List of Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma chapters

Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma (食戟のソーマ Shokugeki no Sōma) is a Japanese shōnen manga series written by Yūto Tsukuda and illustrated by Shun Saeki. Yuki Morisaki also works as a collaborator, providing the recipes for the series. Individual chapters have been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump since November 2012, with Tankōbon volumes being released by Shueisha. Sixteen volumes have been released in Japan with more announced.

Volume list

No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
1The Endless Wilderness
Hate naki kōya (果て無き荒野)
April 4, 2013[1]
ISBN 978-4-08-870721-1
August 5, 2014[2]
ISBN 978-1-4215-7254-3
  1. "The Endless Wilderness" (果て無き荒野 "Hate naki kōya")
  2. "God's Tongue" (神の舌 "Kami no Shita")
  3. ""Transforming" Furikake" (『化ける』ふりかげ ""Bakeru" Furikake")
  4. "The Demon King Talks About "Gems"" (魔王、『玉』の語る "Maō, "gyoku" no kataru")
  5. "The Chef That Doesn't Smile" (この料理人は笑いわない "Kono Ryōrijin wa Warawanai")
  • "Shokugeki no Soma (One-shot)" (食戟のソーマ: 読み切り版 "Shokugeki no SOMA: Yomi kiri Han")
  • "Kurase-san's Diary"
2The Ice Queen and the Spring Storm
Kōri no joō to haru no arashi (氷の女王と春の嵐)
June 4, 2013[3]
ISBN 978-4-08-870762-4
October 7, 2014[4]
ISBN 978-1-4215-7255-0
  1. "Maria of the Polar Star" (極星の聖母 "Kyokusei no Maria")
  2. "Lawless Area" (無法地帯 "Muhō Chitai")
  3. "A Dish That Calls for Spring" (春を呼ぶ皿 "Haru o yobu sara")
  4. "The Ice Queen and the Spring Storm" (氷の女王と春の嵐 "Kōri no joō to haru no arashi")
  5. "The Meat Invader" (肉の侵略者 "Niku no shinryaku-sha")
  6. "The Night Before the Showdown" (対決前夜 "Taiketsu zen'ya")
  7. "Enter the Battlefield popofet" (戦場に臨む "Senjōni nozomu")
  8. "Quiet Don, An Eloquent Don" (静かなる丼、雄弁な丼 "Shizukanaru donburi, yūben'na donburi")
  9. "Megumi's Garden" (惠の庭 "Megumi no Niwa")
3The Supreme Recette
Shijō no rusetto (至上のルセット)
August 2, 2013[5]
ISBN 978-4-08-870787-7
December 2, 2014[6]
ISBN 978-1-4215-7256-7
  1. "Friction and Elite" (摩擦と選良 "Masatsu to Senryō")
  2. "Concerto of Ideas and Creation" (発想と創造の協奏曲 "Hassō to sōzō no kyōsōkyoku")
  3. "The Coating that Colors the Mountain" (山を彩る衣 "Yama o irodoru i")
  4. "The Seed of Ideas" (アイデアの種 "Aidea no tane")
  5. "Sparkling Soul" (火花散る魂 "Hi Hana Chiru Tamashi")
  6. "Verdict" (宣告 "Senkoku")
  7. "The Supreme Recette" (至上のルセット "Shijō no rusetto")
  • "Our Love Counseling"
  • "Cuoco in Italia"
4Those Remnants
Sono omokage (その面影)
September 4, 2013[7]
