List of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure volumes

Cover of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure volume 13, the first of Part 3, Stardust Crusaders, as published by Shueisha

The manga series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki. It was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from 1987 to 2002, before being transferred to the monthly seinen magazine Ultra Jump in 2004. The series can be broken into eight distinct parts, each following a different descendant of the protagonist of the first part on different quests. The current story arc, JoJolion, started in 2011.

The chapters are collected and published into tankōbon volumes by Shueisha, with the first released on August 10, 1987.[1] During Part 5, which takes place in Italy, the series' title was written in Italian as Le Bizzarre Avventure di GioGio. After volume 63, the beginning of each Part has reset the volume number count back at one.

The series was licensed for an English-language release in North America by Viz Media. However, instead of starting with volume one, they chose to only release Part 3, which is the most well-known. The first volume was released on November 8, 2005,[2] with the first twelve volumes summarized in an eight-page summary written and drawn by Araki himself,[3] and the last on December 7, 2010.[4] Viz Media began publishing the JoJonium edition of Phantom Blood digitally in September 2014, with a three-volume hardcover print edition that includes color pages following throughout 2015. They began publishing a similar edition of Battle Tendency digitally in March 2015 and in print in November 2015.[5][6] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure has also seen domestic releases in Italy by Star Comics,[7] in France by J'ai Lu and Tonkam,[8][9] Taiwan by Da Ran Culture Enterprise and Tong Li Publishing, and in Malaysia by Comics House.

Volume list

Part 1: Phantom Blood

Main article: Phantom Blood
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1Dio the Invader
Shinryakusha Dio (侵略者ディオ)
August 10, 1987[10]ISBN 978-4-08-851126-9
2The Thirst for Blood!
Chi no Kawaki! (血の渇き! )
January 8, 1988[11]ISBN 978-4-08-851127-6
3The Dark Knights
Ankoku no Kishi-tachi (暗黒の騎士達)
April 8, 1988[12]ISBN 978-4-08-851128-3
4Chamber of the Two-Headed Dragon
Sōshuryū no Ma e (双首竜の間へ)
June 10, 1988[13]ISBN 978-4-08-851129-0
5The Final Hamon!
Saigo no Hamon! (最後の波紋! )
August 10, 1988[14]ISBN 978-4-08-851130-6

Part 2: Battle Tendency

Main article: Battle Tendency
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
6JoJo vs. The Ultimate Life-Form
Jojo Tai Kyūkyoku Seibutsu (JoJo Vs.(たい) 究極生物)
October 7, 1988[15]ISBN 978-4-08-851062-0
7The Red Stone of Aja
Eija no Sekiseki (エイジャの赤石)
December 6, 1988[16]ISBN 978-4-08-851063-7
8The Final Trial
Saishū Shiren! (最終試練!)
February 10, 1989[17]ISBN 978-4-08-851064-4
9A Race Towards the Brink
Shi no Gake e Tsuppashire (死の崖へつっ走れ)
April 10, 1989[18]ISBN 978-4-08-851065-1
10The Crimson Bubble
Senseki no Shabon (鮮赤のシャボン)
June 9, 1989[19]ISBN 978-4-08-851066-8
11The Warrior Returning to the Wind
Kaze ni Kaeru Senshi (風にかえる戦士)
August 10, 1989[20]ISBN 978-4-08-851067-5
12The Birth of a Superbeing!!
Chō Seibutsu no Tanjō!! (超生物の誕生!!)
October 9, 1989[21]ISBN 978-4-08-851068-2

