List of Juventus F.C. players

Alessandro Del Piero has made 705 appearances for Juventus. He is the all-time top scorer of the club, with 290 goals.
Gianluigi Buffon Current Captain of Juventus F.C.
Raimundo Orsi — 5-Time Champion Italy With Juventus.
Omar Sivori, John Charles and Giampiero Boniperti, the Magical Trio of the Juventus squad during the ending of 1950s and beginning of 1960s.
Antonello Cuccureddu — played 433 matches and scored 39 goals in Juventus.
Dino Zoff (near left) and Franco Causio (high left) - played for "Juventus' 476 and 447 games, respectively.
Antonio Cabrini - played 440 matches and scored 53 goals in Juventus.
Michel Platini won three Ballons d'Or in succession. 1983, 1984, 1985.
Antonio Conte - played 419 games and scored 44 goals.
David Trezeguet — the best foreign scorer in the history of Juventus.
Pavel Nedvěd — he played for Juventus 327 games and scored 65 goals. Winner of Ballon d'Or 2003

Below is a list of notable footballers who have played for Juventus Football Club. Generally, this means players that have played 100 or more official matches for the club.

For a list of the Juventus players, major or minor, with a Wikipedia article, see Category:Juventus F.C. players. For individual records (appearances and goalscorers) and individual recognitions see the statistics and records related article. For the list of World, European and Olympic champions with the Italian national teams during them careers at Juventus F.C., see the Juventus F.C. & the Italian national team article. For the current squad and its notable players, see the main Juventus F.C. article.

List of players

Players are listed in alphabetical order according to the date of their first-team official debut for the club. Appearances and goals are for first-team competitive matches only.[1] Substitute appearances included. Italics denote current players.

Statistics correct as of 30 December 2015.

