List of Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards

This is the List of Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards since 1952.

1952 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Chit Thet-Wai A1 Film Company
Best Picture (1st Runner-Up) Mayar Nè Apyo Aung Zeya Film Company
Best Picture (2nd Runner-Up) Chit-Ywei Khaw-Ya British Burma Film Company
Best Actor Kyaw Win Marla Yi
Best Actress Kyi Kyi Htay Chit Thet-Wai

1953 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Yadanabon A1 Film Company
Best Picture (1st Runner-Up) Thè Saung Hayman British Burma Film Company
Best Picture (2nd Runner-Up) Mya Haywun A1 Film Company
Best Actor U Tin Maung Yadanabon
Best Actress May Mya Pwè Kha-Nyaung Yay

1954 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Aw Meinma British Burma Film Company
Best Picture (Runner-Up) Akyaw Amaw A1 Film Company
Best Director Thukha Aw Meinma
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress A-May Pu May May

1955 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Po Pyon Cho Shwe Wè Thiri Film Company
Best Director Chinn Sein Koh Yin Thway
Best Actor Po Par Gyi Po Pyon Cho
Best Actress May Lwin Chit Ma Ma
Best Child Actress Win Mar Po Pyon Cho

1956 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Bawa Thanthaya Mandalay Films
Best Director Thukha Bawa Thanthaya
Best Actor Zeya Bawa Thanthaya
Best Actress Chit Thu Wai Chit Khwint Ma-Paing
Best Cinematography Chit Phwè Lwan Ngwe Ta Wayway

1957 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Dr. Aung Kyaw Oo British Burma Film Company
Best Director Shwedon Bi Aung Dr. Aung Kyaw Oo
Best Actor Tun Wai Bo Mya Din
Best Actress Myint Myint Khin Chit Nyima
Best Cinematography Tun Hlaing Mya Pan Wutyi

1958 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Swè Dè Myitta (Addicted to Love) Mya Zaw Films
Best Director Chit Khin Phyay Shaw Khway
Best Supporting Actor Kyaw Thaung Phyay Shaw Khway
Best Actress Myint Myint Khin Phyay Shaw Khway
Best Cinematography Tun Myint Swè Dè Myitta

1959 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Chit-Taw Chit-Tè San Thawda Films
Best Director Thardu Kagyi Yay Ka
Best Actor Tun Wai Kagyi Yay Ka
Best Actress Myat Mon Kagyi Yay Ka
Best Actress Khin Nyunt Kagyi Yay Ka
Best Cinematography Ba Kyi Bo Aung Naing

1960 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Yay Myay Sohn Daing Mandalay Films
Best Director Thardu A-Ngo Lwè Thi
Best Actor Maung Thin Yay Myay Sohn Daing
Best Actress May Thit Myitta Shwe Yi
Best Cinematography Tin Yu Myitta Shwe Yi

1961 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Ko-Baing Myitta Mandalay Films
Best Director Tekkatho Win Pe Pyi-Tan-Tet Kyizan
Best Actor Myat Lay A-Mohn Ei Nauk Wè
Best Actress Khin Yu May Ko-Baing Myitta
Best Cinematography Maung Kalay and U Paw Ko-Baing Myitta

1962 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Thi Thi A-Twei
Best Supporting Actor Kyauk Lon A-Twei
Best Supporting Actress May Nwè Shwe Yin Thein Thit
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1964 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actor Kyauk Lon Yin Wè Ta Theint Theint
Best Supporting Actress May Thit Yin Wè Ta Theint Theint
Best Cinematography Ba Kyi Chein Mi Lay Thaw Nya

