Linda Christanty

Linda Christanty (born 18 March 1970 in Bangka island, at the island province of Bangka Belitung) is an Indonesian author and journalist. She won the 2013 S.E.A Write Award. Some of her books are: Kuda Terbang Maria Pinto/Maria Pinto’s Flying Horse (short stories, 2004), Dari Jawa Menuju Atjeh: Politik, Islam dan Gay/From Java to Atjeh: Politic, Islam and Gay (essays, 2008), Rahasia Selma/Selma’s Secret (short stories, 2010), Jangan Tulis Kami Teroris/Don’t Write that We Are Terrorists/Schreib ja nicht, dass wir Terroristen sind! (essays, 2011), Seekor Anjing Mati di Bala Murghab/A Dog Died in Bala Murghab (short stories, 2012), and Seekor Burung Kecil Biru di Naha: Konflik, Tragedi, Rekonsiliasi/A Little Blue Bird in Naha: Conflict, Tragedy, Reconciliation (2015).



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