List of Baccano! episodes

A DVD cover. A brown bar at the top reads "Baccano!" in red text; another brown bar at the bottom displays "The Complete Series", also in red. Between the two bars is a picture of a group of nine men, three women and a boy.
Cover art of Funimation Entertainment's complete Baccano! DVD box set, featuring many characters from the series

Baccano! is a 2007 anime series directed by Takahiro Omori and produced by Brain's Base and Aniplex. The 16 episodes are adapted from the light novels of the same name written by Ryohgo Narita and illustrated by Katsumi Enami.[1][2][3] Told in out-of-order sequences, the story spans three consecutive years of Prohibition-era America during which three seemingly unconnected events occur: two bottles of immortality elixir are passed around Manhattan by gangsters believing it is alcohol, a supposed monster massacres members of two gangs attempting to hijack the transcontinental train Flying Pussyfoot, and a man is tracked down by his sister and a gang.[2] The first thirteen episodes aired in Japan from July 26, 2007 to November 1, 2007 on WOWOW, a Japanese pay-per-view station, and the final three were released direct-to-DVD.[3] The series made its North American television debut when it started airing on the Funimation Channel after the channel transitioned to HD in September 2010.[4]

Eight DVD compilations were released by Aniplex, each containing two episodes, with the first released on October 24, 2007 and the eighth on May 28, 2008.[5] A Blu-ray boxset was released January 26, 2011.[6] On July 21, 2008, the English adaptation of Baccano! was licensed by Funimation.[3] They released four DVD compilations, each containing four episodes, with the first released on January 27, 2009 and the fourth on June 16, 2009.[7][8] A complete DVD collection boxset was released December 29, 2009, and re-released on December 28, 2010 as part of a lower-priced Viridian Collection.[9][10] A limited edition Blu-ray boxset was released May 17, 2011; the Blu-ray set was later rereleased on July 31, 2012.[11][12][13] The entire English-dubbed series was streamed through Hulu during October 2009 and English-subtitled episodes continue to be streamed, and Funimation streams English-subtitled and English-dubbed episodes through their website.[14][15][16] In Australia and New Zealand, the series is licensed by Madman Entertainment, who released the series over four DVDs between June 24, 2009 and October 21, 2009.[17][18] A boxset was released on March 17, 2010.[19] Baccano! is licensed in the United Kingdom by Manga Entertainment and was released in a complete boxset on October 11, 2010.[20][21] The series is aired in the Philippines, Hong Kong and Southeast Asia on Animax Asia.[22][23]

Two pieces of theme music were used for the series. "Gun's & Roses", performed by Paradise Lunch, was used as the opening theme for all 16 episodes, and Kaori Oda's "Calling" was used as the ending theme.[24] The two themes were released as singles on August 22, 2007. An original soundtrack titled "Spiral Melodies" was released October 24, 2007.[25]

Episode list

# Title[26] Original airdate
01 "The Vice President Doesn't Say Anything about the Possibility of Him Being the Main Character"
"Fukushachō wa Jishin ga Shuyaku de aru Kanōsei ni tsuite Kataranai" (副社長は自身が主役である可能性について語らない) 
July 26, 2007
In 1932, New York City, the vice president of the Daily Days newspaper, Gustav St. Germain, and his assistant, Carol, are investigating a series of strange events. They are attempting to decide when these events began, with dates ranging from 1711 to the 1930s, and to choose a "main character" from about twenty people. Earlier in the year, a member of the Runorata mafia family, Gustavo, is searching for Dallas Genoard while the Runorata fight a turf war with the Gandor mafia family, resulting in the attempted murder of Luck Gandor and his friend Firo Prochainezo of the Martillo Camorra family. Although the pair receive hundreds of bullet wounds, they completely recover in seconds. In 1931, Firo, his friend Ennis, his mentor Maiza Avaro, Luck and his two brothers, Keith Gandor and Berga Gandor, await the arrival of the transcontinental express train Flying Pussyfoot. Elsewhere, the FBI investigates the bodies and blood lying by the Pussyfoot's tracks and finds a severely injured Ladd Russo lovingly telling Lua Klein that he will kill her. Further down the tracks, men fish crates out of a river as Chane Laforet floats by on a suitcase. After the train pulls into New York, Firo, Ennis and Maiza greet Isaac Dian and Miria Harvent while a woman in fatigues limps into the station and Nice Holystone supports an injured Jacuzzi Splot. An unharmed Czeslaw Meyer also steps off the train. 
