List of Big Brother Brasil housemates
Big Brother Brasil is a Brazilian television show in which contestants (also called housemates) compete against each other to be the last Big Brother house resident and win the grand prize. The series first aired in 2002, and 14 seasons have been filmed as of April 2014. Season 15 will premiere in January 2015.[1]
Big Brother contestants are chosen by the show's producers through an application process that includes a videotape submission, semi-final interviews at select cities, and a final interview in Rio de Janeiro.
A total of 217 participants have competed, and 9 of them have competed in two seasons; in 2010, Joseane Oliveira (13th in season 3) and Marcelo Dourado (7th in season 4) returned to compete in season 10. Joseane placed 17th and Dourado won the game; in 2013, Kleber Bambam (1st in season 1), Dhomini Ferreira (1st in season 3), Fani Pacheco (7th in season 7) Natalia Casassola (3rd in season 8), Elieser Ambrosio and Anamara Barreira (9th and 6th in season 10) returned to compete in season 13. Bambam walked at the end of week 1 and was replaced by Yuri Fernandes (7th in season 12). Dhomini placed 15th, Yuri placed 13th, Elieser placed 10th, Anamara placed 8th, Fani placed 6th and Natalia placed 4th.
The youngest housemate was Elane Silva (season 3), who entered the house at age 18. The oldest housemate was Norberto Santos from (season 9), who entered the house at age 63.

Season 6.

# | Name | Age1 | Occupation | Hometown | Status | Finish |
1 | Caetano Zonaro | 39 | Model | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 08 | 12th |
Xaiane Dantas | 27 | Barwoman | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 15 | 11th | |
Bruno Saladini | 28 | Model | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 22 | 10th | |
Cristiana Mota | 28 | Singer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 29 | 9th | |
Helena Louro | 25 | Actress | Maringá | Evicted: Day 36 | 8th | |
Adriano de Castro | 34 | Artist | Salvador | Evicted: Day 43 | 7th | |
Estela Padilha | 24 | Videographer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 50 | 6th | |
Alessandra Begliomini | 28 | Businesswoman | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 57 | 5th | |
Sergio Tavares | 30 | Hairdresser | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 62 | 4th | |
Andre Gabeh | 28 | Singing teacher | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 64 | 3rd | |
Vanessa Pascale | 28 | Model | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 64 | Runner-Up | |
Kleber de Paula | 24 | Dancer | Campinas | Finalist: Day 64 | Winner | |
2 | Rita Sinara | 30 | Fortune-teller | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 08 | 12th |
Tina Soares | 22 | Football player | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 15 | 11th | |
Fernando Fernandes | 21 | Boxer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 22 | 10th | |
Jeferson Santos | 28 | Singer | Carapicuíba | Evicted: Day 29 | 9th | |
Moises da Silva | 26 | Salesman | Porto de Galinhas | Evicted: Day 36 | 8th | |
Thais Ventura | 19 | Student | Niterói | Evicted: Day 43 | 7th | |
Fabricio Amaral | 25 | Student | Novo Hamburgo | Evicted: Day 50 | 6th | |
Tarciana Mafra | 27 | Saleswoman | Recife | Evicted: Day 57 | 5th | |
Thyrso Mattos | 26 | Chef | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 64 | 4th | |
Cida Moraes | 39 | Flight attendant | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 69 | 3rd | |
Manuela Saadeh | 23 | Student | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 71 | Runner-Up | |
Rodrigo Leonel | 32 | Cowboy | Ribeirão Preto | Finalist: Day 71 | Winner | |
3 | Samantha Pereira | 28 | Personal trainer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 08 | 14th |
