List of Hand In Hand episodes

MediaCorp Channel 8's television series Hand In Hand (simplified Chinese: 手牵手) is a family drama series produced by MediaCorp Studios in 2015. Starring Bryan Wong, Jesseca Liu, Seraph Sun and Aloysius Pang as the main characters in this series, it tells the story of four siblings searching for their missing father in order to fulfill their mother's last wish. The series will begin airing on Channel 8 on 25 September 2015 with 20 episodes.

Episodic Guide

No. in series Title Original air date
1"#01"September 25, 2015 (2015-09-25)
PG Some Violence
Seven years ago, Hong Meiqiang (Bryan Wong) was sentenced to seven years' imprisonment for manslaughter. He claimed innocence, but only his mother, Wang Shuhua (Lin Meijiao), believed him. Meiqiang has been released from prison and is bent on finding out who set him up. He avoids Shuhua, who was the only one to receive him at the gates. Meiqiang calls on Yuan to find out about the past. Yuan, who was a fellow bookie, tells him that his pal, Renyi (Ben Yeo), had claimed he brought a knife to confront Dong. Meiqiang looks Renyi up and sees him being chased by loan sharks. He saves Renyi and promises to repay the loan on his behalf. Shuhua returns to the soybean shop she runs with her daughter, Meifang (Jesseca Liu). Meifang assumes Meiqiang is too ashamed to face his family. Shuhua calls her younger daughter, Meiting (Seraph Sun), who is annoyed that her mother is worried about Meiqiang. Shuhua decides to look for Meiqiang. Meifang is worried when Shuhua develops a dizzy spell again. Shuhua wants to clean up Meiqiang's room, which has turned into a storeroom. Meifang is worried Meiqiang will lead her son, Yi'en, astray. However, with Shuhua's worrying incessantly about Meiqiang, Meifang asks her younger brother, Meizhi (Aloysius Pang), to look for him. Meizhi goes to the games arcade instead. Meiqiang decides to look for Bighead, whom Renyi claims benefited most from the death of Dong, whom Meiqiang supposedly killed. Shuhua spots Meiqiang and tries to run after him, but collapses and dies in hospital after urging Meifang to find her father. Meiqiang falls off a building while fighting Bighead.
2"#02"September 28, 2015 (2015-09-28)
PG Some Disturbing Scenes
Meiqiang is in a coma and has no idea his mother is dead. Three days later, he comes round. He views the ordeal as a chance to start life anew and decides to return home. Meiqiang and Renyi go to the soybean shop and learn Shuhua has died and her funeral will be held later that day. Meiqiang rushes to the wake. During the funeral, loan sharks turn up to demand payment from him. Incensed, Meifang lashes out at him for creating trouble at Shuhua’s funeral after indirectly causing her death. He Xinying (Sora Ma) is forced by her mother, Liyun (Hong Huifang), to go on a blind date with Wang. She accidentally falls into the water, but pretends to enjoy herself. Haonan (Zheng Geping) passes by and is attracted to her. Back home, Liyun insists Xinying should date Wang. Meifang is sceptical when Meiqiang promises to take care of the family. He suspects Yi’en is Meifang’s child with Renyi. Xinying is Shuhua’s lawyer. She informs the family that according to her will, they can only get their inheritance after they find their father. Meifang is peeved a sum of money has been bequeathed to Meiqiang. Bighead tells Meiqiang that on the day Dong died, he was at the nursing home with his invalid mother. Renyi denies Yi’en is his daughter. Liyun wants Xinying to marry Wang. Desperate, Xinying lies that she has a boyfriend. As Haonan fulfils all her mother’s criteria, she asks him to pose as her boyfriend. Meiqiang notices someone visiting Shuhua’s niche, and gives chase.
