List of Ojarumaru episodes (series 4)

The fourth series of the Ojarumaru anime series aired from April 2 to November 30, 2001 on NHK for a total of 90 episodes.

The series' opening theme is "Utahito" (詠人) by Saburō Kitajima. The ending theme is "Koi o Itashi Mashou♪" (恋をいたしましょう♪ Let us Love♪) by Rie Iwatsubo.

The series was released on VHS by Nippon Crown across fifteen volumes, each containing 6 episodes, from August 3 to April 5, 2001.[1][2] Nippon Crown later released the series on DVD across two compilation volumes, each containing 10 selected episodes, simultaneously on April 2, 2003.[3] The first volume contains episodes 273 through 276, 290, 296, 303, 305, and 319. The second volume contains episodes 322, 326, 328, 329, 337, 339, 347, 351, 354, and 357.


Number Title Original Airdate
271"New Ojarumaru"
"Shin Ojarumaru" (新おじゃる丸)
April 2, 2001

Ojarumaru goes back to the Heian era to attend the coming of age ceremony. What kind of ceremony is it?[4]

272"Okame Comes to Grasp"
"Okame Tsukami ni Kuru" (オカメ つかみに来る)
April 3, 2001

Princess Okame finally decides to live in Moonlight Town. She is going to try to catch Ojarumaru's heart. Moreover, she lives with her rival, Komachi, because she wants to learn Komachi's secret.[4]

273"Ojaru Lives With the Oni Child"
"Ojaru Kooni to Kurasu" (おじゃる 子鬼と暮らす)
April 4, 2001

Ojarumaru quarrels with Kazuma. He lost a place to stay, so he comes to the Oni Child Trio's tent.[4]

274"Rainy Day Usui"
"Ame no Hi Usui" (雨の日 うすい)
April 5, 2001

On the dark rainy day, weather depressed Ojarumaru and kids, but Usui is different. She draws a cartoon very rapidly, then she thinks the cartoon is her masterpiece. But....[4]

275"Ojaru Exceeds the Budget"
"Ojaru Ashigaderu" (おじゃる 足が出る)
April 6, 2001

Kazuma's backpack, which is Ojarumaru's favorite, is broken. Kazuma gets a brand new backpack, but Ojarumaru asks Kazuma to use the old one. Kazuma still uses the old one, but it is getting a hole in the bottom of the backpack...[4]

276"Rainy Day Old Maid"
"Ame no Hi Baba Nuki" (雨の日ババ抜き)
April 9, 2001

On the rainy day, Ojarumaru, Kazuma, Usui and Cold Tessai play the Old Maid in Usui's room. They play the game with tense.[4]

277"The Club Swells"
"Kurabu Moriagaru" (くらぶ もりあがる)
April 10, 2001

The members of the Tiny Things Club gather as usual but they run out of topics to complain. The Tiny Things Club doesn't grow livelier. Besides, Katapi left for his business. The members start tailing Katapi.[4]

278"The Motivation Board"
"Ita Yaruki" (板やる気)
April 11, 2001

Nikorinbou collapsed because she worked so hard. Okorinbou nurses Nikorinbou. Poverty-chan brings the motivation board, which absorbed somebody's motivation before. Poverty-chan gives it to Nikorinbou, then she recovers herself.[4]

279"Enma Gathers the Scepter"
"Enma Shaku o Atsumeru" (エンマ シャクをあつめる)
April 12, 2001

Great King Enma couldn't get his scepter back from Ojarumaru, so he recruits a new scepter from the public. He receives many scepters. Moreover, Ojarumaru comes to see them.[4]

280"Okame Biyori"
"Okame Biyori" (オカメ びより)
April 13, 2001

Princess Okame starts helping at the Komachi Hair Salon. Her massage becomes very popular in Moonlight Town. Having a hair cut day is called an ideal day.[4]

281"Ojaru Revives Mike"
"Ojaru Maiku o Yomigaerasu" (おじゃる マイクをよみがえらす)
April 16, 2001

Mike owns a cafe, but all of sudden, he forgot how to make his special blended coffee. Ojarumaru admonishes Mike who struggles with his problem.[4]

282"Kōun o Yobu Warashi" (幸運を呼ぶワラシ)April 17, 2001

Yoshiko Tanaka's shops experienced many mysteries. Warashi caused the mysteries. She moved Tanaka's shop from the old mansion. Ojarumaru tries to arbitrate their quarrel....but....[4]