ISBN 978-4-08-870822-5
February 3, 2015[8]
ISBN 978-1-4215-7257-4
  1. "Alumni" (卒業生達 "Sotsugyōsei tachi")
  2. "Proof of Existence" (存在の証明 "Sonzai no shōmei")
  3. "The Magician that Came from the East" (東から来た魔術師 "Azuma kara kita majutsushi")
  4. "Those Remnants" (その面影 "Sono omokage")
  5. "Memories of a Dish" (ひと皿の記憶 "Hito sara no kioku")
  6. "The Bitterness of Defeat" (敗北の苦み "Haiboku no Nigami")
  7. "Everyone Must Not Fall Asleep" (誰も寝てはならぬ "Daremonetehanaranu")
  8. "The Eggs Before Dawn" (夜明け前の卵たち "Yoake mae no tamago tachi")
  9. "A Set Trap" (想定の陥穽 "Sōtei no Kansei")
5Dancing Cook
Odoru Ryōrinin (踊る料理人)
December 4, 2013[9]
ISBN 978-4-08-870855-3
April 7, 2015[10]
ISBN 978-1421573854
  1. "Metamorphose" (メタモルフォーゼ "Metamorufuoze")
  2. "Dancing Cook" (踊る料理人 "Odoru Ryōrinin")
  3. "To the People that Will Eventually Fight" (いずれ戦う者たちへ "Izure Takakaumono Tachi He")
  4. "The Fate Surrounding Tōtsuki" (遠月を巡る因縁 "Tōtsuki O Meguru Inen")
  5. "Sensual Karaage (1)" (官能の唐揚げ(1) "Kannō no Karaage (1)")
  6. "Sensual Karaage (2)" (官能の唐揚げ(2) "Kannō no Karaage (2)")
  7. "Sensual Karaage (3)" (官能の唐揚げ(3) "Kannō no Karaage (3)")
  8. "Sensual Karaage (4)" (官能の唐揚げ(4) "Kannō no Karaage (4)")
  9. "The Chosen Ones" (選らばれし者 "Eraba rashi mono")
  • "Let's Weave The Taste Of Autumn!"
6Battle Memories
Tatakai no kioku (斗いの記憶)
February 4, 2014[11]
ISBN 978-4-08-880007-3
June 2, 2015[12]
ISBN 978-1421576886
  1. "Return" (帰還 "Kikan")
  2. "The Man Who was Called an "Asura"" (『修羅』と呼ばれだ男 "Syūra to yobareda otoko")
  3. "Wake-Up Kiss" (目覚めの口っけ "Mezame no Kuchike")
  4. "The Cook Who Has Traveled Thousands of Miles" (万里を駆ける料理人 "Manri o Kakeru Ryōrinin")
  5. "An Unexpected Straight" (予想外のストレート "Yosō-gai no sutorēto")
  6. "The Accompanist of Aromas and Stimuli" (香りと刺激の伴奏者 "Kaori to Shigeki no Banshōsha")
  7. "The Dragon Lies Down and then Ascends to the Sky" (龍は臥し、空へ昇る "Ryu wa fushi, Sora e Noboru")
  8. "Battle Memories" (斗いの記憶 "Tatakai no kioku")
  9. "The Known Unknown" (未知なる既知 "Michi naru kichi")
  • "Mid-Summer Nikumi-san" (番外編 「真夏の肉魅さん」 "Bangaihen: Manatsu no Nikumi-san")
7Wolf Pack
Gunrō (群狼)
April 4, 2014[13]
ISBN 978-4-08-880044-8
August 11, 2015[14]
ISBN 978-1421579658
  1. "Wolf Pack" (群狼 "Gunrō")
  2. "Those Beyond Ordinary" (日常を越えるもの "Nichijō wo koeru mono")
  3. "The Witches Dining Table" (魔女の食卓 "Majo no Shokutaku")
  4. "Those Who Serve the Best" (花に仕える者 "Hana ni tsukaeru mono")
  5. "The Man Who Came From A Cold Country" (寒い国からやってきだ男 "Samui Kuni kara yate kita Otoko")