NameNationalityPosition[NB]Juventus careerAppearancesGoals
Alessio, AngeloAngelo Alessio ItalyMidfielder1987–199214221
Altafini, JoséJosé Altafini  Brazil /  ItalyForward1972–197611937
Amauri  Brazil /  ItalyForward2008–201110024
Amoruso, NicolaNicola Amoruso ItalyForward1996–200210529
Anastasi, PietroPietro Anastasi  ItalyForward1968–1976307132
Anzolin, RobertoRoberto Anzolin ItalyGoalkeeper1961–19703210
Baggio, RobertoRoberto Baggio  ItalyForward1990–1995200115
Barale, OresteOreste Barale IIIº  ItalyMidfielder1924–19311161
Barzagli, AndreaAndrea Barzagli  Italy Defender2011–present1731
Bellini, SavinoSavino Bellini  ItalyForward1937–194412634
Benetti, RomeoRomeo Benetti  ItalyForward1968–197915923
Bercellino, GiancarloGiancarlo Bercellino  ItalyDefender1961–196921114
Bertolini, LuigiLuigi Bertolini  Italy Midfielder1930–19371615
Bertuccelli, AlbertoAlberto Bertuccelli  Italy Defender1949–19541462
Bettega, RobertoRoberto Bettega  Italy Forward1970–1983482179
Bigatto, CarloCarlo Bigatto  Italy Midfielder1913-1915
Birindelli, AlessandroAlessandro Birindelli  Italy Defender1997–20083057
Boniek, ZbigniewZbigniew Boniek  Poland Forward1982–198513331
Bonini, MassimoMassimo Bonini  San Marino Midfielder1981–19893016
Boniperti, GiampieroGiampiero Boniperti  Italy Forward1946–1961465182
Bonucci, LeonardoLeonardo Bonucci  Italy Defender2010–present24911
Borel, FeliceFelice Borel IIº  Italy Forward1932-1941
Brio, SergioSergio Brio  Italy Defender1978–199038524
Buffon, GianluigiGianluigi Buffon  Italy Goalkeeper2001–present5580
Cabrini, AntonioAntonio Cabrini  Italy Defender1976–198944252
Caceres, MartinMartin Caceres  Uruguay Defender2009–2010
Caligaris, UmbertoUmberto Caligaris  Italy Defender1928–19351980
Camoranesi, MauroMauro Camoranesi  Argentina /  Italy Midfielder2002–201028832
Cannavaro, FabioFabio Cannavaro  Italy Defender2004–2006
Capello, FabioFabio Capello  Italy Midfielder1970–197624041
Carrera, MassimoMassimo Carrera  Italy Defender1991–19961661
Casiraghi, PierluigiPierluigi Casiraghi  Italy Forward1989–199314737
Càstano, ErnestoErnesto Càstano  Italy Defender1958–19703523
Causio, FrancoFranco Causio  Italy Midfielder1967-1968
Cesarini, RenatoRenato Cesarini  Argentina /  Italy Forward1929–193514753
Charles, JohnJohn Charles  Wales Forward1957–1962186109
Chiellini, GiorgioGiorgio Chiellini  Italy Defender2005–present38929
Cinesinho, Cinesinho  Brazil Forward1964–196811910
Colombo, UmbertoUmberto Colombo  Italy Forward1954–196119725
Combi, GianpieroGianpiero Combi  Italy Goalkeeper1921–19343690
Conte, AntonioAntonio Conte  Italy Midfielder1991–200441944
Corradi, GiuseppeGiuseppe Corradi  Italy Defender1951–19592035
Cuccureddu, AntonelloAntonello Cuccureddu  Italy Defender1969–198143839
Davids, EdgarEdgar Davids  Netherlands Midfielder1997–200423510
De Agostini, LuigiLuigi De Agostini  Italy Defender1987–199221528
De Ceglie, PaoloPaolo De Ceglie  Italy Defender2006–present1282
Del Piero, AlessandroAlessandro Del Piero  Italy Forward1993–2012705290
del Sol, LuisLuis del Sol  Spain Midfielder1962–197030031
Depetrini, TeobaldoTeobaldo Depetrini  Italy Midfielder1933–194938810
Deschamps, DidierDidier Deschamps  France Midfielder1994–19991784
Di Canio, PaoloPaolo Di Canio  Italy Forward1990–19931127
Di Livio, AngeloAngelo Di Livio  Italy Midfielder1993–19992696
Emoli, FlavioFlavio Emoli  Italy Midfielder1955–196325110
Fanna, PietroPietro Fanna  Italy Midfielder1977–198215220
Favero, LucianoLuciano Favero  Italy Defender1984–19892062
Ferrara, CiroCiro Ferrara  Italy Defender1994–200535820
Ferrari, GiovanniGiovanni Ferrari  Italy Forward1930–194219378
Ferrario, RinoRino Ferrario  Italy Midfielder1950-1955
Foni, AlfredoAlfredo Foni  Italy Defender1934–19473048
Furino, GiuseppeGiuseppe Furino  Italy Midfielder1969–198453419
Gabetto, GuglielmoGuglielmo Gabetto  Italy Forward1934–1941191102
Galìa, RobertoRoberto Galìa  Italy Midfielder1988–199422511
Garzena, BrunoBruno Garzena  Italy Defender1952-1953
Gentile, ClaudioClaudio Gentile  Italy /  Libya Defender1973–198441710
Giovinco, SebastianSebastian Giovinco  Italy Forward2006–201513220
Gori, AdolfoAdolfo Gori  Italy Midfielder1963–19681926
Grygera, ZdeněkZdeněk Grygera  Czech Republic Defender2007–20111143
Haller, HelmutHelmut Haller  Germany Forward1968–197317433
Hansen, JohnJohn Hansen  Denmark Forward1948–1954189124
Iaquinta, VincenzoVincenzo Iaquinta  Italy Forward2007–201210840
Inzaghi, FilippoFilippo Inzaghi  Italy Forward1997–200116589
Iuliano, MarkMark Iuliano  Italy Defender1996–20052777
Júlio César da Silva, Júlio César da Silva  Brazil Defender1990–19941256
Kohler, JürgenJürgen Kohler  Germany Defender1991–199514513