Part 3: Stardust Crusaders

Main article: Stardust Crusaders
No.TitleJapanese releaseEnglish release
13/1The Curse of DIO
DIO no Jubaku (DIOの呪縛)
December 5, 1989[22]
ISBN 978-4-08-851069-9
November 8, 2005[23]
ISBN 978-1-59116-754-9
14/2The Empty Ship and the Ape
Mujinsen to Saru (無人船と猿)
February 9, 1990[24]
ISBN 978-4-08-851070-5
January 3, 2006[25]
ISBN 978-1-59116-850-8
15/3The Gun Is Mightier Than the Sword
Jū wa Ken yori mo Tsuyoshi (銃は剣よりも強し)
April 10, 1990[26]
ISBN 978-4-08-851215-0
March 7, 2006[27]
ISBN 978-1-4215-0336-3
16/4Battle Apprentice!
Tatakai no Nenki! (戦いの年季!)
June 8, 1990[28]
ISBN 978-4-08-851216-7
June 6, 2006[29]
ISBN 978-1-4215-0653-1
17/5The Terrifying Lovers
Osoroshiki Rabāzu (恐ろしき恋人(ラバーズ))
August 8, 1990[30]
ISBN 978-4-08-851217-4
September 5, 2006[31]
ISBN 978-1-4215-0654-8
18/6Death 13 of Dreams
Yume no Desu Sātīn (夢のDEATH(デス)13(サーティーン))
October 8, 1990[32]
ISBN 978-4-08-851218-1
December 5, 2006[33]
ISBN 978-1-4215-0655-5
19/7The Magic Lamp
Mahō no Ranpu (魔法のランプ)
December 4, 1990[34]
ISBN 978-4-08-851219-8
April 3, 2007[35]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1078-1
20/8The Exploding Orange
Bakudan-jikake no Orenji (爆弾仕かけのオレンジ)
February 8, 1991[36]
ISBN 978-4-08-851220-4
August 7, 2007[37]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1079-8
21/9The Woman's Legs Are Her Weapons
Ashi ga Gunbatsu no Onna (脚がグンバツの女)
May 10, 1991[38]
ISBN 978-4-08-851564-9
December 4, 2007[39]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1080-4
22/10Disappearance in a Locked Room
Misshitsu de Shōshitsu (密室で消失)
July 10, 1991[40]
ISBN 978-4-08-851565-6
April 1, 2008[41]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1081-1
23/11D'Arby's Collection
Dābīzu Korekushon (ダービーズコレクション)
September 10, 1991[42]
ISBN 978-4-08-851566-3
April 7, 2009[43]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1632-5
24/12Pet Shop at the Gates of Hell
Jigoku no Monban Petto Shoppu (地獄の門番ペット・ショップ)
November 8, 1991[44]
ISBN 978-4-08-851567-0
August 4, 2009[45]
ISBN 978-1-4215-1633-2
25/13D'Arby the Player
Dābī za Pureiyā (ダービー・ザ・プレイヤー)
February 10, 1992[46]
ISBN 978-4-08-851568-7
December 1, 2009[47]
ISBN 978-1-4215-2406-1
26/14The Spirit of Emptiness, Vanilla Ice
Akū no Shōki Vanira Aisu (亜空の瘴気 ヴァニラ・アイス)
April 10, 1992[48]
ISBN 978-4-08-851569-4
April 6, 2010[49]
ISBN 978-1-4215-2407-8
27/15DIO's World
DIO no Sekai (DIOの世界)
June 10, 1992[50]
ISBN 978-4-08-851570-0
August 3, 2010[51]
ISBN 978-1-4215-2408-5
28/16The Long Journey Ends, Goodbye My Friends
Haruka naru Tabiji Saraba Tomo yo (遥かなる旅路 さらば友よ)
August 4, 1992[52]
ISBN 978-4-08-851634-9
December 7, 2010[53]
ISBN 978-1-4215-3084-0

Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable

No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 (29)Enter Josuke Higashikata
Higashikata Jōsuke Tōjō Suru (東方仗助登場する)
November 4, 1992[54]ISBN 978-4-08-851635-6
2 (30)Okuyasu and Keicho Nijimura
Nijimura Okuyasu, Keichō (虹村億泰・形兆)
January 7, 1993[55]ISBN 978-4-08-851636-3
3 (31)Koichi Hirose (Echoes)
Hirose Kōichi (Ekōzu) (広瀬康一(エコーズ))
March 4, 1993[56]ISBN 978-4-08-851637-0
4 (32)Yukako Yamagishi Is In Love
Yamagishi Yukako wa Koi o Suru (山岸由花子は恋をする)
May 10, 1993[57]ISBN 978-4-08-851638-7
5 (33)Let's Go Out for Italian
Itaria Ryōri o Tabe ni Ikō (イタリア料理を食べに行こう)
July 2, 1993[58]ISBN 978-4-08-851639-4
6 (34)Let's Go Hang Out at the Mangaka's House
Mangaka no Uchi e Asobi ni Ikō (漫画家のうちへ遊びに行こう)
September 3, 1993[59]ISBN 978-4-08-851640-0
7 (35)Rohan Kishibe's Adventure
Kishibe Rohan no Bōken (岸辺露伴の冒険)
November 4, 1993[60]ISBN 978-4-08-851405-5
8 (36)Shigechi's Harvest
"Shigechī" no Hāvesuto (「重ちー」の収穫(ハーヴェスト))
February 4, 1994[61]ISBN 978-4-08-851406-2
9 (37)Yoshikage Kira Wants a Quiet Life
Kira Yoshikage wa Shizuka ni Kurashitai (吉良吉影は静かに暮らしたい)
May 2, 1994[62]ISBN 978-4-08-851407-9
10 (38)Sheer Heart Attack
Shiā Hāto Atakku (シアーハートアタック)
August 4, 1994[63]ISBN 978-4-08-851408-6
11 (39)A Father's Tears
Chichi no Namida (父の涙)
November 4, 1994[64]ISBN 978-4-08-851409-3
12 (40)The Rock-Paper-Scissors Boy Is Coming
Janken Kozō ga Yatte Kuru (ジャンケン小僧がやって来る)
January 11, 1995[65]ISBN 978-4-08-851410-9
13 (41)Highway Star
Haiwei Sutā (ハイウェイ・スター)
March 3, 1995[66]ISBN 978-4-08-851891-6
14 (42)The Cat Who Loved Yoshikage Kira
Neko wa Kira Yoshikage ga Suki (猫は吉良吉影が好き)
May 11, 1995[67]ISBN 978-4-08-851892-3
15 (43)Enigma Is a Mystery!
Eniguma wa Nazo da! (エニグマは謎だ!)
August 4, 1995[68]ISBN 978-4-08-851893-0
16 (44)My Dad Is Not My Dad
Boku no Papa wa Papa ja Nai (ぼくのパパはパパじゃない)
October 4, 1995[69]ISBN 978-4-08-851894-7
17 (45)Another One Bites the Dust
Anazāwan Baitsa Dasuto (アナザーワン バイツァ・ダスト)
January 10, 1996[70]ISBN 978-4-08-851895-4
18 (46)Crazy Diamond Is Unbreakable
Kureijī Daiyamondo wa Kudakenai (クレイジー・D(ダイヤモンド)は砕けない)
March 4, 1996[71]ISBN 978-4-08-851896-1

