List of My Little Pony villains

These villains appear in the My Little Pony series. The original show (despite being infamous for its girly nature) had some rather dark and menacing villains, such as Tirek, Lavan, and Grogar (and Tirek and Lavan were killed, thus making My Little Pony's first generation one of the very few TV cartoons in the 1980s to kill characters off). This stayed the same for the most part in the newer "Friendship is Magic" canon, with villains like Nightmare Moon, Discord, the Changelings, and King Sombra.

Main Villains

G1 My Little Pony

Name Species Gender Body color Hair or mane color Eye color Special, Episode and Film Voiced by
Tirek Centaur Male Green and red Green Yellow Rescue from Midnight Castle Victor Caroli
Tirek is a centaur who resides in the Midnight Castle alongside Scorpan and Spike and other evil dragons, who he orders to kidnap the ponies of Dream Valley for his evil schemes. He yields the Rainbow of Darkness, a powerful satchel containing evil magic which corrupts everything it touches. He plans to use it to take over Dream Valley in an event he calls the "Night that Never Ends”. When Tirek captures ponies to pull his “chariot of darkness” and then is about to plunge Dream Valley into chaos, Megan opens her magical locket which reveals the Rainbow of Light. The Rainbow of Light turns out to be a small piece that is quickly engulfed by the Rainbow of Darkness. However, the Rainbow soon over powers the Rainbow of Darkness and vanquished Tirek, destroying his chariot, reverting the ponies back, and turning Scorpan back to his human form.
Catrina Humanoid Feline Witch Female Dark Brown Orange Green Escape from Catrina Tammy Grimes
Catrina is a powerful witch who is dependent upon the Witchweed potion, which is the source of her power. The Bushwoolies are her slaves and she forces them to make the potion for her. However, the Bushwoolies, fed up with her demanding ways escape making Catrina look for them but instead she finds the ponies of Dream Valley and is set for them to become her slaves. She tries to capture them but she realizes that they are defended by the Rainbow of Light. Catrina then steals the Rainbow and Baby Moondancer, hoping that the ponies would become her slaves in exchange for Baby Moondancer’s release. The ponies refuse and Catrina is enraged. She tries to attack them but Rep defends the ponies. He is able to defeat her and offers to spare her life if she destroys the machine that makes the Witchweed potion. With much hesitation, Catrina eventually destroys the machine, redeeming herself of her bad ways.
Rep Shape Shifting Lizard Male Brown None Orange Escape from Catrina Paul Williams
Rep is a Shape Shifting Lizard and Catrina's assistant. He can turn himself into any form he wishes. Unlike Catrina, he understands the Bushwoolies, who were being fed up with Catrina's orders and tries to convince them to stay. He later on helped Megan and the ponies defeat Catrina and later redeemed themselves in the end.
Hydia Witch Female None Gray None My Little Pony: The Movie
My Little Pony (TV series)
Cloris Leachman (movie)
Tress MacNeille (series)
Hydia a powerful witch. She lives in the Volcano of Gloom alongside her daughters Reeka and Draggle and despises anything that is nice, pretty and beautiful and instead wants to make everything gloomy and dreary to suit her taste on living. She unleashes the Smooze, unstoppable purple ooze that will eat and destroy everything in its path. Also is making anyone who is splashed by it grumpy and woeful. She is defeated and both she and her daughters were cast back into the volcano but they returned in Fall of Flutter Valley In the Fall of Flutter Valley, Hydia and her daughters try tot ale over Flutter Valley by taking the Sun Stone, the power of the sun that keeps Flutter Valley beautiful. However, once again they are defeated by Megan and the ponies.

Friendship is Magic / Equestria Girls

Name Species Gender Body color Hair or mane color Eye color Special, Episode and Film Voiced by
Nightmare Moon/Nightmare Rarity Alicorn Female Black Blue Aqua Friendship is Magic Part 1 and Part 2 Tabitha St. Germain
Nightmare Moon is the corrupted form of Princess Luna. Over time of raising and setting to moon, Luna became convinced that while the ponies all loved her sister Celestia’s day, they sleep through her night and ignore her. Jealous of her sister, she caused a solar eclipse which transformed her into Nightmare Moon. Celestia then reluctantly harnessed the power of the Elements of Harmony and banished her to the moon, taking responsibility for both sun and moon and maintaining harmony in Equestria. However, Nightmare Moon returned a thousand years later and attempted to take over Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and her new friends manage to defeat Nightmare Moon by finding and using the Elements of Harmony, with each of them representing a different element. After being restored to her original form and sharing a tearful reunion with Celestia, Luna returns to ruling alongside her once more.

