List of Delta Omicron patrons and patronesses

This is a list of Delta Omicron patrons and patronesses.

Main article: Delta Omicron

List of Patrons & Patronesses of Delta Omicron

Name Profession(s) Location of Induction Date of Induction
Bruce Abel Baritone Cleveland, OH 1974
Josef Alexander Composer, Educator New York, NY 1971
Claude Almond* Educator Louisville, KY 1950
Betsy Anthony Philanthropist Jefferson City, TN 1996
Claudio Arrau* Pianist Louisville, KY 1943
Milton Babbitt Composer New York, NY October 9, 2000
Joseph Banowetz Pianist Mt. Pleasant, MI 1973
Samuel Barber* Composer New York, NY 1960
Sir John Barbirolli* Conductor Houston, TX 1965
Edmund Battersby Pianist Jefferson City, TN 2001[1]:142 or March 27, 2007
Jack Beeson Composer, Educator Philadelphia, PA 1971
Jean Berger* Composer Denver, CO 1980
Gustave Bergman Manager, Coach New York, NY 1939
Philip Bezanson* Composer, Educator Chicago, IL 1962
Ronald T. Bishop Tubist Kent, OH 1983
Jan Blankenship* Pianist, Educator Detroit, MI 1970
Joseph Bloch Pianist, Educator New York, NY 1962
William Bolcom Composer, Pianist Ann Arbor, MI 1989[1]:142 or July 2006[2]
Ben Bolt[3] Classical Guitarist Jefferson City, TN 1987
Harry John Brown Conductor Milwaukee, WI 1961
Gene Bruck Musicologist, Critic New York, NY 1966
Anshel Brusilow Conductor Maryville, TN 1972
Gregory Bueche* Educator Ft. Collins, CO 1943
Fritz Busch* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1948
Frank Cedrone Pianist Ft. Collins, CO 1974
Stanley Chapple* Educator New York, NY 1945
Ernest Charles* Composer Lincoln, NE 1941
Wilbur Chenoweth Organist, Composer Lincoln, NE 1941
Constance Cherry Educator Jefferson City, TN February 2013[4]
Philip Cho Tenor Culver, IN 1971
Loris Chobanian Composer Kent, OH 1990
Gary Ciepluch Conductor, Educator Cleveland, OH 1994
Curtis Clark* Pianist, Impresario Kent, OH 1984
J. DeForest Cline* Educator, Composer Colorado 1932
Joseph W. Clokey* Educator, Composer Oxford, OH 1939
Kenton Coe Composer Johnson City, TN 1980
Michael Colgrass Composer Akron, OH 1991
J. Ralph Corbett Philanthropist Cincinnati, OH 1967
Dominic Cossa Bass Cincinnati, OH 1971
Louis Woodsen Curtis* Educator Los Angeles, CA 1940
Hollis Dann* Educator 1925
J. B. Davis Bass Chattanooga, TN 1976
Norman Dello Joio* Composer Cincinnati, OH 1967
Nickitas Demos Composer July 2012[5]
Joerg Demus Pianist Cincinnati, OH 1955
Misha Dichter Pianist Jefferson City, TN April 13, 1999
Wendel H. Diebel* Pianist, Composer, Educator Ft. Collins, CO 1996
Walt Disney* Producer Los Angeles, CA 1940
Olin Downes* Critic New York, NY 1939
John Downey* Composer Milwaukee, WI 1980
Glen Drake* Educator Chicago, IL 1926
Marcel Dupré* Organist Bloomington, IL 1937
Sidney Durst* Organist, Composer Cincinnati, OH 1928
John S. Edwards* Orchestra Manager Chicago, IL 1971
Cecil Effinger* Composer, Inventor, Educator Denver, CO 1957
Halim El-Dabh Composer Kent, OH 1990
Robert Elmore* Organist, Composer Philadelphia, PA 1965
Anders Emile* Educator New York, NY 1951
Georges Enesco* Violinist
Carl Eppert* Composer Milwaukee, WI 1939
Karl Eschmann* Educator, Composer Granville, OH 1925
Simon Estes Bass-baritone Chicago, IL 1979
Bruce Ferden* Conductor Lincoln, NE 1990
Ray Ferguson Organist Detroit, MI 1976
Francis Findlay* Educator 1934
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.* Philanthropist 1939
Theodore Frank Fitch Composer Richmond, KY 1968
Carlisle Floyd Composer, Educator Columbia, SC 1961
Eugene Fodor Violinist Washington, DC 1978
David Ford Bass Lakeland, FL 1980
Henry Ford* Philanthropist 1939
Lukas Foss* Conductor, Composer New York, NY 1982
Virgil Fox* Organist Westminster, MD 1958
Ossip Gabrilowitsch* Conductor, Pianist Cincinnati, OH 1921
Jay Anthony Gach Composer Bloomington, IL July 2006[2]
James Galway Flutist Columbus, OH 1991
Mary Garden* Soprano Cincinnati, OH 1932
George Gartlan* Educator New York, NY 1925
Karl Gehrkens* Educator
Vance George Conductor Washington, PA April 3, 2008[6][7][8]
Armando Ghitalla* Trumpeter Ann Arbor, MI 1988
Vittorio Giannini* Composer, Educator Cincinnati, OH 1953
