List of Kevin and Kell characters

This is a list of Kevin and Kell characters.

Main characters

Kevin Dewclaw

Kevin Dewclaw is one of the two primary characters of Bill Holbrook’s comic strip Kevin and Kell, a rabbit who is married to Kell Dewclaw, is the adoptive father of Lindesfarne Dewclaw, stepfather to Rudy Dewclaw and father of Coney Dewclaw. He is the oldest of Dorothy and Bentley Kindle's children.

Kevin is a tall, overweight white rabbit in his late thirties, with one lop ear and one straight ear. At age 20 he married Angelique, and soon afterwards, adopted Lindesfarne at six months of age. Originally named Kevin Kindle, he took his wife's name when he remarried, and is the oldest of 38 children. Angelique, his first wife, left him for his father, and he eventually married Kell, a carnivore, which led to his family disowning him. However, he eventually re-established contact with his parents and one of his younger sisters, Danielle. Formerly a manager at the herbivore forum, he is now president and co-owner of a local ISP, Hare-Link.

Kevin's internet businesses are prominent in many of the strip's plotlines. In general, while he typically manages to keep them running in spite of difficulties that arise, they are not remarkably profitable, and it is also suggested that Kell's salary from Herd Thinners is the family's main source of income.

Kell Dewclaw

Kevin's wife. A wolf in her forties. She was a staff predator for Herd Thinners, Inc., a hunting corporation. In mid-2004 she was fired from company after participating in a strike, and worked at as the office manager for Aby's Auto Repair. She was later rehired and in late 2010, she accidentally became its CEO after interfering in a power struggle at the corporation. In 2012, she was ousted from her position by R.L. in a bloodless coup from the board and then started her own rival hunting company, Dewclaw's Fine Meat Products, that exclusively doesn't hunt rabbits as it is secretly financed by the Rabbit Council. She was previously married, and married Kevin after her husband was killed in a hunt in 1991. Her father disapproved of the marriage, and removed her from his will, which he later regretted and reconcilled shortly before his death.

As a parent, she is loving, yet sometimes strict, and her expert tracking skills keep Rudy well-behaved. While Lindesfarne initially had difficulties approaching her, she now considers Kell her true mother (even referring to her as 'mom' on several occasions).

Lindesfarne Dewclaw

A hedgehog, though she was initially presented as a porcupine and is Kevin’s adopted daughter from his first marriage. Seventeen years old at the start of the strip (21 now), she is highly intelligent and is currently studying to be a scientist, fascinated with genetics, astronomy and spaceflight. An insectivore who was previously a herbivore until she learned that she was an English hedgehog, not a porcupine. In either event, her quills are often a blessing and a curse, as she can throw them with considerable accuracy, but they also make holding her difficult, which was the reason why Angelique chose to adopt her. She thus attaches her clothes, which look like paper doll accessories, to her quills.

Her species was the subject of early strips and series. She initially believed that she had, as a result of assimilation, become an American porcupine, but learned that Angelique had asked that she be classified as one because she could not catch insects. Lindesfarne changed back to her original species so that she could be nocturnal like her boyfriend, Fenton; she wakes up in the late afternoon and goes to sleep in the early morning. This change in schedule has had disadvantages; she initially felt neglected by her diurnal family members, but Chamilla Moodring’s counseling session helped her to work through her feelings and not blame her family.

She also discovered that she was actually born a human member of the British Royal Family from “our” world, who had accidentally fallen through an interdimensional portal at sea as an infant (from “our” world’s point of view she was simply believed to have been lost at sea). Passage through the portal transformed her into a hedgehog, as that was the species of her dimensional counterpart (Chertsey Ealing) in that world.

More recently, she graduated early from Beige University on a triple major with a bachelor's in science, working on her graduate degree and married her long-time boyfriend, Fenton. She also writes a blog, Virtual Quill, about her perspective on major events in the comic concerning her, her life, and some information that is not in the comic strip (such as Rhonda’s breakup with Edgar; no strips focused on the breakup, but a recent plotline dealt with Edgar’s attempts to win Rhonda back). At first she could not read comments posted by humans from our side of the portal, but on Sunday, July 27, 2008, she activated a “portal receiver” that enables her to read and respond to blog comments, providing further insight into the series and its world.

Named after the island of Lindisfarne, off the coast of England. Lindesfarne’s secret ancestry figured significantly in the comic strips of 2004; she is the human doppelganger to the hedgehog princess of England.

Rudy Dewclaw

Kell's son from a previous marriage; a wolf cub, but half-fox. Member and co-captain of the Caliban High School hunting team, competing in mixed foursomes and also a talented artist who produced webcomics about humans and an herbivore sheep (which was actually based on Corrie, even though Rudy was only unconsciously aware of this). Initially given as 12 years old, currently stated as being eighteen, as Kevin has begun to give him driving lessons. He is fairly impulsive and often immature, stowing away aboard the shuttle in a bid for fame (which resulted in him being denounced in the press as an "idiot" and "major bonehead"). However, he is also loyal (as a result of domestication), and despite his previous distaste for herbivores and interspecies relationships, generally supports his friends and family in time of need and is generous at times. He once held his late father in high regard until he found out about his infidelity that produced his elder half-brother Vin Vulpen during his marriage with Kell, but while he still has not quite accepted Kevin as a father figure, his relationship with his stepfather has reasonably improved. He has a tracking disability, preventing him from seeing the way prey is going, and, like his mother and uncle, is domesticated. Although he often gets on Lindesfarne's nerves by mocking her nocturnal schedule and diet, there is evidence that he cares for her, such as when he once saved her from three cougars.

More recently, he first reluctantly became the Easter Bunny for the Domain area after taking over Kevin's place after a mishap with Hare-Link. Accidentally caught by the media on his first outing, the Rabbit Council allowed him to take over the role in lieu of an arts college scholarship that he agreed to on an annual basis, with girlfriend Fiona Fennec as his partner and co-recipient of the scholarship and distant cousin Wendell Luckyfoot as a promising apprentice. In 2015, he reluctantly was forced into retiring his Easter Bunny job due to having his cover unwittingly blown after comparison photos with a rabbit caricature were posted online from his senior prom blog and other information from the media gathered on him over that period. He also starting gardening at first to pay off a debt to his rabbit relatives for helping him out deliver Easter eggs as a one-off occasion, but his produce grew in popularity with the public and he now treats it as a hobby and to curb his competitive nature, as well as gaining him an additional gardening scholarship to study at Beige University and play on their gardening team as the first predator to do so.

Coney Dewclaw

Kevin and Kell's daughter. A carnivorous rabbit (although she does consider herself to be omnivorous now), age 5, initially born into the strip as an baby. One of a very few mixed-breeds in their world; some other hybrids include Rudy, Corrie, Lin Lee and Francis. As a result of this, she is regarded with suspicion and hope. Her mixed classification is often problematic because, as it is often said, herbivore daycare centers were afraid that she will devour the children and state they cannot ensure her safety, let alone the others which has since been proven wrong. She's also one of the most formidable predators in Domain, and generally swallows her prey whole and spits out the bones or some article that her victim has (for example, a reporter's pen and notepad). Because of her skill, the radical Rabbit's Revenge group once sought to breed carnivorous rabbits like her in order to drive other species to extinction, before their plans were foiled. Later, the Rabbit Council allowed Kevin to return to rabbit society and into their inclusive group, provided he would bring Coney for protection and has been taking her position on the Council seriously, and curiously enough, is the lone female (and youngest) member on the council. She has picked up a habit of protecting weaker species she is close to, due to her younger cousin Francis. In addition, Coney became more selective in hunting, as she now only eats carnivores who are an immediate threat to her friends and family. She's best friends with Harcourt Silvertip and a tigress/tabby cub, Lin Lee, at predator preschool who teaches her additional hunting skills as well has a crush on her ambitious cousin, Wendell Luckyfoot, which she couldn't approve of at first because of his obnoxious attitude but has gradually accepted the situation and has come to see him as a friend as well as family.