In the official IDW comic series, Nightmare Moon is revealed to be a symbiotic force that convinced Luna to turn against her sister all those years ago, feeding off of her insecurities in order to take control of her mind and body. She is also revealed to be capable of corrupting other beings into serving her, which she did so with the Nyx, creatures who inhabit the moon and create dreams for ponies. After Luna was freed by the Elements of Harmony, Nightmare Moon survived and hatched a plot to take control of one of the Element bearers, rendering the other Elements of Harmony useless against her. She ultimately ends up possessing Rarity when the Nightmare Forces convince her that her friends will eventually abandon her. Dubbed Nightmare Rarity, she leads an assault on Ponyville, but is ultimately defeated when the other Element bearers use memories of Rarity to free her from Nightmare Moon's control, with some added help from Celestia and Luna. Her status after Rarity was freed is unknown.

Discord Dracconequus Male Multicolored; Gray Head with White Antler, Light Blue Goat Horn and a White Fang, Reddish Brown Body, Red Dragon Tail, Orange Hoofed Leg, Marigold Lion Paw, Yellow Eagle Claw, Green Clawed Leg, Blue Bird Wing, and Purple Bat Wing White Red The Return of Harmony Part 1 and Part 2 John de Lancie
Discord is the primary antagonist of season two's two-part premiere episode, "The Return of Harmony". According to Princess Celestia, Discord is the ancient spirit of chaos who, before the reign of Celestia and Luna, ruled the land of Equestria, making the lives of unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies miserable. In a battle over 1000 years ago, before Nightmare Moon was banished to the moon, the sisters wielded the Elements of Harmony and turned Discord into a stone statue. This statue would be put on display in the gardens around the royal palace, until the inharmonious aura caused by the quarrels of the Cutie Mark Crusaders gave him enough strength to break free of his prison. He lures the Mane 6 into a maze and is able to make them abandon the qualities that make them bearers of the Elements. The result ends pitting them against one another, rendering the Elements of Harmony useless. However, despite his efforts, Twilight manages to restore all of her friend's true elements and they face Discord using the Elements of Harmony, defeating him by sealing him back to his original stone form, albeit this time with a look of horror frozen on his face.

He reappears in season three's "Keep Calm and Flutter On" when Celestia gives the girls the task to reform Discord. Fluttershy is able to do so, becoming his first friend and showing him how important friendship is to him.

In the two-part season four premiere episode, "Princess Twilight Sparkle", Discord is revealed to have planted powerful plants known as Plunderseeds in an attempt to destroy the Tree of Harmony, from which the Elements originated. After the Mane 6 destroy them by returning the Elements to the tree, Discord admits that he didn't tell this to Twilight because he wanted her to learn that even though she is now an alicorn princess, her friendship with the others will not change. Later in "Three's A Crowd", he tests Twilight to see if she really cares for him by tricking her and Princess Cadance into finding a plant that will cure him of a disease he made up.

In the Season four finale, "Twilight's Kingdom" Discord is tasked by Celestia with finding and capturing the recently released Tirek. However, Tirek tricks him into betraying his pony friends, even giving him a necklace as a token of gratitude and loyalty. After he captures the non-princess ponies for Tirek, he double-crosses Discord by stealing his powers and admits that the necklace has no meaning to him, for it was given to him by his traitorous bother, Scorpan. After a long fight between Twilight and Tirek that results in a draw, Tirek trades all of Twilight's Alicorn Power for her friends and Discord. Discord admits that he now understands the true meaning of friendship and gives Twilight the necklace. The necklace turns out to be the sixth and final key needed to access the chest at the Tree of Harmony. The Mane 6 take it as Tirek starts going on a mindless rampage and they use the newly unlocked Rainbow Power to transport Tirek back to his imprisonment and save Equestria.