283"Denbo Detective Follows Cold Tessai"
"Denbo Tantei Rei Tessai o Oe" (電ボたんてい 冷徹斎を追え)
April 18, 2001

Denbo heard that Cold Tessai said he wanted to have a girlfriend in this season. So Denbo wants to tail Cold Tessai to check his behavior.[4]

284"1 Good Friend!"
"Nakayoshi Ichi-pon!" (なかよし1本!)
April 19, 2001

Finding one gray hair, Kin-chan's dad is in confusion. Kin-chan's dad tries to makeup youthful looking somehow. Kin-chan and his mom are anxious about Kin-chan's dad's behavior.[4]

285"Ken Competes for a Part-Time Job"
"Ken Baito o Arasō" (ケン バイトをあらそう)
April 20, 2001

Ken and Minoru are competing for getting a part time job at the table warehouse. Only one of them can work there. Minoru loves tableware but he always misses while working.[4]

286"Tanaka Becomes Neat"
"Tanaka Kogirei ni Naru" (タナカ こぎれいになる)
April 23, 2001

Yoshiko Tanaka wants to get Ojarumaru's cap. She tries to show a warrior's helmet, which is made of newspaper, and it looks great to Ojarumaru. Then she succeeds to exchange the warrior's helmet to Ojarumaru's cap. But the cap absorbs Yoshiko Tanaka and everything at her shop.[4]

287"Kisuke Covers Up a Mistake"
"Kisuke Shippai o Tsukurou" (キスケ 失敗をつくろう)
April 24, 2001

Kisuke tears the tent by his horns. He tries to fix it up secretly, but he tears it even more. So he starts looking for somebody who can fix it up.[4]

288"Tommy and Children"
"Tomī to Kodomo-tachi" (トミーと子供たち)
April 25, 2001

Tommy is lonesome today because Kazuma, Ojarumaru and the Oni Child Trio can't be his company. But after he makes a windup doll, everyone comes to see him...[4]

"Omomomaru" (おモモ丸)
April 26, 2001

Once upon a time, the lazy boy whose cheeks look like peach was named Omomomaru. He and his family found red, blue, and yellow peaches. When they cut the peaches, hard worker oni come out.[4]

290"Kisuke's Horn"
"Kisuke no Tsuno" (キスケの角)
April 27, 2001

Kisuke's horn is getting wobbly. Kisuke leaves the tent and is worried he might be a chick and not like an oni...[4]

291"Tommy and Makoto"
"Tomī to Makoto" (トミーとマコト)
April 30, 2001

Makoto visits Tommy's house to borrow some tools. Even Makoto and Tommy are a parent and a child, but they don't resemble each other at all.[4]

292"A Rock Love Letter"
"Ishi Raburetā" (石ラブレター)
May 1, 2001

After Yuri who loves collecting rocks transferred, she sent a package to Kazuma. She put a rock in the package and Kazuma realizes how she thinks about him. So he replies to her by a rock.[4]

293"Ojatsurumaru's Repayment"
"Ojatsurumaru no Ongaeshi" (おじゃツル丸のおんがえし)
May 2, 2001

Once upon a time, Kazubee who sells puddings to live was a boy. One snowy day, when he feels lonesome, Ojatsurumaru collapses by the roadside.[4]

294"Akemi Disappeared"
"Kieta Akemi" (消えた アケミ)
May 3, 2001

Marie and a parrot, Akemi, are best friends. One night, Akemi was aware that Marie was disturbed by nightmare. Akemi decides to ask for help and get out of the cage.[4]

295"The Oni Child Nursing"
"Kooni Kanbyō Suru" (子鬼 看病する)
May 4, 2001

Tommy catches a cold. Tommy tells the Oni Child Trio if he drinks the soup, which is made of Moonlight Grass, he recovers himself. The oni thinks they cook the soup for him because Tommy always takes care of them.[4]

296"The Tamura Family in the Critical Moment"
"Izatoiutoki no Tamura-san Ikka" (いざというときの田村さん一家)
May 7, 2001

The Tamura family cleans their closet. Many old things are found from the closet, but they can't throw them away because they think they may need those old things later.[4]