3"#03"September 29, 2015 (2015-09-29) PG
Meiqiang sees the injured Renyi at the columbarium. Renyi begs for help to repay his debts. Meiqiang checks the bank passbook his mother had left him and realises she had deposited into his account all the money she had asked him for. Meiting deliberately distances herself from Yi’en. While chatting with Meiting, Meizhi senses someone loitering outside the shop. Meiqiang tells Meifang their mother had simply saved up his money for him and was not unfair to his siblings. He suggests looking for their father to fulfil her last wish. Meifang presumes he is just trying to snag Shuhua’s estate. Liyun controls Xinying’s every move and even sells her paintings. Xinying flares up at her mother before seeking solace in Haonan. Meiqiang makes a pitch based on Shuhua’s love for them to persuade his siblings to join him in his quest to fulfil her last wish. Meifang invests money to help Renyi set up an aromatherapy business. Meiqiang and Meizhi learn that a man who resembles their father, Jincai, has been seen at the food stall Jincai used to manage. Xinying kisses Haonan to convince Liyun she is really dating him. She tells him she was enamoured with the person who had saved her, but has no idea who he is or what he looks like. Haonan finds himself falling for Xinying. The Hongs receive a cheque and suspect it is from Jincai.
4"#04"September 30, 2015 (2015-09-30)
PG Some Disturbing Scenes
The Hongs cannot understand why Jincai has refused to visit them all these years. Beset by financial problems, Meiting moves back home on the pretext of wanting to find their father. Meifang tidies up Shuhua’s room for her and senses something amiss, as Meiting had always yearned for a better place to live in. Yi’en is involved in an accident at school. Meifang mistakenly assumes his condition is serious and that he needs a blood transfusion. She calls Meiting right away. Meizhi feels bad when Meiqiang is injured while looking for their father. He tells Meiqiang that Shuhua may have been delirious at her deathbed when she made the request, as their father could have died long ago. Meiqiang asserts that he was not by Shuhua’s side for her last seven years and wants to fulfil her final wish. Meiting rushes to the hospital and is annoyed when she finds out Yi’en’s injury is minor. Meiqiang finds out Meifang has printed flyers to aid their search. Meiting has asked one of her customers who is with the police force to check the immigration records, and Meizhi has posted information on their father on a variety of websites. Meiqiang suspects Renyi is Yi’en’s father. Meifang watches as Renyi plays with Yi’en and dreams of them becoming one family. Renyi promises Yi’en he will turn up for the school’s sports meet. Meiqiang and his siblings set off for Pulau Ubin when they notice a suspicious figure in a photo of Yi’en’s outing. They miss the last ferry and have to stay the night. The next morning, they see the mystery man again.
5"#05"October 1, 2015 (2015-10-01)
PG Some Violence
The man turns out to be Liang Yuancai, Jincai’s cousin. Yuancai learned how to make soy beancurd from Jincai (Bryan Wong) and Shuhua. He left when Jincai found out he was in love with Shuhua. Yuancai admits he was at the columbarium, the shop, and that he had sent a cheque to the Hongs. Yuancai tells Meiqiang and the others that Jincai had a few good friends and one of them was Chen Heping. Meiqiang is unable to find the cheque to return to Yuancai and is accused of keeping it for himself. Meifang tells Meiqiang that if he can find Heping, she will continue to help him look for Jincai. Haonan lets Xinying spray-paint a discarded truck. She enjoys the process and decides she has artistic talent. She is delighted when he pushes the truck down the streets and many people take pictures of it. Meiqiang and Renyi save Xinying from a molester. Renyi runs off with her, which leads her to assume he is the Prince Charming she has been waiting years for. Meifang attends Yi’en’s sports meet with Renyi, despite Meiqiang’s objections. Meiqiang arranges blind dates for Meifang, but Renyi ruins the dates, for fear he will no longer be able to borrow money from her again, at whim, in the future. Meizhi jumps to the conclusion that Meiqiang has fallen for Xinying when he refuses to give her Renyi’s contact number. Meiqiang does a DNA test for Yi’en and Renyi.