02 "Setting the Old Woman's Qualms Aside, the Flying Pussyfoot Departs"
"Rōfujin no Fuan o Yoso ni Furaingu Pusshīfutto Go wa Shuppatsu Suru" (老婦人の不安をよそに大陸横断鉄道は出発する) 
August 2, 2007
In late 1931, the Pussyfoot is leaving Chicago despite a woman's prediction that the train is cursed and those who survive the trip are either lucky or not human. Prior to this, Isaac and Miria are unsuccessful in their search for gold in California. After receiving a letter from Ennis in New York City, they wish to return to Manhattan and, realizing they have no money, decide to rob a train. Instead, the pair steal money from two mafia hitmen in Chicago and take the Pussyfoot to New York. Czeslaw, Ladd and Lua, Nice, Jacuzzi, and their gang, Senator Beriam's wife Natalie and daughter Mary and an orchestra that includes Chane Laforet also board the train while the woman in fatigues sneaks on. Two conductors, a young red-head and an older dark-haired one, relieve a retiring conductor from his shift. Shortly after, the retiring conductor is killed and his uniform is stolen by a red-headed Russo. In the dining car, Nice, Jacuzzi, Czeslaw, Natalie and Mary hear Isaac and Miria tell the tale of the Rail Tracer, a monster that eats train passengers. Jacuzzi is scared witless and goes to ask the young conductor how to avoid being eaten. He runs into Ladd, who recognizes him. Meanwhile, the older conductor holds the young conductor at gunpoint. 
03 "Randy and Pecho Are Busy Getting Ready for the Party"
"Randi to Petcho wa Pāti no Junbi de Isogashii" (ランディとペッチョはパーティの準備で忙しい) 
August 9, 2007
In 1932, Eve Genoard anxiously watches men dredge the Hudson River. In 1930, Dallas is beating a Runorata member, and Luck stops him. Aboard the Pussyfoot in 1931, Ladd tells Lua he will kill everyone in the world and then slowly kill her as a sign of his love. He leaves to check the dining car and bumps into Jacuzzi. He remembers that Jacuzzi is wanted by the Russo and follows him. In 1930, two Martillo accidentally set a warehouse on fire. Beneath the warehouse, an old man named Barnes has created an immortality elixir, but is only able to escape with two bottles. In 1931, Eve visits the Daily Days, which is also an information broker, for information on Dallas. In 1930, Maiza and Firo briefly run into Isaac and Miria. Firo sees the warehouse fire and goes to investigate. He bumps into Ennis and chases her to return a button she dropped. Instead, he finds Dallas attacking Barnes and stops him. In 1931, Nice asks Nick, a member of her gang, to take care of the dining car, which he takes to mean hold the passengers hostage. In 1932, the Daily Days is unable to help Eve. In 1930, Dallas catches Barnes once again, kills him and takes the bottles of elixir from him, mistaking them for alcohol. Aboard the Pussyfoot, the Russo, the orchestra members, who are the Lemures in disguise, and Nick attempt to take the dining car hostage. Nick, only armed with a knife, sees the Russo and Lemures are better armed and flees. The woman in fatigues climbs out of the window and Isaac and Miria escape. In 1930, Ennis finds Barnes' recovering body. On the Pussyfoot, Jacuzzi discovers the conductors' mutilated bodies. 
