List of Australian states and territories by gross state product

This is the most recent list of Australian states and territories by gross state product (GSP) and GSP per capita. Also included are the GSP and population growth tables as well as a comparison table showing the surplus/deficit between state final demand (SFD) and GSP for the same financial year. All the data were taken from the Australian Bureau of Statistics website.

States and territories by GSP and GSP per capita

State or territory GSP[1]
(million A$, 2014–15)
(end Jun qtr 2014)
GSP per capita
(A$, 2013–14)
New South Wales 506,918 7,569,800 66,966
Victoria 355,580 5,885,800 60,413
Queensland 300,270 4,750,400 63,209
Western Australia 276,312 2,576,400 107,247
South Australia 98,539 1,691,600 58,253
Australian Capital Territory 34,866 387,500 89,975
Tasmania 25,419 515,300 49,329
Northern Territory 22,450 243,700 92,107
Australia (GDP) 1,620,355 23,617,200 68,609

States and territories by GSP growth

State or territory GSP[3]
(million A$, 2003–04)
(million A$, 2013–14)
Net growth
(million A$)
Growth rate
per year
New South Wales 399,266 487,637 88,371 2.21%
Victoria 270,155 343,819 73,664 2.73%
Queensland 208,487 295,142 86,655 4.16%
Western Australia 158,629 256,188 97,559 6.15%
South Australia 77,665 95,199 17,534 2.26%
Australian Capital Territory 27,132 35,566 8,434 3.11%
Tasmania 21,611 24,905 3,294 1.52%
Northern Territory 14,034 21,205 7,171 5.11%
Australia (GDP) 1,178,187 1,559,662 381,475 3.24%

States and territories by population growth

State or territory Population[4]
(end Jun qtr 2004)
(end Jun qtr 2014)
Net growth Growth rate
per year
New South Wales 6,731,300 7,518,500 787,200 1.17%
Victoria 4,972,800 5,841,700 868,900 1.75%
Queensland 3,882,000 4,722,400 840,400 2.16%
Western Australia 1,982,200 2,573,400 591,200 2.98%
South Australia 1,534,300 1,685,700 151,400 0.99%
Australian Capital Territory 324,000 386,000 62,000 1.91%
Tasmania 482,100 514,800 32,700 0.68%
Northern Territory 199,900 245,100 45,200 2.26%
Australia 20,111,300 23,490,700 3,379,400 1.68%

States and territories by comparison between SFD and GSP

State or territory SFD[5]
(million A$, 2014-15)
(million A$, 2013-14)
Surplus / deficit
New South Wales 486,482 487,637 26,115
Victoria 370,504 343,819 −9,603
Queensland 313,889 295,142 −19,981
Western Australia 214,230 256,188 42,625
South Australia 100,738 95,199 −2,288
Australian Capital Territory 58,832 35,566 −22,309
Tasmania 28,207 24,905 −2,726
Northern Territory 31,941 21,205 −7,728
Australia (DFD) 1,604,823 1,559,662 4,107

Historical gross state product (1989–90 to 2012–13)

See also


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