6"#06"October 2, 2015 (2015-10-02)
PG Some Sexual References
The DNA test report confirms that Renyi is not Yi’en’s father. Meifang is unhappy that Yi’en is sad Renyi is not her father. Meiqiang worries when he realises how much Renyi means to Meifang. Meiqiang goes to Heping’s house and meets an old lady named Ping-jie. She coerces the Hongs to clear her messy house for her, but does not reveal Heping’s whereabouts. Instead, Meiqiang is told to wait at her place for him to return. Meifang is unhappy when Xinying drags Renyi away from the shop. Renyi knows he is not Xinying’s benefactor but plays along, so that he can reap some goodies from her. Meifang is upset about the gift Xinying has bought Renyi. Meiqiang’s plan is to pair Xinying and Renyi up, so that Meifang will give up on Renyi. To that end, he tells Xinying all about Renyi, but finds himself falling for her instead, when she forces herself to do things she does not like, for Renyi’s sake. Haonan tails Renyi and Xinying, who are on a date. He is jealous to see how close they have become. However, as the boss of a bookie syndicate, he knows Renyi has hefty gambling debts, and tells Renyi to leave Xinying if he wants the debts written off. Meiqiang waits for Heping every day and helps Ping-jie collect secondhand goods. Moved by the Hongs’ sincerity, she finally asks Heping (Boon Ang) to meet with them. Heping suspects Jincai’s disappearance had something to do with an affair. Meiqiang refuses to believe his father would be unfaithful. Yi’en finds an old box with pictures in it. One picture shows Jincai with a woman and a boy. Disillusioned, Meiqiang decides to abandon the search for his father.
7"#07"October 5, 2015 (2015-10-05)
PG Some Sexual References
Meiqiang feels bad when he kicks the dining table and it breaks, as the family had enjoyed many good times at the table. Meifang finds out it was Meiting who took the cheque. Meifang is infuriated with Meiting for leaving him to bear the blame. Meiting refuses to explain why she acted as she did. Xinying is puzzled that Renyi avoiding her. Meiqiang assumes it is because Xinying keeps pestering Renyi. Renyi goes to Haonan’s company to get another loan to repay his gambling debts. Xinying calls on Haonan to seek help and witnesses Renyi taking Haonan’s money. She does not believe Renyi had agreed to give her up for money. Meiting is forced to tell her siblings how she lost $200,000 due to failed investments and will be sued if she does not repay the debt. Hoping to get Shuhua’s inheritance to help Meiting, Meiqiang hands a death certificate to Xinying, but it is a fake. Liyun is well aware Renyi is not true to Xinying. She passes out when her leukaemia acts up. Haonan and Renyi undergo tests to check if they can be bone marrow donors. Xinying finally realises why Liyun is so bent on finding a good man for her. Both Haonan and Renyi can be bone marrow donors to Liyun. Renyi makes himself sick to avoid being the donor, so Haonan offers his. Meiqiang discovers he is the benefactor Xinying has been looking for, but she does not believe him. Meiting is tempted to become a prostitute.
8"#08"October 6, 2015 (2015-10-06)
PG Some Sexual References
Mr Foo is unwell. Meiting’s deal with him falls through. Meanwhile, both she and Meizhi rush him to the hospital. Meiting promises never to be so rash again and urges Meizhi not to tell anyone. Xinying visits Haonan and thanks him for saving her mother. However, she makes it clear he is just a good friend to her. Meiqiang is unhappy with Renyi for pretending to be Xinying’s benefactor. He is tongue-tied when Renyi reminds him that he had encouraged him to court Xinying earlier. Meifang questions Renyi and still believes he cares about her and Yi’en. Meiting returns the cheque to Mr Foo and calls off the deal. Grateful to have escaped with his life, he asks her to draw up an investment proposal for him. She realises he is fond of children. Meiqiang goes to the place where Dong was killed and sees Haonan paying respects to Dong there. His suspicions are aroused. When Meiting claims she may be able to repay her debts soon, Meizhi suspects her of resorting to prostitution yet again. Meiting picks Yi’en up on Meifang’s behalf and takes the child to meet Mr Foo. She is happy when he hands a large amount of money to her for investment. Liyun hopes Xinying will marry Haonan. Meiqiang asks Xinying to check up on Haonan. He is peeved when she tells him off. Meizhi is arrested for assault. He finally reveals what Meiting had wanted to do. Flying into a rage, she blurts out that Yi’en is her son.