Other significant characters

In addition to featuring Kevin, Kell and their children, Kevin and Kell features many of the Dewclaws' friends and relatives, as well as other people.

Fiona Fennec

A half-red, half-fennec vixen, Fiona is Rudy's girlfriend and eighteen years old. She possesses many good traits such as a desire for people to get along, and is more socially skilled than Rudy, but can be sensitive and insecure at times. Her father's genes manifested themselves in April 2002 and led to her ears growing; she uses the ears for a variety of purposes (most often for far better hearing). She was the richest person in Domain, having grown wealthy as a result of fixing the Y2K bug for corporate benefactors and used her wealth to buy Flea-Bay (a pun on eBay) when Angelique planned on using it to sell personal information to telemarketers. She sold Hare-Link to her father when her mother insisted on firing Kevin and promoting Ralph. Her fortune disappeared in the wake of the economic crisis of 2008, along with her college tuition. Luckily, Rudy willingly shared his college scholarship with her out of love and as thanks for her help with his annual job as the local Easter Bunny for the Rabbit Council, which she graciously accepted. Her parents are divorced, and she generally lives with her mother in a mansion that she built; her stepfather Ralph and her good friend and stepsister Corrie moved into the mansion after their parents were engaged, but now has become a rooming house in order to maintain its expense. She was also on the Caliban Academy hunting team and her role in the "foursome" with her, Rudy, Bruno and Leona in catching the prey's scent. She is, according to the coach, the best hunter on the team, and was co-captain with Rudy. Currently studying at Beige University along with Rudy, she shares a dorm with Greta Garter after Leona Mangle joined a campus sorority shortly after arriving.

George Fennec

A fennec fox and Fiona's father. In the early years of the strip, he was somewhat one-dimensional, arrogantly feeling superior to the Dewclaws, considering his and Martha's lineages superior, and hating rabbits (as he was always being mistaken for one). He has improved since then, and is generally civil towards Kevin (although he initially only kept him as President and CEO of Hare-Link because Candace was loyal to him), but was initially desperate to shorten his ears to avoid being mistaken for a rabbit. He is now portrayed as somewhat clueless, especially with regard to parenting, but less unfriendly. However, according to Fenton, he has no friends. He previously lived in half of Fiona's mansion, after almost demolishing the other half, but purchased Hare-Link from Fiona with the equity from his mansion and moved out. He works at the office as owner, but is considered a figurehead, and is somewhat useless and distracting- Kevin gave him the responsibility of hunting down spammers when he became co-owner, in contrast to his taking control of management decisions. His management of the company is relatively pragmatic compared to now co-owner Kevin, and has stricter profit targets.

He is often mistaken for a rabbit, and attempted to convince Fiona to pay for an ear-shortening operation for some time. His ear size proved advantageous when he posed as Kevin when going to finalize a business deal with Steve Lops, of Carrots Computer (a parody of Steve Jobs). During the deal, he met Zerda Zenith, and, posing as a rabbit, had a brief relationship with her before she left him for a fennec fox. Shortly thereafter, he discovered his "spark" with Danielle, and their relationship began. He married Danielle Kendall after discovering that he had a spark with her as well. George and Danielle had a son, Francis, on election day of 2006. while George was absent from Fiona's birth, he made it to Francis' in time, running from the hospital to Fran Caudal's house. He is especially determined not to miss a relationship with Francis; although Fiona loves him, he was often traveling during her childhood, and she generally stays with her mother.

Martha Dewclaw (Fennec before remarriage, maiden name Redfox)

Fiona's mother, a red vixen, who typically has custody of her, possibly because she was present more often during her daughter's childhood. Her initial personality and development were largely similar to that of her ex-husband; although she was fairly elitist and self-centered at first, she has since become more sympathetic, possibly to a greater degree than her ex-husband. She genuinely cares for Ralph and the rest of her family, and has a better view of Kevin's family than she did before (as shown when she once has tea with Kell, despite looking down upon her and Kevin when they first meet), but is sometimes regarded as self-centered. She attempted to convince Fiona, owner of Hare-Link, to fire Kevin and promote her then fiancé Ralph, but the plan backfired when Fiona, balancing her family's feelings with her concern for Hare-Link, sold it to George.

During her honeymoon, she and Ralph accidentally traveled through the portal to the human world, becoming humans in the process. She remained human when she hid in a lead-lined barrel, preventing the portal from transforming her back into a fox. Her human nature altered her personality, causing her to briefly plan on developing "the wild" before she realized that her family was losing their instincts because of her. She attempted to leave for the human world, but a trash bag knocked her back through the portal, and changed her back into a fox. No one outside her immediate family knew of her change before Lindesfarne, investigating her dreams about being a human baby, learned about it from Fiona and heard the story from Martha. She is currently "unlikely friends" with Danielle, partly because, according to Lindesfarne, both know what it is like to be human. She and Kell threw a baby shower for Danielle, and hosted it at the Fennec Mansion, despite Danielle being her ex-husband's current wife.

Fenton Fuscus

A bat who is Lindesfarne's husband. He works at Hare-Link, now as Director of Security, and lives in a sentient tree along with Lindesfarne that he saved from the lumber company, now relocated near Beige University after a flood. As a bat, he is able to fly, often taking Lindesfarne with him on his flight. He is also able to use sonar, which, while helping him navigate, is extremely painful to canines, and possibly others who can hear high frequencies. His vision is extremely poor, and he is virtually blind when he is unable to use his sonar, or when it is ineffective (he has difficulty reading writing on paper, and did poorly on the SATs). He attended Beige University with Lindesfarne, sharing a room with Bob Shrike, and is an excellent student and occasionally commutes back to Domain to work at Hare-Link.

His family, consisting of him, his parents; mother Desdemona, a vampire bat and father (name unmentioned), and at least one sister (who is apparently older than he is; he implies that she is married and has moved out of the house), has been mentioned but never shown; Lindesfarne celebrates his return with his parents off-panel as Fiona and Rudy watch from a distance. However, he seems quite close with them, as he lives at home until he acquires Tree (He, however, once notes that "At 18 it was time for me to leave home anyway", when he goes to work for Microtalon).

Desdemona Fuscus

Fenton's mother, a vampire bat, who assisted Kell in her office duties at Herd Thinners, Inc. and now her vice-president at Dewclaw's Fine Meats.


Fenton and Lindesfarne's sentient home. Tree was given the ability to communicate by Fenton's technological enhancements to her body, and developed a mother-son relationship with him due to some rotten limbs. She locked the doors and kept Fenton inside under her care until Lindesfarne severed the rotten limbs, restoring Tree's sanity. She becomes close friends with Lindesfarne once she moves in and often uses her quills to get her pinecone children planted. She eventually knotted her roots with a redwood across the street that was inhabited by bees and the two married in 2011.