04 "Ladd Russo Enjoys Talking A Lot and Slaughtering A Lot"
"Raddo Russo wa Ōini Katari Ōini Satsuriku o Tanoshimu" (ラッド・ルッソは大いに語り大いに殺戮を楽しむ) 
August 16, 2007
On the Pussyfoot, Ladd hears gunfire from the dining car and becomes excited. In Chicago, ten hours before the Pussyfoot departs, Don Russo learns that a couple stole his money and his men were attacked by Jacuzzi. His grief is compounded when he is told Ladd will hijack the Pussyfoot simply for the carnage it will create. In the dining car, Ladd finds that the Lemures are also hijacking the train, except they plan to use it to bribe Senator Beriam to win the freedom of their imprisoned leader. In 1932, Eve leaves the Daily Days while the two receptionists, Nicholas Wayne and Elean Duga, note that the information on Dallas is classified because he may be immortal. In 1930, Isaac and Miria encounter Firo and Maizo outside of the hat shop. After buying various hats and masks, they dream about their wealthy future and are hit by a car. In the car, Ennis ignores the pair and drives Szilard Quates to a secret society of old men. Aboard the Pussyfoot, the Lemures report to Goose, who organized the hijacking. Chane leaves the car and Goose admits that he plans to kill her. Meanwhile, Ladd allows his men to do as they like. In 1930, Szilard announces to the secret society that the elixir has been perfected and that they will not age, a flaw of the incomplete elixir they consumed. He tells Ennis to fetch Barnes, who has it. Ennis reaches the burning warehouse and runs into Firo. In 1931, Nice and a member of her gang, Donny, decide to search for Jacuzzi in the conductor's car while something watches them from outside the train. 
05 "Jacuzzi Splot Cries, Gets Scared and Musters Reckless Valor"
"Jagujī Supurotto wa Naite Obiete Banyū o Furuu" (ジャグジー・スプロットは泣いて怯えて蛮勇を奮う) 
August 23, 2007
One day before Pussyfoot's departure, Jacuzzi is attacked by Russo hitmen, who are promptly killed by Nice and their gang. On the Pussyfoot, Nice and Donny find Jacuzzi in the conductor's car. He believes that the Rail Tracer is aboard the train. When he learns about the Russo and the Lemures, he decides to protect the passengers in the dining car. In 1930, Barnes awakens to find himself among the members of his secret society. Szilard places his right hand on Barnes' head and "devours" him, the only way to kill an immortal, absorbing his memories and finding the location of the elixir. He sends Ennis to find Dallas and tells her that Firo is looking for her. In 1931, Gustavo learns that he will be killed if he does not find Dallas. He visits the Daily Days personally and successfully extorts information from Nicholas. Nicholas says that the Gandor are connected to Dallas' disappearance and suggests kidnapping Eve to draw Dallas out. One of Gustavo's men learns from Senator Beriam that Dallas is partially immortal. In 1930, Firo is inaugurated into the Camorra after swearing in and injuring Maiza in a knife fight. He notices afterward that Maiza's injury heals instantly. The Don fires a celebratory pistol shot, accidentally shooting Isaac upstairs. On the Pussyfoot, Natalie tells Mary and Czeslaw to run and the Lemures take control of the car immediately after, discovering that the woman in fatigues is missing. They issue orders to find her, but they are unable to start searching because something is killing the Lemures. 
