List of birds of North America (Piciiformes)
Main article: List of birds of North America

Barred puffbird
Order: Piciformes Family: Bucconidae
- Barred puffbird, Nystalus radiatus LC
- Black-breasted puffbird, Notharchus pectoralis LC
- Gray-cheeked nunlet, Nonnula frontalis LC
- Lanceolated monklet, Micromonacha lanceolata LC
- Pied puffbird, Notharchus tectus LC
- Russet-throated puffbird, Hypnelus ruficollis LC
- Swallow-winged puffbird, Chelidoptera tenebrosa LC
- White-fronted nunbird, Monasa morphoeus LC
- White-necked puffbird, Notharchus hyperrhynchus LC
- White-whiskered puffbird, Malacoptila panamensis LC
Order: Piciformes Family: Galbulidae
- Dusky-backed jacamar, Brachygalba salmoni LC
- Great jacamar, Jacamerops aureus LC
- Rufous-tailed jacamar, Galbula ruficauda LC
American barbets
Order: Piciformes Family: Capitonidae
- Red-headed barbet, Eubucco bourcierii LC
- Spot-crowned barbet, Capito maculicoronatus LC
Order: Piciformes Family: Semnornithidae
- Prong-billed barbet, Semnornis frantzii LC
Order: Piciformes Family: Ramphastidae
- Black-mandibled toucan, Ramphastos ambiguus VU
- Channel-billed toucan, Ramphastos vitellinus LC
- Choco toucan, Ramphastos brevis (A) LC
- Collared aracari, Pteroglossus torquatus LC
- Emerald toucanet, Aulacorhynchus prasinus LC
- Fiery-billed aracari, Pteroglossus frantzii LC
- Keel-billed toucan, Ramphastos sulfuratus LC
- Yellow-eared toucanet, Selenidera spectabilis LC
Woodpeckers, sapsuckers and flickers

Red-naped sapsucker
Order: Piciformes Family: Picidae
Woodpeckers are small to medium-sized birds with chisel-like beaks, short legs, stiff tails and long tongues used for capturing insects. Some species have feet with two toes pointing forward and two backward, while several species have only three toes. Many woodpeckers have the habit of tapping noisily on tree trunks with their beaks.
- Acorn woodpecker, Melanerpes formicivorus LC
- American three-toed woodpecker, Picoides dorsalis LC
- Antillean piculet, Nesoctites micromegas LC
- Arizona woodpecker, Picoides arizonae LC
- Black-backed woodpecker, Picoides arcticus LC
- Black-cheeked woodpecker, Melanerpes pucherani LC
- Chestnut woodpecker, Celeus elegans LC
- Chestnut-colored woodpecker, Celeus castaneus LC
- Cinnamon woodpecker, Celeus loricatus LC
- Crimson-bellied woodpecker, Campephilus haematogaster LC
- Crimson-crested woodpecker, Campephilus melanoleucos LC
- Cuban green woodpecker, Xiphidiopicus percussus LC
- Downy woodpecker, Picoides pubescens LC
- Eurasian wryneck, Jynx torquilla (A) LC
- Fernandina's flicker, Colaptes fernandinae VU
- Gila woodpecker, Melanerpes uropygialis LC
- Gilded flicker, Colaptes chrysoides LC
- Golden-cheeked woodpecker, Melanerpes chrysogenys LC
- Golden-fronted woodpecker, Melanerpes aurifrons LC
- Golden-green woodpecker, Piculus chrysochloros LC
- Golden-naped woodpecker, Melanerpes chrysauchen LC
- Golden-olive woodpecker, Colaptes rubiginosus LC
- Gray-breasted woodpecker, Melanerpes hypopolius LC
- Gray-crowned woodpecker, Colaptes auricularis LC
- Great spotted woodpecker, Dendrocopos major (A) LC
- Guadeloupe woodpecker, Melanerpes herminieri NT
- Hairy woodpecker, Picoides villosus LC
- Hispaniolan woodpecker, Melanerpes striatus LC
- Hoffmann's woodpecker, Melanerpes hoffmannii LC
- Imperial woodpecker, Campephilus imperialis (E) CR E
- Ivory-billed woodpecker, Campephilus principalis (E) CR E
- Jamaican woodpecker, Melanerpes radiolatus LC
- Ladder-backed woodpecker, Picoides scalaris LC
- Lewis's woodpecker, Melanerpes lewis LC
- Lineated woodpecker, Dryocopus lineatus LC
- Northern flicker, Colaptes auratus LC
- Nuttall's woodpecker, Picoides nuttallii LC
- Olivaceous piculet, Picumnus olivaceus LC
- Pale-billed woodpecker, Campephilus guatemalensis LC
- Pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus LC
- Puerto Rican woodpecker, Melanerpes portoricensis LC
- Red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus LC
- Red-breasted sapsucker, Sphyrapicus ruber LC
- Red-cockaded woodpecker, Picoides borealis NT E
- Red-crowned woodpecker, Melanerpes rubricapillus LC
- Red-headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus NT
- Red-naped sapsucker, Sphyrapicus nuchalis LC
- Red-rumped woodpecker, Veniliornis kirkii LC
- Rufous-winged woodpecker, Piculus simplex LC
- Smoky-brown woodpecker, Picoides fumigatus LC
- Spot-breasted woodpecker, Colaptes punctigula LC
- Strickland's woodpecker, Picoides stricklandi LC
- Stripe-cheeked woodpecker, Piculus callopterus LC
- West Indian woodpecker, Melanerpes superciliaris LC
- White-headed woodpecker, Picoides albolarvatus LC
- Williamson's sapsucker, Sphyrapicus thyroideus LC
- Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varius LC
- Yucatan woodpecker, Melanerpes pygmaeus LC
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