List of Columbidae genera
This page is a list of the genera of pigeons and doves (the family Columbidae), which are a clade of bird species of cosmopolitan distribution. The group has 310 living species.[1]
Subfamily Columbinae (typical pigeons and doves)
- Genus Columba including Aplopelia – Old World pigeons (33–34 living species, 2–3 recently extinct)
- Genus Streptopelia including Spilopelia and Nesoenas – turtledoves (14–18 living species)
- Genus Patagioenas – American pigeons; formerly in Columba (17 species)
- Genus Ectopistes – passenger pigeon; formerly Leptotilinae (extinct 1914)
- Genus Macropygia (10 species)
- Genus Reinwardtoena (3 species)
- Genus Turacoena (2 species)
Subfamily N.N. (bronzewings and relatives)
- Genus Turtur – African wood doves (5 species; tentatively placed here)
- Genus Oena – Namaqua dove (tentatively placed here)
- Genus Chalcophaps (2 species)
- Genus Henicophaps (2 species)
- Genus Phaps (3 species)
- Genus Ocyphaps – crested pigeon
- Genus Geophaps (3 species)
- Genus Petrophassa – rock pigeons (2 species)
- Genus Geopelia (3–5 species)
Subfamily Leptotilinae (Zenaidine and quail-doves)
- Genus Zenaida (7 species)
- Genus Zentrygon (6 species)
- Genus Leptotrygon – olive-backed quail-dove
- Genus Leptotila (11 species)
- Genus Geotrygon – quail-doves (11 species)
- Genus Starnoenas – blue-headed quail-dove
Subfamily Columbininae (American ground doves)
- Genus Columbina (7 species + 2 often separated in Scardafella)
- Genus Claravis (3 species)
- Genus Metriopelia (4 species)
- Genus Uropelia – long-tailed ground dove
Subfamily N.N. (Indopacific ground doves)
- Genus Gallicolumba (16–17 living species, 3–4 recently extinct)
- Genus Trugon – thick-billed ground pigeon
Subfamily Otidiphabinae (pheasant pigeon)
- Genus Otidiphaps
- Otidiphaps nobilis, pheasant pigeon
Subfamily Didunculinae (tooth-billed pigeon)
- Genus Didunculus
- Didunculus strigirostris, tooth-billed pigeon
Subfamily Gourinae (crowned pigeons)
- Genus Goura (3 species)
Subfamily N.N. ("Treroninae") (green and fruit doves and imperial pigeons)
- Genus Ducula – imperial pigeons (36 species)
- Genus Lopholaimus – topknot pigeon
- Genus Hemiphaga (2 species)
- Genus Cryptophaps – sombre pigeon
- Genus Gymnophaps – mountain pigeons (3 species)
- Genus Ptilinopus – fruit doves (some 50 living species, 1–2 recently extinct)
- Genus Natunaornis – Viti Levu giant pigeon (prehistoric)
- Genus Drepanoptila – cloven-feathered dove
- Genus Alectroenas – blue pigeons (3 living species)
Subfamily Raphinae (didines)
- Genus Raphus – dodo (extinct late 17th century)
- Genus Pezophaps – Rodrigues solitaire (extinct c. 1730)
Placement unresolved
- Genus Caloenas – Nicobar pigeon
- Genus Treron – green pigeons (23 species)
- Genus Phapitreron – brown doves (3 species)
- Genus Leucosarcia – wonga pigeon
- Genus Microgoura – Choiseul crested pigeon (extinct early 20th century)
- Genus Dysmoropelia – Saint Helena dove (extinct)
- Genus Bountyphaps – Henderson Island archaic pigeon (prehistoric)
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