Paulo Carotini | 33 | Photographer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 08 | 13th | |
Dilson Walkarez | 30 | Biker | Campo Grande | Walked: Day 12 | — | |
Joseane Oliveira | 22 | Model | Canoas | Evicted: Day 15 | 12th | |
Marcelo Kretzer | 22 | Disc jockey | Blumenau | Evicted: Day 22 | 11th | |
Andrea Guerrero | 39 | Advertiser | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 29 | 10th | |
Juliana Alves | 21 | Student | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 36 | 9th | |
Alan Cavalcante | 26 | Basketball player | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 43 | 8th | |
Emilio Zagaia | 30 | Diver | Londrina | Evicted: Day 50 | 7th | |
Sabrina Sato | 22 | Student | Penápolis | Evicted: Day 57 | 6th | |
Harry Grossman | 34 | Guidebook | Teresópolis | Evicted: Day 64 | 5th | |
Jean Massumi | 28 | Massage therapist | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 71 | 4th | |
Viviane Oliveira | 28 | Lawyer | Votorantim | Evicted: Day 76 | 3rd | |
Elane Silva | 18 | Teacher | Itanhém | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Dhomini Ferreira | 31 | Congressional aide | Goiânia | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
4 | Tatiana Giordano | 21 | Student | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 08 | 14th |
Eduardo Coelho | 24 | Advertiser | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 15 | 13th | |
Cristiano Carnevale | 29 | Shopkeeper | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 22 | 12th | |
Antonela Avellaneda | 21 | Student | Buenos Aires | Evicted: Day 29 | 11th | |
Geris Leite | 30 | Nurse | Cajazeiras | Evicted: Day 36 | 10th | |
Edilson Buba | 32 | Businessman | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 43 | 9th | |
Marcelo Zulu Gomes | 23 | Athlete | Niterói | Evicted: Day 50 | 8th | |
Marcelo Dourado | 31 | P.E. teacher | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 57 | 7th | |
Rogerio Dragone | 25 | Gravedigger | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 64 | 6th | |
Marcela Queiroz | 25 | Promoter | Londrina | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Solange Maria | 25 | Attendant | Mogi Guaçu | Evicted: Day 78 | 4th | |
Juliana Lopes | 23 | Promoter | Brasília | Evicted: Day 83 | 3rd | |
Thiago Lira | 23 | Assistant auditor | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 85 | Runner-Up | |
Cida dos Santos | 21 | Nanny | Mangaratiba | Finalist: Day 85 | Winner | |
5 | Juliana Brandão | 18 | Student | Prado | Evicted: Day 09 | 14th |
Marielza Santos | 47 | Housewife | Rio de Janeiro | Walked: Day 13 | — | |
Marcos Maçaneiro | 25 | Baker | Palhoça | Evicted: Day 16 | 13th | |
Giulliano Ciarelli | 26 | Football player | Campinas | Evicted: Day 23 | 12th | |
Rogerio Padovan | 27 | Doctor | Ribeirão Preto | Evicted: Day 30 | 11th | |
Paulo Andre Costa | 28 | Consultant | Guarulhos | Evicted: Day 37 | 10th | |
Natalia Nara | 22 | TV presenter | Fortaleza | Evicted: Day 44 | 9th | |
Tatiana Machado | 27 | Promoter | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 51 | 8th | |
Aline Cristina | 18 | Housewife | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 58 | 7th | |
Karla Pereira | 21 | Dancer | Recife | Evicted: Day 65 | 6th | |
Tati Pink Franklin | 24 | Hairdresser | Recife | Evicted: Day 72 | 5th | |
Alan Santos | 25 | Engineer | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 77 | 4th | |
Sammy Ueda | 26 | Salesman | Indaiatuba | Finalist: Day 79 | 3rd | |
Grazielli Massafera | 22 | Model | Jacarezinho | Finalist: Day 79 | Runner-Up | |
Jean Wyllys | 30 | College professor | Alagoinhas | Finalist: Day 79 | Winner | |
6 | Juliana Canabarro | 22 | Promoter | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 08 | 14th |
Dan Costa | 24 | Assistant coach | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 15 | 13th | |