Becket Gibbs* Liturgical music scholar New York, NY 1939
David Gillingham Composer Normal, IL 1996
Joseph Gingold* Violinist Bloomington, IN 1989
Henry T. Ginsburg* Violinist, Educator Greeley, CO 1957
Richard Franko Goldman* Composer, Author, Conductor New York, NY 1964
Eugene Goossens* Conductor Rochester, NY 1925
Herbert Greenberg* Violinist Stow, OH 1992
Shelley Gruskin Educator, Early Music Specialist Minneapolis, MN 1985
Camargo Guarnieri* Composer Sao Paulo, Brazil 1973
Richard Hageman* Composer 1926
Robert Hale Baritone Cincinnati, OH 1971
Jesse B. Hall* Manager Chicago, IL 1932
Carl Halvorson Tenor Oxford, OH 1991
Howard Hanson* Composer, Educator, Conductor Rochester, NY 1925
Guy Frazer Harrison Conductor 1938
Louis Hasselmans* Conductor Baton Rouge, LA 1940
Robert Hawkins* Educator Gunnison, CO 1957
Walter Hendl* Conductor, Educator Chicago, IL December 1, 1960
Barre Hill* Baritone Chicago, IL 1927
Erik Hillman Pianist Washington, DC 1964
Maurice Hinson Pianist Louisville, KY 1986
Ima Hogg* Philanthropist Houston, TX 1971
Lorin Hollander Pianist Milwaukee, WI 1974
Stanley Hollingsworth* Composer Rochester, MI 1988
David Holsinger Composer, Conductor San Antonio, TX 1998
Hal Hopson Composer Nashville, TN 1988
Royal Hughes* Educator Columbus, OH 1932
Virgil Hughes Dulcimer maker Ft. Collins, CO 1974
Karel Husa Composer, Conductor Milwaukee, WI 1977
Donald Hustad Organist, Composer, Arranger, Educator Jefferson City, TN 1994
Roger Jacobi Educator Interlochen, MI 1980
Henry Janiec Conductor, Pianist, Educator Columbia, SC 1964
Grant Johannesen* Pianist Cleveland, OH 1982
Thor Johnson* Conductor, Educator Cincinnati, OH 1947
Vakhtang Jordania* Conductor Chattanooga, TN 1988
Sherwood Kains* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1945
Martin Katz Pianist, Educator Sarasota, FL 1985
Mrs. Albert F. Keister* Philanthropist New York, NY 1972
Graham Kendrick Contemporary worship artist February 2013[4]
Okgill Kim* President of Ewha Womans University Seoul, Korea 1974
Hans Kindler* Conductor 1945
Tom Krause Baritone Philadelphia, PA 1969
Max Krone* Educator Los Angeles, CA 1940
Karl Krueger* Conductor Detroit, MI 1946
Rafael Kubelík* Conductor Chicago, IL 1951
Gail Kubik* Composer Lawrence, KS 1960
Erich Kunzel* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1993
George Kuyper Manager Chicago, IL 1945
Joseph Landers Composer Birmingham, AL 1997
Hans Lange* Conductor 1940
Benjamin Lees Composer, Educator New York, NY 1965
J. Reilly Lewis Organist and Choirmaster of the National Cathedral 2010[9]
Frank Little Tenor Johnson City, TN 1977
Hugh Livingston Composer, Pianist Maryville, TN November 6, 2003[10]
Normand Lockwood* Composer Denver, CO 1980
Jesús López-Cobos Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1992
Austin Lovelace Composer, Organist Denver, CO 1966
Noel Crawford Lovelace Conductor, Organist, Composer, Church musician Charlotte, NC 1997
Lee Luvisi Pianist, Educator Louisville, KY 1963
George Lynn* Composer Ft. Collins, CO 1974
Joseph E. Maddy* Educator, Conductor 1934
Spiro Malas Baritone Cincinnati, OH 1971
Nicolai Malko* Conductor Chicago, IL 1943
Robert Marcellus* Educator, Conductor Interlochen, MI 1980
Andre Marchal* Organist Cincinnati, OH 1954
Aubrey Martin* Educator 1930
Joseph Martin Composer, Pianist West Hill, TX June 12, 2008[6][7][11]
Jean Martinon* Conductor Chicago, IL 1967
David Maslanka Composer Normal, IL 1996
William Mayer Composer New York, NY 1964
James McCray Composer, Educator Ft. Collins, CO 1981
James Mead* Organist, Conductor, Composer
Sherrill Milnes Baritone Urbana, IL 1990
Estell E. Mohr Educator Evergreen, CO 1956
Gordon Myers* Baritone Jefferson City, TN July 1, 1987[12]
Donald Neuen Educator, Conductor Jefferson City, TN 1977
Albert Noelte* Educator 1938
Geoffrey O'Hara* Composer 1938
Marshall Onofrio Composer, Conductor, Educator Bloomington, IL July 2006[2]
Paul Paray* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1946
Luciano Pavarotti* Tenor Washington, DC 1978
Vincent Persichetti* Composer Kent, OH 1946
David Pew* Organist, Composer Denver, CO 1963
Lloyd Pfautsch* Composer, Conductor, Educator Dallas, TX 1965