06 "The Rail Tracer Covertly, Repeatedly Slaughters Inside the Coaches"
"Reiru Toreisa wa Shanai o Anyakushi Gyakusatsu o Kurikaesu" (レイルトレーサーは車内を暗躍し虐殺をくりかえす) 
September 13, 2007
In 1932, Nicholas and Elean report to the director that Gustavo knows about Eve. Aboard the Pussyfoot, the Rail Tracer, appearing as a human silhouette, continues to kill the Lemures. As the woman in fatigues is climbing along the bottom of the train, she meets the Rail Tracer. After it speaks to her, she quickly scurries away, screaming. In 1930, Dallas asks Luck to help him punish Firo, not realizing they are friends. He is thrown out, leaving the elixir at the Gandor hideout. In 1931, Czeslaw hides Mary in a closet. Because he revealed his true name in the dining car, he knows there is an immortal in that car and leaves to look for him. Nice, Jacuzzi, and Donny rescue a captured Nick. When Nick sees blood pooling out of another cabin, Ladd walks out of the cabin and refuses to take responsibility for the carnage in it. Mary is discovered by a Russo, who is killed by Chane. In 1930, Dallas encounters Isaac and Miria and begins to beat Isaac. In 1932, Gustavo lures Eve with information about Dallas and kidnaps her. On the Pussyfoot, Jacuzzi and the group enter the cabin, finding it covered floor-to-ceiling with blood. While vomiting out the window, Nick notices something climbing along the train. The group believes it is the Rail Tracer. In 1930, Ennis finds Dallas beating Isaac. While incapacitating Dallas, she inadvertently rescues Isaac. In 1932, Nicholas, Elean, and the director speculate on possible outcomes of Eve's kidnapping. The director indicates that he wishes to avoid conflict between the Gandor and the Runorata. The director is worried that the legendary assassin Vino is traveling to New York aboard the Pussyfoot on Luck's request. In 1930 at the secret society, Ennis injects Dallas with the incomplete elixir. 
07 "Everything Starts Aboard the Advenna Avis"
"Subete wa Adowena Awisu Gō no Senjō kara Hajimaru" (すべてはアドウェナ・アウィス号の船上からはじまる) 
September 20, 2007
In 1711, Maiza leads alchemists aboard the ship Advenna Avis, including Szilard and Czeslaw, in summoning a demon to obtain eternal life. The demon grants them an elixir. He instructs the immortals how to "devour" other immortals, gaining the devoured immortal's abilities and knowledge, and tells them they can only use their real name when speaking to one another. He then gives Maiza the elixir's formula. Maiza decides that no one else must become immortal and is supported by most of the passengers. One passenger, Huey Laforet, suspends his vote and Szilard firmly opposes. Later, Maiza shares half the formula with his brother Gretto, unaware that other passengers are being devoured. Later, Maiza attempts to devour Szilard, but is stopped by Elmer Albatross; they then discover that Szilard is gone. Szilard devours Gretto and discovers that Sylvie Lumiere, Gretto's lover, is not immortal. Elmer tries to convince Szilard to stop, and the two fall off the ship. The demon, fascinated by Elmer's stupidity, grants him one wish. As the demon talks to Huey, a "fellow onlooker", the demon hints that he expected something from the immortals. In 1930, Maiza and a Martillo, Ronny Sukiart, discuss the dangers of fighting with the Runorata. When Maiza leaves the room, Ronny comments that Szilard is close by. 
08 "Isaac and Miria Unintentionally Spread Happiness Around Them"
"Aizakku to Miria wa Wareshirazu Shūi ni Kōfuku o Makichirasu" (アイザックとミリアは我知らず周囲に幸福をまきちらす) 
September 27, 2007
In 1931, two FBI agents enlist the help of the Chicago police in finding Isaac and Miria. On the Pussyfoot, Nice, Jacuzzi, and their gang see the Rail Tracer and climb onto the roof to investigate. In 1930, Isaac and Miria find Eve crying over a photograph of Dallas. She overhears the pair whispering and goes to talk to them. She tells them that because Dallas is from a rich family, he became a delinquent. Isaac and Miria decide that the Genoard will be happier without money and steal it. On the Pussyfoot, Jacuzzi and his group return to the dining car and find that Isaac and Miria have disappeared. Nice and Nick search one half of the train while Jacuzzi and Donny search the other. Jacuzzi finds Isaac and Miria by the conductor's car, mourning Jacuzzi's supposed death. In a luggage car, Jacuzzi explains how he is wanted by the Russo because he robbed eighteen Russo speakeasies in a day after they killed his friends, and indicates that he regrets the deaths his robberies caused. Isaac and Miria tell him to cheer up and decide to ask the Rail Tracer to leave the train. In 1930, Isaac and Miria help Ennis take Dallas and his gang to her car. When she admits she is too afraid to make up for past sins, Isaac and Miria tell her she is a good person. They exchange names and part ways. In 1930, Dallas returns home for money and becomes angry upon learning it has been stolen. In 1932, Eve awakens to find that her guard is asleep and escapes. 