Ralph Dewclaw

A wolf and Kell's younger brother, around 31 or 32 years old. He was the "black sheep" of the Dewclaw family who formerly leeched off his father. While initially a villain of sorts, due to his attempts to kill Kevin and vices such as greed, he is currently portrayed in a more sympathetic fashion, especially since his reason for trying to kill Kevin was to spare Kell the pain he suffered when Wanda Woolstone, his herbivore girlfriend when he was 16, died giving birth to Corrie (however, if he had succeeded, Kell would have suffered similarly). Since then, he became a totally inept hunter, and he is unable to kill even a goat that was tied to the ground. He originally tried to kill Kevin to keep Kell out of her interspecies relationship; his failure was partly due to his sheep girlfriend's death in childbirth. Now he's vice-president of Hare-Link; he initially chafed at working for Kevin, but became more submissive and loyal after receiving paychecks, and after gaining weight from his sedentary work and fed by Elanor. He married Martha Fennec (Fiona's mother) in June 2002 after meeting her online about a year before. He was in charge of Hare-Link during the autumn of 2006, with the other employees being either preoccupied or unsuited to lead the company.

Elanor Dewclaw (née Fangore)

A wolf and Kell's mother. Although she previously insulted Kevin as "common," she is relatively accepting of Kell's marriage to Kevin, helping him with his campaigns and looking after Coney, and is the closest to the family, having moved in following the loss of her savings day-trading; Kevin was initially unhappy because he was not asked, but he came to appreciate Elanor. She provides daycare to Coney, and there was some tension between her and Dorothy Kindle over Coney's diet. However, she often visits Dorothy after she moved out of the Dewclaw treehouse. She also chats with Dorothy's ex-husband and Kevin's father online (ironically, having failed to catch and eat him decades ago- a fact both are aware of).

Elanor also serves as a campaign manager to Kevin, both in the 2000 recreation administrator and 2006 school board elections. She is fairly pragmatic; she suggests that Kevin put his principles away until her "Change" slogan, designed to counteract the lack thereof in Sheldon Dome's century-long administration, fails, and also proposed that Kevin use negative ads in the school board.

Franklin Dewclaw

A wolf and Kell's father. Died after a struggle with Alzheimer's, and lives on in Kell's memory. He initially disapproved of Kevin, but came to regret that when, because he had written Kell out of his will to coerce her into divorcing Kevin, Ralph tried to sell his heirlooms and Kevin saved them. The part of him that lives on in Kell and Elanor's memory provides them with advice. He has recently passed onto the afterlife, having remained earthbound long enough to see Kell become CEO of HerdThinners.

Sheila Dewclaw

A wolf and Kell's look-alike cousin, who's easily identifiable with her heavy usage of makeup. The daughter to Eleanor's late sister, she and Kell used to play switch games as children, causing a lot of childhood pranks, including chasing up Frank Mangle up trees in their youth. She previously had wanderlust and used to downplay Kell's more rooted habits, but in reality having to do with envy in her search for her place in the world, she finally came home to Domain after she lost her job as a geologist and to avoid a huge debt to some mobsters. After the criminals were soon taken care of by the law, she took up a job as an exterminator. She now has an loving relationship with the widowed Frank and a working bond with his daughter, Leona.

Bentley "Pop" Kindle

The original White Rabbit, Kevin's father, generally unsupportive of him and his marriage to Kell ("Now marrying a wolf, that's treason!"). A con-artist who supposedly invented every "get rich quick" scheme, he worked for Herd Thinners as a security consultant because of his expertise in criminal methods. He was also "User 458," whose online affair with Angelique ended her marriage to Kevin. He currently resides in the Fennec's rooming house, and Martha keeps a close eye on him to make sure he doesn't steal anything.

Interestingly, he is not completely without scruples: before being convinced by the police to wiretap the Bovine herd, he decided he'd rather die than hand Kevin over to them, he took the blame for the murder Danielle committed (by accident), and he gets on very well with his ex-wife's second husband, Douglas Squirrel, with whom he had shared a cell, until both were given an early release for good behavior. He tried to start a romantic relationship with Elanor (who he had been communicating online with), but she gently turned him down, explaining that she wanted to remain friends.

Dorothy Squirrel (neé Kindle)

Kevin's mother, who lived in The Wild for years until Kevin and Kell found her in late 2005. However, if Danielle Kendall is correct, Dorothy left the Wild to visit her less than three years prior to her first Christmas with the Dewclaws (or Danielle visited her there). She is an extremely short rabbit who had Kevin via a C-section. She has a somewhat obnoxious personality, and is fairly creative at tormenting people. She too was initially less than pleased with Kevin's marriage to Kell, but apparently did not think highly of the "awful" Angelique, either. She also initially got along poorly with Elanor, but rescued her when she broke her hip. Despite that, she imitated the howls of predators to show her what it means to be prey- Elanor feared being eaten as an injured predator. She then used her skills as a retired physical therapist to aid Elanor's recovery, albeit with threats and psychological torture. She has re-entered society and had lived with George and Danielle to help with their son Francis, and has since moved in with her second husband, Douglas Squirrel, following his release from prison.

She gets along well with her grandchildren, regretting not being close to Lindesfarne during her childhood, and makes an attempt to establish a relationship with her after her engagement with Fenton. She helps Rudy with his tracking disability, partly motivated to do so because she is also unable to follow tracks, and when she was younger, was forced to find her own grazing spots as well as his farming enterprise. She volunteered to be conditioning coach for the hunting team, despite her initial protests about helping a team that hunts herbivores. Dorothy said she would coach until Danielle gave birth, but recent strips have shown her continuing to help condition the team, as well as help out with accounting at Aby's Repair Shop with Elanor.

When she learned about Coney's protective nature, she thought that she would stop being a carnivore, but when Coney saved her life, she promised to stop trying to change her diet. However, it remains to be seen if she will keep her promise. She was shown to be happy that Coney at least ate vegetables on her burgers. She also had a resemblance to Coney when she was a child.

Wendell Luckyfoot

A six-year-old rabbit, he is one of the 247 grandchildren of the Kindles, the son and only child of Prudence Luckyfoot (father unknown at this time) and a cousin to Rudy and Coney Dewclaw and Francis Fennec. He first appeared in the strip as being obnoxious, arrogant, loud-mouthed and ambitious in taking over duties as the local Easter Rabbit from Rudy (even styles his costuming after him). After saving Rudy and Fiona twice from predators and upon learning he was an extended family member, he was finally given an apprenticeship as an Easter Bunny and has proven himself well in that respect, now under the tutelage of his grandmother Dorothy since Rudy's forced retirement from the job until he turns sixteen. Often getting into adventures with Harcourt Silvertip, Coney and her tigress/tabby best friend Lin, he's also become Lin's unrequited object of desire, mainly for his fearless nature that he's apparently inherited from Dorothy and Kevin, that on the surface doesn't accept but has once unwittingly showed a jealously streak when a deer, who mistakenly took a disguised Lin as a doe at Herbivore summer camp; once thought she was cute prompted him to punch him out for just saying so and, much later, was forced to partially admit to having an attraction towards her during a "Spin the Femur" game while in disguise in the Predator summer camp's girls' cabin. Recently, he transferred from the warren's school out of boredom to the herbivore preschool situated across from Coney's preschool in order to understand the diversity of society as part of his Easter Bunny role and surreptitiously, to be closer to Lin.

Danielle Kindle

Kevin's sister, who was 25 at the time of her death, was an accountant who often describes situations in terms of percentage values, generally probability (when threatening to report Kell, she says that there is an 85% chance she will tell the authorities). She was mortally wounded saving George from an automatic stake launcher and died after helping to destroy Rabbit's Revenge's computers, but her interdimensional counterpart (originally from a human universe) Danielle Kendall, remains in the strip. Danielle Kindle supposedly acts through Danielle Kendall, such as when Danielle knows her way through the Rabbit Warren despite never being there before, and Danielle Kendall sees her purpose in Domain as living Danielle Kindle's life.