9"#09"October 7, 2015 (2015-10-07)
PG Some Sexual References
Meiqiang learns Meiting’s boyfriend left her and emigrated to another country with his family. She had wanted to abort the baby, but Meifang objected and offered to be its mother. Meiqiang feels bad when his siblings blame him for everything, as Meiting’s troubles arose from her being neglected by Shuhua, who was too busy earning a living during his imprisonment. Meiqiang is guilt-stricken about his failure to take care of the family, as he had promised his mother. Xinying encourages him to forget the past seven years and work on taking care of his siblings in the present and future. They go shopping to buy presents for his siblings, and he enjoys himself. Meiqiang’s siblings accept his gifts and sincerity. Meiting takes Yi’en along when she meets Mr Foo. Meifang assumes Meiting is making use of Yi’en, only to realise later she is mistaken. Meiqiang reenacts the scene in which he saved Xinying years ago and finally manages to rekindle her lost memories. Meiting panics when a client asks to cancel his investment plan and withdraw the money. To their dismay, Meiqiang and the others learn she has been misappropriating company funds. Meiqiang finds a letter from his father’s friend, Bai Guang (Brandon Wong), to Shuhua, and suggests visiting Bai Guang in Pengerang. He hopes to be able to locate his father and thereby get hold of Shuhua’s inheritance, to be able to save Meiting.
10"#10"October 8, 2015 (2015-10-08) PG
Meiqiang and the others learn Bai Guang has dementia. Guang-sao suggests the Hong siblings stay for a few days to chat and see if they can garner some leads. Meiting falls ill. Bai Guang leads Meiqiang and the others to a hidden metal box, but they find only biscuits within. Meiting refuses to consume the Chinese medicine Guang-sao prepares for her. Xinying worries when Liyun shows signs of rejection after the surgery. Liyun hopes Xinying will marry Haonan and let her rest in peace. Xinying tells Haonan she will only marry the hero she has been looking for through the years and that person is Meiqiang. Xinying is concerned Liyun’s days are numbered. She calls Meiqiang repeatedly to tell him she wants to introduce him to Liyun, but he does not answer his mobile phone. Meifang is anxious about Meiting and wants to return home with her. Meizhi agrees, as Bai Guang is not in the right state of mind to reveal anything constructive. Bai Guang asserts that everything will come to light, once Meiqiang and his siblings find that one important thing. He produces another metal box. In the box are a photograph and some newspaper clippings. The old photograph shows Jincai, Bai Guang, Heping and the woman who was in the earlier photograph found. Bai Guang claims he and Jincai had kidnapped the lady, Xiaoshan, and her child. When the ransom was collected, the child was killed, but Xiaoshan survived. Meiqiang and his siblings cannot believe their father was a kidnapper.
11"#11"October 9, 2015 (2015-10-09)
PG Some Violence
Meiqiang does not believe Jincai would commit a crime, but Meifang remembers Shuhua did say their father did wrong. Xinying admits to Liyun that she did look her father up and finally understood why Liyun hated him. Liyun asserts that she was ignorant and did wrong in the past, which is why she hopes Xinying will not follow in her footsteps. Liyun passes by a bridal shop and asks Xinying to try on a gown. She loses consciousness when Xinying is changing. Liyun’s condition worsens. Xinying calls Meiqiang. As the line is unclear, he assumes it is Liyun who is getting married and asserts that it has nothing to do with him. Upset, Xinying decides to marry Haonan. Meifang and the others are about to leave when Bai Guang goes missing. They decide to help Guang-sao look for her husband. A mystery person attacks Bai Guang and is about to approach Meizhi when Meiqiang appears. Meiqiang sees Bai Guang holding onto a bag of children’s clothes and a stack of money tightly. He suspects the attacker is Jincai. Meiqiang and his siblings return to Singapore. He turns up too late to stop Xinying from registering her marriage with Haonan. Liyun passes away, her last wish fulfilled. Though Xinying tells Meiqiang it is too late, he is determined to prove he is a better choice than Haonan. Renyi discovers Meizhi has a way of earning money via online gambling. Meizhi manages to earn enough money to help Meiting repay the debts.
