List of New South Wales government agencies

Government in New South Wales is delivered by a number of agencies, grouped under areas of portfolio responsibility. Each portfolio is led by a minister appointed from the Parliament of New South Wales. From July 2009 portfolios, previously led by a department of the same name, were regrouped into 13 'super departments' each led by a Director-General and comprising a number of portfolios covering specific policy areas across the department and allocated statutory authorities, trading enterprises, boards, councils and other public bodies. In April 2011 following the election of a new state government, agencies were further aggregated around 9 clusters or 'principal departments'.
Agencies have varying levels of operational autonomy, and deliver one or more of frontline public services, administrative functions and law enforcement. Some are structured as for-profit corporations. Where there are multiple portfolios within a department, Directors-General may be accountable to a number of ministers. The responsibilities and goals of many agencies are set in the 2006 New South Wales State Plan.
All agencies are identifiable by their corporate logo, which features in agency advertising, publications and correspondence. Many agency insignia have recently been updated as a result of the State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act 2004.,[1] requiring the replacement of the British Coat of Arms with the emblem of New South Wales.
A list of articles on New South Wales government agencies sorted alphabetically is available at Category:Government agencies of New South Wales. The New South Wales government maintains a list of agencies and their contact details at its website.
Attorney General and Justice
The Department of Justice is the lead agency in this portfolio responsible to the Minister for Justice and Police and Deputy Premier of New South Wales, presently the Hon. Troy Grant MP, and the Attorney General of New South Wales, presently the Hon. Gabrielle Upton MP.
Attorney General
The other agencies that are part of this portfolio include:
- Aboriginal Justice Advisory Council
- Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research
- Children's Court Advisory Committee
- Community Justice Centres
- Crown Solicitor's Office
- Council of Law Reporting for New South Wales
- Information Services Branch
- Judicial Commission of New South Wales
- Law Courts Library
- LawAccess NSW
- Law Reform Commission of New South Wales
- Legal Aid Commission of New South Wales
- Legal Management Service
- Legal Profession Admission Board
- Legal Profession Advisory Council
- Legal Representation Office
- NSW Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
- NSW Sentencing Council
- Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions
- Office of the Information Commissioner
- Office of the Legal Services Commissioner
- Office of the New South Wales Sheriff
- Office of the Protective Commissioner
- Office of the Public Guardian
- Office of the State Coroner
- Privacy New South Wales
- Professional Standards Council
- NSW Trustee and Guardian
- Public Defenders
- Public Trustee New South Wales
- Solicitor General and Crown Advocate
- Victims Advisory Board
- Victims Services NSW
- Youth Justice Advisory Committee
The following agencies are part of this portfolio:
- Corrective Services NSW
- Juvenile Justice NSW
- NSW State Parole Authority, a statutory body
- Serious Offenders Review Council, a statutory body
- Young Offenders Advisory Council
Police and Emergency Services
The Ministry for Police and Emergency Services is the principal agency responsible to the Minister for Justice and Police and Deputy Premier of New South Wales, presently the Hon. Troy Grant MP, and the Minister for Emergency Services, presently the Hon. David Elliott MP.
The other agencies that are part of this portfolio include:
- Bush Fire Coordinating Committee
- Emergency Management NSW
- Fire and Rescue NSW
- Fire Services Joint Standing Committee
- New South Wales Crime Commission, a statutory body
- New South Wales Police, a statutory body
- New South Wales Rural Fire Service
- Rural Fire Service Advisory Council
- State Emergency Service (see also Australian State Emergency Services)
- State Emergency Management Committee
- State Emergency Service Joint Volunteers Consultative Council
- State Rescue Board of New South Wales
Education and Communities
The Department of Education and Communities is the lead agency responsible to the Minister for Education, Adrian Piccoli; supported by the Minister for Early Childhood Education and Assistant Minister for Education and the Minister for Aboriginal Affairs and presently the Hon. Leslie Williams MP;.
The Office of Communities is the lead agency in this section. Other agencies in this section include:
- Community Relations Commission
- Aboriginal Affairs
- Veterans Affairs
- Volunteering
- Youth
- Children’s Guardian
- Commission for Children and Young People
- Youth Council of New South Wales
The Office of Education is the lead agency in this section. Other agencies in this section include:
- Although they are substantially funded and regulated on a national level, the state's universities are New South Wales government agencies within the education portfolio.