Danielle's death sparked some controversy on the Mailing List, according to the Unofficial FAQ.

Danielle Fennec (née Kendall)

Danielle Kindle's human counterpart, who was thrown through the Bermuda portal while investigating the garbage dump as an IRS auditor. The two have almost identical lives, from their clothing (although Danielle Kendall usually wears blue rather than light green and pink) to interests in numbers (including a tattoo of PI) to the fact that both their fathers are in prison. However, Danielle Kendall possesses insight on the human world, yet somehow knows the way through the Rabbit warren on her first time there, as her counterpart is acting through her. She married George Fennec (Fiona's father) in February 2004, and is somewhat naïve about his flaws (she is hopeful that he will guide her through the process of raising her son, even though he was detached when Fiona was born), possibly because she is ignorant of some past events (she selects Martha as a bridesmaid, not knowing of the Fennecs' acrimonious divorce). She initially planned on leaving to counter the instinct loss, but Ms. Aura and Nigel did so instead.

Although her immediate family knows that she is only a parallel of the Danielle Kindle whom they have known, the family treats her the same, with Kevin referring to her as "Sis" on occasion, and with her mother apparently only pretending to believe her claims of being human. Danielle does periodically slip in her cover, such as when she eats meat or refers to eyebrows, slippers, or other human items and customs foreign to her new world, but no one outside of those who already know of her species have indicated that they know. She is Francis' mother, and was very insistent that she would not label her son as a fox, rabbit, human, or other.

During her pregnancy, Danielle took to wearing her hair in a long braid down her back, rather than letting it flow to just below her shoulder – the first instance of her doing so is when she sees Dr. Caduceus after the debate. When asked why, Holbrook responded that it was based on something his wife had done when she was pregnant. After Francis was born, she was seen regularly with her hair down again. She also wears a blue shirt and pants, rather than a blue version of Danielle Kindle's jacket and skirt combination.

Francis Fennec

Son of Danielle Kendall and George Fennec and half-brother of Fiona Fennec. During his infancy, biologically, he was not a hybrid or a chimera as much as a mess. The child of a fennec and a formerly human rabbit, he was a docile long-eared ball of fur that was unidentifiable as anything more specific than a mammal. Cross-species offspring had previously been clearly identifiable as one species or as a distinct mix. Francis has so far been healthy, but Danielle was worried about the long-term consequences of his ancestry, and suggested that her being a former human was a cause of this. According to Lindesfarne’s blog, however, the DNA of even Danielle’s ova was also changed by passing through the portal, and Lindesfarne found no similarities between Martha’s human DNA and Francis’s. It had been revealed that the closest definition of the baby’s species, based on teeth, is Primate.

In October 2009, Francis began a sort of metamorphosis in which he began to lose most of his fur, other than the top of his head, and his ears and tail began shrinking. He appeared to be rapidly evolving into a human of sorts which may be confirming Danielle’s worst fears about his ancestry. That process completed (for now, anyway), and he is now quite obviously a brown-haired light-skinned male human toddler, of three years of age. His status as such has been revealed via news media to the general population of the world of Domain, which was as shocking as the discovery of an actual real live elf or alien or unquestionably sapient animal child would be to us (humans having previously been considered fantastic fictional creatures by the general population of Domain). Yet, he’s had his fifteen minutes of fame, and the media feeding frenzy has died down.


Kevin's first wife; distant, completely conniving, selfish, unethical, and also very pragmatic. Currently married to R.L. Lost her rabbit credentials when she turned their defense secrets over to R.L., and now lives (courtesy of cosmetic surgery) as a rat (a "pleasant mental image" to Kevin). According to Lindesfarne's blog, she is sterile, which is why they decided to adopt a child, and according to Angelique, she wanted a "prickly species" in order to have an excuse to keep her distance. She has 20 adopted children skunks from her second marriage. She married R.L. on a "Flea-Bay" appointment when they found out their personalities matched (in fact, she seems to actually love him). When R.L. vanished, Angelique took over the company, and planned on ruling the world with it, but R.L. returned and convinced her to use Herd Thinners to make a lot of money. She used to battle with Kevin over Lindesfarne, going so far as to make Lindesfarne allergic to Kell, apparently out of spite, but eventually surrendered fighting over custody of Lindesfarne. Kevin, Kell and Kevin's parents generally have low opinions of her, and Lindesfarne, who remembers feeling neglected by Angelique, is quite conflicted about her, but considers Kell her mother.

Although Angelique has since reconciled with Lindesfarne upon graduating from high school, she is perhaps the only recurring character who has not become more likable or sympathetic with the passage of time.


One of Angelique's adopted children from a brief marriage to a skunk, who often talks with Lindesfarne when the latter is babysitting her. She receives little attention from Angelique during the holidays, but Lindesfarne helps the situation by sending "applications of Christmas" to the laptop she left with Angelique. She seems to be the only one with any significant role, although another skunk is named "Bosworth."

Randy Foxglove

A fox who was Kell's first husband and Rudy's father. He was killed during a hunt while trying to prove himself, and appears in Rudy, Kell and even Kevin's (as a result of living with Kell) memories. He had an affair with a female fox named Gladys Burrows, who gave birth to Vin Vulpen. Kell suspected this during her marriage, but only became sure after Lindesfarne did genetic profiling to identify Vin Vulpen's biological father. Rudy, who formerly idolized his father, was shocked at this revelation. The memory of Randy apparently holds Kevin in high esteem, and does not see it as a problem that he is a prey species ("Another predator would have devoured me"). Recently, his spirit has passed onto the afterlife after apologising to Kell for cheating on her (his previous inability to do so having prevented him from moving on).


A rat, formerly the chief of Herd Thinners, Inc. (his name stands for "Real Life"), who is only visible from his constantly salivating mouth forwards unless his face is covered; on his date with Angelique, he wears a paper bag on his head. He has a voracious appetite, sometimes eating disfavored subordinates or potential rivals. The Purchasing Manager was devoured for taking bribes, and it is suggested that Kell might have been eaten as well for being "domesticated," had Lindesfarne not exposed his own domestication. R.L. has married Angelique, whom he had planned to eat during a Flea-Bay date, when he found out that she is "as greedy, conniving, and unethical” as he was. She took advantage of his domestication, and even temporarily took over the company when he was presumed dead, before stepping down when he returned. R.L. is also almost completely ignorant about computers, and needs Kell's help to understand them. He seemed to respect Kell's skills and integrity (particularly her keeping his rabbit wife and domestication secret), and despite firing her, came to regret it during the rabies shot shortage and when the rabbits set up a fake insurance company to force them to rehire her. R.L. used Kell as an unofficial aide, partly for the purpose of having her as a good public face and had retired from his position when Kell accidentally became head of the company in the midst of a physical power struggle between him and Frank Mangle. He, unbeknownst to his employees, speaks many predator languages, including cat, which meant he was not as clueless as they took him to be. It was revealed in 2004 that he also has a hobby of being a professional wrestler under various aliases, which he'd been doing for twenty years as a hobby. Recently, he returned to run Head Thinners, Inc. in a bloodless coup against Kell as CEO in 2012 and has since become a very bitter rival against her own predator company, Dewclaw's Fine Meats.


R.L.'s predecessor (his name is apparently "Lethal Dose"), also visible only from his mouth forward. His personality is very similar to R.L.'s. He drowned in his own drool upon seeing Coney.

