List of Copper Country mines

Miners pose with lunch pails in hand on a mine rock pile outside of the Tamarack mineshaft.
Many copper mines have existed in the Copper Country of Michigan. These include both large-scale commercial ventures and small operations. There are hundreds of Ancient mining pits in and around the Copper Country area, especially on Isle Royale (several of these were developed). Numerous small modern diggings exist around the area as well, including some around Fort Wilkins and the Copper Harbor Light.
- 543-S - nearby Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- 543-S Deposit - nearby Deer Lake, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Adventure mine - In Greenland, Michigan
- Aetna Exploration Copper mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Aetna mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Agate Harbor mine - Agate Harbor, Michigan
- Agency mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Ahmeek mine - in Ahmeek, Michigan
- Albion mine (originally the Manhattan Mine) - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Algomah mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Allouez mine - Allouez, Michigan
- American Mining, Exploring, & Manufacturing Company mine - On Isle Royale National Park
- Amygdaloid & Isle Royale mine - On Amygdaloid Island, Isle Royale National Park
- Amygdaloid mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Arcadian mine - Ripley, Michigan
- Arctic mine - Victoria, Michigan
- Arnold mine - In Copper Falls, Michigan
- Ashbed mine - In Copper Falls, Michigan
- Atlantic Mine - Atlantic Mine, Michigan
- Atlantic Section 16 Exploration Prospect - Baltic, Michigan
- Baltic mine - In Baltic, Michigan
- Baltic mine - In South Range, Michigan
- Bay State Fissure mine - In Phoenix, Michigan
- Belt mine (Originally the Piscatauqua mine) - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Bluff Wyoming mine - Mandan, Michigan
- Bohemian Range Exploration - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Boston & North American Silver prospect - Silver City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Boston mine - Boston location, Houghton County, Michigan
- Brooklyn mine (originally the Nahass mine) - Victoria, Michigan
- Bumblebee mine - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Butler mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Caledonia mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Calumet and Hecla mines
- Cape mine - within the Mosquito District of Copper Harbor, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Carp Lake mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Cascade prospect - Matchwood Township, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Centennial mine - In Centennial Heights, Michigan, Calumet, Michigan and Kearsarge, Michigan
- Central Exploration - Central, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Central mine - Central, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Challenge Copper mine - Toivola, Houghton County, Michigan
- Champion mine - In Painesdale, Houghton County, Michigan
- Chippewa Mining Company Exploration - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Cherokee mine - Twin Lakes, Houghton County, Michigan
- Chicago & Isle Royale mine - On the northwest shore of Isle Royale National Park
- Clark mine - Near Copper Harbor, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Cliff mine - In abandoned Clifton, Keweenaw County, Michigan. Operated from 1845 to 1878.
- Avery shaft
- Clifton mine - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan.
- Concord & Douglas Copper Mine - Houghton County, Michigan
- Concord mine - Ripley, Michigan
- Connecticut mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Copper Falls mine - Copper Falls, Michigan
- Childs Fissure Mine
- Copper Falls Fissure Mine
- Hill Fissure Mine
- Old Copper Falls Fissure Mine
- Owl Creek Fissure Mine
- Cuyahoga mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Delevan mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Derby mine - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- G-12 Prospect - Lac La Belle, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- G-13 Prospect - Lac La Belle, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Garden City mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- Girard Exploration - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Girard Mining Company mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Globe mine - In Painesdale, Houghton County, Michigan
- Gogebic mine - Bergland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Gratiot Lake Project Prospect - Gratiot Lake, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Gratiot Copper mine - Gratiot Location, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Dana mine - in Central, Michigan
- Datolite mine - On Isle Royale National Park
- Delaware mine - In the abandoned town of Delaware, Keweenaw County, Michigan, twelve miles south of Copper Harbor.
- Delaware Fissure mine
- Dover mine - Dover location, Michigan
- Dorchester Mining Company mine - Houghton County, Michigan
- Drexel mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Duncan's location - Near Duncan Bay on Isle Royale National Park
- Eagle Exploration prospect - Twin Lakes, Michigan
- Eagle Harbor mines - Eagle Harbor, Michigan
- Eagle mine - A mine under construction since 2010 near Yellow Dog Plains.
- Eagle River mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- Elm River mine - Twin Lakes, Michigan
- Epidote mine - within Isle Royale National Park
- Erie-Ontario Mine - Donken, Michigan
- Evergreen Bluff mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Flintsteel mine (formerly known as the Nassau mine, Old Flintsteel mine, and the Superior-Nassau Superior mine) - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Florida location - Florida location, Houghton County, Michigan
- Franklin mine - Franklin, Michigan. Bought by the Quincy Mining Company in the year of 1908.