297"The Men Couple"
"Onoko Futari" (オノコ二人)
May 8, 2001

When Kazuma's dad and Ojarumaru woke up, Kazuma's mom and Kazuma were not there. Dad and Ojarumaru were alone. Both of them feel uncomfortable atmosphere. Both of them wonder how soon Kazuma and mom are coming home.[4]

298"Papa and to the Moonlight Tower 2"
"Papa to Gekkō Tawā e 2" (パパと月光タワーへ2)
May 9, 2001

Kazuma, Ojarumaru, Kazuma's dad, Kin-chan and, Kin-chan's dad are going to the Moonlight Tower. The road, which both daddies are used to pass, reminds daddies of their childhood days.[4]

299"Ojaru Becomes Busy"
"Ojaru Isogashiku Naru" (おじゃる 忙しくなる)
May 10, 2001

Ojarumaru tries to stay away from Princess Okame who often visits him. He makes up a plan and says he is busy to refuge Okame's offer.[4]

300"Miyoko Rock"
"Miyoko Ishi" (みよこ石)
May 11, 2001

Kazuma is enthusiastic to polish small rocks. Ojarumaru asks him whether he names the rocks or not. Ojarumaru also mentions if those rocks are important for Kazuma, he should name the rocks. Then Kazuma tries to name one after another.[4]

301"Ms. Usui Becomes a Popular Person"
"Usui-san Urekko ni Naru" (うすいさん うれっこになる)
May 14, 2001

Usui is offered her comic will be running in a magazine, "The Very Scary Comics". It causes her to be anxious because she wants to be a cartoonist for comics for a girl. However, she experiences in the cap if she becomes a popular cartoonist and very rich....[4]

302"Ukkun, the True Identity is Exposed!?"
"Ukkun, Shōtai ga Bareru!?" (ウッくん、正体がバレる!?)
May 15, 2001

Princess Okame was refused to have a date with Ojarumaru because he was supposed to meet with Ukkun. But Ojarumaru is getting to know Ukkun is a doll.[4]

303"Dull Denbo"
"Nibui no Denbo" (にぶいの電ボ)
May 16, 2001

A female Densho-Firefly, Hifumi, comes to the Moonlight Town. Hifumi lives in a neighborhood with Denbo. Secretly, Hifumi falls in love with Denbo.[4]

304"Otome and the Old Men"
"Otome to Jiji-ra" (乙女とジジら)
May 17, 2001

Four old men look like a stage assistant dressed in black. Once a year, Otome-sensei plans to have a ballet recital and she calls for them.[4]

305"The Hoshino Family Drank Coffee"
"Kōhī o Nonda Hoshino Ikka" (コーヒーを飲んだ星野一家)
May 18, 2001

On his way to Café Short Rest, Ojarumaru stops by the Hoshino family's house. Then he invites the Hoshino family to have a cup of coffee at Short Rest. But it is the first time for them to try café and coffee, so they are very excited.[4]

306"Usui: The Speech Crash Course"
"Usui Hanashikata Tokkun" (うすい 話し方とっくん)
May 21, 2001

Usui consults with Ojarumaru how to speak with Mr. Kanbutsu who invites her to dinner.[4]

307"Papa Returns to His Parent's Home"
"Papa Jikka e Kaeru" (パパ 実家へ帰る)
May 22, 2001

10 years after married, Kazuma's dad confessed he is the man who add source into curry rice. Kazuma's mom tells him he is weird then they start having a quarrel. Finally, Kazuma's dad leaves their house.[4]

308"Reitetsu Haha o Uranau" (冷徹 母を占う)May 23, 2001

Cold Tessai met his parent's home's maid coincidentally. After he left his home, his mother becomes sick. Then he goes home to see his mother. It has been 10 years after Cold Tessai ran away from home.[4]

309"The Poverty-chan Festival"
"Bin-chan Matsuri" (貧ちゃん祭り)
May 24, 2001

Okorinbou and Nikorinbou are distressed because they can't collect monetary offering. Ojarumaru suggested to them to have a festival for Poverty-chan.[4]

310"Fan Club, Fan Club"
"Fan Kurabu Fan Kurabu" (ファンクラブファンクラブ)
May 25, 2001

Nikorinbou works hard for the Tiny Things Club. She tries to collect the monetary offering for the Mangan Shrine and also for the Tiny Things Club. Then she collapses.[4]