Aby Eyeshine

A domestic cat who runs "Aby's Auto Repair" where Kell worked from November 30, 2004 to July 2005. Becoming fast friends, Aby recalled being chased up a tree by Kell when they were both 10 years old, but no longer bears a grudge against her for this. Formerly a computer programmer who worked in Silicon Valley during the dot-com boom, she helped Kell to learn the language of cats; Kell used this knowledge to help Aby move into the Ursals' former house by persuading the cat homeowner board that felines and canines could live together, having learned how to speak like a cat and in turn, helped her continue her work in coming up with a rechargeable electric car. Aby was once engaged to an Manxwell Hammer, but found out he cheated on her, leaving her burnt on relationships (who almost stole her rechargeable electric car patent) and turned her passion for cars into her second career. Partly because she gets extremely dirty in the course of her job and believed she was "married to her work" (even having a "wedding" to make it official), she's now happily dating a race driver mouse, Mark Meadowvole.

Mark Meadowvole

Currently Aby’s boyfriend, who’s seven years her junior; they met while he was constantly taking in his car that he was using as a racing vehicle. Finding a mutual attraction in both cars and each other, they almost broke up over the fact that her brother Sam Pardus’s hunting team preyed upon and killed his parents years ago. After being challenged to a race by Kevin in order to get him to talk to her, Mark realized he still had feelings for her and decided to make up. Once was a cheese delivery man, he’s now a professional race car driver in MOUSCAR (a spoof on NASCAR), thanks to corporate sponsorship of (formerly) Herd Thinners, Inc.; and current backers Dewclaw's Fine Meats and Aby’s Auto Repair. He also served in the Iraqi War.

Candace Canid

A border collie, Hare-Link's customer support and Kell's friend. A former airline traffic controller before her boss tormented, and eventually fired her, for domestication. Currently works out of New Zealand and still occasionally appears in the strip. She and her husband adopted a baby sheep that was, in fact, Corrie's clone. Corrie had lived with her for some time before replacing her with her clone, after becoming tired of a rigid lifestyle that even dictated what steps to take on the way to bed. When her clone began rapidly aging, she convinced the clone to pose as her birth mother and take her away. The clone happened to find the GBC's time machine while working as a cleaning lady, and turned herself into an infant by accident, taking on the name "Mary." Candace has strong maternal feelings towards Mary. Her husband Buster, who now works for a "Mr. Jackson" in New Zealand (possibly a reference to Peter Jackson, who directed The Lord of the Rings movies) sometimes appears, but has little character development. She has, fundamentally, been written out of the series, but is still employed by Hare-Link, and made a few appearances after the move.

Bruno Lupulin

Bruno is Rudy's best friend, despite his unease about Rudy's initial negative opinion on interspecies relationships, which forced him to keep his relationship with Corrie a secret. He is on the school's hunting team; he and Rudy chase down the prey to exhaust it. A wolf who turned herbivore in an operation that changed his digestive system to that of a ruminant; Corrie paid for it and his parents signed a permission form without realizing or caring about what it was. When Rudy fought him (supposedly over his herbivorism, but Kevin realizes that it was over him as a father figure), his canine teeth were knocked out and replaced by those of a herbivore. He is officially "trans-diet," and experiences some prejudice; he was nearly banned from the hunting team until he tricked the school board into thinking that he could eat meat by eating his sheepskin rug instead of Mary, who had been captured as the animal to be eaten. His diet has earned him the hatred of some carnivores, particularly one pack of coyotes. He typically wears a sheepskin rug made from Corrie's wool since Corrie disguised herself as "Dale", and has been wearing the horns Corrie gave him for his birthday in 2003, so that he will not be confused for a female again.

Corrie/Dale Dewclaw (previously Corrie Dale/Dale Corrie)

A sheep/wolf, Bruno's girlfriend and Ralph's daughter from his teenage relationship with Wanda Woolstone; she is also Fiona's stepsister, and is friends with her cousin Rudy. After her mother died in childbirth and both her and Ralph put her up for adoption, some scientists got hold of her and cloned Dolly/Mary from her. Corrie escaped into the wild where she met Bruno, who was on his first hunt – he made the mistake of talking with his prey, and became friends with her, eventually falling in love with her. She is another mixed-breed, who appears and lives as a sheep, although she is half-wolf. Used to ride on Bruno's back, disguised as a sheepskin, for protection against predators, but once she was revealed as a sheep, she mostly stopped doing that. However, she often does so in order to conceal her presence, such as when she listens to Fiona talk about her with Bruno, or when she sneaks into the school board building to help Bruno "prove" that he is still a carnivore. She sometimes uses Ralph's wolfskin to disguise as a wolf, which resulted in her being registered as a wolf-cub, and people thinking that she was Ralph's daughter, although they did not know that. She first gave her name as "Dale Corrie" during this time period, and was presented as "Dale Dewclaw" after learning of her relationship with Ralph. During that time, she got a job at Herd Thinners as its web maven and when she was revealed when protecting Fiona from a cougar attack, she was allowed to keep it due to her notoriety (now working for her aunt Kell's Dewclaw's Fine Meats in the same position). She is a web designer, who is also a web maven for the Interspecies Relationship website and Hare-Link. She graduated from Caliban with a GED, presumably because while she only briefly attended school, she may have learned alongside Bruno.


Corrie's clone. She replaced Corrie when Corrie tired of living under strict guidelines at the Canids. She showed signs of age during the creation of Flea-Bay, as clones age more rapidly than non-clones, and posed as Corrie's birth mother to take her away. She got a job as a cleaning lady for Ms. Aura, and accidentally turned herself into an infant, taking on the name "Mary," and becoming a playmate for Coney. She now lives in New Zealand with the Canids; as Corrie says, she may be a clone, but she has her own life. She, like her adoptive parents, has been fundamentally written out of the series.

Catherine Aura

A buzzard, teacher, then Assistant Coach at Caliban. She was once the High Priestess of the Great Bird Conspiracy (GBC) until the Y2K crisis, a cover to make the world self-sufficient and free it of the secret GBC domination. She returned when Rudy made his “humans” comic, and became assistant coach of the hunting team, increasing the practice hours to prevent Rudy from drawing the strip. In March 2004, she and her son Nigel departed for the human dimension and became dolphins, which they considered the “most superior species.” She has been written out of the series – her returning would possibly once again upset the balance.

However, for the past few years, she’s had her own Twitter channel, and her “tweets” there keep readers updated in real time with her and her son’s activities in “our” world, including the monitoring of “Subject A” (Bill Holbrook himself).

Nigel Aura

Catherine’s son. He is quite intelligent for a bird his age, possibly because he inherited it from his mother. His conversations with his mother reveal more about the Great Bird Conspiracy. However, he sometimes is prone to accidents (such as when he shot Ray and Tree with the “intelligence ray”) and is sometimes impatient and impulsive. He now lives in the human world as a human (originally a dolphin) and was also written out of the strip, but his adventures can still be followed via his mother’s “tweets” on her Twitter channel.

Gino Aura

Catherine's cousin and Fiona's stalkerazzi mentor. He typically communicates in grunts and is often seen smoking a cigarette. He moves into Catherine's tree after she leaves for the human world, and gives Rudy and Fiona the idea to spread rumors to keep people away from the Bermuda Triangle portal. He drops off eggs for Kevin on Easter.