1965 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Wa Wa Win Shwe Chit Thami
Best Supporting Actor Kyauk Lon Chit Thami
Best Supporting Actress Tin Tin Mu Thèlunza (Clue)
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1966 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Saung (Winter) A1 Film Company
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress San Shar Tin Saung
Best Supporting Actor Soe Shwe Myay-Mha Pwint-Thaw Myitta Pan
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1967 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Tin Maung Ko Yè, Toe Yè, Soe Soe Yè
Best Actor Win Oo Saung Einmet (The Winter Dream)
Best Actress Khin Than Nu Ko Yè, Toe Yè, Soe Soe Yè
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1968 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Zaga Pyaw Thaw Athè-Hnalon Thukha Films
Best Director Thukha Zaga Pyaw Thaw Athè-Hnalon
Best Actor Nyunt Win Bando Lu-Lay Nè Thuza
Best Actress Sanda Hna-Mhwa Athè
Best Supporting Actor Thein Maung Zaga Pyaw Thaw Athè-Hnalon
Best Supporting Actress Khin Moe Moe A-Pè Yadana
Best Cinematography Than Maung Hna-Mhwa Athè

1969 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor Kawleikgyin Ne Win Payin Yaung (The Colour Amber)
Best Actress Wa Wa Win Shwe Chaung Go Phyat Ywei Myit Go Sha
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress Thein Shin A-Thet-Go Hnin Ywei
Best Cinematography San Aye Myitta-Go-Za Hnin Ba Mè

1970 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Mhonshweyi A-Paung Letkhana Films
Best Director Thukha Kyama Hma Meinmatha
Best Actor Win Oo Mhonshweyi
Best Actress Tin Tin Nwè Kyama Hma Meinmatha
Best Supporting Actor Bo Ba Ko Thi Tha Pyon
Best Supporting Actress Kyi Kyi Htay Nu Nu Ngè Ngè
Best Cinematography San Aye La-Kwè Moe Hnaung

1971 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Maung Wunna Gadiba Hpanat Si, Shwe Hti Saung
Best Actor Nyunt Win Chit-Thu Waing Waing Lè
Best Actress Daisy Kyaw Win Ar-Nwè-Thu Ba-Shin
Best Supporting Actor Bo Ba Ko Da Gwei Da Gaba
Best Supporting Actress Aye Aye Thin Maya Htaung-Gyauk
Best Cinematography Sonny Tin Ta-Cha Gaba Ga Chit-Thu Yè

1972 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Maung Tin Oo Ne Htwet Thaw Nya
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography Hla Pe Ne Htwet Thaw Nya

1973 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Bè-Thu-Pyaing-Lo Hla-Ba-Daw Naing Thukha Films
Best Director Thukha Bè-Thu-Pyaing-Lo Hla-Ba-Daw Naing
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Myint Myint Khin Mohn Ba De, Maung Go
Best Supporting Actor Ahn Kyaw Bè-Thu-Pyaing-Lo Hla-Ba-Daw Naing
Best Supporting Actress Aye Aye Thin Za-Khan-Zi Nauk-Kwe Mha
Best Cinematography San Myint Einmet Dadar

1974 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Nwè Nwè Mu Naw Ku Ma
Best Supporting Actor Aung Lwin Naw Ku Ma
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1975 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Shwe-Chi Ngwe-Chi Tan-Ba-Lo Min Thurein Films
Best Director Thukha Shwe-Chi Ngwe-Chi Tan-Ba-Lo
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Khin Yu May Shwe-Chi Ngwe-Chi Tan-Ba-Lo
Best Supporting Actor Myint Naing Kyaye Gyue: Gaba
Best Supporting Actress May Nwè Shwe-Chi Ngwe-Chi Tan-Ba-Lo
Best Cinematography Sonny Tin Kyanaw Nè Ko Ba Kyaw

1976 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Hnalontha Nè Sit Tarwun Pyi Kyaw Films
Best Director Sein Pe Tin Hnalontha Nè Sit Tarwun
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress May Thit Nwè Myo Sohn Lin, Nwè Lai Chin
Best Cinematography San Maung Kyun-Ga-Lay Mha Hna-Yauk-Htè

1977 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Wa Wa Win Shwe Meinkhalay Shin Yè Hsanda
Best Supporting Actor Sein Myint A-Pe Ta-Khu, Tha Ta-Khu
Best Supporting Actress Swe Zin Htaik Meinkhalay Shin Yè Hsanda
Best Cinematography Pan Aye Ne-Chi Phya Mha Nwe Thaw Gyaunt
Best Child Actor Aung Tun Lay A-Pe Ta-Khu, Tha Ta-Khu