  6. "A Recital of Blossoming Individuals" (花開く個の競演 "Hana Hiraku Kono Kyōen")
  7. "A Hole Drilled With Knowledge" (知が穿つ穴 "Chi ga Ugatsu Ana")
  8. "Tuscan Moon" (トスカナの月 "Tosukana no Tsuki")
  9. "Her Memories" (彼女の思う "Kanojō no Omō")
8Putting Your Heart Into It
Kokorō wo Nōseru (心をのせる)
July 4, 2014[15]
ISBN 978-4-08-880138-4
October 6, 2015[16]
ISBN 978-1421579665
  1. "Holy Aroma" (聖なる香り "Sei Naru Kaori")
  2. "Their Respective Weapons" (それぞれの武器 "Sore Zore no Buki")
  3. "The Warriors' Banquet" (戦士たちの宴 "Senshi-tachi no utage")
  4. "Putting Your Heart Into It" (心をのせる "Kokoro wo Noseru")
  5. "A Meeting Of Strong People" (強者見参 "Tsuwamono kenzan")
  6. "PLAN" (たくらみ "Takurami")
  7. "On The Edge" (オンザエッジ "On Za Ejji")
  8. "The Theory Of Bento Evolution" (弁当進化論 "Bentō shinka-ron")
  • "Natsuyasumi no Erina" (聖なる香り)
9The "Jewels" Generation
"Gyou" no sedai (『玉』の世代)
September 4, 2014[17]
ISBN 978-4-08-880176-6
December 1, 2015[18]
ISBN 978-1421580289
  1. "What Fills That Box" (その箱に詰めろもの "Sono hako ni tsumero mono")
  2. "Blending Light and Shadow" (交錯する光と影 "Kōsaku suru hikari to kage")
  3. "The "Port City" Match" (『港町』の決戦 "Minatochō no kessen")
  4. "The Kitchen's Dictator" (厨房の独裁者 "Chūbō no dokusai sha")
  5. "Polar Opposites" (対極 "Taikyoku")
  6. ""Courage" and "Resolution"" (『勇気』と『覚悟』 ""Yūki" to "Kakugo"")
  7. "The "Jewels" Generation" (『玉』の世代 ""Gyou" no sedai")
  8. "Minding the Details" (細いを穿つ "Hosoi o ugatsu")
  9. "Sensitive Monster" (敏感怪獣 "Binkan kaijū")
10The Conditions for the Challenge
Shōbu no jōken (勝負の条件)
November 4, 2014[19]
ISBN 978-4-08-880212-1
February 2, 2016[20]
ISBN 978-1-42-158446-1
  1. "Beneath the Mask" (仮面の下 "Kamen no shita")
  2. "Duel Etiquette" (決闘の作法 "Kettō no sahō")
  3. "Pursuer" (追跡者 "Tsuiseki sha")
  4. "A Paper-thin Difference Between Offense and Defense" (紙一重の攻防 "Kamihitoe no kōbō")
  5. "The Last "Card"" (最後の切り札 "Saigo no Kado")
  6. "The Conditions for the Challenge" (勝負の条件 "Shōbu no jōken")
  7. "The Observer Arrives" (観察者、来る "Kansatsu sha, kuru")
  8. "Starting Line" (スタートライン "Sutato Rain")
  9. "The Chaser And The Chased" (追う者と追われる者 "Ou mono to owareru mono")
11Morning Will Come Again
Asa wa mata kuru (朝はまた来る)
March 4, 2015[21]
ISBN 978-4-08-880318-0
April 5, 2016[22]
ISBN 978-1-42-158445-4
  1. "Hidden Assignment" (隠された課題 "Kakusareta kadai")
  2. "The First Bite's Secret" (一口目の秘密 "Hitokuchi me no himitsu")
  3. "Garniture" (ガルニーチュール "Garunīchūru")
  4. "Secret Plan" (秘策 "Hisaku")
  5. "Dreamland" (~夢の国~ "~Yume no koku~")
