Life-Size (novel)


First edition (US)
Author Jenefer Shute
Country United States
Language English
Publisher Houghton Mifflin (US)
Secker & Warburg (UK)
Publication date
Media type Print
Pages 231
ISBN 0-395-60479-6

Life-Size is the debut novel by South African author Jenefer Shute, published in 1992 and is a Literary Guild selection.[1] It is a first person account of Josie, a twenty-five-year-old graduate in Economics, suffering from anorexia who is hospitalized in an attempt to stop her from starving herself to death.


Publication history


  1. Fiction Book Review, Publisher Weekly, 04/01/1992
  2. Through Thick and Thin : LIFE-SIZE, By Jenefer Shute LA Times June 14, 1992
  3. A poor thinner: Life-size - Jenefer Shute, The Independent, Saturday 05 September 1992
  4. Literature, Arts, and Medicine Database Retrieved 1st Nov 2013
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