Queen Chrysalis Changeling Female Black Teal Teal A Canterlot Wedding Part 1 and Part 2 Kathleen Barr
Queen Chrysalis is the queen of the Changelings who is the main antagonist of season two's two-part finale “A Canterlot Wedding". She takes the form of Princess Cadance so that she could feed off of Shining Armor’s love, whom she plans to keep for herself so she and her Changeling subjects have a constant food supply and power. With that, they can conquer Canterlot and assume control over Equestria. Twilight Sparkle had seen all the signs throughout the organizing of the wedding, but she was dismissed as being too possessive of her brother. To prevent Twilight's further interference, and the threat of the Elements of Harmony being used against her, Chrysalis forcibly teleports Twilight to the forgotten diamond caves under Canterlot. However, the Queen makes a disastrous error taunting Twilight in an attempt to anger her to the point where she would kill the true Princess Cadance, who is also being held in the mines by mistake. Instead, the prisoners recognized each other and escaped the mines to expose the Queen at the wedding ceremony. Even though Chrysalis had gained enough power to enable to her species to invade Canterlot while she personally struck down Princess Celestia, she had not counted on Twilight enabling Cadance to free her fiancé and using their combined power to cast out the Changelings from Equestria.

In the official IDW comic series, Chrysalis is a recurring villain seeking revenge against Twilight, whom she holds responsible for her defeat.

King Sombra Unicorn Male Grey Black Scarlet and green The Crystal Empire Part 1 and Part 2 "Big" Jim Miller
King Sombra is a unicorn described by Princess Celestia as having "a heart as black as night". Prior to Nightmare Moon's banishment, he took over the Crystal Empire and enslaved the native Crystal Ponies before being overthrown by the Royal Sisters, who imprisoned him in the Frozen North just beyond the Empire. However, Sombra managed to curse the Empire, causing it to disappear upon his defeat. One thousand years later, he and the Crystal Empire returned and Twilight Sparkle and Spike search for the Crystal Heart, the only thing capable of defeating him. Due to a trap at the top of the Crystal Castle, Sombra managed to capture Twilight, but Spike was able to take the Crystal Heart to Cadance. Cadance flies Spike and the Crystal Heart down to the Crystal Ponies, who are able to power up the heart and defeat Sombra with a blast of light which causes him to shatter into several pieces.

In the official IDW comic series, Sombra was revealed to be a shadow pony (or umbrum), created to free an army of shadow ponies imprisoned below the Crystal Empire. Born with no knowledge of his true purpose, Sombra was taken in by the Crystal Ponies, but was ridiculed by his classmates for his strangeness. The only friend he had among them was a fellow unicorn named Radiant Hope, who gained powerful healing magic as she got older. Fearing that Hope would abandon him upon learning that she was invited to study under Celestia and Luna, Sombra ran off into the Frozen North in fear and discovered a sentient, red crystal claiming to be his mother. Learning of his true heritage and mission (to destroy the Crystal Heart), Sombra enslaved the Empire after turning its original ruler, Princess Amore, into a black, crystal statue that he broke into several pieces and scattered around the world. Radiant Hope informed the Royal Sisters of what had happened, sealing Sombra's fate. In the present day, Sombra is revealed to have survived his defeat and Radiant Hope leads an attack on the Crystal Empire during which she restores Sombra to his physical form. He quickly manages to defeat the Mane 6 after rallying Queen Chrysalis, the Changelings, Iron Will, the Flim-Flam Brothers, and Lightning Dust under him. Celestia and Luna try to stop him, but interference from Hope allows Sombra to turn them both to stone. He then retires to his private study to rest. Meanwhile, Hope takes Cadence to the umbrum's home where they learn of the umbrum's true nature and are forced to escape, ending up in Sombra's study, where the Mane 6, Spike, and Shining Armor arrive after being freed from imprisonment. After Hope takes a blast from Twilight meant for him, Sombra unleashes the umbrum on the assembled ponies. Sombra successfully retakes the empire, but Hope resents him for his decisions and informs him that she gave up her future as a princess to try and save him from his fate. When the Mane 6 return to the Empire with reinforcements to free Twilight, Shining, and the other princesses, Sombra has a change of heart and uses the Crystal Heart to banish the umbrum back to their prison. As Sombra is about to be killed by the Crystal Heart's energies, Hope uses her magic to hold his physical form together and the princesses turn him into a real unicorn as a sign of forgiveness. Sombra and Hope then leave to find the pieces of Princess Amore's statue and eventually restore her.

Sunset Shimmer Unicorn Female Yellow Red and Yellow Teal My Little Pony: Equestria Girls Rebecca Shoichet
Sunset Shimmer is Princess Celestia's former student who went rogue after not getting what she desired as quickly as she wanted, causing her to abandon her studies and go her own path in the human world. There, she drove the main six’s counterpart’s apart and quickly becomes known as the school bully. However, when Twilight Sparkle is able to become the princess of the Fall Formal, Sunset Shimmer kidnaps Spike and wants to have Twilight’s crown in exchange for the portal back to Equestria. Twilight denies the offer which sparks a fight. Sunset Shimmer is able to get Twilight’s crown and transforms herself into a powerful creature. However, Twilight is able to evoke the powers of the Elements of Harmony when her friends move to protect her from Sunset Shimmer's attack. She is then defeated by a Rainbow Tornado by the Mane 6 and is reverted into her human form.