  6. "Morning Will Come Again" (朝はまた来る "Asa wa mata kuru")
  7. "Iron Will, Heart of Steel" (鉄の意志、鋼の心 "Tetsu no ishi, hagane no kokoro")
  8. "Beasts Eating Each Other" (喰らいあう獣 "Kurai au kemono")
  9. "Firestarter" (発火装置(ファイアスターター) "Hakka sōchi (faiasutātā)")
12Moonlight Memories
Gekkou no kioku (月光の記憶)
April 3, 2015[23]
ISBN 978-4-08-880331-9
  1. "The "Sword" That Announces Autumn" (秋を告げる〝刀〟 "Aki o tsugeru"gatana"")
  2. "Seizing the Season" (旬をつかむ "Shun o tsukamu")
  3. "A Battle Surrounding The "Season"" (「旬」を巡る戦い "`Shun' o meguru tatakai")
  4. "The Answer He Reached" (掴んだ答え "Tsukanda kotae")
  5. "Moonlight Memories" (月光の記憶 "Gekkō no kioku")
  6. "The "Things" They've Accumulated" (積んできた"モノ" "Tsunde kita" mono"")
  7. "A Fang to Spearhead the Attack" (先陣をきる牙 "Senjin o kiru kiba")
  8. "A Sharp Point" (鋭き刃先 "Surudoki hasaki")
  9. "A Fine Tempered Sword" (鍛えた名刀 "Kitaeta meitō")
Sutajiēru (スタジエール)
June 4, 2015[24]
ISBN 978-4-08-880367-8
  1. "Souma's Strength" (創真の"強さ" "Sōma no" tsuyo-sa"")
  2. "SPECIALTY" (スペシャリテ Supesharite)
  3. New "Jewel" (新たなる『玉』 "Aratanaru “Tama”")
  4. "Stagiaire" (スタジエール "Sutajiēru")
  5. "A Busy Restaurant with Many Problems" (問題の多い繁忙店 "Mondai no ōi hanbōten")
  6. "Ideals and Distance" (理想との距離 "Risō to no kyori")
  7. "Choosing a Path" (道を選ぶ "Michi o erabu")
  8. "Those Who Shed Light" (光をあてる者 "Hikari o ateru mono")
14The Magician, Once Again!
Majutsushi futatabi~!! (魔術師再び—!!)
August 4, 2015[25]
ISBN 978-4-08-880448-4
  1. "The Magician, Once Again!" (魔術師再び!! "Majutsu-shi futatabi!!")
  2. "Course Menu" (コース料理 "Kōsu ryōri")
  3. "The Guidepost for Growth" (成長への道標 "Seichō e no michishirube")
  4. "Forgotten Vegetables" (忘れられた野菜たち "Wasure rareta yasai-tachi")
  5. "Yukihira (Revamped)" (ユキヒラ・改 "Yukihira kai")
  6. "Tear Through" (ぶち破る "Buchiyaburu")
  7. "The Fruit Called Growth" (成長という果実 "Seichō to iu kajitsu")
  8. "Imposingly" (威風堂々 "Ifudōdō")
  9. "Tōtsuki's Elite Ten" (遠月十傑 "Tōtsuki Jyūketsu")
15Moon Banquet Festival
Tsuki kyō-sai (月饗祭)
October 3, 2015
ISBN 978-4-08-880486-6
  1. "The Distance From The Elite Ten" (十傑との距離 "Jyūketsu to no kyori")
  2. "Monster Event" (怪物行事 (モンスターイベント) "Kaibutsu gyōji (Monsutā ibento)")
  3. "Spicy Flavor Worship" (辛味礼参 "Karami raisan")
  4. "Má" and "Là" (「麻」 と 「辣」 "`Má' to `là")
  5. "Without Fearing Spiciness" (辛さを恐れず "Karasa o osorezu")
  6. "Singing the School Anthem in Unison" (校歌斉唱 "Kōka seishō")
  7. "Moon Banquet Festival" (月饗祭 "Tsuki kyō-sai")
  8. "Great Stall Operation!" (屋台大作戦! "Yatai dai-sakusen!")