Laudrup, MichaelMichael Laudrup  Denmark Forward1985–198915135
Legrottaglie, NicolaNicola Legrottaglie  Italy Defender2003-2005
Leoncini, GianfrancoGianfranco Leoncini  Italy Midfielder1958–197039526
Lichtsteiner, StephanStephan Lichtsteiner   Switzerland Defender2011–present17413
Locatelli, UgoUgo Locatelli  Italy Midfielder1941–19491818
Magni, PietroPietro Magni  Italy Defender1942–194810827
Manente, SergioSergio Manente  Italy Defender1948–195523315
Marchetti, GiampietroGiampietro Marchetti  Italy Midfielder1970–19741757
Marchisio, ClaudioClaudio Marchisio  Italy Midfielder2006–present32435
Mari, GiacomoGiacomo Mari  Italy Midfielder1949–19531359
Marocchi, GiancarloGiancarlo Marocchi  Italy Forward1988–199631925
Marocchino, DomenicoDomenico Marocchino  Italy Forward1979–198314114
Mattrel, CarloCarlo Mattrel  Italy Goalkeeper1957–19651170
Mauro, MassimoMassimo Mauro  Italy Midfielder1985–19891527
Menichelli, GiampaoloGiampaolo Menichelli  Italy Midfielder1963–196920764
Montero, PaoloPaolo Montero  Uruguay Defender1996–20052787
Monti, LuisLuis Monti  Argentina /  Italy Midfielder1930–193926322
Montico, AntonioAntonio Montico  Italy Midfielder1953–196211627
Morini, FrancescoFrancesco Morini  Italy Defender1969–19793770
Muccinelli, ErmesErmes Muccinelli  Italy Forward1946-1955
Munerati, FedericoFederico Munerati  Italy Forward1922–1933256114
Nedvěd, PavelPavel Nedvěd  Czech Republic Midfielder2001–200932765
Nicolè, BrunoBruno Nicolè  Italy Forward1957–196317966
Orsi, RaimundoRaimundo Orsi  Argentina /  Italy Forward1929–193519488
Padoin, SimoneSimone Padoin  Italy Midfielder2012–present1002
Parola, CarloCarlo Parola  Italy Defender1939–195433911
Peruzzi, AngeloAngelo Peruzzi  Italy Goalkeeper1991–19993010
Pessotto, GianlucaGianluca Pessotto  Italy Defender1995–20063663
Piccinini, AlbertoAlberto Piccinini  Italy Midfielder1949–19531062
Pirlo, AndreaAndrea Pirlo  Italy Midfielder2011–201516518
Platini, MichelMichel Platini  France Midfielder1982–1987224104
Pogba, PaulPaul Pogba  France Midfielder2012–present15328
Porrini, SergioSergio Porrini  Italy Defender1993–19971385
Præst, Karl AageKarl Aage Præst  Denmark Forward1949–195623351
Prandelli, Claudio CesareClaudio Cesare Prandelli  Italy Midfielder1979–19851385
Quagliarella, FabioFabio Quagliarella  Italy Forward2010–201410230
Rava, PietroPietro Rava  Italy Defender1935–195033015
Ravanelli, FabrizioFabrizio Ravanelli  Italy Forward1992–199616068
Rosetta, VirginioVirginio Rosetta  Italy Defender1923–193636619
Rossi, PaoloPaolo Rossi  Italy Forward1973-1975
Sacco, GiovanniGiovanni Sacco  Italy Midfielder1962-1965
Salvadore, SandroSandro Salvadore  Italy Defender1962–197446017
Sarti, BenitoBenito Sarti  Italy Defender1958–19682631
Schillaci, SalvatoreSalvatore Schillaci  Italy Forward1989–199213236
Scirea, GaetanoGaetano Scirea  Italy Defender1974–198855432
Sentimenti, LucidioLucidio Sentimenti IVº  Italy Goalkeeper1942–19491885 [2]
Sentimenti, VittorioVittorio Sentimenti IIIº  Italy Forward1942–194921869
Sissoko, MohamedMohamed Sissoko  Mali /  France Midfielder2008–20111003
Sívori, OmarOmar Sívori  Argentina /  Italy Forward1957–1965259174
Spinosi, LucianoLuciano Spinosi  Italy Defender1970–19782414
Stacchini, GinoGino Stacchini  Italy Forward1955–196727956
Tacchinardi, AlessioAlessio Tacchinardi  Italy Midfielder1994–200540415
Tacconi, StefanoStefano Tacconi  Italy Goalkeeper1983–19923820
Tardelli, MarcoMarco Tardelli  Italy Midfielder1975–198537752
Thuram, LilianLilian Thuram  France Defender2001–20062041
Torricelli, MorenoMoreno Torricelli  Italy Defender1992–19982303
Trezeguet, DavidDavid Trezeguet  France /  Argentina Forward2000–2010320171
Tricella, RobertoRoberto Tricella  Italy Defender1987–19901142
Tudor, IgorIgor Tudor  Croatia Defender1998–200717421
Varglien, GiovanniGiovanni Varglien IIº  Italy Midfielder1929–194741042
Varglien, MarioMario Varglien  Italy Midfielder1928–194240217
Vialli, GianlucaGianluca Vialli  Italy Forward1992–199614553
Vidal, ArturoArturo Vidal  Chile Midfielder2011–201517148
Vignola, BeniaminoBeniamino Vignola  Italy Midfielder1983-1985
Viola, GiovanniGiovanni Viola  Italy Goalkeeper1945-1946
Virdis, Pietro PaoloPietro Paolo Virdis  Italy Forward1977-1980
Zalayeta, MarceloMarcelo Zalayeta  Uruguay Forward2001-2004
Zambrotta, GianlucaGianluca Zambrotta  Italy Defender1999–200629710
Zebina, JonathanJonathan Zebina  France Defender2004–20101171
Zidane, ZinedineZinedine Zidane  France Midfielder1996–200121231
Zigoni, GianfrancoGianfranco Zigoni  Italy Forward1961–197012536
Zoff, DinoDino Zoff  Italy Goalkeeper1972–19834760
Ibrahimovic, ZlatanZlatan Ibrahimovic  Italy Forward2004–20067023