Daniel Saullo | 25 | Model | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 22 | 12th | |
Roberta Brasil | 22 | Dancer | Fortaleza | Evicted: Day 29 | 11th | |
Lea Ferreira | 23 | Motogirl | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 36 | 10th | |
Thais Macêdo | 27 | Psychologist | Belém do Pará | Evicted: Day 43 | 9th | |
Inês Gomes | 21 | Student | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 50 | 8th | |
Carlos Issa | 28 | Lawyer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 57 | 7th | |
Iran Gomes | 29 | Composer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 64 | 6th | |
Gustavo Aguiar | 28 | Former monk | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Agustinho Mendonça | 31 | Supermarket manager | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Rafael Valente | 26 | Mathematic professor | São José | Finalist: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Mariana Felício | 21 | Fisherwoman | Botucatu | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Mara Viana | 33 | Nurse | Porto Seguro | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
7 | Fernando Orozco | 27 | Engineer | Rio de Janeiro | Ejected: Day 01 | — |
Juliana Regueiro | 27 | Translator | Brasília | Evicted: Day 03 | 16th | |
Daniel Belangero | 27 | Sports coach | Barueri | Evicted: Day 08 | 15th | |
Liane de Souza | 27 | Student | Florianópolis | Evicted: Day 15 | 14th | |
Alan Pierre Miranda | 23 | Student | Recife | Evicted: Day 22 | 13th | |
Felipe Cobra | 30 | Skater | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 29 | 12th | |
Fernando Bacalow | 23 | Banking | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 36 | 11th | |
Bruno Jácome | 26 | Musician | Timóteo | Evicted: Day 43 | 10th | |
Íris Stefanelli | 27 | Nursing student | Uberlândia | Evicted: Day 50 | 9th | |
Flavia Viana | 22 | Promoter | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 57 | 8th | |
Fani Pacheco | 24 | Law student | Nova Iguaçu | Evicted: Day 64 | 7th | |
Alberto Pimentel | 30 | Financial analyst | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 71 | 6th | |
Airton Cabral | 25 | Designer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 76 | 5th | |
Analy Rosa | 30 | Disc jockey | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 78 | 4th | |
Bruna Tavares | 23 | Student | Taió | Evicted: Day 83 | 3rd | |
Carolini Honorio | 21 | Student | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 85 | Runner-Up | |
Diego Gasques | 26 | Webdesigner | São Bernardo | Finalist: Day 85 | Winner | |
8 | Jaqueline Khury | 23 | Model | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 08 | 14th |
Rafael Memória | 24 | Medical student | Fortaleza | Evicted: Day 15 | 13th | |
Alexandre Scaquette | 24 | Model | Limeira | Evicted: Day 22 | 12th | |
Thalita Lippi | 29 | Actress | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 29 | 11th | |
Bianca Jahara | 28 | Fashion producer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 36 | 10th | |
Fernando Mesquita | 25 | Account manager | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 43 | 9th | |
Felipe Basilio | 21 | Student | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 50 | 8th | |
Juliana Góes | 22 | Journalism student | Santos | Evicted: Day 57 | 7th | |
Marcelo Arantes | 31 | Doctor | Uberlândia | Evicted: Day 64 | 6th | |
Thatiana Bione | 21 | English teacher | Brasília | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Marcos Parmagnani | 26 | Student | Vitória | Evicted: Day 75 | 4th | |
Natalia Casassola | 22 | Model | Passo Fundo | Evicted: Day 76 | 3rd | |
Gyselle Soares | 24 | Student | Teresina | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Rafinha Ribeiro | 26 | Musician | Campinas | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
