For other uses, see Len (disambiguation).

Ligue Européenne de Natation or LEN (trans: European Swimming League) is the European governing body for aquatic sports affiliated to FINA—it is the Continental Association for Europe.[1] It was formally organized in 1927 in Bologna, Italy,[2] and since 2015 is headquartered in Nyon.

LEN comprises 52 national swimming federations in Europe, and includes Israel which for Olympic-sport purposes is grouped with Europe.[3] LEN is overseen by an elected Bureau (board) composed of Members representing 17 different Federations. LEN oversees aquatic sports in Europe: diving, swimming, open water swimming, synchronized swimming and water polo.


LEN runs various competitions within Europe, these are:

LEN also runs various Cups in swimming and water polo as well as meets for junior swimmers.

Member federations

The following national federations are part of LEN:

Country Federation Founded Code
 Albania Albanian Swimming Federation 1931 ALB
 Andorra Federació Andorrana de Natació (FAN) 1986 AND
 Armenia Association of Water Kind of Sports 1993 ARM
 Austria Österreichischer Schwimmverband (OSV) 1899 AUT
 Azerbaijan Azerbaijan Swimming Federation 1992 AZE
 Belarus Swimming Federation of Belarus 1959 BLR
 Belgium Fédération Royale Belge de Natation 1902 BEL
 Bosnia and Herzegovina Swimming Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1946/1992 BIH
 Bulgaria Bulgarian Swimming Federation 1931 BUL
 Croatia Hrvatski plivački savez 1909 CRO
 Cyprus Cyprus Amateur Swimming Association 1972 CYP
 Czech Republic ÄŒeský svaz plaveckých sportů (CÅ PS) 1919/1993 CZE
 Denmark [4] Dansk Svømmeunion (SVØM) 1907 DEN
 Estonia Eesti Ujumisliit 1910 EST
 Faroe Islands Svimjisamband Føroya 1980 FAR
 Finland Suomen Uimaliitto 1906 FIN
 France Fédération Française de Natation (FFN) 1920 FRA
 Georgia Georgian Aquatic Sports National Federation 1991 GEO
 Germany Deutscher Schwimm-Verband (DSV) 1886 GER
 Gibraltar Amateur Swimming Association of Gibraltar (DSV) 1946 GIB
United Kingdom Great Britain British Swimming (BS) 1869 GBR
 Greece Hellenic Swimming Federation / Κολυμβητική Ομοσπονδία Ελλάδας (KOE) 1927 GRE
 Hungary Magyar Úszószövetség (MÚSZ) 1907 HUN
 Iceland Icelandic Swimming Association 1951 ISL
 Ireland Swim Ireland 1893 IRL
 Israel Israel Swimming Association 1951 ISR
 Italy Federazione Italiana Nuoto (FIN) 1899 ITA
 Kosovo [5][6] Kosovo Swimming Federation 1997 KOS
 Latvia Latvijas PeldÄ“Å¡anas Federācija 1905/1988 LAT
 Liechtenstein Swimming Association of Liechtenstein 1981 LIE
 Lithuania Lietuvos plaukimo federacija (LPF) 1924/1990 LTU
 Luxembourg Fédération Luxembourgeoise de Natation et de Sauvetagee 1924 LUX
 Macedonia Swimming Federation of Republic of Macedonia 1947 MKD
 Malta Aquatic Sports Association of Malta 1925 MLT
 Moldova Moldovan Swimming Federation 1989 MDA
 Monaco Fédération Monégasque de Natation 1976 MON
 Montenegro Water Polo and Swimming Federation of Montenegro 1949/2006 MNE
 Netherlands Koninklijke Nederlandse Zwembond (KNZB) 1888 NED
 Norway Norges Svømmeforbund (NSF) 1910 NOR
 Poland Polski ZwiÄ…zek PÅ‚ywacki (PZP) 1922 POL
 Portugal Federação Portuguesa de Natação (FPN) 1930 POR
 Romania FederaÅ£ia Română de NataÅ£ie ÅŸi Pentatlon Moderno 1930 ROU
 Russia All Russian Swimming Federation 1991 RUS
 San Marino Swimming Federation of San Marino 1980 SMR
 Serbia Plivački Savez Srbije 1921 SRB
 Slovakia Slovenská Plavecká Federácia (SPF) 1990 SVK
 Slovenia Plavalna Zveza Slovenije 1922 SLO
 Spain Real Federación Española de Natación (RFEN) 1920 ESP
 Sweden Svenska Simförbundet (SSF) 1904 SWE
  Switzerland Fédération Suisse de Natation / Schweizerischer Schwimmverband (SSCHV) 1918 SUI
 Turkey Türkiye Yüzme Federasyonu (TYF) 1957 TUR
 Ukraine Ukrainian Swimming Federation - Федерація плавання України 1990 UKR

LEN European Water Polo Players of the Year


2008: Peter Biros (Hungary)
2009: Filip Filipovic (Serbia)
2010: Vanja Udovicic (Serbia)
2011: Stefano Tempesti (Italy)
2012: Miho Boskovic (Croatia)
2013: Denes Varga (Hungary)
2014: Filip Filipovic (Serbia)
2015: Dusko Pijetlovic (Serbia)


2008: Danielle De Bruijn (Netherlands)
2009: Iefke van Belkum (Netherlands)
2010: Sofia Konukh (Russia)
2011: Alexandra Asimaki (Greece)
2012: Anni Espar (Spain)
2013: Jennifer Pareja (Spain)
2014: Maria Garcia (Spain)
2015: Roberta Bianconi (Italy)

See also


  1. ↑ About LEN page from the LEN website (http://len.eu); retrieved 2012-03-05.
  2. ↑ History of LEN page of the LEN website; retrieved 2012-03-05.
  3. ↑ member list of the European Olympic Committees (EOC); retrieved 2012-03-05.
  4. ↑ (Danish) Historien "History" page from the Danish Swimming Union's website (www.svoem.dk); retrieved 2012-03-05.
  5. ↑ "Kosovo Swimming Federation admitted into FINA". Tanjug.
  6. ↑ "Nuoto: Kosovo aderisce a Fina".
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