Part 5: Vento Aureo

Main article: Vento Aureo
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 (47)Goodbye, Morioh Town - The Golden Heart
Sayonara Moriō-chō - Ōgon no Kokoro (さよなら杜王町―黄金の心)
May 10, 1996[72]ISBN 978-4-08-851897-8
2 (48)Gang Star Is My Dream
Boku no Yume wa Gyangu Sutā (ぼくの夢はギャング・スター)
July 4, 1996[73]ISBN 978-4-08-851898-5
3 (49)Find Polpo's Fortune!
Porupo no Isan o Nerae! (ポルポの遺産を狙え!)
September 4, 1996[74]ISBN 978-4-08-851899-2
4 (50)Operative Bucciarati: The Boss's First Assignment
Bucharati Kanbu: Bosu kara no Daichi Shirei (ブチャラティ幹部:ボスからの第一指令)
November 1, 1996[75]ISBN 978-4-08-851119-1
5 (51)The Boss's Second Assignment: "Retrieve the Key!"
Bosu kara no Daini Shirei: "Kagi o Getto seyo!" (ボスからの第二指令:「鍵をゲットせよ!」)
February 4, 1997[76]ISBN 978-4-08-851120-7
6 (52)The Florence-Bound Express Train
Firentse Iki Chōtokkyū (フィレンツェ行き超特急)
April 4, 1997[77]ISBN 978-4-08-872039-5
7 (53)The Grateful Dead
Za Gureitofuru Deddo (偉大なる死(ザ・グレイトフル・デッド))
June 4, 1997[78]ISBN 978-4-08-872040-1
8 (54)Gold Experience Strikes Back
Gōrudo Ekusuperiensu no Gyakushū (ゴールド・エクスペリエンスの逆襲)
September 4, 1997[79]ISBN 978-4-08-872174-3
9 (55)The Venice Landing Operation
Venetsia Jōriku Sakusen (ヴェネツィア上陸作戦)
November 4, 1997[80]ISBN 978-4-08-872175-0
10 (56)The 'G' in Guts
"Gattsu no 'Jī'" (ガッツの「G」)
January 9, 1998[81]ISBN 978-4-08-872501-7
11 (57)No Flightcode! Unearth the Boss's Past
Furaito Kōdo Nashi! Bosu no Kako o Abake (フライト・コードなし!ボスの過去をあばけ)
March 4, 1998[82]ISBN 978-4-08-872526-0
12 (58)My Name Is Doppio
Boku no Na wa Doppio (ぼくの名はドッピオ)
June 4, 1998[83]ISBN 978-4-08-872562-8
13 (59)Beneath a Sky Seemingly About to Fall
Ima ni mo Ochite Kisō na Sora no Shita de (今にも落ちて来そうな空の下で)
August 4, 1998[84]ISBN 978-4-08-872588-8
14 (60)Meet the Man in the Colosseum!
Korosseo no Otoko ni Ae! (コロッセオの男に会え!)
October 2, 1998[85]ISBN 978-4-08-872613-7
15 (61)They Called Him Diavolo
Soitsu no Na wa Diaboro (そいつの名はディアボロ)
January 8, 1999[86]ISBN 978-4-08-872652-6
16 (62)The Requiem Plays Quietly
Rekuiemu wa Shizuka ni Kanaderareru (鎮魂歌(レクイエム)は静かに奏でられる)
March 4, 1999[87]ISBN 978-4-08-872680-9
17 (63)Sleeping Slaves
Nemureru Dorei (眠れる奴隷)
April 30, 1999[88]ISBN 978-4-08-872709-7

Part 6: Stone Ocean

Main article: Stone Ocean
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 (64)Prisoner FE40536: Jolyne Cujoh
Shūjin Bangō FE40536 Kūjō Jorīn (囚人番号FE40536空条徐倫)
May 1, 2000[89]ISBN 978-4-08-872866-7
2 (65)Visitor to Green Dolphin Street Prison
Gurīn Dorufin Sutorīto Keimusho no Menkainin (グリーン・ドルフィン・ストリート刑務所の面会人)
August 4, 2000[90]ISBN 978-4-08-872899-5
3 (66)Prisoner of Love
Purizunā Obu Ravu (プリズナー・オブ・ラヴ)
October 4, 2000[91]ISBN 978-4-08-873027-1
4 (67)Go! Foo Fighters
Iku zo! Fū Faitāzu (行くぞ!フー・ファイターズ)
December 4, 2000[92]ISBN 978-4-08-873051-6
5 (68)Operation Savage Garden (Head for the Courtyard!)
Saveji Gāden Sakusen (Nakaniwa e Mukae!) (サヴェジ・ガーデン作戦 (中庭へ向かえ!))
February 2, 2001[93]ISBN 978-4-08-873077-6
6 (69)Flash Flood Warning
Shūchū Gōu Keihō Hatsurei (集中豪雨警報発令)
April 4, 2001[94]ISBN 978-4-08-873103-2
7 (70)Ultra Security Solitary
Urutora Sekyuriti Chōbatsubō (ウルトラセキュリティ懲罰房)
June 4, 2001[95]ISBN 978-4-08-873126-1
8 (71)Enter the Dragon's Dream!
Moe yo Doragonzu Dorīmu (燃えよ竜の夢(ドラゴンズ・ドリーム))
September 4, 2001[96]ISBN 978-4-08-873160-5
9 (72)Green Birth
Midoriiro no Tanjō (緑色の誕生)
November 2, 2001[97]ISBN 978-4-08-873183-4
10 (73)Awaken
AWAKEN-Mezame (AWAKEN-目覚め)
February 4, 2002[98]ISBN 978-4-08-873225-1
11 (74)Head Out! Paradise Time
Mukae! Tengoku no Toki (迎え! 天国の時)
April 4, 2002[99]ISBN 978-4-08-873250-3
12 (75)For Escape...
Datsugoku e... (脱獄へ…)
July 4, 2002[100]ISBN 978-4-08-873284-8
13 (76)Sky High Soars High!
Sora Takaku Sukai Hai (空高くスカイ・ハイ!)
September 4, 2002[101]ISBN 978-4-08-873315-9
14 (77)Paradise Time: Three Days to the New Moon
Tengoku no Toki Shingetsu made Ato Mikka (天国の時 新月まであと3日)
December 4, 2002[102]ISBN 978-4-08-873346-3
15 (78)Heavy Weather
Hebī Wezā (ヘビー・ウェザー)
February 4, 2003[103]ISBN 978-4-08-873383-8
16 (79)In Cape Canaveral
Kēpu Kanaberaru nite (ケープ・カナベラルにて)
April 4, 2003[104]ISBN 978-4-08-873410-1
17 (80)Made in Heaven
Meido In Hebun (メイド・イン・ヘブン)
July 4, 2003[105]ISBN 978-4-08-873483-5