1978 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Maung Tin Oo Ta-Kha-Ga Ta Bawa (Life, Once Upon A Time)
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Khin Thida Tun Ta-Kha-Ga Ta Bawa
Best Supporting Actor Po Par Gyi Ta-Kha-Ga Ta Bawa
Best Supporting Actress Kyi Kyi Htay Lu Zaw
Best Cinematography Tin Win Ta-Kha-Ga Ta Bawa
Special England Sein Myitta-Shin-Ma-Lay Nyein Nyein Ei

1979 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor Kyaw Hein Aka-Ga A-Chit Anhit-Ga Myitta
Best Actress Cho Pyon Chit A-Hmya
Best Supporting Actor Kawleikgyin Ne Win Aka-Ga A-Chit Anhit-Ga Myitta
Best Supporting Actress Sein Khin Aka-Ga A-Chit Anhit-Ga Myitta
Best Cinematography San Maung Kyaw Go Chit Ma La, Zaw Go Chit Ma La

1980 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Kyè Pya Yamona Films
Best Director Kyee Myint Kyè Pya
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress May Win Maung Kyè Pya
Best Supporting Actor Seinn Aung Mha Ta-Ba A-Cha Ma-Shi-Bi
Best Supporting Actress Myint Myint Khin Mha Ta-Ba A-Cha Ma-Shi-Bi
Best Cinematography Chit Min Lu Nwe Yupa

1981 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Win Pe Hninzi-Ni Einmet
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress Tin Tin Nyo Nge Na-Me A-Nyo
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress May Yu Hninzi-Ni Einmet
Best Cinematography San Maung A- Pyan -Lan

1982 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor Kyaw Hein Mohn Dè Chein Dwin Ne Win Thi
Best Actress Cho Pyon Mohn Dè Chein Dwin Ne Win Thi
Best Supporting Actor Ne Aung Milashika Sai Bayda
Best Supporting Actress Khine Khin Oo Myitta A-Thin-Chay
Best Cinematography Aung Myint Oo Milashika Sai Bayda

1983 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Tun Myint Tun Eitiya Khaw Meinma Do-Thi
Best Actor Nyunt Win Tatiya A-Ywè Ei Dutiya Wedana
Best Actress Khin Thida Tun Eitiya Khaw Meinma Do-Thi
Best Supporting Actor Tun Wai Tatiya A-Ywè Ei Dutiya Wedana
Best Supporting Actress San Shar Tin Sein Nè Tayza
Best Cinematography San Aye Bo Thangè

1984 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actor Myat Lay Yin-De-Mha Ywa-Thaw Moe
Best Supporting Actress Moht Moht Myint Aung Hnalontha Myodaw
Best Cinematography Chit Min Lu Hnalontha Myodaw

1985 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Thingyan Moe Thuriya Pyinnya Films
Best Director Maung Tin Oo Thingyan Moe
Best Actor Ne Aung Pan-Thi-Dè Kyo
Best Actress Khin Thida Tun Pan-Thi-Dè Kyo
Best Supporting Actor Tun Tun Naing Chit Mi-Hlyan-Dè-Ga May Cho
Best Supporting Actress Khin Soe Paing Pan-Thi-Dè Kyo
Best Cinematography Chit Min Lu Thingyan Moe

1986 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Cinematography

1987 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Cinematography

1988 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture
Best Director
Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Supporting Actor
Best Supporting Actress
Best Cinematography

1989 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Doe Amyotha Films
Best Director Kyi Soe Tun Doe
Best Actor Kyaw Hein Pan-Myaing-Lè-Ga U-Yin-Mhu
Best Actress Moht Moht Myint Aung Khat-Sein-Sein Ne-Ba-Mè
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography <none awarded>

1990 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director Maung Wunna Khunnit-Sin A-Lwan
Best Actor Thu Maung Khunnit-Sin A-Lwan
Best Actress Khin Than Nu Khunnit-Sin A-Lwan
Best Supporting Actor Zaw Lwin A-Yaing Zabè
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography U Kyi A-Chit-Sohn-Thu-Yè Yin-Mha

