List of Indiana Supreme Court Justices

The following are lists of members of the Indiana Supreme Court. Founded in 1816 with the ratification of the Constitution of Indiana, the Court's size has varied between three and five members serving at the same time.

Supreme Court Justices in 2016

NameTerm Start Term ExpiresNotes
Loretta Rush November 7, 2012 December 31, 2024
Steven H. David October 18, 2010 October 18, 2022
Robert Rucker November 19, 1999 November 19, 2022
Mark Massa April 2, 2012 December 31, 2024

Appointment of Justices

From 1816 until 1851 justices served seven-year terms and were appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Indiana Senate.[1] From 1851 until 1971 justices were elected by popular vote every six years. From 1971 to the present a pool of candidates is selected by the Indiana Judicial Nominating Commission and one is appointed by the governor. Justices are subject to a retention election after two years of service and, if retained, they may continue for a full term of ten years.

Previous Supreme Court Justices

#NameTerm Start Term EndDays in OfficePreceded BySucceeded ByUndergraduate & MastersJ.D./Law DegreeLL.M./S.J.D.Notes
1 John Johnson December 28, 1816 September 10, 1817 256 n/a Isaac N. Blackford [2][3]
2 James Scott December 28, 1816 December 28, 1830 5113 n/a Stephen C. Stevens Indiana University (honorary LL.D.)
3 Jesse Holman December 28, 1816 December 28, 1830 5113 n/a John T. McKinney
4 Isaac Blackford September 10, 1817 January 3, 1853 12899 John Johnson Andrew Davison Princeton University [2]
5 Stephen Stevens January 28, 1831 May 30, 1836 1949 James Scott Charles Dewey
6 John McKinney January 28, 1831 March 4, 1837 2313 Jesse L. Holman Jeremiah C. Sullivan [3]
7 Charles Dewey May 30, 1836 January 29, 1847 3896 Stephen C. Stevens Thomas L. Smith Williams College Indiana University (honorary LL.D.)
8 Jeremiah Sullivan May 29, 1837 January 21, 1846 3159 John T. McKinney Samuel E. Perkins College of William & Mary
9 Samuel Perkins January 1, 1877 December 17, 1879 8002 Jeremiah C. Sullivan Charles A. Ray [4]
9-cont'd Samuel Perkins January 21, 1846 January 3, 1865 8002 John Pettit John T. Scott [4]
10 Thomas Smith January 29, 1847 January 3, 1853 2166 Charles Dewey William Z. Stuart
11 Andrew Davison January 3, 1853 January 3, 1865 4383 Isaac N. Blackford Jehu T. Elliott Jefferson College
12 Addison Roache January 3, 1853 May 8, 1854 490 n/a Alvin P. Hovey Indiana University
13 William Stuart January 3, 1853 January 3, 1858 1826 Thomas L. Smith James L. Worden Amherst College
14 Alvin Hovey May 8, 1854 January 1, 1855 581 Addison L. Roache Samuel B. Gookins [5]
15 Samuel Gookins January 1, 1855 December 10, 1857 731 Alvin P. Hovey James M. Hanna
16 James Hanna December 10, 1857 January 3, 1865 2581 Samuel B. Gookins Robert C. Gregory [6]
17 James Worden January 16, 1858 January 3, 1865 6895 William Z. Stuart James S. Frazer [4]
17-cont'd James Worden January 3, 1871 December 2, 1882 6895 James S. Frazer William H. Coombs [4]
18 James Frazer January 3, 1865 January 3, 1871 2191 James L. Worden James L. Worden
19 Jehu Elliott January 3, 1865 January 3, 1871 2191 Andrew Davison Alexander C. Downey
20 Charles Ray January 3, 1865 January 3, 1871 2191 Samuel E. Perkins Samuel H. Buskirk
21 Robert Gregory January 3, 1865 January 3, 1871 2191 James M. Hanna Jon Pettit
22 John Pettit January 3, 1871 January 1, 1877 2192 Robert C. Gregory Samuel E. Perkins [7]
23 Alexander Downey January 3, 1871 January 1, 1877 2190 Jehu T. Elliott George V. Howk County Seminary (Wilmington, OH)
24 Samuel Buskirk January 3, 1871 January 1, 1877 2190 Charles A. Ray William E. Niblack Indiana University
25 Andrew Osborn December 16, 1872 January 4, 1875 749 n/a Horace P. Biddle
26 Horace P. Biddle January 4, 1875 January 3, 1881 2191 Andrew L. Osborn William A. Woods
27 William Niblack January 1, 1877 January 7, 1889 4389 Samuel H. Buskirk Silas D. Coffey Indiana University
28 George Howk January 1, 1877 January 7, 1889 4389 Alexander Downey John G. Berkshire Indiana Asbury University
29 John Scott December 29, 1879 January 5, 1881 373 Samuel E. Perkins Byron K. Elliott Franklin College (TN)
30 Byron Elliott January 3, 1881 January 2, 1893 4382 John T. Scott J. James McCabe Marion County Seminary
31 William Woods January 3, 1881 May 8, 1883 855 Horace P. Biddle Edwin P. Hammond Wabash College
32 William H. Coombs December 2, 1882 January 1, 1883 30 James L. Worden Allen Zollars
33 Allen Zollars January 1, 1883 January 7, 1889 2198 William H. Coombs Walter Olds Denison University (B.A./M.A.) Denison University (LL.D.)/University of Michigan Law School
34 Edwin Hammond May 14, 1883 January 6, 1885 603 William A. Woods Joseph A. S. Mitchell Indiana Asbury University (LL.B.)
35 Joseph Mitchell January 6, 1885 December 12, 1890 2166 Edwin P. Hammond Robert W. McBride
36 Silas Coffey January 7, 1889 January 7, 1895 2191 William E. Niblack James H. Jordan Indiana University