Part 7: Steel Ball Run

Main article: Steel Ball Run
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 (81)September 25, 1890: San Diego Beach
Issen Happyaku Kyūjū Nen Kugatsu Nijūgonichi San Diego Bīchi (1890年9月25日 サンディエゴビーチ)
May 20, 2004[106]ISBN 4-08-873601-X
2 (82)1st Stage: 15,000 Meters
Fāsuto Sutēji 15,000 Mētoru (1st. STAGE 15,000メートル)
May 20, 2004[107]ISBN 4-08-873613-3
3 (83)2nd Stage: Arizona Desert Crossing
Sekondo Sutēji Arizona Sabaku Goe (2nd. STAGE アリゾナ砂漠越え)
November 4, 2004[108]ISBN 4-08-873673-7
4 (84)Gyro Zeppeli's Mission
Jairo Tseperi no Shukumei (ジャイロ・ツェペリの宿命)
November 4, 2004[109]ISBN 4-08-873689-3
5 (85)The President's Conspiracy
Daitōryō no Inbō (大統領の陰謀)
August 4, 2005[110]ISBN 4-08-873845-4
6 (86)Scary Monsters
Sukearī Monsutāzu (スケアリー モンスターズ)
November 4, 2005[111]ISBN 4-08-873890-X
7 (87)A Little Grave on the Wide, Wide Prairie
Hiroi Hiroi Daisōgen no Chiisana Bohyō (広い広い大草原の小さな墓標)
March 3, 2006[112]ISBN 4-08-874117-X
8 (88)To a Man's World
Otoko no Sekai e (男の世界へ)
May 2, 2006[113]ISBN 4-08-874119-6
9 (89)A Stormy Night Is Coming
Arashi no Yoru ga Yatte Kuru (嵐の夜がやってくる)
September 4, 2006[114]ISBN 4-08-874147-1
10 (90)Illinois Skyline, Michigan Lakeline
Irinoi Sukairain Mishigan Reikurain (イリノイ・スカイライン ミシガン・レイクライン)
November 2, 2006[115]ISBN 4-08-874285-0
11 (91)Make the Golden Rectangle!
Ōgon Chōhōkei o Tsukure! (黄金長方形をつくれ!)
March 2, 2007[116]ISBN 978-4-08-874336-3
12 (92)Conditions for the Body, Conditions for Friendship
Itai e no Jōken Yūjō e no Jōken (遺体への条件 友情への条件)
May 2, 2007[117]ISBN 978-4-08-874362-2
13 (93)Wrecking Ball
Kowareyuku Tekkyū (壊れゆく鉄球)
September 4, 2007[118]ISBN 978-4-08-874420-9
14 (94)The Victor's Rights
Shōrisha e no Shikaku (勝利者への資格)
December 4, 2007[119]ISBN 978-4-08-874438-4
15 (95)A Dream of Gettysburg
Getisubāgu no Yume (ゲティスバーグの夢)
May 2, 2008[120]ISBN 978-4-08-874518-3
16 (96)Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
Itomo Tayasuku Okonawareru Egutsunai Kōi (いともたやすく行われる えげつない行為)
September 4, 2008[121]ISBN 978-4-08-874574-9
17 (97)D4C
Dī Fō Shī (D4C(ディ・フォー・シー))
March 4, 2009[122]ISBN 978-4-08-874648-7
18 (98)Ticket to Ride
Chiketto Tu Raido (涙の乗車券(チケット・ゥ・ライド))
July 3, 2009[123]ISBN 978-4-08-874725-5
19 (99)Don't Get Used to Having Money
Okane Mochi ni wa Narenai (お金持ちにはなれない)
November 4, 2009[124]ISBN 978-4-08-874769-9
20 (100)Love Train – The World Is One
Rabu Torein – Sekai wa Hitotsu (ラブトレイン-世界はひとつ)
March 9, 2010[125]ISBN 978-4-08-870060-1
21 (101)Ball Breaker
Bōru Bureikā (ボール・ブレイカー)
July 2, 2010[126]ISBN 978-4-08-870099-1
22 (102)Break My Heart, Break Your Heart
Bureiku Mai Hāto Bureiku Yua Hāto (ブレイク・マイ・ハート ブレイク・ユア・ハート)
November 4, 2010[127]ISBN 978-4-08-870160-8
23 (103)High Voltage
Hai Vorutēji (ハイ・ヴォルテージ)
May 19, 2011[128]ISBN 978-4-08-870206-3
24 (104)The Stars and Stripes Forever
Seijōki yo Eien Nare (星条旗よ 永遠なれ)
June 3, 2011[129]ISBN 978-4-08-870253-7