1991 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor Yan Aung Mè Thida Lo Meinkhalay
Best Actress Moht Moht Myint Aung Thami Nè A-May Mya
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress Myint Myint Khine Thami Nè A-May Mya
Best Cinematography Pan Aye Dandaryi (Legend)
Best Music Gita Lulin Maung Ko Ko Mè Thida Lo Meinkhalay

1992 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <none awarded>
Best Director <none awarded>
Best Actor <none awarded>
Best Actress May Than Nu Mu Baing Chit Thu
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography Than Maung Thakhut Pan
Best Music Trumpet Win Oo Khaing Marla Hninzi

1993 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Thida Khunna Tan Khine Thazin Films
Best Director Maung Nanda Thida Khunna Tan
Best Actor Ye Aung Myit-To-Ei Maya
Best Actress Zin Mar Oo Thida Khunna Tan
Best Supporting Actor Nyunt Win Thida Khunna Tan
Best Supporting Actress San San Aye Sein-Khaw Ne Thaw A-Chit
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Myit-To-Ei Maya
Best Music <none awarded>

1994 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Da Byi-Thu Ma Shwe Hta Zinyaw Films
Best Director Zinyaw Maung Maung Da Byi-Thu Ma Shwe Hta
Best Actor Kyaw Thu Da Byi-Thu Ma Shwe Hta
Best Actress (tied) Soe Myat Thuza Naw Yin Mhwe
Best Actress (tied) Moht Moht Myint Aung Ma Thudamasari
Best Supporting Actor Kyaw Hein Wai Lè Hmway, Kyway Lè Hmway
Best Supporting Actress Nwè Nwè San Tharaphu
Best Cinematography Ko Ko Htay Ma Thudamasari
Best Music Sandaya Hla Htut Da Byi-Thu Ma Shwe Hta
Best Sound Khin Oo Tharaphu

1995 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Taik-Pwe Khaw Than Khin Zabè Oo Films
Best Director Maung Tin Oo Taik-Pwe Khaw Than
Best Screenplay Aung Kyi Tun Taik-Pwe Khaw Than
Best Actor (tied) Yan Aung Bagan Mha Tha De Nya
Best Actor (tied) Soe Thu Aung Myin Thaw Nei
Best Actress May Than Nu Bagan Mha Tha De Nya
Best Supporting Actor Zaw Lin Taik-Pwe Khaw Than
Best Supporting Actress Myint Myint Khine Aung Myin Thaw Nei
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Bagan Mha Tha De Nya
Best Music Gita Lulin Maung Ko Ko Taik-Pwe Khaw Than
Best Sound <none awarded>

1996 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Pan Thakin Yamona Films
Best Director Kyee Myint Pan Thakin
Best Screenplay <none awarded>
Best Actor (tied) Yan Aung A-Lin Phyaw Kaungkin
Best Actor (tied) Kyaw Ye Aung Tha Thami Zani Kyinya
Best Actress (tied) Htet Htet Moe Oo Pan Thakin
Best Actress (tied) May Than Nu A-Lin Phyaw Kaungkin
Best Supporting Actor Zaw Lin Pan Thakin
Best Supporting Actress Myint Myint Khin Myitmo Taung Oo Ma Ka Kyu-Tha
Best Cinematography Chit Min Lu Chit Yiza
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>

1997 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Thu Kyun Ma-Khan-Bi Myat Mi-Khin Films
Best Director Kyi Soe Tun Thu Kyun Ma-Khan-Bi
Best Screenplay Myetkhin Thit, Thukhuma Lwinbyin Myint Myat Hnalontha
Best Actor Dwe A-May Cheya
Best Actress Pan Phyu A-Yeit (Shadow)
Best Supporting Actor (tied) Nyunt Win Thu Kyun Ma-Khan-Bi
Best Supporting Actor (tied) Zin Waing Myint Myat Hnalontha
Best Supporting Actress Cho Pyon A-May Cheya
Best Cinematography Ko Ko Htay Myint Myat Hnalontha
Best Music Zaw Myo Htut Myint Myat Hnalontha
Best Sound Sein Myint Myint Myat Hnalontha
Best Editing U Myint Khine Thu Kyun Ma-Khan-Bi

