List of Christian terms in Arabic

The following list consists of concepts that are derived from both Christian and Arab tradition, which are expressed as words and phrases in the Arabic language. These terms are included as transliterations, often accompanied by the original Arabic-alphabet orthography. Although Islam is the dominant religion among Arabs, there are a significant number of Arab Christians in regions that were formerly Christian, such as much of the Byzantine empire's lands in the Middle East, so that there are over twenty million Arab Christians living around the world. (Significant populations in Egypt, Lebanon, Brazil, Mexico, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Iraq, USA, Canada, UK and Australia.) Christianity has existed in the Arab world since the 1st century. Readers should also note that Arabic is written with the Arabic alphabet, and that different individuals and Christian groups may transliterate certain Arabic words into the Latin alphabet in various ways.

Contents :


al-Āb (الآبُ) 
God the Father
Allāh (الله) 
literally "God"; is also used as a religious term by Arab Muslims and Arab Jews.
Roman Catholics in Malta call God Alla in the Maltese language. The name Allah is also used by Christians in predominantly Islamic countries and countries where both faiths exist side by side regularly such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Egypt, Iraq
Aiqūna (أَيْقونة) 


Bābā Nuwayl (بَابَا نُوِيل) 
Santa Claus (A partial translation and partial borrowing of French "Père Noël")
Bismi l-Ābi wa l-Ibni wa r-Rūḥi l-Qudus (بِاسْمِ الآبِ وَالاِبْنِ وَالرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ, also spelled بِسْمِ الآبِ وَالاِبْنِ وَالرُّوحِ الْقُدُسِ)
"In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit" (See also: Trinitarian formula, Basmala). Sometimes followed by ألإلهِ الْوَاحِد al-Ilāhi l-Wāḥid "The One God", to emphasize monotheism.
Brūtistāntī (بْرُوتِسْتَانْتِي) 
Protestant (a more foreign-imitating pronunciation is Prōtistāntī)


‘Īdu Jamī‘il-Qiddīsīn (عِيدُ جَمِيعِ الْقِدِّيسِين) 
All Saints' Day
‘Īdu l-‘Anṣarah (عِيدُ الْعَنْصَرَة) 
‘Īdu l-Fiṣḥ (عِيدُ الْفِصْح) or ‘Īdu l-Qiyāmah (عِيدُ الْقِيامَة)
‘Īdu l-Jasad (عِيدُ ْالجَسَد) 
The Catholic feast of Corpus Christi
‘Īdu l-Mīlād (عِيدُ الْمِيلاد) 
"Day of the Birth (of Jesus)" Christmas.
‘Īdu ṣ-Ṣu‘ūd (‘Īdu Ṣu‘ūdil-Masīḥ) (عِيدُ الصُّعُود)

عِيدُ صُعُودِ الْمَسِيح - Feast of Ascension

Sabtul-l-Amwāt (سَبْتُ الأَمْوَات) 
All Soul's Day
Injīl (إنجيل) 
One of the four gospels (from Greek Ευαγγελια "Good News"); Muslims use it to refer to the entire New Testament, or rather to the hypothetical "uncorrupted" gospel of Jesus.


Kanīsa (كَنِيسة) 
Church, similar to the Hebrew Knesset literally "Assembly". See Alcañiz for a Spanish cognate through Mozarabic.
Kathūlīkī (كَاثُولِيكِيّ) 
Kātidrā'iyyah (كَاتِدْرَائِيَّة) 


Maryamu l-‘Adhra' (مَرْيَمُ الْعَذْرَاء)
Virgin Mary
al-Masīḥ (أَلْمَسِيح)
Christ (literally "the Messiah" or "the Anointed")
al-Masīḥiyyah (أَلْمَسِيحِيَّة)
Christianity (literally "Messianity")
Masīḥī (مَسِيحِيّ)
Christian (literally "of the Messiah")
Mubaššir (مُبَشِّر)
Christian missionary (positive sense, literally means "carrier of good news")
Munaṣṣir (مُنَصِّر )
Christian missionary (neutral sense, literally "Christianizer")


Naṣrānī (نَصْرَانِيّ)
A traditional Islamic term for Christians (literally "Nazarene"). Arab Christians do not use it to refer to themselves. It can have a negative connotation in some contexts.
Nāṣirī (نَاصِرِيّ) 
Person from Nazareth (also a follower of Gamal Abdel Nasser)


Orthodoksī (أُرْثُوذُكْسِيّ)
Orthodox Christianity


Qibti, Qubti (قُبْطِيّ) 
Quddās (قداس) 
Qiddīs, Muqaddas (قديس - مقدس ) 
Saint, holy, sacred


ar-Rūḥu l-Qudus (الرُّوحُ الْقُدُسُ)
The Holy Spirit


Ṣalīb (صليب)
Šahīd (شهيد) 
Martyr (The same term is used in Islamic terminology for the "martyrs of Islam", but the meaning is different)
Sim‘ānu l-Ghayūr (سِمْعَانُ الْغَيُور)
Simon the Zealot
Sim‘ānu Butrus (سِمْعَانُ بطرس)
Simon Peter


Tabšīr (تَبْشِير) 
literally "the Spreading of Good News" - Christian missionary work
Tanṣīr or Ta‘mīd (تَنْصِير or تَعْمِيد) 
literally "making someone Naṣrānī i.e. Christian, or baptizing him/her" - To confer the Christian Sacrament(or Mystery) of Baptism سر العماد أو المعمودية Sirr al-‘imād or al-ma‘mūdiyyah.
Tajassud (تَجَسُّد) 
Incarnation (of Jesus Christ)
ath-Thālūth أَلثَّالُوث) 
The Holy Trinity


Ūrasalīm (أُورَسلِيم) 
Christian Arabic version of Jerusalem (as opposed to the Islamic Arabic term al-Quds أَلْقُدْس). Also the official Arabic name for Jerusalem used by the Israeli government.
Ūsquf (أُسْقُف) 
Bishop (pl. أَسَاقِفَة), Archbishop (رَئِيسُ الْأَسَاقِفَة)


Yasū‘ (يَسُوعَ) 
Christian Arabic version of the name of Jesus (as opposed to the Islamic Arabic term Isa عيسى)
Yasū‘u l-Masīḥ (يَسُوعُ المسيح) 
Jesus Christ
al-Jum‘atu l-Ḥazīna (أَلْجُمْعَةُ الْحَزيِنَة)
Good Friday Popular usage
al-Jum‘atu l-‘Aẓīma (أَلْجُمْعَةُ الْعَظِيمَة)
Good Friday Official usage
Yuḥanna (يُوحَنَّا)
Christian Arabic version of the name of John (as opposed to the Islamic Arabic term Yaḥya يَحْيَى)


Zabūr (زَبُور) 
The Psalms, in Islam referred to as Zabur, a holy book revealed by God to David.

See also

External links

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