List of Billboard Mainstream Rock number-one songs of the 2010s

The Billboard Mainstream Rock chart is compiled from the amount of airplay songs receive from active rock and heritage rock radio stations in the United States.[1] Below are the songs that have reached number one on the chart during the 2010s, listed in chronological order.


← 2000s · 2010 · 2011 · 2012 · 2013 · 2014 · 2015 · 2016

 dagger  Number-one mainstream rock song of the year

Issue date Song Artist(s) Weeks at
number one
February 27 "Your Decision" Alice in Chains 8 [2]
April 24 "Cryin' Like a Bitch" Godsmack 5 [3]
May 29 "The Good Life" Three Days Grace 5 [4]
July 3 "Let Me Hear You Scream" Ozzy Osbourne 4 [5]
July 31 "The Crow & the Butterfly" Shinedown 1 [6]
August 7 "Another Way to Die" Disturbed 8 [7]
October 2 "Say You'll Haunt Me" Stone Sour 8 [8]
November 27 "Porn Star Dancing" My Darkest Days featuring Zakk Wylde 2 [9]
December 11 "World So Cold" Three Days Grace 5 [10]
January 15 "The Sex Is Good" Saving Abel 1 [11]
January 22 "Isolation" Alter Bridge 7 [12]
March 12 "Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)" Shinedown 3 [13]
April 2 "Rope" Foo Fighters 5 [14]
May 7 "Country Song"dagger[15] Seether 10 [16]
July 16 "Lies of the Beautiful People" Sixx:A.M. 2 [17]
July 30 "So Far Away" Avenged Sevenfold 3 [18]
August 20 "Lowlife" Theory of a Deadman 3 [19]
September 10 "Walk" Foo Fighters 4 [20]
October 8 "Not Again" Staind 4 [21]
November 5 "Tonight" Seether 1 [22]
November 12 "Not Again" Staind 3 [21]
December 3 "Face to the Floor" Chevelle 12 [23]
February 25 "Bully"dagger[24] Shinedown 12 [25]
May 19 "Live to Rise" Soundgarden 6 [26]
June 30 "Burn It Down" Linkin Park 1 [27]
July 7 "You're a Lie" Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators 2 [28]
July 21 "Still Counting" Volbeat 2 [29]
August 4 "Unity" Shinedown 4 [30]
September 1 "Coming Down" Five Finger Death Punch 1 [31]
September 8 "Criticize" Adelitas Way 1 [32]
September 15 "Coming Down" Five Finger Death Punch 1 [31]
September 22 "Chalk Outline" Three Days Grace 13 [33]
December 22 "Been Away Too Long" Soundgarden 7 [34]
February 9 "Heaven nor Hell" Volbeat 1 [35]
February 16 "Stand Up" All That Remains 2 [36]
March 2 "Hollow" Alice in Chains 3 [37]
March 23 "Bones" Young Guns 1 [38]
March 30 "Hollow" Alice in Chains 2 [37]
April 13 "Freak Like Me" Halestorm 2 [39]
April 27 "The High Road" Three Days Grace 1 [40]
May 4 "By Crooked Steps" Soundgarden 2 [41]
May 18 "Vilify" Device 2 [42]