09 "Claire Stanfield Faithfully Carries Out the Mission"
"Kurea Sutanfīrudo wa Chūjitsu no Shokumu o Suikō suru" (クレア・スタンフィールドは忠実に職務を遂行する) 
October 4, 2007
In 1932, the woman in fatigues, revealed to be named Rachel, reports what she saw aboard the train to the Daily Days director. In 1931, Ladd discovers the bodies in the conductor's car and recognizes one of them as his friend Dune, the red-head who killed the retiring conductor. Hours before, the older conductor holds the young red-headed conductor at gunpoint. However, the young conductor is able to take the gun and shoot him. Dune walks in, and the conductor, unable to obtain any information from him, decides to torture Dune. He dangles Dune below the train and drags Dune's arm along the track, learning that the Russo and Lemures have hijacked the train. He finds that Dune killed the retiring conductor and kills him. As he covers his face in blood, he assumes the identity of the Rail Tracer. Later, Ladd plans to kill the Lemures and whomever killed Dune. At the Daily Days, the director concludes that the Rail Tracer was the conductor and that the conductor was Vino. He explains that Vino's true identity is Claire Stanfield, adoptive brother of the Gandor. Rachel confirms that Claire made contact with the Gandor brothers. After the train arrives in New York, the brothers meet Claire outside the station. He informs them that after he finishes their job, he has to track down his potential wife to the Gandor's surprise. In 1930, Szilard learns that the elixir is with the Gandor and has the partially immortal Dallas retrieve it. On the Pussyfoot, Goose kidnaps Mary, gaining the upper hand over Senator Beriam. In 1930, Dallas kills several Gandor members and takes the elixir back. On the Pussyfoot, Czeslaw asks Ladd to kill the passengers in the dining car. As Ladd expresses his disbelief, Claire watches from the shadows. 
10 "Czeslaw Meyer is Forced to Rework His Tremble-Before-the-Specter-of-Immortals Strategy"
"Chesuwafu Meieru wa Fushisha no Kage ni Obie Sakuryaku o Meguraseru" (チェスワフ・メイエルは不死者の影に怯え策略をめぐらせる) 
October 11, 2007
In 1931 at a Newfoundland prison, Senator Beriam visits Huey Laforet in an attempt to stop the Lemures. Huey assures Beriam that Chane, his daughter, is aboard the train and is loyal to him. Huey telepathically contacts Chane, who knows about the plan to kill her. Meanwhile, Czeslaw attempts to bribe Ladd into killing the passengers. Instead, Ladd kills Czeslaw. In 1932, Gustavo learns about Eve's escape. Outside, Eve is rescued by Elean and learns the Gandor are connected to Dallas' disappearance. She immediately leaves for their headquarters. In 1930, Isaac and Miria are planning to rob the Gandor family. They see Dallas with the elixir and steal it from him. In 1932, Eve asks the Gandor about Dallas and is interrupted by Gustavo. On the Pussyfoot, Ladd finds Chane on the train's roof and attacks her. Nice and Nick are distracted by their fight and are captured by the Lemure. At the Gandor headquarters, Gustavo kills the Gandor brothers. However, they recover and beat him. In 1930, Isaac and Miria are disappointed that they supposedly stole alcohol and decide to rob the Martillo family. They visit the Martillo family speakeasy and are unaware Ennis is following them. At the back of the speakeasy, Isaac is nearly shot by the celebratory gunshot for Firo's inauguration. The pair are greeted by Firo and Maiza. 