- Franklin Jr. mine (Originally the Albany & Boston mine; then the Peninsula mine) - Ripley, Houghton County Michigan
- Halliwell mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Hancock mine - Hancock, Houghton County, Michigan
- Dupuis shaft
- Hanover mine - In Copper Harbor, Michigan
- Hays mine (originally the Pittsburg & Boston mine) - Copper Harbor, Michigan
- Haytown mine (originally the Pittsburg & Isle Royale mine) - Isle Royal National Park
- Hecla mine - Hecla location, Houghton County, Michigan
- Hilton mine (originally the Ohio mine) - Greenland, Michigan
- Hogan mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Houghton Exploration prospect - Superior, Michigan
- Hudson mine (originally the Eureka mine) - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Humboldt mine - In Copper Falls, Michigan
- Huron mine (originally the Houghton mine) - Hurontown, Michigan
- Iron City mine (originally the Empire Mine) - within the Mosquito District of Copper Harbor, Michigan
- Iroquois mine - Mohawk, Michigan
- Island mine - On Isle Royale National Park
- Isle Royale mine - South of Houghton, Michigan
- Kearsarge mine - Kearsarge, Michigan
- King Philip mine - Winona, Houghton County Michigan
- Kingston mine - In Copper City, Michigan
- Knowlton mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- La Salle mine - Osceola, Houghton County, Michigan
- Lac La Belle Exploration - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Lafayette mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Lake mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Lake Superior mine - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Laurium mine - Laurium, Michigan
- Lizzardo mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Lone Ro
- Lucky Bay mine - within Isle Royale National Park
- Mabbs mine - Houghton, Houghton County, Michigan
- Madison mine - In Central, Michigan
- Mandan mine - Mandan, Michigan
- Manganese mine - In the abandoned town of Manganese, Michigan, outside of Copper Harbor, near the Clark mine.
- Manhattan Exploration Prospect - Ojibway, Michigan
- Manitou Copper mine - Nearby Torch Lake, Houghton County, Michigan
- Mass Consolidated mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Hazard mine
- Mass mine
- Merrimac mine
- Ogima mine
- Ridge mine
- Massachusetts Copper-Land & Mining Company mine
- Mayflower Old Colony Mine - Centennial, Michigan
- Meadow mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- Medore mine - Mandan, Michigan
- Mendenhall mine - Victoria, Michigan
- Mendota mine - Lac La Belle, Michigan
- Merryweather prospect - Bergland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Mesnard mine - In Hancock, Michigan. Bought by the Quincy Mining Company in 1897.
- Mica Schist Drill Sample Prospect - Tapiola, Michigan.
- Michigan mine - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Michigan Technological University Experimental mine - Pewabic, Michigan
- Minesota Mine - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Minong mine - On Isle Royale National Park
- Miskwabic Exploration Prospect - Phoenix, Michigan
- Mohawk mine - In Mohawk, Michigan
- Montezuma Prospect - Houghton, Houghton County, Michigan
- Mount Bohemia mine - Mount Bohemia, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Natick Gap Exploration Prospect - Phoenix, Michigan or Vaughsville, Michigan
- National mine - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Native Copper mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Naumkeag mine - Houghton, Michigan
- Nebraska mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- New Arcadian Exploration - Ripley, Michigan
- New Baltic Copper Company mine - Wolverine, Michigan
- New Baltic Exploration prospect - Houghton County, Michigan
- New York and Michigan Exploration mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- North's Copper Pit - Houghton County, Michigan
- North American Mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- North Cliff Mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- North Kearsarge mine - Kearsarge, Michigan and Ahmeek, Michigan
- North Lake Mine - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Northwestern mine - In Central, Michigan
- Nonesuch mine - White Pine, Michigan. Operated from 1867 to 1912.
- Ohio & Isle Royale mine - within Isle Royale National Park
- Ohio Trap Rock mine - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Ojibway mine - Ojibway, Michigan
- Old Colony Exploration Prospect - Calumet, Michigan
- Old Mass mine - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Old Mendota Copper mine - Lac La Belle, Michigan
- Oneco Exploration prospect - Hubbell, Michigan
- Oneida mine - Victoria, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Ontonagon mine - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Ontonagon mine - Victoria, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Ontonagon Silver mine - Silver City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Osceola Mine - In Osceola, Houghton County, Michigan
- Pacific Exploration prospect - Atlantic Mine, Michigan
- Painesdale mine - in Painesdale, Michigan
- Peninsula mine - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Pennsylvania Copper Mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Petherick mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Pewabic mine - Pewabic, Michigan. One shaft north of the Quincy Mine, acquired by Quincy in 1891 and renamed to the Quincy #6 shaft.