12"#12"October 12, 2015 (2015-10-12)
PG Some Sexual References
Meizhi lies to his siblings that he has won the lottery. Bighead tells Meiqiang that his wife, who is Dong’s ex-wife, had seen a woman return home with Dong. When confronted, Dong denied the woman was his lover. Meiqiang is stunned when Bighead asserts that the woman who was with Dong looks like Xinying. Xinying asks Haonan to move into her house instead, as she cannot bear to leave the house she shared with Liyun. She also wants Haonan to sleep in another room, as there is no double bed in the house. The website where Renyi and Meizhi had won money belongs to Haonan. He tells Renyi to return the money plus interest within three days. Renyi sees Xinying when he is about to leave. Angry with Renyi for lying to her, Xinying gets Haonan’s men to beat him up. Meiqiang questions Xinying about Dong. She assumes he is trying to win her back. Haonan sees them together and is puzzled by Xinying’s reaction when Meiqiang shows her a photograph of Dong. Xinying is reminded of her confrontation with Dong. Meifang does not realise Meizhi is addicted to online gambling. Meifang gets suspicious when Renyi claims the ship carrying his goods has sunk and he needs another loan from her. Renyi carries Meifang back to the shop after a fall. She is reminded of the past. Meiqiang and the others discover that it was Renyi who caused Meizhi to get addicted to online gambling.
13"#13"October 13, 2015 (2015-10-13)
PG Some Violence
Meiqiang is unhappy with Renyi for turning Meizhi into a gambling addict. Renyi denies responsibility and blames Meiting instead. Meifang finds out Renyi has been lying to her all these years. Incensed, the Hongs decide to sever ties with Renyi. Prevented from going online, Meizhi develops withdrawal symptoms. He asserts that he had wanted to prove his worth by helping Meiting repay her debts, but this pathetic state is what he has ended up with instead. Meifang advises him not to veer onto the wrong path again in future. Meiqiang tails Xinying, as he suspects she is related to Dong’s death. Xinying discovers him, and learns Dong is dead. Haonan defends Xinying, even though he has his doubts about her relationship with Dong. Meifang insists Meizhi take up a job at a convenience store, so as to divert his attention from online gambling. Xinying pays respects to Dong at the scene and recalls their argument. Posing as a ghost to scare Xinying, Meiqiang is convinced she is guilty about something. Haonan questions Xinying and learns Dong is Xinying’s biological father. Xinying claims she had cursed her father when they last met and did not expect him to really die. Meizhi encourages Renyi to win back Meifang’s heart. Renyi betrays Meizhi and causes the latter to be captured by Haonan’s men. As repayment for his debts, Meizhi is told to gamble online for Haonan.
14"#14"October 14, 2015 (2015-10-14)
PG Some Violence
Haonan threatens to chop off Meizhi’s fingers if he refuses to cooperate. Meiqiang turns up to save him. Haonan agrees to forget about Meizhi’s debt if Meiqiang stops investigating Dong’s death and harassing Xinying. Meiqiang has no choice but to agree. Meiqiang is upset that he will be labeled the culprit forever, as he can no longer investigate the case. He refuses to spare Meizhi from being sent to a rehabilitation centre. Meizhi meets Yao Xiaobing (Candyce Toh) at the rehabilitation centre and falls in love with her. Haonan tells Xinying that Meiqiang will not harass her or investigate the case anymore. Xinying is angry that Haonan acted as he did because he suspects she is the culprit. She throws him out of the house. Meiqiang calls on Xinying and sees Haonan at the gate with his bag. Xinying is upset that Meiqiang also assumes she is the culprit. She explains that Dong is her father and she had merely threatened to kill him after he insulted her mother. Meizhi extends his stay at the centre, so that he can be with Xiaobing. Renyi apologises to Meifang and stages a robbery to win her back. She decides to give him one last chance. Xiaobing rejects Meizhi’s love. Surprised to see her with Heping, he quickly informs Meiqiang. Xiaobing tells Meizhi that Heping is her husband and there is an age gap of 20 years between them. Meizhi tells her about the kidnap. Heping claims he had nothing to do with the kidnap. Xiaobing senses something amiss and asks to see Meizhi.
