List of MeSH codes (C06)

For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

MeSH C06 --- digestive system diseases

MeSH C06.130 --- biliary tract diseases

MeSH C06.130.120 --- bile duct diseases

MeSH C06.130.320 --- biliary tract neoplasms

MeSH C06.130.409 --- cholelithiasis

MeSH C06.130.564 --- gallbladder diseases

MeSH C06.198 --- digestive system abnormalities

MeSH C06.198.184 --- choledochal cyst

MeSH C06.267 --- digestive system fistula

MeSH C06.267.250 --- esophageal fistula

MeSH C06.267.550 --- intestinal fistula

MeSH C06.301 --- digestive system neoplasms

MeSH C06.301.120 --- biliary tract neoplasms

MeSH C06.301.371 --- gastrointestinal neoplasms

MeSH C06.301.623 --- liver neoplasms

MeSH C06.301.761 --- pancreatic neoplasms

MeSH C06.405 --- gastrointestinal diseases

MeSH C06.405.117 --- esophageal diseases

MeSH C06.405.205 --- gastroenteritis

MeSH C06.405.249 --- gastrointestinal neoplasms

MeSH C06.405.293 --- hernia

MeSH C06.405.469 --- intestinal diseases

MeSH C06.405.608 --- peptic ulcer

MeSH C06.405.748 --- stomach diseases

MeSH C06.552 --- liver diseases

MeSH C06.552.150 --- cholestasis, intrahepatic

MeSH C06.552.241 --- fatty liver

MeSH C06.552.308 --- hepatic insufficiency

MeSH C06.552.380 --- hepatitis

MeSH C06.552.494 --- hypertension, portal

MeSH C06.552.597 --- liver abscess

MeSH C06.552.630 --- liver cirrhosis

MeSH C06.552.645 --- liver diseases, alcoholic

MeSH C06.552.664 --- liver diseases, parasitic

MeSH C06.552.697 --- liver neoplasms

MeSH C06.552.830 --- porphyrias, hepatic

MeSH C06.689 --- pancreatic diseases

MeSH C06.689.500 --- pancreatic cyst

MeSH C06.689.667 --- pancreatic neoplasms

MeSH C06.689.750 --- pancreatitis

MeSH C06.844 --- peritoneal diseases

MeSH C06.844.620 --- peritoneal neoplasms

MeSH C06.844.640 --- peritonitis

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