List of Latin place names used as specific names
List of Latin place names used as specific names
- A list of place names, used in Latin descriptions and, after the development of binomial nomenclature, as specific names in the natural sciences.
- abancayense Abancay, Peru
- abitaguense Cerros de Abitagua, Ecuador
- abyssinica Abyssinia
- acadiensis northeastern North America
- adoensis Aden, Arabia
- aegyptiacum Egypt
- aethiopicum Ethiopia
- agavacense Agavaca province, Peru
- ajuscoense Ajusco, Mexico
- albarracinensis Albarracín in Spain
- aldabrense Aldabra
- amatymbica of the Thembu people of Kaffraria
- amazonium Amazonia
- amboniensis Ambon Island
- andohahelensis Andohahela, southeast Madagascar
- arabicum Arabia
- ardjunensis Ardjuna, Sumatra
- arvensis "of the fields"
- ascalonicum Ashkelon
- atlantica Atlas Mountains
- australis Southern Hemisphere, Southern
- ayacuchense Ayacucho, Perú
- ayavacense Havana
- barbadensis Barbados
- batangense Batang, China
- berolinensis Berlin
- bonariensis Buenos Aires, Argentina
- bononiensis Bologna
- borealis Northern Hemisphere, Northern
- butuoense Butuo, Sichuan, China
- cairica Cairo
- camaldulensis Camaldoli monastery near Naples
- canariensis Canary Islands
- canedana Canada
- capensis Cape Colony
- cazorlense Cazorla, Spain
- chamaense Chama River (Venezuela)
- chaparense Chapare, Bolivia
- chilloense Chillo, Ecuador
- cretensis Crete
- eystettensis Eichstätt
- gandavensis Ghent
- hafniensis Copenhagen
- helvetica Switzerland
- hortensis "of the garden"
- monspessulanus Montpellier
- monspeliensis Montpellier
- parisiense Paris
- pratensis "of the meadow"
- schoenbrunnensis Schönbrunn Palace
- septentrionalis Northern
- sinensis China
- sinicum China
- surattensis India, Surat
- tatarica Tatarstan and environs
- thenensis Tienen
- turolensis Diocese of Teruel in Spain
- valdiviense
- vallegrandense
- vansittartense
- varsoviensis Warsaw
- venezuelicum
- villaricense
- vindobonensis Vienna
- virginianum
- virginicum
- vitiense
- vitocense
- yamobambense
- yanamonense
- yangambiense
- yapacaniense
- yirrkalensis
- yolense
- yungasense
- yucatanum
- zamorense
- zanzibarense
- zeylanica Ceylon
- zudanense
- zumbense
See also
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