11 "Chane Laforet Remains Silent in the Face of Two Mysterious People"
"Shāne Raforetto wa Futari no Kaijin o Mae ni Chinmoku suru" (シャーネ・ラフォレットは二人の怪人を前に沈黙する) 
October 18, 2007
In 1930, Isaac and Miria are invited to celebrate Firo's inauguration with the Gandor and the Martillo. During the celebration, Firo asks Maiza about his instantaneous recovery. Firo notices Ennis and chases her to return her button. Atop the Pussyfoot, Chane fights Ladd while the Lemures receive orders to shoot both, if possible. Chane and Ladd are separated and Ladd learns about the orders to shoot him. He extorts information about Chane from the Lemures. Meanwhile, Czeslaw attempts to formulate a new plan in one of the passenger cars. When Claire finds him and asks him about his immortality, Czeslaw initially lies, but eventually admits the truth. The two attempt to unnerve one another, but Claire finally scares Czeslaw and tears his limbs apart using the tracks as Rachel watches in horror. Chane and Ladd begin their fight anew, but are interrupted by Claire. Claire explains his ideology to Ladd, who becomes infuriated. In 1930, Maiza reenters the speakeasy to find Szilard waiting. Szilard kills some of the Martillo to threaten Maiza. Firo attempts to interfere, but is stopped by Ennis while the Gandor investigate the gunshots. Dallas and his gang corner Firo and Ennis. On the Pussyfoot, Jacuzzi leaves the dining car in control of the bartender. In 1932, Don Runorata enters the Gandor headquarters, looking for Dallas. 
12 "Firo and the Three Gandor Brothers Are Felled by Assassins' Bullets"
"Fīro to Gandōru Sankyōdai wa Kyōdan ni Taoreru" (フィーロとガンドール三兄弟は凶弾に倒れる) 
October 25, 2007
Rachel explains that she received her injuries rescuing Natalie, Mary, Nice, and Nick from the Lemures. In 1931, Jacuzzi searches for Nice alone. In 1930, the Gandor kill Dallas and his gang, rescuing Firo and Ennis. However, Dallas and his gang recover and kill the five of them. Maiza attempts to run and Szilard follows, only to be hit by a car driven by Isaac and Miria. Underneath the Pussyfoot, Czeslaw believes what has happened to him is punishment for devouring Ferment, another immortal who tortured him. Isaac and Miria attempt to rescue him, but he learns they are immortal and panics. All three of them fall off of the train. On the train's roof, Claire ties Lua to a mail hook, causing Ladd to jump off the train to save her only to find Claire used a slip knot. Nice and Nick try to climb to the roof, but are confronted by Goose. Jacuzzi attacks and draws Goose away, allowing Nice and Nick to escape. Goose attacks Jacuzzi with a flamethrower while his men are stopped by the passengers in the dining car, who are armed with the Lemures' guns. Isaac, Miria, and Czeslaw are momentarily rescued by Rachel, who grabs the rope Isaac has, but she is unable hold them. Claire takes the rope and instructs Donny to save them. In 1930, Szilard orders Ennis to kill Isaac and Miria while he cripples Maiza. 
