
LiquidCinema Logo

LiquidCinema is a production music library based in Santa Monica, Los Angeles, produced by film composer Jeff Rona. They are notable for having licensed their original music in hundreds of Hollywood film, television and trailer productions, including trailers for Game of Thrones, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and Star Trek,[1] as well as shows such as American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance.[2]

Beginnings and growth

Catalogue producer Jeff Rona became immersed in the world of library music in his time at Hanz Zimmer's production company, formerly known as Media Ventures. Writing for several catalogues based both in Southern California and the UK, Jeff acquainted himself with the world of music licensing and catalogue writing. While discussing production music with a renowned trailer editor in 2007, Jeff got the idea to begin his own music library. The idea grew over the following years to become what is today an international catalogue that does thousands of licenses per year. Liquid Cinema is distributed by Associated Production Music in the United States and has worldwide distribution in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and South America.

Inside tracks

Liquid Cinema has two catalogues, Liquid Cinema Premium Trailer Music and Inside Tracks. Liquid Cinema showcases prominent artists for premium broadcast outlets: trailers, promos, etc. This portion of the catalogue contains contributions from renowned artists such as Tina Guo, Michael Brook and Nels Cline.

Inside Tracks specializes in music for television, and features the same writers and producers as Liquid Cinema. Inside Tracks is made up of score beds encompassing a variety of genres and styles, ranging from rock and pop to cinematic orchestral underscore music.

See also


  1. , 10-08-10
  2. , 10-08-10

External Links

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