In the sequel Rainbow Rocks, Sunset has reformed from her past ways and is trying to make amends for all that she's done. However, the Mane 6's human counterparts are the only ones showing her sympathy and friendship, as everyone else is distrustful of her. Over the course of the film, Sunset is ultimately the one who helps to keep the friends together as the Sirens' spells begin to affect them and she assists them in the final confrontation, gaining a half-pony form in the process. After the Dazzlings are defeated, she becomes a backing vocalist and leading guitarist for the Rainbooms, the band the Mane 6's human counterparts formed for the musical showcase.

Sunset returns as co-protagonist of the third film, Friendship Games, alongside Twilight's human counterpart.

Lord Tirek Centaur Male Red and Gray Black Red Twilight's Kingdom Part 1 and Part 2 Mark Acheson
Tirek is an evil centaurian tyrant formerly imprisoned in Tartarus who steals magic from the ponies of Equestria, growing progressively larger and more powerful with each attack. He is able to convince Discord to join forces with him but he double-crosses Discord and steals his magic. Soon, he finds Twilight, after a long fight that results in a draw, Tirek trades Twilight’s friends in exchange for the alicorn magic. He is later defeated by Twilight and her friends with their new Rainbow Power and imprisoned back in Tartarus.
The Dazzlings Sirens Female Yellow (Adagio Dazzle), Violet (Aria Blaze), and Blue (Sonata Dusk) Orange with yellow streaks (Adagio Dazzle), Dark purple with light green streaks (Aria Blaze), and Turquoise with dark blue streaks (Sonata Dusk) Violet (all three) My Little Pony: Equestria Girls - Rainbow Rocks Kazumi Evans (Adagio Dazzle), Diana Kaarina (Aria Blaze, speaking), Shylo Sharity (Aria Blaze, singing), Maryke Hendrikse (Sonata Dusk, speaking), and Madeline Merlo (Sonata Dusk, singing)
The Dazzlings are a trio of sirens who wreaked havoc across Equestria more than one thousand years ago by using their hypnotic songs to feed off of the aggression generated by their victims. Star Swirl the Bearded was able to defeat them by sending them to the human world, but they were able to retain their magic through their pendants. In Rainbow Rocks, they persuade most of the Canterlot High student body to turn a musical showcase into a Battle of the Bands. By the end of the film, Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and the human counterparts of the rest of the Mane 6 and DJ PON-3 are able to defeat them, shattering their pendants and rendering them tone deaf, and they are promptly booed off the stage.

Adagio Dazzle is the Dazzling's leader and is characterized as being cruel, sadistic, cunning, and manipulative. Aria Blaze speaks in a deadpan tone and always offers sarcasm to her fellow Sirens. Sonata Dusk is shown to be airheaded and the least intelligent of the three and acts as a source of comic relief in the film.

Starlight Glimmer Unicorn Female Light purple Dark purple with normal purple and turquoise streaks Blue The Cutie Map Part 1 and Part 2 and The Cutie Re-Mark Part 1 and Part 2 Kelly Sheridan
Starlight Glimmer is the leader of a town where everyone has given up their Cutie Marks. She initially is able to remove Cutie Marks using an artifact called the "Staff of Sameness" and store them in a hidden vault. She is later revealed to have been hiding her own Cutie Mark and using the Staff of Sameness, a simple piece of wood she found in a desert, as a front to hide her powerful magic. Afterwards, the townsfolk and Mane 6 reclaim their Cutie Marks and Starlight disappears. She believes the only way to achieve true friendship is for everyone to be equal, believing that having individual talents will lead to others bragging that they are better than others. In "The Cutie Re-Mark", it is revealed that her beliefs stem from being abandoned by her childhood friend Sunburst after he received his cutie mark. Perfecting a spell originally created by Star Swirl the Bearded himself, she travels back in time to stop Rainbow Dash from performing the Sonic Rainboom, causing several dark, alternate futures for Equestria every time Twilight and Spike attempt to stop her. Twilight ultimately convinces Starlight to put aside her agenda and learn about friendship in Ponyville. She appears as a recurring character in season six.
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