13 "Both the Immortals and Those Who Aren't Sing the Praises of Life Equally"
"Fushisha mo Sō de nai Mono mo Hitoshinami ni Jinsei o Ōka suru" (不死者もそうでない者もひとしなみに人生を謳歌する) 
November 1, 2007
In 1931, Claire proposes to Chane, instructing her to carve the answer into the roof and then jump into the upcoming river. Nice and Nick steal explosives from the luggage car, and Nick also jumps into the river. A pool of blood appears on the roof, causing Jacuzzi and Goose to mistake it for the Rail Tracer and panic. In 1930, Ennis attacks Szilard as he is about to devour Maiza. On the Pussyfoot, Jacuzzi is able to push Goose off the train, causing the flamethrower's gas tank to explode. Isaac and Miria attempt to protect Czeslaw from the blood, which actually is Czeslaw's blood returning to his immortal body. In 1930, Szilard incapacitates and threatens Ennis, but Isaac and Miria defend her. Szilard then learns that Firo, the Gandor and the Martillo are still alive because they drank the elixir. Ennis tells Firo how to devour Szilard, and Firo complies. In 1931, Czeslaw attempts to devour Isaac, but Isaac and Miria tell him they will be his family. In 1930, Firo saves Ennis from the brink of death. In 1932, Luck reveals that he had Dallas cemented into a barrel at the bottom of the Hudson River as punishment for killing Gandor members. Eve allows Don Runorata to examine Dallas in his laboratory in exchange for his rescue and visiting rights. In 1931, the Pussyfoot arrives in New York. Isaac and Miria present Czeslaw to Ennis as her new younger brother as Maiza and Czeslaw reconcile. In 1930, Ronny comments that he knew about the elixir, but did not stop anyone from drinking it. He believes that everyone will make the best of it, exactly what he expected from them in the first place. In 1931, Claire finds that Chane will wait forever in Manhattan. He decides to fulfill his duties to the Gandor brothers before finding her. In 2001, Isaac and Miria realized that they never aged. 
14 "Graham Specter's Love and Peace"
"Gurahamu Supekutā no Ai to Heiwa" (グラハム・スペクターの愛と平和) 
 [nb 1]
In 1932, Graham Specter, a mechanic, is outraged because someone seriously injured Ladd. In 1929, Graham attacks Ladd for ruining a car Graham wanted to dismantle. Although Ladd wins, he spares Graham's life because the pair are alike. In 1931, Elmer watches Firo, Ennis and Maiza greet Isaac, Miria, and Czeslaw at the station, but does not talk to them. Later, Elmer visits Huey in prison. Although Elmer tries his best, he is unable to lift Huey's spirits. Huey asks him to find Chane and make her smile; he doubts that she will ever be happy again because of the dispassionate way he treated her as a child. Meanwhile, Graham plans to capture Jacuzzi and get his bounty from the Russo. To draw Jacuzzi out into the open, he wants to kidnap Eve. Meanwhile, Rachel is surprised to see Czeslaw alive. The boy recognizes her and offers to tell her the truth about the events aboard the Pussyfoot. 
15 "The Delinquents That Arrive at the High-Class Neighborhood Are the Same as Always"
"Kōkyū Jūtakugai ni Tadoritsuita Furyō Shōnentachi wa sore demo Itsumo to Kawaranai" (高級住宅街に辿り着いた不良少年たちはそれでもいつもと変わらない) 
 [nb 1]
Because various members of Nice and Jacuzzi's gang worked for the Genoard, Eve allows Nice, Jacuzzi, and their gang to stay in the Genoard mansion. The gang returns from selling the explosives they stole from the Pussyfoot's cargo, but they also rescued Chane and are unsure what to do with her. Although Jacuzzi welcomes her into the group, the others remain suspicious of her. Elsewhere, Claire finds and recognizes Czeslaw and Rachel. Chane receives a white dress as a gift, and she knows that Claire sent it. She remembers how happy she was when Huey gave her clothes. However, she is unsure how she should feel about this dress. She wonders what Claire was thinking when he proposed, but it does not help her understand her situation. Chane goes out for a walk and is abducted by Graham, who mistakes her for Eve. Graham sends Jacuzzi a note, instructing him to gather as much money as possible and then come to meet him alone. Once Jacuzzi arrives, he learns that Nice, their gang, and Claire followed him. However, no one recognizes Claire, so he introduces himself as the Rail Tracer. Claire confronts Chane and declares his love for her. However, this confuses Chane because she never had friends who cared or someone, not even her father, who never said he loved her. Graham is furious that Claire defeated Ladd on the train, and Claire declares that he is happy to fight Graham to defend Chane. 