James Christian Pfohl Conductor, Educator Brevard, NC 1961
Gregor Piatagorsky* Cellist Louisville, KY 1944
Paul Plishka Baritone Detroit, MI 1985
John Pozdro Educator, Composer Lawrence, KS 1960
Samuel Ramey Bass Washington, DC 1980
Robert Rayfield* Organist Chicago, IL December 1, 1976
Buryl Red Composer, Music Director, Conductor of The CenturyMen, Producer November 18, 2009[13]
Seigwart Reichwald Conductor, Educator, Musicologist, Organist Spartanburg, SC May 7, 2007[2][14]
Mike Reid Composer, Pianist Jefferson City, TN 1996
Wallingford Reigger* Composer Louisville, KY 1959
Fritz Reiner* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1920
Bernard Rogers* Composer, Educator Lawrence, KS 1960
Fred Rogers* Educator, Producer, Musician Pittsburgh, PA 1996
Beryl Rubenstein* Educator 1932
Julius Rudel Conductor, Opera Director Cincinnati, OH 1971
Eric Ruske French Hornist Atlanta, GA February 26, 2004[10][15]
John Rutter Composer, Conductor Jefferson City, TN 1985[16]
Alexander Boggs Ryan* Organist Normal, IL 1969
Carlos Salzedo* Harpist 1926
David P. Sartor Composer, Conductor July 17, 2009[17][18]
Thomas Scherman* Conductor New York, NY 1965
Kenneth Schermerhorn* Conductor Milwaukee, WI 1970
Tito Schipa* Tenor Beverly Hills, CA 1940
Thomas Schippers* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1971
William Schuman* Composer, Administrator New York, NY 1968
Will Schwartz Conductor, Educator Ft. Collins, CO 1954
John Seagle Baritone, Educator Schroon Lake, NY 1963
Harry Seitz* Educator, Author, Conductor Detroit, MI 1955
Robert Shaw* Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1969
George Shirley Tenor Detroit, MI 1972
Beverly Sills* Soprano Cincinnati, OH May 1, 1971
Fowler Smith* Educator Milwaukee, WI 1942
Joseph Smith Conductor, Educator Nashville, TN 1981
Henry Sopkin Conductor Chicago, IL 1953
Albert Spalding* Violinist 1938
Oley Speaks* Composer 1939
Jon Spong* Organist, Composer, Accompanist Philadelphia, PA March 21, 1990
William Stone Baritone Jefferson City, TN April 1, 2003
Gustave Strube* Conductor, Composer 1932
Shinichi Suzuki* Musician, Educator, Founder of Suzuki Method of Teaching Johnson City, TN (via phone) 1997
Waltraud Prange Suzuki Educator, Board Member of Suzuki Institute Johnson City, TN (via phone) 1997
Max Swarthout* Educator 1940
Toshio Takahashi Musician, Flutist, Educator, Founder of Suzuki Flute Institute Johnson City, TN 1997
Carl Tanner Tenor Santa Fe, NM August 8, 2005[19][20]
Deems Taylor* Composer, Critic New York, NY 1939
Alexander Tcherepnin* Composer, Pianist New York, NY 1939
Henri Temianka Violinist, Educator Lawrence, KS 1961
John Charles Thomas* Baritone Oxford, OH 1940
Virgil Thomson* Composer Milwaukee, WI 1957
James Tocco Pianist Middletown, OH 1990
Werner Torkanowski Conductor Cincinnati, OH 1971
Noel Tredinnick Conductor Jefferson City, TN 1988
Norman Treigle* Bass-baritone Cincinnati, OH 1971
Kirk Trevor Conductor Jefferson City, TN 1988
Barry Tuckwell Hornist Cincinnati, OH 1988
Horace Tureman* Composer Denver, CO 1939
Roy Underwood Educator, Pianist, Music Therapist Lansing, MI 1957
Isaac Von Grove* Conductor Cincinnati, OH
Ramon Vinay* Tenor Denver, CO 1948
Frank Laird Waller* Composer Milwaukee, WI 1931
Walter Watson Composer, Educator, Organist, Pianist
Milton Weber* Conductor Milwaukee, WI 1954
Douglas Weeks Pianist Spartanburg, SC 1990
Mrs. David Weir* Philanthropist Beaumont, TX 1972
Reinald Werrenrath* Baritone 1931
Paul W. Whear Composer Huntington, WV 1975
John White Composer, Cellist, Author Denver, CO December 11, 2005[19][21]
Robert Whitney* Conductor, Educator Louisville, KY 1950
Dean Wilder Tenor Kansas City, MI 1982
Guy Bevier Williams* Composer 1926
Gavin Williamson Harpsichordist 1954
Beverly Wolff* Mezzo-soprano Cincinnati, OH 1971
Richard Worthing Conductor, Educator Kent, OH 1984
Richard Yardumian* Composer, Pianist Philadelphia, PA 1967
Tibor Yusti; Marquis Von Arth Pianist Detroit, MI 1973
Berj Zamkochian* Organist Normal, IL 1969
Harry Zelzer Impresario Chicago, IL 1968
Efrem Zimbalist* Violinist, Educator Georgetown, KY 1940