9 | Daniel Gevaerd | 26 | Manager | Campo Grande | Evicted: Bubble | 19th–20th |
Maira Brito | 25 | Speech | Brasília | Evicted: Bubble | 19th–20th | |
Michelle Costa | 24 | Law student | Recife | Evicted: Day 08 | 18th | |
Norberto Santos | 63 | Radio host | São Carlos | Evicted: Day 15 | 17th | |
Leonardo Jancu | 25 | Student | São Paulo | Walked: Day 21 | 16th | |
Alexandre da Silva | 35 | Businessman | Olinda | Evicted: Day 22 | 15th | |
Newton Siqueira | 29 | Model | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 29 | 14th | |
Emanuel Milchevski | 24 | Student | São Bento do Sul | Evicted: Day 36 | 13th | |
Andre de Almeida | 34 | Cowboy | São Bernardo | Evicted: Day 43 | 12th | |
Mirla Prado | 27 | Lawyer | Belém do Pará | Evicted: Day 48 | 11th | |
Ralf Krause | 32 | Manager | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th | |
Maira Cardi | 26 | TV presenter | Cuiabá | Evicted: Day 57 | 9th | |
Naia Giannocaro | 61 | Promoter | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 64 | 8th | |
Milena Fagundes | 32 | Promoter | Manaus | Evicted: Day 71 | 7th | |
Josiane Oliveira | 30 | Singer | Juiz de Fora | Evicted: Day 76 | 6th | |
Flavio Steffli | 26 | Promoter | Caxias do Sul | Evicted: Day 78 | 5th | |
Ana Carolina Madeira | 24 | Law student | Florianópolis | Evicted: Day 83 | 4th | |
Francine Piaia | 25 | Teacher | Rio Grande | Finalist: Day 85 | 3rd | |
Priscila Pires | 26 | Journalist | Campo Grande | Finalist: Day 85 | Runner-Up | |
Max Porto | 30 | Artist | Maricá | Finalist: Day 85 | Winner | |
10 | Joseane Oliveira | 28 | Model | Canoas | Evicted: Day 08 | 17th |
Ana Marcela Alves | 25 | Student | Recife | Evicted: Day 15 | 16th | |
Tessalia Serighelli | 22 | Advertiser | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 22 | 15th | |
Alex Vilanova | 36 | Lawyer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 27 | 14th | |
Uilliam Carvalho | 24 | Dancer | Firmino Alves | Evicted: Day 29 | 13th | |
Elenita Rodrigues | 30 | PhD in linguistics | Brasília | Evicted: Day 36 | 12th | |
Angelica Marques | 24 | Journalist | Uberlândia | Evicted: Day 43 | 11th | |
Claudia Colucci | 28 | Manager | Ribeirão Preto | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th | |
Elieser Ambrosio | 25 | Agronomist | Maringá | Evicted: Day 57 | 9th | |
Michel Turtchin | 30 | Advertiser | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 64 | 8th | |
Sergio Franceschini | 20 | Fashion student | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 69 | 7th | |
Anamara Barreira | 25 | Police officer | Juazeiro | Evicted: Day 71 | 6th | |
Dicesar Ferreira | 44 | Make-up artist | Londrina | Evicted: Day 75 | 5th | |
Lia Kheireddine | 28 | Dancer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Cadu Parga | 24 | Personal trainer | Rio de Janeiro | Finalist: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Fernanda Cardoso | 28 | Dentist | São José | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Marcelo Dourado | 37 | P.E. teacher | Porto Alegre | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
11 | Ariadna Thalia | 26 | Hair stylist | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 08 | 19th |
Rodrigo Carvalho | 26 | Administrator | Recife | Evicted: Day 20 | 17th–18th | |
Michelly Freitas | 27 | Promoter | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 20 | 17th–18th | |
Igor Pachi | 29 | Barman | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 22 | 16th | |
Cristiano Naya | 33 | Engineer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 29 | 15th | |
Lucival França | 29 | Journalist | Salvador | Evicted: Day 34 | 14th | |
Natalia Castro | 27 | Criminal analyst | Jacksonville | Evicted: Day 36 | 13th | |
Adriana Sant'anna | 19 | Student | Goytacazes | Evicted: Day 43 | 12th | |
Diogo Pretto | 24 | Dancer | Salvador | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th–11th | |