- Players are included in the list of 50 legends, according to Juventus Official Website.[3]

Club captains

Carlo Bigatto Iº, the first Juventus captain ever and winner of the Italian Serie A as footballer and manager with the Old Lady.

The role of captain in Italian football made its first appearance in early 1920s.[4]

Footballer Position Period
Italy Carlo Bigatto IºMidfielder1922–1929
Italy Virginio RosettaDefender1929–1935
Argentina / Italy Luis MontiMidfielder1935–1938
Italy Mario Varglien IºMidfielder1938–1942
Italy Pietro RavaDefender1942–1949
Italy Carlo ParolaDefender1949–1954
Italy Giampiero BonipertiForward1954–1961
Argentina / Italy Omar Enrique SivoriForward1961–1965
Italy Ernesto CàstanoDefender1965–1970
Italy Sandro SalvadoreDefender1970–1974
Italy Giuseppe FurinoMidfielder1974–1984
Italy Gaetano ScireaDefender1984–1988
Italy Sergio BrioDefender1988–1990
Italy Stefano TacconiGoalkeeper1990–1992
Italy Roberto BaggioForward1992–1995
Italy Gianluca VialliForward1995–1996
Italy Antonio ConteMidfielder1996–2001
Italy Alessandro Del PieroForward2001–2012
Italy Gianluigi BuffonGoalkeeper2012–Present

List of Juventus' players to have won all three major UEFA club competitions

For the complete list of players to have won all three major UEFA club competitions, see UEFA club competition records.

The table below show the Juventus players who have won all three major UEFA club competitions [5] (chronological order).

Team European Cup Cup Winners' Cup UEFA Cup [6]
Italy Gaetano Scirea1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1977 - Juventus FC
Italy Antonio Cabrini1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1977 - Juventus FC
Italy Marco Tardelli1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1977 - Juventus FC
Italy Stefano Tacconi1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1990 - Juventus FC
Italy Sergio Brio1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1990 - Juventus FC

Source: Players regarding European Club Cups - Record Sport Soccer Statistics Foundation -

List of Juventus' players to have won all UEFA club competitions

For the complete list of players to have won all UEFA club competitions, see UEFA club competition records.

The table below show the Juventus players who have won all UEFA club competitions [5] (chronological order).

Team European Cup Cup Winners' Cup UEFA Cup [6] European Super Cup Intercontinental Cup
Italy Gaetano Scirea1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1977 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1985 - Juventus FC
Italy Antonio Cabrini1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1977 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1985 - Juventus FC
Italy Stefano Tacconi1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1990 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1985 - Juventus FC
Italy Sergio Brio1985 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1990 - Juventus FC1984 - Juventus FC1985 - Juventus FC

Source: Players regarding European Club Cups - Record Sport Soccer Statistics Foundation -

See also

Footnotes and references

  1. Since 1915 to 1919 the Italian football championship has been interrupted as consequence of the First World War. The 1916 Federal Championship is not recognized by the Italian Football Federation (its statistics are not included in this article). Since 1943 to 1945 the Italian football championship has been interrupted as consequence of the Second World War. The 1944 War Championship wasn’t recognized by FIGC until 2002. In 1945-46 season the top level of Italian football has been composed for two groups with FIGC Serie A and B teams playing together. 1944 War Championship and Serie A 1945-46 season statistics are included in this article.
  2. Lucidio Sentimenti IVº has scored 5 goals in 188 matches with Juventus FC, 4 of these as striker during the 1944 War Championship. See also "Statistic Area - All Juventus FC players: Lucidio Sentimenti IVº" (in Italian). Retrieved 2007-07-18.
  3. "Juventus Legends". Juventus FC Official Website.
  4. "Juventus Football Club: The History". Juventus FC Official Website.
  5. 1 2 The Intertoto Cup, competition per clubs recognised by the main football organisation in Europe since 1995, is not included in this list.
  6. 1 2 The European Inter-Cities Fairs Cup (1958-1971) is not included in this list because is not recognized as official European competition by UEFA.
    See "UEFA club competitions press kit (.PDF archive, page 23)" (PDF). UEFA Official Website. Retrieved 2006-08-25.
    "History of the UEFA Cup". UEFA Official Website. Retrieved 2004-05-01.


External links

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