June 1 "The Hangman's Body Count" Volbeat 3 [43]
June 22 "Stone" Alice in Chains 3 [44]
July 13 Trenches"dagger[45] Pop Evil 4 [46]
August 10 "Lift Me Up" Five Finger Death Punch 1 [47]
August 17 "Out of Time" Stone Temple Pilots 1 [48]
August 24 "Hail to the King" Avenged Sevenfold 10 [49]
November 2 "Misery Loves My Company" Three Days Grace 1 [50]
November 9 "Hail to the King" Avenged Sevenfold 1 [49]
November 16 "Never Never" Korn 3 [51]
December 7 "Lola Montez" Volbeat 1 [52]
December 14 "Battle Born" Five Finger Death Punch 2 [53]
December 28 "Deal with the Devil" Pop Evil 1 [54]
January 4 "Battle Born" Five Finger Death Punch 3 [53]
January 25 "Tired" Stone Sour 1 [55]
February 1 "Shepherd of Fire" Avenged Sevenfold 7 [56]
March 22 Heaven Knows"dagger[57] The Pretty Reckless 5 [58]
April 26 "Take Out the Gunman" Chevelle 3 [59]
May 17 "Guilty All the Same" Linkin Park featuring Rakim 3 [60]
June 7 "Torn to Pieces" Pop Evil 2 [61]
June 21 "Painkiller" Three Days Grace 4 [62]
July 19 "Words as Weapons" Seether 5 [63]
August 23 "1000hp" Godsmack 3 [64]
September 13 "Messed Up World (F'd Up World)" The Pretty Reckless 1 [65]
September 20 "Until It's Gone" Linkin Park 1 [66]
September 27 "Messed Up World (F'd Up World)" The Pretty Reckless 3 [65]
October 18 "World on Fire" Slash featuring Myles Kennedy & The Conspirators 1 [67]
October 25 "Edge of a Revolution" Nickelback 2 [68]
November 8 "Something from Nothing" Foo Fighters 13 [69]
February 7 "I Am Machine" Three Days Grace 6 [70]
March 21 "Face Everything and Rise" Papa Roach 1 [71]
March 28 "Apocalyptic" Halestorm 1 [72]
April 4 "Congregation" Foo Fighters 3 [73]
April 25 "Coming for You" The Offspring 1 [74]
May 2 "Follow Me Down" The Pretty Reckless 1 [75]
May 9 "Heavy Is the Head" Zac Brown Band featuring Chris Cornell 2 [76]
May 23 "Failure"dagger[77] Breaking Benjamin 9 [78]
July 25 "Little Monster" Royal Blood 1 [79]
August 1 "Amen" Halestorm 1 [80]
August 8 "Cut the Cord" Shinedown 3 [81]
August 29 "The Vengeful One" Disturbed 1 [82]
September 5 "Cut the Cord" Shinedown 4 [81]
October 3 "Footsteps" Pop Evil 4 [83]
October 31 "The Otherside" Red Sun Rising 1 [84]
November 7 "Angels Fall" Breaking Benjamin 4 [85]
December 5 "Throne" Bring Me the Horizon 2 [86]
December 19 "The Light" Disturbed 5 [87]
January 23 "Wash It All Away" Five Finger Death Punch 2 [88]
February 6 "State of My Head" Shinedown 6 [89]
March 19 "The Sound of Silence" Disturbed 7 [90]
May 7 "Emotionless" Red Sun Rising 2 [91]