1998 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture A-Hnaing-Mè Yingwin Malikha Films
Best Director Soe Htaik Aung A-Hnaing-Mè Yingwin
Best Screenplay Ko Ko Lay A-Hnaing-Mè Yingwin
Best Actor Yan Aung Nya Mintha
Best Actress Soe Myat Thuza Shwe Natha San-Ein
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress Nanda Hlaing Shwe Natha San-Ein
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Nya Mintha
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>

1999 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture A-Pe Ne-Ya Thiha Zaw Films
Best Director Khin Maung Oo and Soe Thein Htut A-Pe Ne-Ya
Best Screenplay <none awarded>
Best Actor Lwin Moe Yin-Dè-Ga Saung Yarthi
Best Actress Tun Eaindra Bo Hnaung Ta Mye Mye
Best Supporting Actor Tun Tun Win Hnaung Htong Phwe Myitta
Best Supporting Actress Myat Kaythi Aung Yin-Dè-Ga Saung Yarthi
Best Cinematography <none awarded>
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>
Special Ei Phyu Soe Yin-Dè-Ga Saung Yarthi

2000 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Ngaye Tha Khin Zabe Oo Films
Best Director Thiha Tin Soe Ngaye Tha
Best Screenplay <none awarded>
Best Actor (tied) Thiha Tin Soe Ngaye Tha
Best Actor (tied) Yan Aung Mawha Myin Byaing Mya
Best Actress Myo Thanda Tun Hnot-Khan Htet-Ka Da-Thwa
Best Supporting Actor Aung Khaing Ngaye Tha
Best Supporting Actress Khin Than Nu Thami Shin
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Maung Mu Baing Shin
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>

2001 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Hnalon Hla Lu Mai Myitta Yaungbyan Films
Best Director Maung Tin Oo Hnalon Hla Lu Mai
Best Screenplay Khin Lay Theint Pan Da Bwint Hpanzin-Gyin
Best Actor (tied) Min Mawgun Hnalon Hla Lu Mai
Best Actor (tied) Lwin Moe Pan Da Bwint Hpanzin-Gyin
Best Actress (tied) May Than Nu Chit Chin Ei A-Cha Mè Hnai
Best Actress (tied) Htet Htet Moe Oo Tha Mee Mite
Best Supporting Actor Nay Aung Hnalon Hla Lu Mai
Best Supporting Actress (tied) May Thinzar Oo Hnalon Hla Lu Mai
Best Supporting Actress (tied) Soe Myat Nanda A-Chit Go Mwehpwagyin
Best Cinematography Ko Ko Htay Kaungkin Htet Ka Pan Da Bwint
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>

2002 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture (tied) Hsan Yé (Going Upstream)
Best Picture (tied) Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma (Me, Another, Men, Women)
Best Director (tied) Bagyi Soe Moe Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma
Best Director (tied) Kyi Soe Tun Hsan Yé (Going Upstream)
Best Screenplay Nyein Min Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma
Best Actor Lu Min Shwe Mhon Kyè Dè Kaungkin
Best Actress Khin Zar Kyi Kyaw Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma
Best Supporting Actor Nyunt Win Hsan Yé
Best Supporting Actress May Than Nu Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma
Best Cinematography Kyauk Phyu (Padetha) Yaukhama-So-Da Ta-Kha-Don-Ga Thamet Pa-Bè
Best Music Gita Lulin Maung Ko Ko Hsan Yé
Best Sound Po Htaung and Group Hsan Yé
Best Editing Zaw Min (Hanthamyay) Nga Thu-Ta-Ba Yaukya Meinma

2003 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Amay No-Bo
Best Director Kyaw Thu Amay No-Bo
Best Screenplay Nyein Min Amay No-Bo
Best Actor Kyaw Hein Nay-Ka-Mway-Te-La
Best Actress TunEindra Bo Amay No-Bo
Best Supporting Actor Zaw Oo Amay No-Bo
Best Supporting Actress Cho Pyone Amay No-Bo
Best Cinematography Kyauk Phyu Amay No-Bo
Best Music Zaw Myo Htut Nay-Ka-Mway-Te-La
Best Sound Khin Sabe Oo Group Thu-Mwie-Hta -Thit -Sar
Best Editing U Myint Khine Thu-Mwie-Hta -Thit -Sar