Family and Community Services
The Department of Family and Community Services is the lead agency of the portfolio headed by the Minister for Family and Community Services and Minister for Social Housing, presently the Hon. Brad Hazzard MP. He is supported by the Minister for Women and the Minister for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, presently the Hon. Pru Goward MP; and the Minister for Ageing and Minister for Disability Services and the Minister for Multiculturalism, presently the Hon. John Ajaka MP; and the Minister for Veterans Affairs, presently the Hon. David Elliott MP.
Other agencies in this portfolio include:
- Ageing, Disability and Home Care including the Office for Ageing
- Disability Council of New South Wales
- Home and Community Care Program Advisory Committee
- Home Care Service of New South Wales
- NSW Businesslink Pty Ltd
- Aboriginal Housing Office, a statutory body
- City West Housing Pty Ltd
- Home Purchase Assistance Fund
- Office for Women’s Policy
- Premier's Council for Women, an associated body
Finance and Services
The Department of Finance and Services is the lead agency of this portfolio responsible to the Minister for Finance, Services and Property, presently the Hon. Dominic Perrottet MP; assisted by the Minister for Innovation and Better Regulation, the Hon. Victor Dominello.
Other agencies in the portfolio are:
The Ministry of Health is the lead agency of the portfolio headed by the Minister for Health, presently the Hon. Jillian Skinner MP, supported by the Minister for Mental Health, the and Minister for Medical Research, and the Assistant Minister for Health, presently the Hon. Pru Goward MP.
The following agencies are part of this portfolio:
Local Hospital Districts and Networks
The state's health services are statutory bodies within the Health portfolio and are divided into fifteen geographic areas, called local hospital districts and one network to facilitate the delivery of health services.
Premier and Cabinet
The Department of Premier and Cabinet is the lead agency of the portfolio reporting to the Premier, Mike Baird. In his absence, the Premier's responsibilities are delegated to the Deputy Premier, Troy Grant. The Premier is assisted in his portfolio by the Minister for Planning, presently the Hon. Rob Stokes MP; the Minister for Local Government, presently the Hon. Paul Toole MP; and the Minister for the Environment, the Minister for Heritage, and the Assistant Minister for Planning, presently the Hon. Mark Speakman MP.
Other agencies within this department include:
Planning and Environment
Other agencies within this department include:
Environment and Heritage
- Office of Environment and Heritage including
- Environment and Climate Change
- Heritage Branch
Other agencies within this office include:
Local Government
The New South Wales Division of Local Government is the principal agency in this division.
Other agencies within this division include:
- Growth Centres Commission, a development corporation
- Local Government Boundaries Commission, a statutory body
- Local Government Grants Commission, a statutory body
- Local Government Pecuniary Interest Tribunal, a statutory body
- Local Government Remuneration Tribunal, a statutory body
Office of Sport
The Office of Sport includes:
- Sport and Recreation
- Combat Sports Authority, a statutory body
- New South Wales Institute of Sport
- Sydney Olympic Park Authority
- Venues NSW, a statutory body
- Hunter Region Sporting Venues Authority, a statutory body
- Illawarra Venues Authority, a statutory body
- Parramatta Stadium Trust, a statutory body
- Sydney Cricket and Sports Ground Trust, a statutory body
- The Division supervises the state's local government authorities. See article: Local government areas of New South Wales
Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services
The Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services is the lead agency of the portfolio headed by the Deputy Premier, the Minister for the Arts, and the Minister for Racing, presently the Hon. Troy Grant MP. He is supported by the Minister for Primary Industries and the Minister for Lands and Water, presently the Hon. Niall Blair MLC; and by the Minister for Small Business, the Minister for Skills, and the Minister for Regional Development, presently the Hon. John Barilaro MP; and by the Minister for Trade, Tourism and Major Events and Minister for Sport and Recreation, presently the Hon. Stuart Ayres MP; and by the Minister for Industry, Resources and Energy, presently the Hon. Anthony Roberts MP.
The Department is called NSW Trade & Investment and is led by its Director General, Mark Paterson AO and has five divisions.