Vin Vulpen

Rudy's half-brother as a result of Rudy's father's affair with a fox named Gladys Burrows (who died when Vin was young; his surname most likely comes from his stepfather), and his nemesis. A former hunting team champion who resented the success the foursome of Rudy, Bruno, Fiona and Rhonda. Unlike stereotypical Jocks, he is very intelligent, especially in science. He previously worked in Herd Thinners' labs despite most of his work on domesticity being stolen from Lindesfarne; however, he managed to make a concoction that made Lindesfarne allergic to Kell. He was fired when Rudy's DNA caused him to make an explosion that destroyed Angelique's cosmetic ears. He fled into The Wild after his attempt to frame R.L. and Angelique for fraud and gain revenge on Angelique failed; only Rudy and Fiona, who helped him escape by falsely reporting his death, know about this. In the Wild, he has a mate and has adopted her cubs (they are known to be adopted because Fiona made him sterile as payback when she had her powers). He has even forgotten his own name, which he does not use in the Wild. He has been written out of the series.

Rhonda Rabelai (neé Panthera)

A tigress; for a time she was Vin's hunting partner and girlfriend, and was Lindesfarne's college roommate and friend. She is somewhat heavyset, which she is fairly sensitive about, and which hinders her stalking in low grass. She was formerly on the hunting team's foursome, and supposedly the team's captain at one point, until she started hunting alone to get an academic scholarship to Beige University. While in college, Lindesfarne had attempted to help her get used to a college schedule. She also taught Coney how to pounce, helping improve Kell's perception of felines. She once had a relationship with Edgar, a lion from the school. However, they broke up in February 2006 after Edgar showed little desire to improve his hunting skills or to hunt independently of females. They briefly reconciled after Edgar, in attempting to hunt, proved how much he cared for Rhonda at the time. Rhonda is currently married to Quinn Rabelai, whom she met on a fictional social networking site, Ninth Life, having again become frustrated with Edgar's (former) inability to hunt. She married Quinn, in order to save Lindesfarne from her own arranged marriage at the time to him; and has now taken a position at Dewclaw's Fine Meats upon graduation.

Rhonda's last name is only mentioned in the "Sergeant Pepper" strip. It is possible that she is the daughter of Min Panthera, one of the best hunters at Herd Thinners.

Edgar Carnassial

Rhonda's former boyfriend. Once was an extremely lazy male lion who, similar to real lions, uses females to do his hunting for him – his father supposedly watches TV all day while his mother works as an ad executive. Rhonda broke up with him over that, but he attempted to learn to hunt by taking lessons from Rudy. He did not improve, but Rhonda, seeing him embarrass himself for her, resumed her relationship with him. She broke up with him again, however, when she married Quinn. In a futile attempt to win her back, he tried out for the hunting team, shaving his mane off as a disguise. In the process, however, he discovered Leona Mangle's crush on him, and the two are now dating. He remains on the hunting team, as his progress has improved somewhat.

Rachel Einhorn

A lesbian rhinoceros that initially fell for Bruno before realizing that he was not female, because his sheepskin smelled like one, and her poor eyesight did not allow her to see that she was dealing with a male. She reflexively charges at unfamiliar things, which also extends to unfamiliar concepts such as Bruno's diet and Kevin and Kell's family- she thus attempts to familiarize herself with other cultures in order to avoid incidents. She was Rhonda's replacement on the hunting team; while Fiona had reservations about a true herbivore being on the team, Rachel finished off a deer by knocking a tree onto it, winning her trust. She has also graduated and was roommates with Lindesfarne in college - her instinctive charging meant that she could not be roommates with anyone new. She received an F in her botanical categorization exam, as she'd only eaten leaves she had trampled into a pulp before. Thanks to Lindesfarne, she managed to pass. Rachel went to the high school prom with Joan Hoof, a female horse; and whom she married to in a same-sex marriage in June 2014 and is the school teacher at the Wendell's herbavore preschool.

As observed by Danielle, same-sex relationships are not as much of an issue in Domain as they are in the human world as a society can only have one "pointless, arbitrary division" at a time.

Ray Flambeau

A large, simple-minded but good-natured firefly (who attempted to "e-mail" Lindesfarne by throwing a badly spelled hand-written note, attached to computer through her window) who was Tammy's boyfriend; he dated her to be close to Lindesfarne, whom he truly loved. He was hit by the GBC's intelligence ray, becoming as smart as Stephen Hawking, and worked for Microtalon until New Year's Day 2000. During this time, he realized that Tammy had been using him for his light. He used the intelligence ray on himself and reverted to his normal, low, intelligence; he did not want to come between Lindesfarne and Fenton. He eventually truly fell for Tammy, married her, and had a bright moth child with her. He works at a lighthouse.

Tammy Tussock

A moth who was once in love with Fenton before Lindesfarne became nocturnal and spoke with her about him. She dated Ray, but because he was a powerful source of light, he temporarily blinded her after his return from Microtalon. She truly fell in love with him and has since married Ray. She takes college courses online at the lighthouse while caring for baby Angstrom. Insects in Domain are either the same size as other sapient species, or as small as they are in the real world; Tammy is the former, as she is about as tall as Lindesfarne. Although her and Ray's roles have significantly declined since their wedding and the birth of their son, they occasionally appear in the strip.


Tammy and Ray's son, who was born in 2002. A hybrid of a moth and a firefly, he is a very powerful light source.

Chet Cheetah

A former boyfriend of Kell; their breakup was quite acrimonious, as Kell reportedly broke his jaw in the course of doing so, under unknown circumstances. He sees Kell's dumping him for a prey species as a personal insult. After losing to Kevin one night at the health club after Christmas of 1998, an unknown cheetah stole his wallet and his identity cards. Chet killed the cheetah and took over his identity theft business, but Kell, investigating his alleged death, tracked him down and turned him over to the police. Since he is presumably serving a prison sentence for his crimes, it is unlikely that he will appear again.

The Coyote Pack

A gang of six coyote thugs that hates herbivores, particularly those who were formerly carnivores. Three of them attacked Rudy for being friends with Bruno (supposedly because Bruno was a better fighter), and the whole pack later attacked Bruno as well, before a team effort by Rachel, Lindesfarne and Corrie trapped them in the Rabbit Warren and forced at least one member to live as a rabbit for decades.

Dr. Caduceus

Kell and Elanor's doctor, a sidewinder snake. He provides medical humor for the comic (such as dealing with the "cost containment administrators" for Kell's HMO, which are leeches), and is one of the few who knows about Martha's transformation into a human. His role in the plot expanded recently, as he checks in on Danielle'spregnancy. He was a chain-smoking "local tough" rebel when Kevin was arranged to marry Fran, and decided to become a doctor after reviving his fellow tough Carl with CPR; as he was a teenager, this indicates that he is considerably older than Kevin and is presumably in his fifties. His name probably a reference to the caduceus, the traditional symbol of physicians and healers. This was shown in visual pun, in a strip where he was seen with a "pole dancer", forming the symbol.

Chamilla Moodring

A chameleon psychiatrist who changes color as she senses moods changing. After a Social Services mole sees Elanor supposedly playing with her prey (actually pushing her granddaughter Coney in the swing), the Dewclaws attend counseling in order to keep custody of Coney. While they initially believe that the session will be easy, they learn that Kevin resents Elanor living with them without his being consulted, and that Lindesfarne feels left out as a result of her nocturnal schedule. An intense argument erupts, and the conflicting emotions send Chamilla into a state of shock. After they resolve their differences, the Dewclaws collectively feel relief, allowing Chamilla Moodring to recover. She allows them to keep Coney if no more incidents occur- it is unlikely that any will, as Coney eats the mole.

