \cdot (\rho(\omega) \cdot \phi))(v, w).


External links

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