16 "Carol Realizes That the Story Cannot Have an Ending"
"Monogatari ni Owari ga Atte wa Naranai koto o Kyaroru wa Satotta" (物語に終わりがあってはならないことをキャロルは悟った) 
 [nb 1]
Ladd recovers as he is questioned by the FBI. He maintains his innocence, although there is no proof otherwise, and vows to kill Huey. Natalie awards Rachel money for saving her, and Rachel uses it to buy enough tickets to compensate for all the stolen rides she took. Earlier, Nicholas follows Eve to the Gandor headquarters. He is discovered by Claire, who threatens him into revealing Chane's whereabouts. Afterward, following Claire's meeting with Czeslaw and Rachel, Czeslaw panics after learning Claire is the Rail Tracer and flees. Claire invites Rachel to lunch, hoping she will help him win Chane's heart. Later, Claire watches as Chane takes her walk. When she is abducted by Graham, he goes to rescue her. That night, Graham realizes Claire outmatches him and concludes that only Ladd can defeat Claire. Claire proposes to Chane again, telling her they can start off as friends, and asks her if she would eventually fall in love with him. Chane nods in response. In 1933, Eve finds that the barrel pulled from the bottom of the river is empty. In 1932, Elmer encounters Sylvie and is surprised that she drank the elixir. She reveals that she had intended to devour Firo to obtain Gretto's memories, but decides that Gretto's memories are safe with him. She is also happy to see Gretto in Firo. When they part ways, Elmer finds and thanks Ronny for helping Maiza as a person, not as a demon, just as he wished for in 1711. After Elmer bids him farewell, Ronny comments it was not that he was keeping his promise, so much as he was simply deeply curious. Meanwhile, Gustav and Carol decide that the story they are investigating neither begins nor ends. 


  1. 1 2 3 Episodes 14, 15 and 16 never aired and were originally released on the fifth, seventh and eighth DVDs, respectively.[5]


  1. "Official Japanese Baccano! site — Staff&Cast" (in Japanese). Retrieved September 14, 2009.
  2. 1 2 "FUNimation Raises a 'Ruckus'". July 21, 2008. Retrieved September 20, 2009.
  3. 1 2 3 Beveridge, Chris (July 21, 2008). "FUNimation Acquires Baccano". Retrieved September 14, 2009.
  4. "Funimation Channel Goes High-Definition". Anime News Network. September 10, 2010. Retrieved September 1, 2012.
  5. 1 2 "Official Japanese Baccano! site — Release DVD" (in Japanese). Retrieved September 13, 2009.
  6. "Official Japanese Baccano! site —Blu-ray Disc Box" (in Japanese). Retrieved June 27, 2011.
  7. "Baccano! Volume 4". Retrieved August 25, 2011.
  8. "Baccano! Volume 1". Retrieved August 25, 2011.
  9. "Baccano! The Complete Series Box Set". Retrieved June 27, 2011.
  10. "Baccano! DVD Complete Series (Hyb) - Viridian Collection". The Right Stuf International. Retrieved June 27, 2011.
  11. "Aniplex of America Brewing Up Baccano! Blu-ray Disc Box; On tap For Release on May 17, 2011". Anime News Network. March 29, 2011. Retrieved June 27, 2011.
  12. "Aniplex USA to Rerelease Baccano! Anime on Blu-ray Disc". Anime News Network. April 27, 2012. Retrieved September 1, 2012.
  13. "North American Anime, Manga Releases, July 29-August 4". Anime News Network. July 31, 2012. Retrieved September 1, 2012.
  14. Rojas, Justin (October 1, 2009). "Baccano Hits Hulu!". Funimation Entertainment. Retrieved February 26, 2010.
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