"*"s indicate deceased patrons or patronesses.


National Patrons and Patronesses of Delta Omicron

  1. 1 2 Delta Omicron International Music Fraternity: A Centennial History 1909-2009. Rogersville, TN: East Tennessee Printing Company. 2009. pp. 141–161.
  2. 1 2 3 4 "NMC Newsletter Summer 2007" (PDF). Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  3. "Ben Bolt Bio". Ben Bolt website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  4. 1 2 "Dr. Cherry Receives Unexpected Professional Honor". The Worship Architect. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  5. "NMC Newsletter Fall 2012" (PDF). Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  6. 1 2 NMC Newsletter Summer 2008
  7. 1 2 The Wheel of Delta Omicron. Spring 2008. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  8. "Conductor Vance George Inducted As National Patron of Delta Omicron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  9. Klafeta, Jennifer. "The President's 2010-2011 Fall Overture to Alumni Chapters and Clubs." Sept. 2010. P. 1.
  10. 1 2 "NMC Newsletter Summer 2004". Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  11. "Composer Joseph Martin Inducted as National Patron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  12. The Wheel of Delta Omicron: 18. Spring 2007. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  13. The Wheel of Delta Omicron C (6): 5. Summer 2010. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  14. "Reichwald Inducted as National Patron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  15. "Eric Ruske is Inducted as National Patron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  16. "National Patron John Rutter Honored". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  17. "Sartor Inducted as a National Patron of Delta Omicron". David P. Sartor website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  18. "NMC Newsletter Fall 2009" (PDF). Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  19. 1 2 The Whistle: 6. 2006. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  20. "Carl Tanner Inducted As National Patron of Delta Omicron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
  21. "Composer and Cellist John White Inducted As National Patron". Delta Omicron National website. Retrieved 6 October 2013.
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