37 Walter Olds January 7, 1889 June 15, 1893 1620 Allen Zollars Joseph S. Dailey Capital University Ohio State University
38 John Berkshire January 17, 1889 February 19, 1891 763 George V. Howk John D. Miller Indiana Asbury University
39 Robert McBride December 17, 1890 January 2, 1893 747 Joseph A.S. Mitchell Timothy E. Howard
40 John Miller February 25, 1891 January 2, 1893 677 John G. Berkshire Leonard J. Hackney Hanover College
41 Leonard Hackney January 2, 1893 January 2, 1899 2191 John D. Miller Alexander Dowling
42 James McCabe January 2, 1893 January 2, 1899 2191 Byron K. Elliott John v. Hadley
43 Timothy Howard January 2, 1893 January 2, 1899 2191 Robert W. McBride Francis E. Baker University of Michigan/University of Notre Dame (A.B./A.M.) Notre Dame Law School
44 Joseph Dailey June 25, 1893 January 7, 1895 531 Walter Olds Leander J. Monks Indiana University Maurer School of Law
45 James Jordan January 7, 1895 April 10, 1912 6303 Silas D. Coffey John W. Spencer Wabash College/Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
46 Leander Monks January 7, 1895 January 7, 1913 6575 Joseph S. Dailey Richard K. Erwin Indiana University
47 Alexander Dowling January 2, 1899 January 2, 1905 2192 Leonard J. Hackney Oscar H. Montgomery
48 John Hadley January 2, 1899 January 2, 1911 4383 J. James McCabe Charles E. Cox Northwestern Christian University of Indianapolis Indianapolis Law School
49 Francis Elisha Baker January 2, 1899 January 25, 1902 1119 Timothy E. Howard Robert W. McBride Indiana University/University of Michigan University of Michigan Law School
50 John Gillett January 25, 1902 January 4, 1909 2536 Francis E. Baker Quincy A. Myers
51 Oscar Montgomery January 2, 1905 January 2, 1911 2191 Alexander Dowling Douglas J. Morris Hanover College (B.A./M.A.)
52 Quincy Myers January 4, 1909 January 4, 1915 2191 John H. Gillett Moses B. Lairy Northwestern Christian University of Indianapolis/Dartmouth College Union Law School
53 John Spencer April 15, 1912 January 7, 1918 2093 James H. Jordan Benjamin M. Willoughby Central Normal College
54 Douglas Morris January 2, 1911 January 1, 1917 2191 Oscar H. Montgomery David A. Myers Indiana Asbury University
55 Charles E. Cox January 2, 1911 January 1, 1917 2191 John V. Hadley Lawson M. Harvey [2]
56 Richard Erwin January 6, 1913 October 15, 1918 2108 Leander J. Monks Howard L. Townsend Methodist College
57 Moses Lairy January 4, 1915 January 3, 1921 2191 Quincy A. Myers Julius C. Travis Northern Indiana Normal School University of Michigan Law School
58 David Myers January 1, 1917 December 31, 1934 6573 Douglas J. Morris George L. Tremain Smithson College/Central Normal College/Union University Union Law School
59 Lawson Harvey January 1, 1917 June 25, 1920 1271 Charles E. Cox Louis B. Ewbank Butler University/Haverford College Central Law School
60 Howard Townsend October 5, 1917 November 1, 1923 2218 Richard K. Erwin Fred C. Guase Bethany College (West Virginia) Chicago-Kent College of Law
61 Benjamin Willoughby January 6, 1919 January 7, 1931 4384 John W. Spencer Walter E. Treanor Cincinnati College
62 Louis Ewbank January 1, 1920 January 3, 1927 2559 Lawson M. Harvey Clarence R. Martin
63 Julius Travis January 3, 1921 January 3, 1933 4383 Moses B. Lairy Michael L. Fansler University of Michigan University of Michigan Law School
64 Fred Gause November 1, 1923 January 5, 1925 431 Howard L. Townsend Willard G. Gemmill Indiana University Maurer School of Law
65 Willard Gemmill January 5, 1925 January 4, 1931 2190 Fred C. Gause Curtis W. Roll DePauw University Indiana Law School
66 Clarence Martin January 3, 1927 January 3, 1933 2192 Louis B. Ewbank James P. Hughes University of Michigan Indiana Law School
67 Curtis Roll January 5, 1931 January 4, 1943 4382 Willard G. Gemmill Martin J. O'Malley Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
68 Walter Treanor January 8, 1931 December 27, 1937 2545 Benjamin W. Willoughby Curtis G. Shake Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law Harvard Law School (S.J.D.)
69 Michael Fansler January 4, 1933 January 1, 1945 4380 Julius C. Travis Oliver Starr University of Notre Dame Notre Dame Law School
70 James Hughes January 3, 1933 January 1, 1939 2189 Clarence R. Martin H. Nathan Swaim DePauw University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
71 George Tremain January 1, 1935 December 31, 1940 2191 David A. Myers Frank N. Richman Central Normal College Indiana Law School
72 Curtis Shake January 4, 1938 January 7, 1946 2925 Walter E. Treanor Frank E. Gilkison Vincennes University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
73 H. Nathan Swaim January 1, 1939 January 1, 1945 2192 James P. Hughes Howard S. Young Sr. DePauw University University of Chicago Law School
74 Frank Richman January 6, 1941 January 6, 1947 2191 George L. Tremain James A. Emmert Lake Forest College University of Chicago Law School