2004 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow) Zinyaw Film Production
Best Director Zin Yaw Maung Maung Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)
Best Screenplay Nyein Min Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)
Best Actor Lwin Moe Ta-Kha-Ga Ayeyarwady Nya Mya
Best Actress Eindra Kyaw Zin Myet-Hna Mya Dè Moe Kaungkin
Best Supporting Actor Nyunt Win Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)
Best Supporting Actress Soe Myat Nanda Chit-Chin Nge Byaing
Best Cinimatography Ko Ko Htay (Htait-Tan) Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)
Best Music Sein Mutta Pan Dandaryi
Best Sound Aye Myint Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)
Best Editing Zaw Min (Hanthamyay) Sho-Hwet-Thaw Hnin (Mystery of Snow)

2005 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2005 was held for the first time in Naypyidaw on 5 March 2007. The awards were selected out of 16 films screened during the year of 2005.

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Kyansit Min Everest Film Production
Best Director Kyi Soe Tun Sahtagan (Hexagon)
Best Screenplay Kyi Soe Tun Sahtagan (Hexagon)
Best Actor Lu Min Kyansit Min
Best Actress Htun Aeindra Bo Mogok Set-Waing Go Kyaw-Lun Ywe
Best Supporting Actor Chantha Kyi Soe Sahtagan (Hexagon)
Best Supporting Actress Myat Kaythi Aung Chit-Chin-Phwe Myitta
Best Cinematography Naing Nu Shein Mogok Set-Waing Go Kyaw-Lun Ywe
Best Music Khin Maung Gyi Kyansit Min
Best Sound Richard Ye Win Kyansit Min
Best Editing Aung Thwin Sahtagan (Hexagon)

2006 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2006 was held in Naypyidaw on 7 February 2008. The awards were selected out of 10 films screened during the year of 2006.

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Hmyaw-Lin-Gyin Mya-Zwa (With Much Hope) Nawarat Films
Best Director Maung Myo Min Hmyaw-Lin-Gyin Mya-Zwa
Best Screenplay Zaw Myint Oo Taung-Thaman Thitsa
Best Actor Yan Aung Gon-Shein Pyin-Dè Chit-Chin Theikkha
Best Actress Nanda Hlaing Taung-Thaman Thitsa
Best Supporting Actor Po Kyaw Hmyaw-Lin-Gyin Mya-Zwa
Best Supporting Actress May Thinza Oo Pan-Pyo-Thu-Doh Alinga
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Pan-Pyo-Thu-Doh Alinga
Best Music Thaw Zin Pan-Pyo-Thu-Doh Alinga
Best Sound Myo Nyunt Taung-Thaman Thitsa
Best Editing Zaw Min (Hanthamyay) Hmyaw-Lin-Gyin Mya-Zwa

2007 Academy Awards


Award Winner Film
Best Picture Koze Hsa Tha-Lein-Me (Ninety Times More Superior) Myint Marla Film Production
Best Director Maung Yin Aung Koze Hsa Tha-Lein-Me
Best Screenplay <none awarded>
Best Actor က်ာ္ရဲေအာင္ Koze Hsa Tha-Lein-Me
Best Actress <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actor မုိးဒီ Koze Hsa Tha-Lein-Me
Best Supporting Actress <none awarded>
Best Cinematography Kyauk Phyu (Padaytha) Nga Da Nga Thway Nga Ayeyarwady (My Sword, My Blood, My Ayeyarwady)
Best Music Sein Mutta Koze Hsa Tha-Lein-Me
Best Sound <none awarded>
Best Editing <none awarded>