15"#15"October 15, 2015 (2015-10-15)
PG Some Violence
Meizhi visits Xiaobing when she does not turn up as arranged. Heping claims Xiaobing has returned to her hometown to visit her sick mother. Meiqiang and Meizhi tail Heping and find out Xiaobing was injured and sent to the hospital. Heping claims he had lied because Xiaobing did not want to see Meizhi. Heping tells Meiqiang that he, Jincai, Bai Guang and Xiaoshan (Cat Ang) were neighbours who grew up together. Xiaoshan gave birth to a heartless man’s child and the man refused to divorce her. To help Xiaoshan, Jincai staged the kidnap to force the man to provide alimony for her. Heping refused to be part of the scam, but Xiaoshan and Bai Guang were agreeable. In the process, Jincai accidentally killed Xiaoshan’s child and disappeared with the ransom. Devastated by the revelation, Meiqiang wonders whether he still wants to carry on with the search. Meizhi reminds him that their aim in finding their father is to fulfil their mother’s last wish. Meiting is reunited with her ex-boyfriend, Jinshu, who regrets leaving her to go overseas. When he asks about their child, she lies that she aborted it. Meifang worries that Yi’en’s parentage will be exposed if Jinshu reconciles with Meiting. Meizhi tries in vain to find out what happened to Xiaobing that day. Jinshu tries to win Meiting over. Seeing how worried Meifang is, Meiting assures her that she will not take Yi’en away. Xiaobing asks Meizhi to take her away. Heping returns and accuses them of eloping. Meizhi knocks Heping out accidentally.
16"#16"October 16, 2015 (2015-10-16)
PG Some Violence
Meizhi takes Heping to the clinic and is surprised when the latter apologises to him. Heping tells Xiaobing that he had returned to his hometown to talk to Bai Guang, as he does not want the Hongs to have a bad impression of their father. Meiqiang sees Jinshu and lashes out at him for dumping Meiting. Meiting stops Meiqiang from revealing the truth about Yi’en. Moved by Jinshu’s concern, Meiting agrees to start anew with him. Meifang worries that Jinshu is not sincere, but Meiting has confidence in him. Xinying stumbles upon Haonan fooling around with a woman in his office, and asks for a divorce. He does not mind, as he recognises that she is in love with Meiqiang. Jinshu meets Yi’en at the convenience store and learns he does not have a father. He tells Meiting that after an accident two years ago, he can no longer have children. Meifang objects when Meiting decides she should tell Jinshu that Yi’en is his son. Meiqiang is overjoyed that Xinying wants to divorce Haonan. Jinshu learns Yi’en is his son. Meifang quarrels with Meiting over the revelation, which leaves Yi’en very confused. Xinying finds out that Haonan had engineered everything to allow her to be with Meiqiang. She decides not to pursue the divorce after all.
17"#17"October 19, 2015 (2015-10-19) PG
Meifang and Meiting quarrel over Yi’en. Meifang agrees to let Meiting and Jinshu meet Yi’en, but insists she must be present. However, when she observes the child playing happily with her biological parents, she feels redundant. Meifang decides she should move out with Yi’en. She approaches Renyi for help. Renyi warns Meiting and Jinshu not to snatch Yi’en away. However, he succumbs to a bribe and reveals Meifang’s whereabouts to Meiting. Meiting and Jinshu turn up at Meifang’s door. She is unhappy Renyi has betrayed her. Renyi claims he had no choice, as Meiting was about to accuse Meifang of kidnapping Yi’en. Meiting and Meifang decide to sort things out through a lawyer. Xinying is unable to persuade them to settle the case out of court. Meiqiang tries to get back together with Xinying. She tells him she has been moved by Haonan’s love and realised her feelings for Meiqiang were just a young girl’s infatuation. Meifang beats Yi’en for getting into a fight and regrets it when she realises Yi’en had acted on her behalf. Yi’en chooses to live with Meiting and Jinshu. Yi’en is injured, but Renyi helps Meifang push the blame onto Jinshu. Meiqiang is reminded of Dong’s case. Xinying wants Meiqiang to run naked in the streets to prove his love for her.