311"Small Ojarumaru"
"Ojarumaru" (小じゃる丸)
May 28, 2001

Ojarumaru finds Denbo eating pudding. Ojarumaru thinks if he becomes small like Denbo, he can eat much amount of pudding. So, he wishes he could be smaller and smaller and then he enters in the cap.[4]

312"Beautiful Trash"
"Utsukushiki Gomi" (美しきゴミ)
May 29, 2001

Coffee Mask cleans Moonlight Town. He starts sweeping fallen leaves at the Mangan Shrine. But Poverty-chan asks him to leave it.[4]

313"The Small and Yet Admirable Ojarumaru"
"Chīsai noni Erai Ojarumaru" (小さいのにえらいおじゃる丸)
May 30, 2001

Kazuma told Ojarumaru that Ojarumaru is a great because he doesn't say he wants to meet his parents even he is young. Ojarumaru wants everyone to admire him.[4]

314"Run, Kazuma"
"Hashire Kazuma" (走れ カズマ)
May 31, 2001

Kazuma is enthusiastic to practice running for the marathon. Ojarumaru asks him whether he likes Ojarumaru or the marathon. Then Ojarumaru has the sulk and follows Kazuma while he is practicing.[4]

315"Ojaru Gives Parents to Ukkun"
"Ojaru Ukkun ni Oya o Ataeru" (おじゃる ウッくんに親を与える)
June 1, 2001

Ojarumaru tells Oshino that he wants to meet Ukkun's mother. Oshino stays up late and makes Ukkun's mother and practices her voice. But the next day, Ojarumaru tells him that he wants to meet Ukkun's father.[4]

316"Kimi-chan: Introduction to the Trio"
"Kimi-chan Torio Nyūmon" (公ちゃん トリオ入門)
October 1, 2001

Kimi-chan wants to become a pupil of the Oni Child Trio, but she thinks everything can't go the way she wants it. Ojarumaru interprets for Kimi-chan.[4]

317"Ojaru Ishi no Naka ni Warikomu" (おじゃる 石の仲にわりこむ)October 2, 2001

Kazuma and Yuri write letters each other, but Ojarumaru found out they didn't talk about him at all in their letters. After he knows it, he has the sulk. So Ojarumaru decides to write a letter for Yuri.[4]

318"Ojaru Returns the Scepter"
"Ojaru Shaku o Kaesu" (おじゃる シャクを返す)
October 3, 2001

The Oni Child Trio fails the United in front of Ojarumaru. They try to unite several times because Ojarumaru tells them it didn't look as usual. Eventually, when they succeed to unite, Ojarumaru prepares an reward for them...[4]

"Denboko" (電ボ子)
October 4, 2001

A female Densho-Firefly, Denboko, looks like Denbo. She makes Ojarumaru confused.[4]

320"The 3 Piece Set Running"
"3 Ten Setto Hashiru" (3点セット 走る)
October 5, 2001

Ojarumaru's three important pieces for relaxing have broken down. He brings them to Tommy to fix them up but....[4]

321"Aku Dakumi" (悪だくみ)October 8, 2001

Princess Okame and Denboko carry a trick out to catch Ojarumaru's heart.[4]

322"Nikobou Builds a Doghouse"
"Nikobou Inugoya o Tsukuru" (ニコ坊 犬小屋を作る)
October 9, 2001

Nikorinbou longs for having a doghouse. She starts making her own doghouse. Okorinbou opposes to Nikorinbou and he insists she doesn't have pride as a guardian dog.[4]

323"Enma Becomes Aobee"
"Enma Aobee ni Naru" (エンマ アオベエになる)
October 10, 2001

The awful wife of Great King Enma asked him to take care of the death people. He decides to get his scepter back from Ojarumaru. He comes to the Moonlight Town and switches himself with Aobee.[4]

324"The Alone But Not Lonely Director"
"Hitori demo Samishiku nai Kanchō" (ひとりでもさみしくない館長)
October 11, 2001

The Haunted House Director says he never feels lonesome, even though he is at the house alone because there are so many invisible friends...[4]

325"Kame-Tome Scouting"
"Kame-Tome Sukauto Sareru" (カメトメ スカウトされる)
October 12, 2001

Yoshiko Tanaka recruits the Kame and Tome sisters. She tells them to be displayed for her shop as an antique...[4]