75 Mart O'Malley January 4, 1943 January 3, 1949 2191 Curtis W. Roll Paul G. Jasper Saint Thomas College Valparaiso University School of Law
76 Howard Young, Sr. January 1, 1945 January 1, 1951 2191 H. Nathan Swaim Arch N. Bobbitt University of Chicago Indiana Law School
77 Oliver Starr January 1, 1945 January 1, 1951 2191 Michael L. Fansler Floyd S. Draper Indiana University University of Michigan Law School
78 Frank Gilkison January 1, 1945 February 25, 1955 3707 Curtis G. Shake George W. Henley Jr. Indiana University Maurer School of Law
79 James Emmert January 6, 1947 January 5, 1959 4381 Frank N. Richman Amos W. Jackson Northwestern University Harvard Law School
80 Paul Jasper January 3, 1949 March 31, 1953 1548 Martin J. O'Malley Dan C. Flanagan Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
81 Arch Bobbitt January 2, 1951 January 7, 1963 4388 Howard S. Young Sr. Walter Myers Jr. Central Normal College Benjamin Harrison Law School
82 Floyd Draper January 2, 1951 January 10, 1955 1469 Oliver Starr Isadore E. Levine Valparaiso University School of Law
83 Dan Flanagan April 1, 1953 December 31, 1954 639 Paul G. Jasper Harold E. Achor Butler University / University of California Benjamin Harrison Law School
84 Harold Achor January 3, 1955 December 12, 1966 4361 Dan C. Flanagan Donald H. Hunter Indiana Central College Indiana University Maurer School of Law
85 Isadore Levine January 13, 1955 May 23, 1955 130 Floyd S. Draper Frederick Landis Jr. University of Michigan University of Michigan Law School
86 George Henley March 15, 1955 May 23, 1955 69 Frank E. Gilkison Norman F. Arterburn Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
87 Frederick Landis, Jr. May 23, 1955 November 8, 1965 3822 Isadore E. Levine Frederick E. Rakestraw Wabash College Indiana University Maurer School of Law
88 Norman Arterburn May 23, 1955 May 13, 1977 8026 George W. Henley Jr. Alfred J. Pivarnik Indiana University University of Chicago Law School [2]
89 Amos Jackson January 5, 1959 January 4, 1971 4382 James A. Emmert Dixon W. Prentice Hanover College
90 Walter Myers, Jr. January 7, 1963 June 2, 1967 1607 Arch N. Bobbitt David M. Lewis Yale University Yale Law School
91 Frederick Rakestraw January 7, 1966 January 2, 1967 360 Frederick Landis Jr. Donald R. Mote Manchester College / Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
92 Donald Mote January 3, 1967 September 17, 1968 623 Frederick E. Rakestraw Roger O. DeBruler DePauw University / Wabash College George Washington University Law School
93 David Lewis June 21, 1967 January 6, 1969 565 Walter Myers Jr. Richard M. Given DePauw University University of Chicago School of Law
94 Donald Hunter January 2, 1967 September 6, 1985 6822 Harold E. Achor Randall T. Shepard Lincoln Law School (Indianapolis)
95 Roger O. DeBruler September 30, 1968 August 8, 1996 10174 Donald R. Mote Theodore R. Boehm Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law [8]
96 Richard M. Givan January 6, 1969 December 31, 1994 9125 David M. Lewis Myra C. Selby Indiana University Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law [2]
97 Dixon Prentice January 4, 1971 January 6, 1986 5481 Amos W. Jackson Brent E. Dickson Indiana University Indiana University Maurer School of Law
98 Alfred Pivarnik May 13, 1977 December 14, 1990 4963 Norman F. Arterburn Jon D. Krahulik Creighton University Valparaiso University School of Law
99 Randall Shepard September 6, 1985 March 23, 2012 8306 Donald H. Hunter Mark S. Massa Princeton University Yale Law School University of Virginia School of Law (LL.M.) [2]
100 Brent Dickson January 6, 1986 April 29, 2016 11063 Dixon W. Prentice Purdue University Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law [2] [2]
101 Jon Krahulik December 14, 1990 October 31, 1993 1052 Alfred J. Pivarnik Frank Sullivan Jr. Indiana University Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
102 Frank Sullivan, Jr. November 1, 1993 July 31, 2012 6847 Jon D. Krahulik Loretta H. Rush Dartmouth College Indiana University Maurer School of Law University of Virginia School of Law (LL.M.)
103 Myra C. Selby January 4, 1995 October 7, 1999 1737 Richard M. Given Robert D. Rucker Kalamazoo College University of Michigan Law School
104 Theodore Boehm August 8, 1996 September 30, 2010 5166 Roger O. DeBruler Steven H. David Brown University Harvard Law School
105 Robert Rucker November 19, 1999 Present 5035 Myra C. Selby Indiana University Northwest Valparaiso University School of Law University of Virginia School of Law (LL.M.)
106 Steven H. David October 18, 2010 Present 1049 Theodore R. Boehm Murray State Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
107 Mark Massa April 2, 2012 Present 517 Randall T. Shepard Indiana University Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
108 Loretta Rush November 7, 2012 Present 298 Frank Sullivan Jr. Purdue University Indiana University Maurer School of Law [2]