- Phoenix mine - in Phoenix, Michigan
- Pittsburg mine - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Pontiac Exploration prospect - Pewabic, Michigan
- Pontiac mine - Bought by the Quincy Mine in 1897.
- Porcupine mine - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Portage mine (Originally the Grand Portage mine) - Houghton County, Michigan
- Quincy Mine - In Quincy, Michigan
- Ransom mine - Isle Royale, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Reliance Prospect - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Resolute mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Rhode Island Exploration - Osceola, Houghton County, Michigan
- Rhode Island mine - Osceola, Houghton County, Michigan
- Ridge mine - Located near Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Ripley Exploration Prospect - Ripley, Mixhigan
- Robbins Mine - Phoenix, Michigan or Vaughnsville, Michigan
- Rockland mine - - Rockland, Ontonagon County, Michigan. Opened in 1847.
- Saginaw mine - Isle Royale National Park
- Saint Mary's mine - Boston, Michigan
- Scoville mine - Near Scoville Point in Rock Harbor, Michigan on Isle Royale National Park.
- Scranton mine - Silver City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Seneca mine - Seneca Location, Michigan.
- Sharon mine - Norwich, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Shawmut mine - Twin Lakes, Michigan
- Shelden-Columbian mine - Houghton, Michigan.
- Columbian mine (originally the Albion mine)
- Sheldon mine
- Siskowit mine - In Rock Harbor on Isle Royale National Park
- Smithwick mine - Near the end of Rock Harbor within Isle Royale National Park.
- South Cliff Mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- South Hecla mine - Calumet, Michigan
- South Kearsarge mine - Centennial, Michigan
- South Lake mine (originally the Aztec Mine) - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- South Pewabic Copper Company mine
- South Side mine - Houghton County, Michigan
- St. Clair Mine - Phoenix, Michigan
- St. Louis Mine Exploration - Laurium, Michigan
- Star mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Stoutenburgh Mine - Delaware, Michigan
- Suffolk Exploration - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Superior mine (originally the Old Superior mine) - Superior, Michigan
- Tamarack Junior mine - Tamarack, Michigan
- Tamarack mine - Tamarack, Michigan
- Toltec mine - Mass City, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Tremont mine (originally the Devon mine) - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Trimountain mine - Trimountain, Michigan
- Union mine (originally the Bell No. 2 mine) - Porcupine Mountains, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- United States Exploration Prospect - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Vaughnsville Exploration Prospect - Vaughnsville, Michigan
- Victoria Mine (Originally the Cushin mine) - In Victoria, Ontonagon County, Michigan. Closed in 1921.
- Vulcan Exploration Copper mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Vulcan mine - Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Washington mine - Mandan, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Waterbury mine - Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Waukulla mine - Bergland, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- Webster Prospect - Houghton, Houghton County, Michigan
- Wendigo mine - In the settlement of Wendigo on Isle Royale.
- West Minnesota mine - Victoria, Ontonagon County, Michigan
- West Vein mine - Phoenix, Keweenaw County, Michigan
- Wheal Kate prospect - South Range, Michigan
- White Pine mine - White Pine, Michigan. Was the last mine to close in the Copper Country in 1995.
- Winona mine - In Winona, Houghton County, Michigan
- Winthrop mine - In Central, Michigan
- Wolverine Mine - Wolverine, Michigan
- Wyandot mine - Twin Lakes, Houghton County, Michigan
- Wyoming mine - Wyoming (Helltown), Michigan
- There exist a fairly large number of unnamed mines within settlements such as Boston location, Hancock, Houghton, Hurontown, Laurium, Osceola, Oskar, Painesdale, Point Mills, Sevenmile Creek, Superior, Tamarack, Toivola, nearby Torch Lake, Twin Lakes, and Wolverine in Houghton County, and Copper Falls, Copper Harbor, nearby Jacob's Creek, Mandan, Manitou Island, Ojibway, Phoenix, and Vaughsville in Keweenaw County.
- Also not included on this list are the hundreds of Prehistoric mining pits that exist throughout the Copper Country.
See also
- Copper mining in Michigan
- List of Copper Country smelters
- List of Copper Country mills
- Lists of copper mines in the United States
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