326"There's Not Enough Conversation"
"Kaiwa ga Tarinai" (会話が足りない)
October 15, 2001

Kazuma can't be Ojarumaru's company because he has to do his homework. So Ojarumaru gets bored and he bothers Makoto and Ai.[4]

327"King Ojaru's Sadness"
"Ojaru Ō no Kanashimi" (おじゃる王の悲しみ)
October 16, 2001

Ojarumaru sees a hat of a cook and he wants to have a cap with more height. He wishes for a cap that could be higher and then he enters into it.[4]

328"Kimi-chan's Tail is Extending"
"Kimi-chan Shippo ga Nobiru" (公ちゃんシッポが伸びる)
October 17, 2001

Kimi-chan is worried about her tail being very short. She can't tell fortunes after she starts thinking about it.[4]

329"The Cartoon-character Costume Way"
"Kigurumi Michi" (キグルミ道)
October 18, 2001

Ojarumaru saw Ken, who dresses up in a costume. But Ojarumaru points out Ken isn't suitable for this job. Ojarumaru orders the Oni Child Trio to train Ken.[4]

330"Denbo to O Aji" (電ボと小アジ)October 19, 2001

Denbo falls in love with a little fish in a fish tank. But the fish tank is...[4]

331"Viva! The Moonlight Town Girls Club"
"Biba! Gekkō Chō Onnanoko Kurabu" (ビバ!月光町女の子クラブ)
October 22, 2001

Everyone says the Tiny Things Club doesn't get in swing... On the other hand, the Girl's Club is organized. The Girl's Club is getting in swing and a Tiny Things Club member thinks...[4]

332"Ojarumaru Waits for Papa"
"Papa o Matsu Ojarumaru" (パパを待つおじゃる丸)
October 23, 2001

Ojarumaru envies Kazuma is always admired because he helps with housework. Ojarumaru tries to help, but he can't do it well.[4]

333"The Exchange Diary of Love"
"Ai no Kōkan Nikki" (愛のこうかん日記)
October 24, 2001

Princess Okame wants to be more close to Ojarumaru. She gives Ojarumaru a personal diary, but...he doesn't want to write in it. So he replaces another person to write in the diary....[4]

334"Walking Denbo"
"Aruku Denbo" (歩く電ボ)
October 25, 2001

All of a sudden, Denbo can't spread his wings. He tries to take care of Ojarumaru by walking.[4]

335"Mr. Shōshin Came Back"
"Kaettekita Shōshin-san" (帰ってきた小心さん)
October 26, 2001

A policeman, Mr. Shōshin, who doubts persons easily, comes back to Moonlight Town. He is worried about the people in Moonlight Town because the residences always tell a lie. But...[4]

336"Viva! Feeding"
"Biba! Edzuke" (ビバ!えづけ)
October 29, 2001

Komachi feeds fish in the pond of the park. It becomes a boom in Moonlight Town.[4]

337"Camping at the Kin-chan House"
"Kin-chan Ie de Kyanpu" (金ちゃん家でキャンプ)
October 30, 2001

Kin-chan and his friends decide to camp at Kin-chan's backyard, but his dad and mom are worried.[4]

338"Oko-Niko Grows a Flower"
"Oko-Niko Hana o Sodateru" (オコニコ花を育てる)
October 31, 2001

Okorinbou and Nikorinbou found a bud of a flower at the Mangan Shrine. They think this is a herald of a good thing. So they start taking care of it.[4]

339"Peach Ball Fighter, Momotamā"
"Pīchi Bōru Faitā· Momotamā" (ピーチボールファイター・モモタマー)
November 1, 2001

Momotamā, who was born from a peach, becomes a peach ball player. Then he confronts a crisis for grandma and grandpa.[4]

340"Denbo Detective Chases Otome"
"Denbo Tantei Otome o Oe" (電ボたんてい 乙女を追え)
November 2, 2001

Denbo Detective follows Otome-sensei. Otome-sensei enters a noodle restaurant...[4]

"Ocharumaru" (おちゃる丸)
November 5, 2001

Ojarumaru makes a slip of tongue. The Oni Child Trio and others tease him so much. Ojarumaru cries and everyone apologizes to him but...[4]