† – There is a dispute between sources on Judge Olds' education. Gugin & St. Clair, Justices of the Indiana Supreme Court at 149 (2010) states, "Olds attended Capital University in Columbus, Ohio, and then read law with his brother, James." Browning, Humphrey, & Kleinschmidt. "Biographical Sketches of Indiana Supreme Court Justices," 30 Ind. Law Review 328, 367 (1997) states, "He studied law at The Ohio State University."

Justices by School

Undergraduate & Masters Degrees

Current Name of SchoolFormer Name(s) of SchoolNumber of Alumni
Amherst College 1
Bethany College 1
Brown University 1
Butler University Northwestern Christian University of Indianapolis 5
Canterbury College (Indiana) Central Normal College 4
Capital University 1†
College of William & Mary 1
County Seminary (Wilmington, OH) 1
Creighton University 1
Dartmouth College 2
DePauw University Indiana Asbury University 8
Franklin College (Tennessee) 1
Hanover College 3
Haverford College 1
Indiana University 19
Indiana University Northwest 1
Kalamazoo College 1
Lake Forest College 1
Manchester College 1
Marion County Seminary 1
Murray State 1
Northwestern University 1
Princeton University 2
Purdue University 2
Smithson College 1
Taylor University Methodist College 1
Union University (New York) 1
University of California 1
University of Chicago 1
University of Indianapolis Indiana Central College 1
University of Michigan 6
University of Notre Dame 2
University of Scranton Saint Thomas College 1
Valparaiso University Northern Indiana Normal School 1
Vincennes University 1
Wabash College 4
Washington & Jefferson College Jefferson College 1
Williams College 1
Yale University 1

Masters of Laws (LL.M.) and Doctor of Juridicial Science (S.J.D.)

Current Name of SchoolDegreeNumber of Alumni
Harvard Law School S.J.D. 1
University of Virginia School of Law LL.M. 3


  1. Gugin and St. Clair, p. xiii.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Served as Chief Justice
  3. 1 2 Died in office
  4. 1 2 3 4 Served two non consecutive terms
  5. Was also Governor of Indiana
  6. Was also Lieutenant Governor of Indiana
  7. Was also a United States Senator
  8. "Indiana Supreme Court Justice: Biographies:Justice Roger O. DeBruler". State of Indiana. Retrieved 20 August 2012.

See also


External links

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