2008 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2008 was held on 6 February 2010 in Naypyidaw. The awards were selected out of 12 films screened in 2008.[2]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Amya Ne Ma Thet Hsaing Thaw Thu Myat Chai Films
Best Director Nyi Nyi Tun Lwin Amya Ne Ma Thet Hsaing Thaw Thu
Best Screenplay <none awarded>
Best Actor Khant Sithu Amya Ne Ma Thet Hsaing Thaw Thu
Best Actress Moht Moht Myint Aung Myint-Mo-Htet-Ka-Tha-Ra-Phu
Best Supporting Actor Ye Aung Academy Shot
Best Supporting Actress Khin Mo Mo Aye Amyar Ne Ma Thet Hsaing Thaw Thu
Best Cinematography Than Nyunt Kyodan
Best Music <none awarded>
Best Sound <none awarded>
Best Editing <none awarded>

2009 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2009 was held on 23 January 2011 in Naypyidaw. The awards were selected out of 16 films screened in 2009.[3]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Gyogya Taungban Khat Than Zinyaw Films
Best Director Mee Pwar Zaw-Ka Ka Nay Thi
Best Screenplay Myint Oo Oo Myint Gyogya Taungban Khat Than
Best Actor Nay Toe Moe Nya Einmet Myu
Best Actress <None Award>
Best Supporting Actor <none awarded>
Best Supporting Actress Soe Pye Thazin Moe Nya Einmet Myu
Best Cinematography Ko Ko Htay Group A-Teit Ye A-Yeit
Best Music Diramore Zaw-Ka Ka Nay Thi
Best Sound Hsan Oo Group A-Teit Ye A-Yeit
Best Editing Zaw Min (Hanthamyay) Kyauk Set Yay

2010 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2010 was held on 7 February 2012 in Naypyidaw.[4]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Ar-Dan-Yal-Aye-Wa-Yal-Da-Tha-Yai Heart and soul Films
Best Director Khin Maung Oo + Soe Thein Htut Pin-Lal-Htet-Ka nay-won-Ni
Best Screenplay Khin Maung Oo + Soe Thein Htut Pin-Lal-Htet-Ka nay-won-Ni
Best Actor Pyay Ti Oo Ar-Dan-Yal-Aye-Wa-Yal-Da-Tha-Yai
Best Actress Thet Mon Myint Ar-Dan-Yal-Aye-Wa-Yal-Da-Tha-Yai
Best Supporting Actor Way Lu Kyaw Pin-Lal-Htet-Ka nay-won-Ni
Best Supporting Actress Wah Wah Aung A -Mayt-Kyay-Zu-Sut-Phu-Chin-tal
Best Cinematography BaGyi Soe Moe Pin-Lal-Htet-Ka nay-won-Ni
Best Music Myan-Mar-Pyi-Kyauk Seinn A-Ngo-Myet-Lone-A-Pyone-Myet-Hnar
Best Sound <None Award>
Best Editing U Myint Khaing Pin-Lal-Htet-Ka nay-won-Ni

2011 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2011 was held on 30 December 2012 in Yangon, after four years in the new capital Naypyidaw.[5] The awards were selected out of 15 films screened in 2011. 8 of the top awards went to a single movie, Htar Wara A Linn Tan Myar (Eternal Rays of Light).[6]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar Yee Myint Films
Best Director Tun Aung Zaw Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Screenplay Myint Saung, Soe Kyaw San Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Actor Naung Naung Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Actress Melody Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Supporting Actor Mos Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Supporting Actress Chit Snow Oo Yinn Kwae Nar
Best Cinematography Tin Sann Pan Kyar Wutt Hmone
Best Music Zaw Myo Htut Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar
Best Sound San Oo Pan Kyar Wutt Hmone
Best Editing Hein Htet Htar Waya A Linn Tan Myar

2012 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2012 was held on 29 December 2013 in Yangon.[7]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Aung Ko Latt Kayan A-hla
Best Director Ko Zaw (Ar Yon-U) U (Egg)
Best Screenplay <None Award>
Best Actor Pyay Ti Oo Let-pan
Best Actress Phway Phway Let-pan
Best Supporting Actor <None Award>
Best Supporting Actress Chaw Yadana U (Egg)
Best Cinematography <None Award>
Best Music Win Ko A-mway-khan-htaik-thu-phyit-pa-say
Best Sound Tony (Lin) Kayan A-hla
Best Editing Zaw Min (Hanthamyay) U (Egg)
Best Child Actress Yawn Yawn Tein-min-tha-me-yelt-dan-ta-yi