Janaina Santos | 25 | Dancer | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th–11th | |
Talula Pascoli | 29 | Model | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 57 | 9th | |
Mauricio Joaquim | 27 | Musician | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 62 | 8th | |
Jaqueline Faria | 27 | Dancer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 64 | 7th | |
Paula Leite | 23 | Student | Boa Vista | Evicted: Day 69 | 6th | |
Rodrigo Gomes | 22 | Model | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Diana Balsini | 29 | Producer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Daniel Rolim | 40 | Administrator | Recife | Finalist: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Wesley Schunk | 24 | Doctor | Vila Velha | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Maria Melilo | 27 | Actress | São Paulo | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
12 | Daniel Echaniz | 30 | Model | São Paulo | Ejected: Day 07 | 16th |
Analice de Souza | 26 | Bar owner | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 08 | 15th | |
Jakeline Leal | 22 | Husbandry student | Feira de Santana | Evicted: Day 15 | 14th | |
Mayara Medeiros | 23 | Art educator | Jales | Evicted: Day 22 | 13th | |
Ronaldo Peres | 31 | Salesman | Jacareí | Evicted: Day 29 | 12th | |
João Mauricio Leite | 34 | Cattle breeder | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 36 | 11th | |
Laisa Portela | 23 | Medical student | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 43 | 10th | |
Rafa Oliveira | 35 | Lighting designer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 50 | 9th | |
Renata Dávila | 21 | Psychology student | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 57 | 8th | |
Yuri Fernandes | 26 | Muay thay trainer | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 64 | 7th | |
Monique Amin | 23 | Student | Florianópolis | Evicted: Day 69 | 6th | |
João Carvalho | 46 | Trade representative | Divinópolis | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Kelly Medeiros | 25 | Sales assistant | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Jonas Sulzbach | 25 | Model | Lajeado | Evicted: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Fabiana Teixeira | 35 | Poster Girl | Ribeirão Preto | Finalist: Day 80 | Runner-Up | |
Fael Cordeiro | 25 | Veterinarian | Aral Moreira | Finalist: Day 80 | Winner | |
13 | André Coelho | 25 | Lawyer | Brasília | Evicted: Bubble | 17th–20th |
Bernardo Lima | 29 | Businessman | Florianópolis | Evicted: Bubble | 17th–20th | |
Kelly Baron | 26 | Secretaire | Curitiba | Evicted: Bubble | 17th–20th | |
Samara Pessato | 30 | Saleswoman | São Paulo | Evicted: Bubble | 17th–20th | |
Kleber Bambam | 35 | Disc jockey | Campinas | Walked: Day 05 | — | |
Aline Mattos | 31 | Hostess | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 08 | 16th | |
Dhomini Ferreira | 40 | Businessman | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 15 | 15th | |
Aslan Cabral | 31 | Artist | Recife | Evicted: Day 22 | 14th | |
Yuri Fernandes | 27 | Muay thai trainer | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 29 | 13th | |
Marien Carretero | 25 | Flamenco dancer | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 36 | 12th | |
Ivan Marcondes | 26 | English teacher | Rio Claro | Evicted: Day 43 | 11th | |
Elieser Ambrosio | 28 | Model | Goioerê | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th | |
Marcello Soares | 31 | Personal trainer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 55 | 9th | |
Anamara Barreira | 28 | Former police officer | Juazeiro | Evicted: Day 57 | 8th | |
Kamilla Salgado | 25 | Model | Belém | Evicted: Day 64 | 7th | |
Fani Pacheco | 30 | TV presenter | Nova Iguaçu | Evicted: Day 69 | 6th | |
