List of 28 Days Later characters
Characters from the 28 Days Later series (the films 28 Days Later and 28 Weeks Later and from the graphic novel 28 Days Later: The Aftermath) are listed below.
28 Days Later characters
Jim (played by Cillian Murphy) is a bicycle courier who lived in Deptford, London with his parents. While running a delivery to an address somewhere across the city, a car cut across Jim's bike and caused him to crash, putting him into a coma. 28 days later, Jim woke up and the entire city was empty due to an outbreak of the Rage Virus. Jim survives the film; and, as explained in the 28 Days Later comics, he is remembered as one of the "Manchester Three". It was later revealed that Jim was arrested and scheduled to be shot for the deaths of Major West and his soldiers, although his death is never shown, and some fans have suggested that Jim would probably avoid this execution after the Rage virus spread to France.
Selena (played by Naomie Harris) is a young woman who lived in London. During the outbreak of the Rage Virus, Selena's family was killed and she hid in a barricaded shop in the London Underground with another survivor named Mark. Selena adopted a more serious attitude towards the current situation and believed "staying alive's as good as it gets". She is a qualified pharmacist and obviously has a measure of medical training. Selena survives the film; and, as explained in the 28 Days Later comic, she is remembered as one of the "Manchester Three". It was later revealed Hannah and Selena were released following Jim's arrest for the deaths of Major West and his soldiers, and Selena lived a quiet life of seclusion in a European refugee camp until she is approached by American journalist Clint Harris and his crew to be their guide on their trek to document the reports that a US-led NATO force will soon repatriate London. She serves as main protagonist for the comic and her background is much further explored - for example, we learn that before the outbreak Selena was married to a man named David, who was killed by Selena herself when he got infected. She survives the outbreak of Infection in District One and flies to New York with Clint Harris.
Hannah (played by Megan Burns) is the daughter of Frank. When the virus broke out, she and her father barricaded themselves into their apartment. When they ran out of water they were forced to find another place with Jim and Selena. When her father became infected and killed by soldiers, she went into shock. The soldiers planned to rape her and Selena to ensure the survival of humanity through forced reproduction. Hannah survives the film; and, as explained in the 28 Days Later comic, she is remembered as one of the "Manchester Three". It was later revealed Hannah and Selena were released following Jim's arrest for the deaths of Major West and his soldiers, and Hannah is now in the care of the German foster system.
Frank (played by Brendan Gleeson) was a cabdriver in London and lived with his wife and daughter Hannah in an apartment block near the center of the city. When the Rage Virus broke out, his wife was killed, but Frank was able to barricade the apartment complex and use salvaged police equipment to fight the Infected. He became infected when a drop of blood fell into his eye, and he was killed by a group of soldiers.
Mark (played by Noah Huntley) was a young man who lived in London with his parents and sister. During the outbreak of the Rage Virus, Mark survived and hid in a barricaded shop in the London Underground with Selena. During an attack at Jim's house, he was cut and apparently infected, prompting Selena to immediately hack him to death before the virus overtook him.
Major Henry West (played by Christopher Eccleston) is a veteran in the British Army. During the original outbreak of Rage, West and his brigade of 800 soldiers are tasked to protect Manchester and keep the Infected out by manning the M602 Blockade, which becomes the only entrance into Manchester. After the death or infection of nearly all in his command and the fall of Manchester to the Infected, West is driven insane by what he has seen. He is killed by an infected Mailer when Hannah reverses her father's taxi into the mansion, allowing Mailer to attack and claw him to death. His decomposing corpse is seen in the 28 Days Later comic.
Sergeant Farrell (played by Stuart McQuarrie) is a veteran soldier of the British Army and serves as Major Henry West's second-in-command. He is killed by Private Jones when he and Jim are taken into the woods to be executed. The ensuing argument between Jones and Mitchell over how to kill him allows Jim to jump over the wall and escape while Farrell is shot by Jones. Farrell's belief that the outside world is, in fact, continuing normally is later proven correct, when Jim sees a plane flying across the sky over Britain and in 28 Weeks Later, the arrival of the US-led NATO force.
Corporal Mitchell (played by Ricci Harnett) is a vulgar, cocky, and insensitive soldier under Major Henry West's command. He is sarcastic and cruel to virtually everyone he meets, seeming to have a particularly bitter rivalry with one of his two remaining superiors, Sergeant Farrell. He is brutally killed through eye-gouging by Jim while preparing to rape Selena.