2013 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2013 was held on 27 December 2014 in Yangon.[8][9][10]

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <None Award>
Best Director Wyne Satan-ye-ka-che-the (Satan's dancer)
Best Screenplay <None Award>
Best Actor Pyay Ti Oo Nin-say-yin (As U Like)
Best Actress Wut Hmone Shwe Yee Nin-say-yin (As U Like)
Best Supporting Actor Min Oo Nin-say-yin (As U Like)
Best Supporting Actress Khine Thin Kyi Sone-pyu (Black Sheep)
Best Cinematography <None Award>
Best Music Piano Tin Win Hlaing Kyal-sin-maw-gone
Best Sound <None Award>
Best Editing <None Award>
Best Child Actress <None Award>

2014 Academy Awards

The Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards presentation ceremony for 2014 and 2015 was held on 3rd April 2016 in Yangon, Myanmar Event Park. Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min won five golden angel trophy for Best Picture, Best Screenplay, Best Actress, Best Music and Best Editing.

Award Winner Film
Best Picture Myint Mo Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min
Best Director <None Award>
Best Screenplay Thaw Zin Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min
Best Actor [11]Pyay Ti Oo Made in Heart
Best Actress Khine Thin Kyi Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min
Best Supporting Actor Zin Wyne Made in Heart
Best Supporting Actress Wut Hmone Shwe Yee[12] Made in Heart
Best Cinematography Toe Win Pyi Soe Asone Mae Achit
Best Music Khin Maung Gyi Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min
Best Sound Kyi Min Thein Mayar Project
Best Editing Thaw Zin Kaung Kyo Ko Hnite Ti Say Min

2015 Academy Awards

Award Winner Film
Best Picture <None Award>
Best Director [13]Wyne I am Rose, Darling
Best Screenplay <None Award>
Best Actor Nay Toe Nat Khat Mhar Tae Tite Pwal
Best Actress Phway Phway I am Rose, Darling
Best Supporting Actor Bay Luwa Ei Ayar Ko Achit Hu Khaw Tha Lar
Best Supporting Actress Tagatol Gone Pone Ei Ayar Ko Achit Hu Khaw Tha Lar
Best Cinematography Zaw Myint [14]Slaves of Cupid
Best Music Hla San Oo Muang Eain Thu
Best Sound <None Award>
Best Editing Zaw Min (Han Thar Myay) Chit San Eain 2028


  1. Yadana Htun (2009-02-09). "Male artists sweep 2007 Academy Awards". The Myanmar Times.
  2. Yadana Tun (February 2010). "A brief history of the Myanmar Academy Awards". The Myanmar Times 26.
  3. "2009 Academy Awards Ceremony Held in Naypyidaw". Bi-Weekly Eleven (in Burmese) 26 (Yangon: Eleven Media Group). 23 January 2011.
  4. "The Winners: Film Academy Awards for Year 2010". Myanmar Celebrity. 17 July 2013. Retrieved 16 July 2013.
  5. Nyein Ei Ei Htwe and Nuam Bwai (7 January 2013). "New winners for Myanmar film awards". The Myanmar Times. Retrieved 16 July 2013.
  6. "Winners: Myanmar Film Academy Awards for Year 2011". Myanmar Cerebrity. 30 December 2012. Retrieved 16 July 2013.
  7. "Myanmar celebrates Academy Awards ceremony for 2012". Eleven. Retrieved 30 December 2013.
  8. "အကယ်ဒမီ ဆုပေးသည့် အစီအစဉ် ပြီးစီး". Mizzima News. 27 December 2014. Retrieved 27 December 2014.
  9. "၂၀၁၃ခုႏွစ္အတြက္ အကယ္ဒမီထူးခၽြန္ဆုေပးပြဲက်င္းပခဲ့ၿပီး". YouTube.
  10. myanmarnewspaper. "ISSUU - 28 dec 14 gnlm by myanmarnewspaper". Issuu.
  11. "Pyay Ti Oo". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  12. "Wutt Hmone Shwe Yi". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  13. "Wyne (film director)". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
  14. "Slaves of Cupid". Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the Friday, April 29, 2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.