  1. Caulfield, Keith (June 20, 2009). "Dave Matthews Band Rolls Ahead of Rock Parade". Billboard 121 (24): 41. Retrieved January 28, 2013.
  2. "Your Decision" February 27 – April 17, 2010
  3. "Cryin' Like a Bitch" April 24 – May 22, 2010
  4. "The Good Life" May 29 – June 26, 2010
  5. "Let Me Hear You Scream" July 3–24, 2010
  6. "The Crow & the Butterfly" July 31, 2010
  7. "Another Way to Die" August 7 – September 24, 2010
  8. "Say You'll Haunt Me" October 2 – November 20, 2010
  9. "Porn Star Dancing" November 27 – December 4, 2010
  10. "World So Cold" December 11, 2010 – January 8, 2011
  11. "The Sex Is Good" January 15, 2011
  12. "Isolation" January 22 – March 5, 2011
  13. "Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)" March 12–26, 2011
  14. "Rope" April 2–30, 2011
  15. "Mainstream Rock Songs – Year-end 2011". Billboard. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  16. "Country Song" May 7 – July 9, 2011
  17. "Lies of the Beautiful People" July 16–23, 2011
  18. "So Far Away" July 30 – August 13, 2011
  19. "Lowlife" August 20 – September 3, 2011
  20. "Walk" September 10 – October 1, 2011
  21. 1 2 "Not Again" October 8–29, November 12–26, 2011
  22. "Tonight" November 5, 2011
  23. "Face to the Floor" December 3, 2011 – February 18, 2012
  24. "Mainstream Rock Songs – Year-end 2012". Billboard. Retrieved February 11, 2013.
  25. "Bully" February 25 – May 12, 2012
  26. "Live to Rise" May 19 – June 23, 2012
  27. "Burn It Down" June 30, 2012
  28. "You're a Lie" July 7–14, 2012
  29. "Still Counting" July 21–28, 2012
  30. "Unity" August 4–25, 2012
  31. 1 2 "Coming Down" September 1, 2012
  32. "Criticize" September 8, 2012
  33. "Chalk Outline" September 22 – December 15, 2012
  34. "Been Away Too Long" December 22, 2012 – February 2, 2013
  35. "Heaven nor Hell" February 9, 2013
  36. "Stand Up" February 16–23, 2013
  37. 1 2 "Hollow" March 2–16, March 30 – April 6, 2013
  38. "Bones" March 23, 2013
  39. "Freak Like Me" April 13–20, 2013
  40. "The High Road" April 27, 2013
  41. "By Crooked Steps" May 4–11, 2013
  42. "Vilify" May 18–25, 2013
  43. "The Hangman's Body Count" June 1–15, 2013
  44. "Stone" June 22 – July 6, 2013
  45. "Mainstream Rock Songs – Year-end 2013". Billboard. Retrieved December 13, 2013.
  46. "Trenches" July 13 – August 3, 2013
  47. "Lift Me Up" August 10, 2013
  48. "Out of Time" August 17, 2013
  49. 1 2 "Hail to the King" August 24 – October 26, 2013; November 9, 2013
  50. "Misery Loves My Company" November 2, 2013
  51. "Never Never" November 16–30, 2013
  52. "Lola Montez" December 07, 2013
  53. 1 2 "Battle Born" December 14–21, 2013; January 4–18, 2014
  54. "Deal with the Devil" December 28, 2013
  55. "Tired" January 25, 2014
  56. "Shepherd of Fire" February 1 – March 15, 2014
  57. "Mainstream Rock Songs – Year-end 2014".
  58. "Heaven Knows" March 22 – April 19, 2014
  59. "Take Out the Gunman" April 26 – May 10, 2014
  60. "Guilty All the Same" May 17–31, 2014
  61. "Torn To Pieces" June 7–14, 2014
  62. "Painkiller" June 21 – July 12, 2014
  63. "Words As Weapons" July 19 – August 16, 2014
  64. "1000hp" August 23- September 06, 2014
  65. 1 2 Chart references for "Messed Up World (F'd Up World)":
  66. "Until It's Gone" September 20, 2014
  67. "World On Fire" October 18, 2014
  68. "Edge of a Revolution" October 25 - November 1, 2014
  69. "Something from Nothing" November 8, 2014 - January 31, 2015
  70. "I Am Machine" February 7- March 14, 2015
  71. "Face Everything and Rise" March 21, 2015
  72. "Apocalyptic" March 28, 2015
  73. "Congregation" April 4–18, 2015
  74. "Coming for You" April 25, 2015
  75. "Follow Me Down" May 2, 2015
  76. "Heavy Is The Head" May 9–16, 2015
  77. "Mainstream Rock Songs – Year-end 2015". Billboard. Retrieved December 9, 2015.
  78. "Failure" May 23- July 18, 2015
  79. "Little Monster" July 25, 2015
  80. "Amen" August 1, 2015
  81. 1 2 "Cut the Cord" August 8– September 5, 2015
  82. "The Vengeful One" August 29, 2015
  83. "Footsteps" October 3-24, 2015
  84. "The Otherside" October 31, 2015
  85. "Angels Fall" November 7, 2015
  86. "Throne" December 5, 2015
  87. "The Light" December 19, 2015-January 16, 2016
  88. "Wash It All Away" January 23-30, 2016
  89. "State of My Head" February 6-March 12, 2016
  90. "The Sound of Silence" March 19-April 30, 2016
  91. "Emotionless" May 7 - May 14, 2016
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