Private Bedford (played by Ray Panthaki) is a soldier who was killed when the infected Private Mailer was released in their mansion base. He chases after Mailer, who was pursuing Jones through the house. After cornering him, he is jumped by the recently infected Clifton, and both beat him to death.
Private Bell (played by Junior Laniyan) is a soldier killed by the infected Mailer and Clifton. He is found hiding under a bed by Jim, and screams frantically to Jim that he has no bullets. He is shortly killed after being beaten to death by Infected Mailer and Clifton.
Private Clifton (played by Luke Mably) is a soldier infected by Mailer, becoming the only other soldier to be infected, and proceeds with Mailer on a rampage through the house. He kills Private Bedford who was about to shoot Mailer, and then kills Bell.
Private Davis (played by Sanjay Rambaruth) is a soldier who went with Major West to kill Jim when he escapes. Jim bludgeoned him with Frank's crowbar, killing him.
Private Jones (played by Leo Bill) is a young, inexperienced soldier. He serves as the cook for the group. He shoots Farrell when Mitchell wants to bayonet him, and during the resulting argument between the two soldiers Jim is able to escape. He is bayoneted by Jim attempting to escape the mansion, and is comforted by the arriving West before he dies. His decomposing corpse is seen in the 28 Days Later comic.
Private Mailer (played by Marvin Campbell) is a soldier who is infected two days before Jim arrives. He is chained up to see how long it would take for an Infected to starve to death. He is released by Jim and proceeds to rampage through the house, infecting Clifton and killing Bedford, Bell and West.
Main Host
Rage Chimps (played by trained animals) are chimpanzees that are animal test subjects at a primate research center in Cambridge, that were the first beings to be infected with the man-made virus Rage, eventually the apes acted very aggressive towards others. When the animal right activist came one night to get the violent primates, one of the chimps infected the activists, the others watched their fellow prisoner killed and the infected woman kill her colleagues and the scientist who warned them.
28 Weeks Later characters
Donald "Don" Harris (played by Robert Carlyle) is the husband of Alice and father of Tammy and Andy. Alice infects him through her saliva, and he spreads the virus across District 1. He survives the firebombing and later attacks his son Andy but is shot to death by Tammy.
Tammy Harris (played by Imogen Poots) is the daughter of Don and Alice and older sister to Andy. Unlike her mother and brother, she has no heterochromial eye colours, presumably taking more characteristics from her father. She originally lives with her family in a house in London where they were able to get by financially, but her parents barely manage to pay for a school trip to Spain. Eventually, Andy and Tammy come back to London in District 1. They meet their father who hides the fact that their mother could have survived. Tammy takes care of her brother Andy and takes him to a biohazardous area where they find their mother alive, conflict begins with both children demanding the truth of their mother's fate. After the outbreak of infection Tammy leads Andy through District 1 while being accompanied by two soldiers and a couple of civilians. Tammy helps her brother through a subway station until she is forced to kill her infected father who attacks Andy and infects him.
Andy Harris (played by Mackintosh Muggleton) is the son of Don and Alice and younger brother to Tammy. Like his mother, he has heterochromatic eye colours. Andy shows courage in several different ways by escaping the infected streets by himself and running across a road while a sniper takes shots at him in order to blow his cover. He becomes infected after Don bites him later in the subway station, but is a carrier like his mother. Andy is flown across the English Channel by Flynn, whose helicopter is seen abandoned at the end of the film.
Alice Harris (played by Catherine McCormack) is the wife of Don and mother of Tammy and Andy. One of her most distinguished features was that she has heterochromatic eye color, which she passes onto Andy. She is attacked at the beginning by the Infected, who break in and kill everyone except her (who was infected but not killed) and Don (who escapes). She is a carrier, meaning she is infected, but was not displaying symptoms. After she kisses Don, he becomes infected and kills her by gouging her eyes out. Her body is lit ablaze during the firebombing confirming her death.
Geoff (played by Garfield Morgan) is an old farmer who lives with his wife Sally in a farm in the country a few miles from Sandford. When the Rage Virus breaks out, Geoff and his wife take in fellow survivors Don, Alice, Jacob, Sam and Karen and barricade the house to hide the occupants from outside view and escape detection by the Infected. He is mauled and infected while trying to save his wife from the Infected.