Coach Sam Pardus (formerly Eyeshine)

A house cat who disguised himself as a leopard; he is Caliban Academy's hunting coach and Aby's brother, whose role has expanded in recent years. As coach, he accepts "unconventional" kids such as Rudy (who has a tracking disability), Bruno (who is trans-diet), and Rachel (who is not a carnivore). He feared that if he were replaced, his successors would not do the same. That fear caused him to hide his domestication, until when during the course of being named Coach of the Year, the Gatorade drenching ceremony washes off his leopard makeup. Public outcry ensues, but Kell and the team stand up for him, and the headmaster keeps him on the technicality that he did not lie outright. His leg has been broken as a result of a moose charging him while he was sitting on his bench during a game – his absence while he was taken to the hospital required Dorothy Kindle to fill in, but he has since recovered.

The Ursals and Silvertips (Manny, Majorie, Minora, Bob, Harcourt)

A three-generation family of bears. Majorie and Manny Ursal are a retired couple that lived across the street from the Dewclaws and were friends with them, in order to make up for throwing their daughter, Minora, and her boyfriend, Bob Silvertip, out of the house for being vegetarians which they later regretted. Minora and Bob got married and lived in the Wild and had a son, Harcourt, until Kell found them and reunited the family. Majorie and Manny accepted their vegetarianism, and eventually became vegetarians themselves because of their inability to eat solid meat. They had all moved to Florida after previously selling their house to Aby; and the Silvertips returned in 2013 (no word if Minora's parents moved back as well) with changing their diet back to an omnivore one and Harcourt attending the same school as Coney (whom he is showing feelings for) and Lin.

Professor Antlerhead

A geneticist at Beige University who recruited Lindesfarne to work on cloning with him, until she found out that he faked his results. She decided to undertake and prove his research for real herself, and now continues to work for him, despite her perspective on him being changed and her supposedly being isolated from the others.

Sheldon Dome

A turtle who is at least 120 years old (while most species in Domain have human lifespans, there are exceptions such as mayflies). He has held the position of Recreations Administrator for 120 years, but almost lost it to Kevin, who is campaigning to allow Coney to join the Youth League, carnivore division. His claim that Kell ate his weasel campaign manager (and, as it is later revealed, faked her own death to bear his child in secret thus becoming his second wife) dooms Kevin's campaign, but Lindesfarne finds his campaign manager just at the end of the election, and, possibly in light of his own hybrid child, he allows Coney to join the Youth League. He despises technology and anything related to it, due to the fact that his first wife left him a century ago for an abacus repairman, but Rudy tricks him into looking at a PDA to prove that he is old enough to be on the hunting team. Despite his differences with the Dewclaws, he testifies before the senate about the herbivore/carnivore marriage ban, to oppose the bill.

Mei-Li Lee

An Asian tabby lawyer who assimilates herself as a tigress—as well as married to one (husband's name yet to be revealed, but is also a lawyer and run a law practice together) -- and harbours the tiger mom persona (as a parody) in raising her daughter Lin, which she demands perfectionism. Highly competent in legal matters, she is arrogant and judgmental of others and was initially against Lin having Coney as a friend and playmate mainly because she doubted the carnivorous rabbit's hunting skills. After a sleepover with Kell and their daughters, she not only gained a new-found respect and acceptance for Coney and her family after the girls caught a burglar breaking into the Dewclaw house (and was about to turn him into breakfast), she also found a friend of sorts in Kell, as well as retaining clients in handling the business legal affairs for her and Kevin.

Lin Lee

An Asian tigress/tabby cub who is Coney's best friend at preschool and Mei-Li's daughter. Although she's pretty much easy-going and receptive to others unlike her "tiger mom" mother and wants to be an average kid like everyone else, she has been known to show a little bit of her mother's views on occasion (Harcourt is one since he's a hibernating omnivore). She also has serious crush on Coney's distant cousin Wendell, whom Coney at first couldn't approve because of his obnoxious nature but has gradually accepted the situation; mainly for his ambitious and fearless nature, that she kept a secret from her mother who, upon finding out, forbade it but has allowed a limited amount of physical contact since they spend a majority of the time texting each other.

Jess Jersey

A female bovine friend of Wendell and attendee at their herbivore preschool across the street from Coney and Lin's carnivore preschool. First met Wendell at summer camp and unisexually dressed in overalls (much like Lin), was initially mistaken for a male (name shortened from Jessica) until the herbivore preschool listed their biographies, considering she's excellent at video games and sticks up for him when dealing with the preschool bully, Hockney.

Miranda Hutch

A female rabbit on Rudy’s gardening team at Beige University. She befriended Rudy during his freshman year and guiding him in getting him accepted by their other team mates who were initially suspicious of having a predator on the team. Revealing herself as having an guardian uncle who raised her when she was orphaned as an infant and who is on the Rabbit Council, it was a way of keeping an eye on his campus activities and discretely knowing about his former duties as Domain’s Easter Bunny.

Greta Garter

A garter snake pre-med student at Beige University and a roommate of Fiona. Moved in with Fiona after high school team mate and friend Leona Mangle moved out after joining a sorority, they did not get along at first due to being so vain, she does tend to have some sense of logic and they have become friends of sorts in their freshman year. She also has a turtle boyfriend who visits her occasionally, but is unaware of his identity because of his shy nature and has yet to reveal his head out of his shell.

Senator Angus Steerage

A bull senator, who authored a bill banning marriages between herbivores and carnivores in order to gain media attention for himself. The bill was set to pass unanimously, as the senate was entirely controlled by herbivores (who make up a greater portion of the electorate than carnivores) but when Kevin and Kell learned that they were not legally married, they raced to the marriage office and their working together to save the marriage convinced everyone except Senator Steerage to vote against it.

Mr. Castrato

A cow disguised as a bull, which runs the Bovine Herd out of the Badda Bing Badda Bull club, a parody of The Sopranos. Mr. Castrato has several illegal operations, such as gambling and illegal meat selling, and demanded that Pop Kindle turn Kevin over to the mob so that they could sell him as meat. When the police's attempt to wiretap the Bovine herd failed, Kevin defended himself against the attacking bovines that were sent after him, and saved his father from the others, but Mr. Castrato escaped, and it was revealed that Mr. Castrato was a cow in disguise all along.

Pastor Worchestershire

Pastor of the Carnivore church, Kell's former, and Elanor's current church. He, like his fellow clergymen, disapproves of Kell's marriage, but does not openly admit it to her (he asks, "How is the, uh, marriage going?", indicating that he is thinking of a term for Kevin and Kell's relationship that will not betray his true feelings). Despite this, he is willing to give Kell spiritual advice, such as when she feels as though she is not a predator in any of her roles in life.

Wanda Woolstone

A sheep who became Ralph Dewclaw's girlfriend when he violated one of the primary rules of hunting and started talking with his prey. Wanda became pregnant with Corrie and died in childbirth, forever scarring Ralph, who has not been able to hunt successfully since. Ralph often visits her grave, and Corrie does so on Mother's Day.

Although her age is not explicitly stated, she was born in 1968, and as Corrie is 14 when she visits her grave in 2002, Wanda presumably was 20 when she died.

Lab mice

Two mice that Lindesfarne originally adopted for a research paper on the Internet. They have also served as test subjects for a domestication cure and assistant astronomers for Lindesfarne, as well as individuals with whom she can talk about the ramifications of her experiments. Lindesfarne promoted them to her assistants when studying Vin and Rudy's DNA, and also used them to study marriage. They planned on going through the portal to the human world to restore the balance between the worlds, but Catherine Aura told Lindesfarne that they were too small, and went through with Nigel instead.

