List of MeSH codes (G06)

For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.

The following is a list of the "G" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)

MeSH G06 --- biochemical phenomena, metabolism, and nutrition

MeSH G06.184 --- biochemical phenomena

MeSH G06.184.154 --- binding sites

MeSH G06.184.179 --- body composition

MeSH G06.184.227 --- calcification, physiologic

MeSH G06.184.348 --- energy transfer

MeSH G06.184.480 --- ion transport

MeSH G06.184.603 --- molecular structure

MeSH G06.184.842 --- sequence homology

MeSH G06.184.850 --- signal transduction

MeSH G06.184.872 --- structure-activity relationship

MeSH G06.184.941 --- virus replication

MeSH G06.184.963 --- water-electrolyte balance

MeSH G06.535 --- metabolism

MeSH G06.535.023 --- absorption

MeSH G06.535.095 --- acylation

MeSH G06.535.130 --- alkylation

MeSH G06.535.166 --- biological transport

MeSH G06.535.256 --- carbohydrate metabolism

MeSH G06.535.335 --- energy metabolism

MeSH G06.535.520 --- lipid metabolism

MeSH G06.535.710 --- oxidative stress

MeSH G06.535.723 --- oxygen consumption

MeSH G06.535.770 --- peptide biosynthesis

MeSH G06.535.780 --- pharmacokinetics

MeSH G06.535.790 --- phosphorylation

MeSH G06.535.839 --- rna processing, post-transcriptional

MeSH G06.696 --- nutrition

MeSH G06.696.259 --- child nutrition

MeSH G06.696.384 --- diet

MeSH G06.696.560 --- maternal nutrition

MeSH G06.696.741 --- nutritive value

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