Sally (played by Amanda Walker) is an old woman who lives with her husband Geoff in a farm in the country. During the Rage Virus outbreak, Sally and Geoff held up in their farm with fellow survivors Don, Alice, Jacob, Karen, and Sam. She is presumably infected or killed when she fails to get up a ladder with Jacob after her husband is infected.
Sam (played by Raymond Waring) is Karen's boyfriend. During the Rage Virus outbreak, Sam and Karen joined Don and Alice Harris, Geoff, Sally and Jacob in hiding at a cottage in the country. But, according to Jacob, Sam "ran off." He survives, and appears later in the film; he saves Tammy and Andy by helping them into a warehouse but later proves rather cowardly. He dies when he jumps onto Flynn's helicopter, which destabilizes it and throws it into a horde of infected. Sam falls off of the helicopter and is presumably killed by the infected.
Karen (played by Emily Beecham) is Sam's girlfriend and lives in the country with him. When the Rage Virus breaks out, Geoff and Sally take them in, along with fellow survivors Don, Alice and Jacob, and barricade themselves in the house. When she opens a small peek-hole in the barricade one of the infected grabs her hand and bites her, she becomes infected within 8 seconds and dies before she can bite Jacob, when Don smashed her head in with a crowbar.
Jacob is a young fisherman who lives in the country. When the Rage Virus breaks out, Jacob survives, but is left pessimistic and bitter. Faced with being overwhelmed by the Infected, Jacob quickly seeks shelter with Don and Alice Harris, Karen and Sam at Geoff and Sally's country farm. He becomes infected by being mauled under water in the river, he rises onto the boat during Don's escape but is kicked off and shredded to death by the boat's motor.
Refugee Boy lives in Sandford, several miles upriver from Geoff and Sally's farm, with his mother and father. When the Rage Virus breaks out, Sandford is overrun, and everyone but the boy is infected, including his parents. When he goes outside to get help, he discovers all his neighbours have become Infected as well so he runs to the cottage and is let in. He either became infected or killed inside the house with Alice who tried to protect him.
Major Scarlet Levy (played by Rose Byrne) is chief medical officer of District 1. She becomes one of the foremost experts in the Rage Virus following the original outbreak and assists in the creation of the military camps in Britain to protect survivors stranded in the country, and refugee camps to house any British citizens who escaped quarantine of the British Isles. While escaping with the other survivors she is wounded in the leg by a military sniper. She is killed by an infected Don, who ambushes her in the London Underground and beats her to death with the end of Doyle's rifle.
Sergeant Doyle (played by Jeremy Renner) is a Delta marksman with the rooftop observation unit of District 1. He is an excellent marksman and expert on hand-to-hand combat. Doyle is good friends with an attack pilot named Flynn. During the Code Red suppression, Doyle would leave his post to help Major Levy and several survivors escape the firebombing of District One. He is burnt to death by soldiers in NBC suits who are armed with flamethrowers, he sacrificed himself in order to get the others to safety by push-starting the escape car.
Brigadier General Stone (played by Idris Elba) is a high-ranking member of the United States Army's 82nd Airborne Division. Following the original outbreak of the Rage virus and subsequent demise of all Infected of starvation, Stone is chosen to lead a force of 7000 NATO troops, under U.S. supervision, into London and begin work to make an area habitable for re-habitation by British refugees. When Tammy and Andy cause a second outbreak of the Rage virus, Stone at first orders a lockdown and for the soldiers under his command to only shoot infected, but when this fails, he quickly enacts Code Red, a procedure for total extermination of the London populace, with no attempts made to tell infected from uninfected.
Flynn (played by Harold Perrineau) is a helicopter pilot in 160th SOAR and a family man. He and Doyle are assigned to the Delta detachment which joins the U.S.-led NATO force of 7000 soldiers under Brigadier General Stone's command as they are assigned with patrolling District 1. He takes Andy and Tammy to France after the second outbreak of the Rage virus, his status is unknown as the last image of his helicopter shows that he has abandoned it.
28 Days Later: The Aftermath characters
Army Doctor Westchester was an Army Doctor in the U.S. Military. He journeyed to Britain following the Rage Virus outbreak and served as chief medical officer at a U.S. military quarantine camp which existed for the purpose of protecting survivors from the Infected.