18"#18"October 20, 2015 (2015-10-20)
PG Some Sexual References
Although touched when Meiqiang runs in the streets in his underwear, Xinying continues to reject him. Jinshu finds video footage on the closed-circuit camera of Renyi setting him up. Meiting threatens to hand the evidence over to the police if Meifang vies with her for custody of Yi’en. Meiting is unmoved by Meifang’s pleas, but feels bad when she remembers how Meifang has always given in to her and taken care of Yi’en over the years. Jinshu reminds her that they have Yi’en’s interests at heart. Meiqiang and Meizhi sneak into Jinshu’s place to steal Yi’en. They discover he is seeing another woman. Meiting finds out Jinshu has a fiance and merely wants to have Yi’en. Meiting tells Meifang that Jinshu merely wants Yi’en because he can no longer have children. Meifang refuses to forgive Meiting, but relents when Yi’en reveals he had chosen to stay with Jinshu for their sake. Jinshu decides to return to Australia. Meiting takes Yi’en to bid him goodbye. Jinshu reveals he had fallen in love with Meiting again after their reunion. His fiancee realised it and broke up with him. Meiqiang suspects Renyi could have made him his scapegoat in the murder case. Renyi panics when Meifang tells him Meiqiang’s suspicions. Renyi sneaks into Meifang’s room to retrieve the chain he had given her years ago. Meiqiang nabs him and forces him to reveal the truth.
19"#19"October 21, 2015 (2015-10-21)
PG Some Violence
Renyi finally admits he killed Dong and set Meiqiang up for it. Meiqiang wants to call the police, but Renyi takes Meifang hostage and runs off. Meifang and the others apologise to Meiqiang for taking him as the culprit. In spite of the truth being out in the open, Meiqiang is unhappy. He files a police report, which upsets Meifang. She insists Renyi is not evil by nature and can be coaxed to give himself up. Meifang deduces where Renyi may be hiding and finds him there. She urges him to surrender himself to the police to get a lighter sentence. Recalling all she has done for him, he feels ashamed. Meizhi chats with Xiaobing when they meet by chance. Presuming the meeting is at Xiaobing’s initiative, Heping flies into a rage. Xiaobing is disappointed in how Heping has changed. Meiqiang gives up trying to find his father, as his siblings are unenthusiastic and there are no more leads. Xinying reiterates that the Hongs have to find their father before their mother’s will can be executed. Xiaobing tells Meizhi that Heping was in Pengerang and that he had hired a private investigator to check on Xiaoshan and Jincai. She has decided to leave Heping. Meiqiang and his siblings set off for Batam, which is where they believe Xiaoshan is. They meet Xinying there. She asserts that she is there to meet her client, Madam Lee (Tin Wai Wai). With Madam Lee’s help, Meiqiang learns Jincai has been dead 15 years ago. Meiqiang rushes to Xinying’s aid when he sees a mystery man lunge at her with a knife.
20"#20 (Finale)"October 22, 2015 (2015-10-22) PG
Meiqiang survives and even manages to make Xinying reveal her true feelings. She suspects the attacker’s target was Madam Lee. Madam Lee shrugs the encounter off as a case of mistaken identity, and files a police report. Meiqiang suspects Madam Lee is Jincai’s friend, as she keeps saying he resembles someone she once knew. After chatting with his siblings, Meiqiang concludes Madam Lee is Xiaoshan. The Hongs are preparing to return home when Xinying overhears Madam Lee arranging to meet Heping. She quickly informs Meiqiang. Meiqiang and Meizhi find a dying Heping at the meeting place. He tells them Madam Lee is Xiaoshan. It was Xiaoshan who accidentally killed her child. Just then, the police turn up and arrest Meiqiang and Meizhi. Xinying deduces that Xiaoshan changed her name and looks after leaving Singapore, and became a rich lady after marrying a rich man. Xinying, Meifang and Meiting call on Madam Lee. She breaks down when she sees the set of children’s clothes. She admits she killed her child. Jincai had no part in the kidnap and even tried to stop them from doing wrong. In the end, he died in a foreign land. Madam Lee agrees to help save Meiqiang and Meizhi, but wants them to keep the secret to themselves...

See also


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