342"The Chonmage of Love"
"Ai no Chonmage" (愛のチョンマゲ)
November 6, 2001

Hoshino's father is thinking what he presents to Hoshino's mother as an anniversary gift. Hoshino's mother also thinks..[4]

343"Ojaru Disappeared"
"Kieta Ojaru" (消えたおじゃる)
November 7, 2001

After Ojarumaru quarreled with Kazuma, he hides himself in the backyard of Kin-chan. Denbo and Kazuma follow him but...[4]

344"Kin-chan Recites a Song"
"Kin-chan Uta o Yomu" (金ちゃん歌をよむ)
November 8, 2001

Ojarumaru teaches song lyrics. Kin-chan sings much kind of lyrics about Tsukkii.[4]

345"Denboko Scolds"
"Denboko Shikaru" (電ボ子 しかる)
November 9, 2001

Denboko scolds everybody.[4]

346"Ojaru Grips"
"Ojaru Nigiru" (おじゃる にぎる)
November 12, 2001

Ojarumaru feels Kin-chan's gripping power and Kazuma's gripping power are different when they shake a hand. Then Ojarumaru starts shaking hands of anybody.[4]

347"Denbo Gets Stuck"
"Denbo Hamaru" (電ボ ハマる)
November 13, 2001

Denbo is stuck between the walls. He tries to get a help but....[4]

348"Dokidoki shinai Kanchō-san" (ドキドキしない館長さん)November 14, 2001

The Haunted House Director decides to hire a part time job worker, Akiko. Then he experiences nervousness for the first time.[4]

349"Ms. Usui's Teabags"
"Usui-san no Tībaggu" (うすいさんのティーバッグ)
November 15, 2001

Coffee Mask and Japanese Tea Mask come to let Usui taste a cup of light tea.[4]

350"Kame-Tome Get Jealous"
"Kame-Tome Shitto Suru" (カメトメ シットする)
November 16, 2001

Tommy, who wears a colorful sweater, hangs out with young girls. Kame and Tome get jealous with them.[4]

351"Okame Calls Cow"
"Okame Ushi o Yobu" (オカメ 牛を呼ぶ)
November 19, 2001

Princess Okame uses Cow to see Ojarumaru, but he doesn't believe it and keeps running away.[4]

352"The Mechanical Doll House"
"Karakuri Ningyō Hausu" (カラクリ人形ハウス)
November 20, 2001

Tommy collects mechanical dolls. He makes a house, which holds the dolls, but the house is also mechanism.[4]

353"General Winter Came"
"Fuyu Shōgun ga Yattekita" (冬将軍がやってきた)
November 21, 2001

One snowy day, General Winter comes to the Mangan Shrine. He told the guardian dogs if they are nice to him, there must be anything good going. But General Winter is very selfish.[4]

354"Warashi-chan and Poverty-chan"
"Warashi-chan to Bin-chan" (ワラシちゃんと貧ちゃん)
November 22, 2001

Poverty-chan and Warashi don't have common conversations. But Poverty-chan may fall in love with Warashi.[4]

"Ojaru-sama" (おじゃる様)
November 23, 2001

Ojarumaru becomes a celebrity after he got the scepter from Great King Enma. Then he is going away on a trip with Kazuma and Denbee.[4]

356"Kiratto Hikaru Iwashimizu-kun" (キラッと光る石清水くん)November 26, 2001

Iwashimizu is struggling to find what his strong point is. Even he can't do anything; there must be something, which glitters.[4]

357"Papa's Business Trip"
"Papa no Shutchō" (パパの出張)
November 27, 2001

Dad is going on a business trip for the first time. He is worried about his absence.[4]

358"Denbo: The Theater of Love"
"Denbo Koi no Gekijō" (電ボ 恋の劇場)
November 28, 2001

Denbo and Taruko falls in love, but their parents oppose their relationship and Ojarumaru interrupts with his teasing remarks.[4]

359"Another Street Corner"
"Mōhitotsu no Machi Kado" (もう一つのまちかど)
November 29, 2001

This is a story of Komachi who falls in love with a puppy and Mr. Kawakami falls in love with a great cloth.[4]

"Denbo-sama" (電ボさま)
November 30, 2001

Denbo gets angry with Ojarumaru because he ate Denbo's snacks. Then Denbo lets Ojarumaru make a promise to exchange the position.[4]


External links

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