Allie and her brother Callum were apparently wealthy individuals who lived in London with their father and were good friends with Sophie and her family. It is unknown what happened to them when the Rage Virus broke out.
Barbara was the wife of Roger and mother of Sid, Sophie and Liam. The family was enjoying a family picnic for her birthday a few miles from Cambridge during the early days of the Rage Virus, when one of the Infected monkeys from the laboratory where the Rage Virus was developed attacked Liam and turned him into an Infected. She and her husband, Roger, let Sid and Sophie escape an oncoming attack by the Infected, and fended them off until they were killed.
Bradley lived in Cambridge with Clive's Ex-Wife, now his own, and treated her with the respect and courtesy Clive lacked. It is unknown what happened to Bradley when Clive's project, which led to the Rage Virus, went out of control.
Doctor Clive was a scientist at Cambridge University and Warren's lab partner. He is more down-to-earth than Warren and normally considered what risks there would be if they went in a new or radical direction to pursue their goals in their projects. After waking up from an attempted suicide, he escapes a Military Camp and is killed by Sophie.
Doctor Warren was the head scientist at Cambridge University and Clive's lab partner. He is a radical when it comes to science, as he will do whatever it takes to make sure the project succeeds. He was recruited by "The Financiers" to create an Anti-Excessive Aggression Inhibitor, which would have been worth billions and could end domestic and professional crime world-wide. After the experiment goes wrong and the Rage Virus escapes, Warren becomes infected by one of the Lab Monkeys.
Hugh Baker was a popular newsagent in London, with the population calling him "The Screamer", and he lived with his wife, who he loved very much. After the outbreak of the Rage Virus, Hugh was among the few survivors of the Infected's attack on London and, being a patriot at heart, and believing everyone else despicable for abandoning "their magnificent city", remained behind. After escaping a Military Camp, he is killed by a wave of bullets from the Military.
Liam was the youngest son of Roger and Barbara and younger brother to Sid and Sophie. During the early days of the Rage Virus outbreak, when the family were enjoying a family picnic only a few miles from the original hotzone, Liam was attacked by an Infected monkey, which turned out to be one of the chimps from the lab. Liam was one of the earliest human infected.
Lieb was a member of "The Financiers", a secret group of industrialists and businessmen who sought to make money by selling radical new products to the world. Lieb was sent by the group to recruit Doctor Warren from Cambridge University to create an Anti-Excessive Aggression Inhibitor, which would have been worth billions and could end domestic and professional crime world-wide. It is unknown what happened to Lieb after the inhibitor mutated into the Rage Virus and escaped.
Mrs Baker is the wife of Hugh Baker, a local newsagent in London, and loves her husband very much. During the original outbreak of the Rage Virus, Mrs. Baker is assumed to have escaped to Europe as Hugh, 28 days later and waging a one-man-war against the Infected, hopes she will return one day. Sadly, they presumably never saw each other again as Hugh was killed by U.S. soldiers when he attempted to escape one of the quarantine camps he was brought to against his will.
Roger was the husband of Barbara and father of Sid, Sophie and Liam. The family was enjoying a picnic for his wife's birthday a few miles from Cambridge during the early days of the Rage Virus outbreak, where one of the Infected monkeys from the laboratory where Rage was developed attacked Liam. He and his wife, Barbara, were killed during an attack by the Infected, which allowed Sophie and Sid to escape the scene.
Sid was the oldest child of Roger and Barbara and older brother to Sophie and Liam, and was an aspiring musician and adopted the punk-look when he became a young man. Sid and the family were enjoying a picnic for his mother's birthday a few miles from Cambridge during the early days of the Rage Virus outbreak, where Sid was reluctant to take part in the festivities until Roger forced him because it was for his mother, and then began to bond with Roger over talk of their respective music eras. Sid is killed by the Military when he escapes a quarantine camp.
Sophie is the middle child of Roger and Barbara, older sister to Liam, and younger sister to Sid. Clive, whose emotions had reached a breaking point, finally confessed about everything he did to help in the development in the Rage Virus and warned Sophie that the virus could mutate again. Sophie, realising that Clive was responsible for all the suffering the Rage Virus had caused, kissed him, then shot him in the head. She then stood still, and allowed a sniper to shoot her in the head.
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