André Martinelli | 24 | Businessman | Vitória | Evicted: Day 71 | 5th | |
Natalia Casassola | 27 | Model | Passo Fundo | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Andressa Ganacin | 23 | Beautician | Cianorte | Finalist: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Nasser Rodrigues | 24 | Salesman | Porto Alegre | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Fernanda Keulla | 26 | Lawyer | Belo Horizonte | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
14 | João Almeida | 31 | Fortune-teller | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 03 | 20th |
Alisson Gomes | 27 | Teacher | Contagem | Evicted: Day 05 | 19th | |
Rodrigo Lima | 28 | Chef | Recife | Evicted: Day 08 | 18th | |
Princy Cavalcante | 32 | Real estate agent | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 10 | 17th | |
Bella Maia | 27 | Ballet dancer | Recife | Evicted: Day 13 | 16th | |
Vagner Lara | 37 | Businessman | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 15 | 15th | |
Amanda Gontijo | 23 | Engineering student | Divinópolis | Evicted: Day 22 | 14th | |
Junior Gianetti | 27 | Sales supervisor | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 29 | 13th | |
Letícia Santiago | 27 | Bachelor of Law | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 36 | 12th | |
Roni Mazon | 27 | Model | Iacri | Evicted: Day 43 | 11th | |
Franciele Almeida | 24 | Event producer | Santa Rosa | Evicted: Day 50 | 10th | |
Aline Dahlen | 33 | Actress | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 57 | 9th | |
Diego Grossi | 31 | Advertiser | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 64 | 8th | |
Cássio Lanes | 22 | Advertising student | Alvorada | Evicted: Day 69 | 7th | |
Tatiele Polyana | 22 | Miss | Cianorte | Evicted: Day 71 | 6th | |
Valter Araújo | 35 | Rapper | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 73 | 5th | |
Marcelo Zagonel | 26 | Administrator | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 76 | 4th | |
Clara Aguilar | 25 | Businesswoman | São Paulo | Finalist: Day 78 | 3rd | |
Angela Munhoz | 26 | Lawyer | São Roque | Finalist: Day 78 | Runner-Up | |
Vanessa Mesquita | 27 | Model | São Paulo | Finalist: Day 78 | Winner | |
15 | ||||||
Julia Nunes | 23 | Fashion designer | Brasília | Evicted: Day 06 | — | |
Francieli Medeiros | 36 | Criminal conciliator | Porto Alegre | Evicted: Day 08 | 14th | |
Douglas Ferreira | 29 | Delivery man | São Paulo | Evicted: Day 15 | 13th | |
Marco Marcon | 35 | Theologian | Curitiba | Evicted: Day 22 | 12th | |
Aline Gotschalg | 24 | Fashion student | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 29 | 11th | |
Angélica Ramos | 33 | Nursing assistant | Embu das Artes | Evicted: Day 36 | 10th | |
Talita Araújo | 22 | Flight attendant | Goiânia | Evicted: Day 43 | 9th | |
Tamires Peloso | 24 | Dentist | São Paulo | Walked: Day 48 | 8th | |
Luan Patricio | 23 | Manager | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 50 | 7th | |
Rafael Licks | 21 | Management student | Canela | Evicted: Day 57 | 6th | |
Mariza Moreira | 51 | Art teacher | Recife | Evicted: Day 64 | 5th | |
Adrilles Jorge | 40 | Writer | Belo Horizonte | Evicted: Day 71 | 4th | |
Fernando Medeiros | 32 | Cultural producer | Rio de Janeiro | Evicted: Day 76 | 3rd | |
Amanda Djehdian | 28 | Businesswoman | São Paulo | Finalist: Day 78 | ||
Cézar Lima | 30 | Law student | Guarapuava | Finalist: Day 78 |
^1 Contestant's age at the time the season was filmed.
- ↑ Big Brother Brasil (Portuguese)
External links
- Official
- Big Brother Brazil 14
- Big Brother Brazil 13
- Big Brother Brasil 12
- Big Brother Brasil 11
- Big Brother Brasil 10
- Big Brother Brasil 9
- Big Brother Brasil 8
- Big Brother Brasil 7
- Big Brother Brasil 6
- Big Brother Brasil 5
- Big Brother Brasil 4
- Big Brother Brasil 3
- Big Brother Brasil 2
- Big Brother Brasil 1