First Ladies and Gentlemen of Brazil

Adelaide Benvinda Silva Gordo

Ana Gabriela de Campos Sales

Ruth Cardoso

Marisa Letícia and Lula
The First Lady or First Gentleman of Brazil (Portuguese: Primeira-dama do Brasil) is the spouse of the President of Brazil. If the holder of the title is a woman, she can be referred to by the honorific title Dona.
# | Name | Spouse | From | To |
1 | Mariana Cecília de Sousa Meireles | Deodoro da Fonseca | 1889 | 1891 |
2 | Josina Vieira de Araújo | Floriano Peixoto | 1891 | 1894 |
3 | Adelaide Benvinda Silva Gordo | Prudente de Morais | 1894 | 1898 |
4 | Ana Gabriela de Campos Sales | Campos Sales | 1898 | 1902 |
5 | Catita Alves (until 1904) | Rodrigues Alves | 1902 | 1904 |
6 | Marieta Alves | Rodrigues Alves | 1904 | 1906 |
6 | Maria Guilhermina de Oliveira Pena | Afonso Pena | 1906 | 1909 |
7 | Anita de Castro Belisário de Sousa | Nilo Peçanha | 1909 | 1910 |
8 | Orsina Francisca da Fonseca | Hermes da Fonseca | 1910 | 1912 (died) |
9 | Nair de Tefé von Hoonholtz | Hermes da Fonseca | 1913 | 1914 |
10 | Maria Carneiro Pereira Gomes | Venceslau Brás | 1914 | 1918 |
11 | Francisca Ribeiro de Abreu | Delfim Moreira | 1918 | 1919 |
11 | Maria da Conceição de Manso Saião | Epitácio Pessoa | 1919 | 1922 |
12 | Clélia Vaz de Melo | Artur Bernardes | 1922 | 1926 |
13 | Sofia Pais de Barros | Washington Luís | 1926 | 1930 |
14 | Darci Sarmanho Vargas | Getúlio Vargas | 1930 | 1945 |
15 | Luísa Cavalcanti Linhares | José Linhares | 1945 | 1946 |
16 | Carmela Teles Leite | Eurico Gaspar Dutra | 1946 | 1951 |
17 | Darci Sarmanho Vargas | Getúlio Vargas | 1951 | 1954 |
18 | Jandira Carvalho de Oliveira Café | Café Filho | 1954 | 1955 |
19 | Graciema Junqueira da Luz | Carlos Luz | 1955 | 1955 |
20 | Beatriz Pederneiras Ramos | Nereu Ramos | 1955 | 1956 |
21 | Sarah Luísa Gomes de Sousa Lemos | Juscelino Kubitschek | 1956 | 1961 |
22 | Eloá do Vale Quadros | Jânio Quadros | 1961 | 1961 |
23 | Sílvia Pitaguari Serra | Ranieri Mazzilli | 1961 | 1961 |
24 | Maria Teresa Fontela Goulart | João Goulart | 1961 | 1964 |
25 | Sílvia Pitaguari Serra | Ranieri Mazzilli | 1964 | 1964 |
▬ | None (see Notes) | Castelo Branco | 1964 | 1967 |
26 | Iolanda Barbosa | Costa e Silva | 1967 | 1969 |
27 | Scila Gaffré Nogueira Médici | Emílio Médici | 1969 | 1974 |
28 | Lucy Mankus Geisel | Ernesto Geisel | 1974 | 1979 |
29 | Dulce Figueiredo | João Figueiredo | 1979 | 1985 |
30 | Marly de Pádua Macieira Sarney | José Sarney | 1985 | 1990 |
31 | Rosane Malta Collor | Fernando Collor de Mello | 1990 | 1992 |
▬ | None (see Notes) | Itamar Franco | 1992 | 1995 |
32 | Ruth Valença Correia Leite Cardoso | Fernando Henrique Cardoso | 1995 | 2002 |
33 | Marisa Letícia Rocco Casa | Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva | 2003 | 2010 |
▬ | None (see Notes) | Dilma Rousseff | 2011 | - |
- Catita and Marieta Alves, 5th and 6th First Ladies of Brazil, respectively, were daughters of President Rodrigues Alves, since his wife Ana Guilhermina de Oliveira Borges was deceased when he took office.
- Brazil did not have a First Lady from 1964 to 1967 (Castelo Branco was a widower of Argentina Viana) and from 1992 to 1994 (Itamar Franco was divorced from Ana Elisa Surerus).
- There's no First Lady in the period from 2011 to 2019 because President Dilma Rousseff is female. There is no First Gentleman either, given that President Rousseff was already twice divorced when she assumed the presidency, and, as of April 2016, she remains unmarried. Paula Rousseff de Araújo, the president's daughter, sometimes accompanies her on state visits in an unofficial capacity.
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