The squirrel

A nameless squirrel investor whom Rudy caught during the tiebreaker of the hunting championship finals. He was prepared to eat the squirrel, but hearing that Fiona was in potential financial trouble caused him to accidentally drop the squirrel and give it amnesia. He put the squirrel in with Lindesfarne’s mice and looked into the matter himself. When he recovered his memory the squirrel warned Lindesfarne about the unstable foundations of Fiona’s mansion, helping her to save Rudy, Fiona, and Corrie. The squirrel now lives with the mice in order to stay safe from Coney.

Chertsey Ealing

Lindesfarne's doppelganger in this world, the hedgehog Princess of England. Her ears are far larger than Lindesfarne's, because they were not bobbed as hers were. She became homeless when she ran away after her parents' divorce, until Lindesfarne's revealing her being the princess allowed her to live at the palace. Lindesfarne sees her as the ultimate test of nature vs. nurture; similarly, her learning about Chertsey's life story after adoption caused her to appreciate her foster father Kevin.

Fran Caudal

A rabbit from a well-respected family; Dorothy Kindle and her mother attempted to arrange a marriage between her and Kevin as infants, but when Kevin showed no fear against a threatening rattlesnake, the Caudals broke off the marriage. She had run against Kevin as a school board trustee, and knows who he is. She attempted to seize the advantage by claiming to having killed the rattlesnake (despite the story conflicting with both the actual events and what she was told had happened), but failed when Dr. Caduceus revealed the truth. She helped to deliver Danielle's baby on election night; she was formerly a midwife whom a grateful Danielle named her son after, much to her honour. Gracefully accepting her defeat in the election, Kevin nominated her to head Caliban Academy. According to Lindesfarne's blog, she had accepted the position.

Carl Crotalus

The snake who wanted to attack Kevin and Fran in their infancy. He accidentally knocked himself unconscious and Dr. Caduceus revived him. He is currently alive, and Dr. Caduceus reached him to confirm his story.

Bob Shrike

Fenton's university roommate, a shrike. While he eats small mammals as well as insects, he did not eat many mammals while growing up, as his family could not afford them. However, the fact that his species eats small mammals caused Lindesfarne to become concerned for Fenton's safety, until she realized that her father had no natural defenses, yet trusted her predator stepmother and stepbrother and had begun to trust him. Since their graduation from Beige University and wedding, Bob has been written out of the strip.

The school board members

Kevin and four others comprise the Domain School Board after the recent elections, with Kevin having been elected to replace the old members, predators who were eaten during the high-stakes test. Kevin seems to be the only one who opposes high-stakes testing at this point, and the other members doubt his capability to enact change.

Chairman Flyeater is the leader of the school board, and the only one with a given name. He agreed to take credit for saving the school money in exchange for voting with Kevin. The other members consist of a praying mantis, a bird and an ostrich named Camille who is the only female member of the board and used to be Rudy's teacher.

Quinn Rabelai

A porcupine who was adopted by a rabbit couple, and was arranged to marry Lindesfarne. He does not wish to go through with the arrangement, instead wanting to make his own decisions about his life. In order to help break the contract, he agreed to marry Rhonda, whom he had met on Ninth Life, and then soon divorce her. However, he and Rhonda fell in love and chose to remain married.

Frank and Leona Mangle

Frank Mangle was a staff predator at Herd Thinners, Inc. A male lion who hunts, he works in the same capacity as Kell, and they were often rivals for the same bonuses and rewards. When his wife became ill, he secretly learned to take down prey to feed his family. It was supposed to be a temporary arrangement, but his wife died and became the sole breadwinner. Because he hunted, he was ostracized from his pride. Since then, he has started dating Kell's look-alike cousin, Sheila. He once revealed that he disliked Kell so much because he believed that when he was a cub, she chased him up a tree. When Sheila confessed that she herself was the one that chased him (because she liked him back then), he realized that even if Kell had truly been the one, it was foolish of him to hold a grudge for so long. He and Kell have become friends, and began speaking to each other in feline when at work to avoid arousing suspicion. Frank had challenged R.L.'s position in order to secure his daughter's college finances, but lost out in the fight when Kell broke up the struggle and accidentally became the CEO. Because of his loyalty and friendship, he's now been made Chief Operations Officer of Kell's Dewclaw's Fine Meats.

Leona is Frank's daughter. She joined tryouts for the hunting team in order to impress Edgar, whom she had a crush on and had taken Rachel's place on the team. She did not think much of the "lioness" who could not hunt (whom, unbeknownst to her, was Edgar in disguise) but when she discovered the truth, she was very supportive, explaining about her father and both are now dating. She also acquired a facial scar across her left side during a hunting game. Currently at Beige University, she joined a campus sorority during rush week and moved out of the dorm she had previously shared with Fiona.


A sheep who works with Rhonda. Was once part of a Head Thinners cull amongst his herd managed by Frank Mangle, Dip’s individualism and self-taught survival skills saved him from being killed and hid out in the Fescues’ household for about a decade, learning computer skills until Desdemona went to work with Kell and was captured by Head Thinners agents looking for corporate spies. Used as a plant as a living sheepskin diploma presented to Rhonda upon her university graduation (and as a “failed” bribe to join them), he became her office assistant until he revealed himself as a saboteur during a cyberattack on Dewclaw’s Fine Meats. When Dip realized the cooperative nature of Kell’s company, he became a double agent and sent misinformation to Head Thinners. When his cover got blown soon afterwards, he became a target for assassination by R.L. that led him to be briefly disguised as a poodle – with the help of Corrie and company – and protected by the company’s French poodle bodyguard, Caniche, whom he finds himself attracted to. After several failed attempts to kill him, Kell worked out a deal with R.L. under the guise of corporate blackmail to allow Dip to freely live out his life and is a boarder with the Fescues.

Caniche Chien

A lovely female French poodle (which her name in French happens to be her breed and chien is French for "dog") actually hired from France by Frank Mangle to protect Dip from Head Thinners hit-men after his double agent cover was blown and after she reported some corporate corruption about her former employer, she then secretly fled to America to work for Dewclaws' Fine Meats until her whereabouts were discovered and put a contact out on her, where she's currently residing at Kell's home under Coney's protection. Clever, witty and a masterful cook, she also has found a certain attraction toward Dip despite the ironic fact that it goes against basic policy for a bodyguard of getting emotionally involved.

The Rabbit Council

As the name suggests, a council of rabbits. They seem to be the most powerful force in Domain, next to the defunct Great Bird Conspiracy, as they once created a phony insurance company in order to get Kell to work at Herd Thinners, Inc. again, and it is implied that they organize arranged marriages (in the form of chance meetings) via the Internet. Once had him outcast for marrying Kell and for his fearless nature, the group allowed Kevin to rejoin rabbit society and be part of the Council originally to replace the Easter Bunny (they have now made his stepson Rudy the new Easter Bunny in exchange for a scholarship to art school) and as long as he brings Coney to the monthly meetings as a protector against predators. Kevin once discovered their reason for being cloaked in shadows over their corruption and sought to end it by standing and eating for several days, ensuring that he had the floor. While he passed out, a snake attack prevented by Coney caused the Council to agree to stop taking bribes and are now fully exposed. More recently, they have secretly bankrolled Kell's startup business, Dewclaw's Fine Meats, to counter Head Thinners, Inc. since her company will not hunt rabbits as a self-preservation tactic.

Real people in Domain

As the world of Kevin and Kell is a parallel of the human world, some real people have been featured in the strip, some with an impact on the storyline.

External links

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