Part 8: JoJolion

Main article: JoJolion
No.TitleJapanese release dateJapanese ISBN
1 (105)Welcome to Morioh Town
Yōkoso, Moriō-chō e (ようこそ 杜王町へ)
December 19, 2011[130]ISBN 978-4-08-870311-4
2 (106)His Name Is Josuke Higashikata
Higashikata Jōsuke toiu Namae (東方定助という名前)
April 19, 2012[131]ISBN 978-4-08-870413-5
3 (107)Their Family Tree
Sono Kakeizu (その家系図)
September 19, 2012[132]ISBN 978-4-08-870526-2
4 (108)The Lemon and the Tangerine
Remon to Mikan (レモンとみかん)
May 17, 2013[133]ISBN 978-4-08-870642-9
5 (109)Morioh Town: 1901
Moriō-chō "Sen Kyū-hyaku Ichi Nen" (杜王町『1901年』)
October 18, 2013[134]ISBN 978-4-08-870830-0
6 (110)Tsurugi Higashikata's Goal, and the Architect
Higashikata Tsurugi no Mokuteki, Soshite Kenchikka (東方つるぎの目的 そして建築家)
March 19, 2014[135]ISBN 978-4-08-870891-1
7 (111)King Nothing
Kingu Nasshingu (キング・ナッシング)
May 19, 2014[136]ISBN 978-4-08-880087-5
8 (112)Every Day Is a Summer Vacation
Mainichi ga Natsuyasumi (毎日が夏休み)
October 17, 2014[137]ISBN 978-4-08-880238-1
9 (113)Eldest Son: Jobin Higashikata
Danchō: Higashikata Jōbin (長男・東方常敏)
February 19, 2015[138]ISBN 978-4-08-880314-2
10 (114)Follow the Rokakaka Tree!
Rokakaka no Ki o Oe! (ロカカカの樹を追え!)
July 17, 2015[139]ISBN 978-4-08-880436-1
11 (115)The Twins Are Coming to Town
Sōji ga Machi ni Yattekuru (双児が町にやって来る)
December 18, 2015[140]ISBN 978-4-08-880548-1
12 (116)Hato's Boyfriend
Hato-chan no Bōifurendo (鳩ちゃんのボーイフレンド)
March 18, 2016[141]ISBN 978-4-08-880647-1


  1. "ジョジョの奇妙な冒険 1" [JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Volume 1]. Shueisha. Retrieved September 16, 2012.
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  3. Araki, Hirohiko (2005). JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Volume 1. Viz Media. p. 5. ISBN 978-1-59116-754-9.
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