Department of Primary Industries
The Department of Primary Industries is the lead agency of this division, headed by its Director General, Dr Richard Sheldrake, under the leadership of Minister Hodgkinson and has responsibility for the development of policy that broadly enables the following activities (plus others):
- profitable and sustainable agricultural industries
- protection of NSW from the impacts of pests, diseases and weeds
- help to ensure food in NSW is safe and correctly labelled
- management of native and plantation forests
- management of Crown lands and infrastructure
- profitable and sustainable fishing and aquaculture
- licensing of hunters to assist in the reduction of feral animals
- environmental protection, rehabilitation, land management and commercial services
- management of Sydney's drinking water catchments and infrastructure, and
- providing better services to country NSW communities
Agencies in this division include:
- Advisory Council on Aquaculture, a statutory body
- Advisory Council on Recreational Fishing, a statutory body
- Agricultural Scientific Collections Trust, a statutory body
- Animal Research Review Panel, a statutory body
- Banana Industry Committee, a statutory body
- Board of Tick Control, a statutory body
- Board of Veterinary Surgeons of NSW, a statutory body
- Chipping Norton Lakes Authority, a statutory body
- Cobar Water Board, a statutory body
- Exhibited Animals Advisory Committee, a statutory body
- Farrer Memorial Trust, a statutory body
- Fisheries Scientific Committee, a statutory body
- Fish River Water Supply, a statutory body
- Food Advisory Committee, a statutory body
- Forestry Policy Unit, a statutory body
- Forestry Structural Adjustment Committee, an associated body
- Game Council New South Wales, a statutory body
- Grain Marketing Act Selection Committee, a statutory body
- Grain Marketing Consultative Committee, a statutory body
- Hunter Water Corporation, a statutory body
- Lake Illawarra Authority, a statutory body
- McGarvie Smith Institute Trust, a statutory body
- Murray Valley Wine Grape Industry Development Committee, a statutory body
- Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Act Selection Committee, a statutory body
- Murray Valley Citrus Marketing Board, a statutory body
- Non-Indigenous Animals Advisory Committee, a statutory body
- Noxious Weeds Advisory Committee, a statutory body
- New South Wales Dairy Industry Conference, a statutory body
- New South Wales Dam Safety Committee, a statutory body
- New South Wales Food Authority, a statutory body
- New South Wales Grains Board, a statutory body
- New South Wales Office of Water
- New South Wales Rural Assistance Authority, a statutory body
- Poultry Meat Industry Committee, a statutory body
- Rice Marketing Board for the State of New South Wales, a statutory body
- Riverina Citrus, a statutory body
- Rural Lands Protection Boards State Council, a statutory body
- Seafood Industry Advisory Council, a statutory body
- State Water, a corporation
- Sydney Water Corporation, a corporation
- Total Allowable Catch Setting Committee, a statutory body
- Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, a statutory body
- Veterinary Surgeons Investigating Committee, a statutory body
- Wild Dog Destruction Board, a statutory body
- Wine Grapes Marketing Board for the City of Griffith Shires of Leeton Carrathool and Murrumbidgee, a statutory body
Catchment management authorities
The Department also has responsibility for the state's thirteen catchment management authorities that are all statutory bodies within this portfolio.
- Border Rivers-Gwydir Catchment Management Authority
- Central West Catchment Management Authority
- Hawkesbury-Nepean Catchment Management Authority
- Hunter-Central Rivers Catchment Management Authority
- Lachlan Catchment Management Authority
- Lower Murray Darling Catchment Management Authority
- Murray Catchment Management Authority
- Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority
- Namoi Catchment Management Authority
- Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority
- Southern Rivers Catchment Management Authority
- Sydney Metropolitan Catchment Management Authority
- Western Catchment Management Authority
Industry, Innovation and Investment
This division is headed by its Deputy Director General, Barry Buffier under the leadership of Ministers Stoner and Souris and has responsibility for the development of policy that assists:
Agencies in this division include:
- Arts NSW inclusive of:
Resources and Energy
This division is headed by its Deputy Director General, Mark Duffy, under the leadership of Minister Hartcher and has responsibility for the development of policy that broadly enables the safe and responsible mining and effective environmental management for minerals and petroleum industries, reliable and sustainable energy supplies, safe and efficient energy services, and development of ethanol, biodiesel, and other renewable fuels.
Agencies in this division include:
The Transport for NSW is the lead agency of the portfolio headed by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, the Hon. Andrew Constance MP and supported by the Minister for Roads, Maritime and Freight, the Hon. Duncan Gay MLC.
Other agencies in the portfolio are:
The Treasury
The Treasury is the lead agency of the portfolio headed by the Treasurer of New South Wales and the Minister for Industrial Relations, the Hon. Gladys Berejiklian MP.
Other agencies in the portfolio are:
- ↑ "State Arms, Symbols and Emblems Act 2004.". Parliament of New South Wales. March 2004. Retrieved 2007-06-05.
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