  9. "Moonlight Whispers" (月光のささやき "Gekkō no sasayaki")
16The Captive Queen
Toraware no joō (囚われの女王)
January 4, 2016
ISBN 978-4-08-880583-2
  1. "Blind Spot" (死角 "Shikaku")
  2. "Lion and Lion" (獅子と獅子 "Shishi to shishi")
  3. "A Pride of Young Lions" (若き獅子たちの群れ "Wakakishishi-tachi no mure")
  4. "Waiting Impatiently For That Person (あの人を待ちわびて "Ano hito o machiwabite")
  5. "The First Seat's Power (第一席の力 "Dai-ichi seki no chikara")
  6. "The Clouded Table (翳りゆく食卓 "Kageri yuku shokutaku")
  7. "Dark Clouds Cover The Moon (黒雲、月を覆う "Kurokumo, tsuki o ōu")
  8. "The Nakiri Bloodline" (薙切の血族 "Nakiri no Ketsuzoku")
  9. "The Captive Queen" (囚われの女王 "Toraware no joō")
Miseshime (見せしめ)
March 4, 2016
ISBN 978-4-08-880628-0
  1. "The Lamplight of Hope" (希望の灯火 "Kibō no tomoshibi")
  2. "Erina Goes To The Polar Star Dorm" (えりな、極星寮へ "Erina, Kyoku Sei Ryō he")
  3. "Crumbling Academy" (崩れゆく学園 "Kuzure Yuku Gakuen")
  4. "Example" (見せしめ "Miseshime")
  5. "Memories" (思い出 "Omoide")
  6. "Extreme Foul Play" (卑劣極まれり "Hiretsu kiwamareri")
  7. "The Battle Has Begun" (火蓋は切られた "Hibuta wa kira reta")
  8. "The True Strength of the Alquimista" (錬金術師の実力 "Renkinjutsu-shi no jitsuryoku")
  9. "True Gastronomy"
18The Counterattack Begins
Hangeki kaishi! ! (反撃開始!!)
May 2, 2016
ISBN 978-4-08-880670-9
  1. "Hidden Flavor"
  2. "The Counterattack Begins" (反撃開始!! "Hangeki kaishi! !")
  3. "Triumphant Return" (凱旋 "Gaisen")
  4. "Heaven and Hell" (天国と地獄 "Tengoku to jigoku")
  5. "Board Game" (ボードゲーム "Bōdogēmu")
  6. "The Outbreak of War" (開戦 "Kaisen")
  7. "Reconnaissance" (偵察へ "Teisatsu e")
  8. "Venue of Death" (死の会場 "Shi no kaijō")
  9. "With Fangs Bared" (牙を剥く "Kiba o muku")

Chapters not yet in tankōbon format

These chapters have yet to be published in a tankōbon volume.

  1. "Maximum Output" (最大出力 "Saidai shutsuryoku")
  2. "Absolute "Thermal" Sense" (絶対"温"感 "Zettai "on"kan")
  3. "The Salmon Dances" (鮭は踊る "Sake wa odoru")
  4. "That Difference" (その差 "Sono sa")
  5. "Growth" (成長 "Seichō")
  6. "Alice's Feelings" (アリスの想い "Arisu no omoi")
  7. "Contest" (競演 "Kyōen")
  8. "I" (私 "Watashi")
  9. "The One Who Aims for the Summit"
  10. "Master and Disciple"
  11. "Two Faces"


  1. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/1" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  2. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 1: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572540.
  3. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/2" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  4. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 2: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572559.
  5. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/3" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  6. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 3: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572567.
  7. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/4" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  8. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 4: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  9. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/5" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  10. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 5: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  11. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/6" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  12. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 6: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  13. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/7" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  14. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 7: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  15. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/8" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved July 29, 2014.
  16. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 8: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  17. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/9" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved September 28, 2014.
  18. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 9: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421572575.
  19. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/10" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved December 26, 2014.
  20. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 10: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 1421580284.
  21. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/11" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 13, 2015.
  22. ↑ "Food Wars!, Vol. 11: Shokugeki no Soma". ISBN 142158445X.
  23. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/12" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 13, 2015.
  24. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/13" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 13, 2015.
  25. ↑ "Shokugeki no Soma!!/14" (in Japanese). Shueisha. Retrieved August 13, 2015.
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